2 Successfully registered Java class "%s" as CLSID "%s."
3 Successfully unregistered Java class "%s" as CLSID "%s."
4 Unable to find registry entry for specified Java class.
5 Successfully unregistered CLSID "%s."
6 The command line syntax is:\n\nJavaReg [/?] [/register|/unregister] [/class:<JavaClass> [/clsid:<clsid>] [/progid:<ProgID>] [options]]\n /? - Help.\n /register - Registers the specified Java class.\n /unregister - Unregisters the specified Java class.\n /surrogate - Runs or registers as LocalServer wrapper for Java class.\n /class - Specifes the JavaClass to register/unregister.\n /clsid - Specifes the CLSID to use for the Java class (optional).\n /progid - Specifes the ProgID to use for the Java class (optional).\n /defappid - Indicates that the CLSID should be used as the AppID (optional).\n /single - Forces the same object instance to be returned (optional).\n /console - Creates a console window to capture stdout (and System.out) (for debugging).\n