home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- $$IF(Comments)
- //******************************************************************************
- // $$AppName$$.java: Applet
- //
- //******************************************************************************
- import java.applet.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- $$IF(StandAlone)
- import $$AppName$$Frame;
- $$ENDIF(StandAlone)
- $$IF(Comments)
- //==============================================================================
- // Main Class for applet $$AppName$$
- //
- //==============================================================================
- $$IF(IsRunnable)
- public class $$AppName$$ extends Applet implements Runnable
- $$ELSE
- public class $$AppName$$ extends Applet
- {
- $$IF(IsRunnable)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // m_$$AppName$$ is the Thread object for the applet
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thread m_$$AppName$$ = null;
- $$IF(Animation)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // m_Graphics used for storing the applet's Graphics context
- // m_Images[] the array of Image objects for the animation
- // m_nCurrImage the index of the next image to be displayed
- // m_ImgWidth width of each image
- // m_ImgHeight height of each image
- // m_fAllLoaded indicates whether all images have been loaded
- // NUM_IMAGES number of images used in the animation
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private Graphics m_Graphics;
- private Image m_Images[];
- private int m_nCurrImage;
- private int m_nImgWidth = 0;
- private int m_nImgHeight = 0;
- private boolean m_fAllLoaded = false;
- private final int NUM_IMAGES = 18;
- $$ENDIF(Animation)
- $$ENDIF(IsRunnable)
- $$IF(StandAlone)
- // m_fStandAlone will be set to true if applet is run standalone
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- boolean m_fStandAlone = false;
- $$IF(HasParameters)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Parameters allow an HTML author to pass information to the applet;
- // the HTML author specifies them using the <PARAM> tag within the <APPLET>
- // tag. The following variables are used to store the values of the
- // parameters.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Members for applet parameters
- // <type> <MemberVar> = <Default Value>
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$BEGINLOOP(Parameters)
- $$IF(HasMember)
- private $$ParamType$$ $$ParamMemberName$$ = $$ParamDefValue$$;
- // Parameter names. To change a name of a parameter, you need only make
- // a single change. Simply modify the value of the parameter string below.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$BEGINLOOP(Parameters)
- private final String PARAM_$$ParamName$$ = "$$ParamName$$";
- $$IF(StandAlone)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The GetParameter() method is a replacement for the getParameter() method
- // defined by Applet. This method returns the value of the specified parameter;
- // unlike the original getParameter() method, this method works when the applet
- // is run as a standalone application, as well as when run within an HTML page.
- // This method is called by GetParameters().
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$ENDIF(Comments)
- String GetParameter(String strName, String args[])
- {
- if (args == null)
- {
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Running within an HTML page, so call original getParameter().
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$ENDIF(Comments)
- return getParameter(strName);
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Running as standalone application, so parameter values are obtained from
- // the command line. The user specifies them as follows:
- //
- // JView $$AppName$$ param1=<val> param2=<"val with spaces"> ...
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$ENDIF(Comments)
- int i;
- String strArg = strName + "=";
- String strValue = null;
- for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
- {
- if (strArg.equalsIgnoreCase(args[i].substring(0, strArg.length())))
- {
- // Found matching parameter on command line, so extract its value.
- // If in double quotes, remove the quotes.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- strValue= args[i].substring(strArg.length());
- if (strValue.startsWith("\""))
- {
- strValue = strValue.substring(1);
- if (strValue.endsWith("\""))
- strValue = strValue.substring(0, strValue.length() - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- return strValue;
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The GetParameters() method retrieves the values of each of the applet's
- // parameters and stores them in variables. This method works both when the
- // applet is run as a standalone application and when it's run within an HTML
- // page. When the applet is run as a standalone application, this method is
- // called by the main() method, which passes it the command-line arguments.
- // When the applet is run within an HTML page, this method is called by the
- // init() method with args == null.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$ENDIF(Comments)
- void GetParameters(String args[])
- {
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Query values of all Parameters
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- String param;
- $$BEGINLOOP(Parameters)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // $$ParamName$$: $$ParamDescription$$
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- param = GetParameter(PARAM_$$ParamName$$, args);
- if (param != null)
- $$IF(HasMember)
- $$ParamMemberName$$ = $$ParamFromString$$;
- $$ELSE
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Process parameter $$ParamName$$
- ;
- else
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Handle case of parameter not provided
- ;
- $$ENDIF(HasMember)
- }
- $$ENDIF(StandAlone)
- $$ENDIF(HasParameters)
- $$IF(StandAlone)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The main() method acts as the applet's entry point when it is run
- // as a standalone application. It is ignored if the applet is run from
- // within an HTML page.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public static void main(String args[])
- {
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Create Toplevel Window to contain applet $$AppName$$
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$AppName$$Frame frame = new $$AppName$$Frame("$$AppName$$");
- // Must show Frame before we size it so insets() will return valid values
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- frame.show();
- frame.hide();
- frame.resize(frame.insets().left + frame.insets().right + $$InitialWidth$$,
- frame.insets().top + frame.insets().bottom + $$InitialHeight$$);
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The following code starts the applet running within the frame window.
- // It also calls GetParameters() to retrieve parameter values from the
- // command line, and sets m_fStandAlone to true to prevent init() from
- // trying to get them from the HTML page.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$AppName$$ applet_$$AppName$$ = new $$AppName$$();
- frame.add("Center", applet_$$AppName$$);
- applet_$$AppName$$.m_fStandAlone = true;
- $$IF(HasParameters)
- applet_$$AppName$$.GetParameters(args);
- applet_$$AppName$$.init();
- applet_$$AppName$$.start();
- frame.show();
- }
- $$ENDIF(StandAlone)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // $$AppName$$ Class Constructor
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public $$AppName$$()
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Add constructor code here
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The getAppletInfo() method returns a string describing the applet's
- // author, copyright date, or miscellaneous information.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public String getAppletInfo()
- {
- $$BEGINLOOP(AppInfoLines)
- $$AppInfoLine$$
- }
- $$IF(HasParameters)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The getParameterInfo() method returns an array of strings describing
- // the parameters understood by this applet.
- //
- // $$AppName$$ Parameter Information:
- // { "Name", "Type", "Description" },
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public String[][] getParameterInfo()
- {
- String[][] info =
- {
- $$BEGINLOOP(Parameters)
- { PARAM_$$ParamName$$, "$$ParamType$$", "$$ParamDescription$$" },
- };
- return info;
- }
- $$ENDIF(Parameters)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The init() method is called by the AWT when an applet is first loaded or
- // reloaded. Override this method to perform whatever initialization your
- // applet needs, such as initializing data structures, loading images or
- // fonts, creating frame windows, setting the layout manager, or adding UI
- // components.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public void init()
- {
- $$IF(HasParameters)
- $$IF(StandAlone)
- if (!m_fStandAlone)
- GetParameters(null);
- $$ELSE
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The following code retrieves the value of each parameter
- // specified with the <PARAM> tag and stores it in a member
- // variable.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- String param;
- $$BEGINLOOP(Parameters)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // $$ParamName$$: $$ParamDescription$$
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- param = getParameter(PARAM_$$ParamName$$);
- if (param != null)
- $$IF(HasMember)
- $$ParamMemberName$$ = $$ParamFromString$$;
- $$ELSE
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Process parameter $$ParamName$$
- ;
- else
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Handle case of parameter not provided
- ;
- $$ENDIF(HasMember)
- $$ENDIF(StandAlone)
- $$ENDIF(HasParameters)
- // If you use a ResourceWizard-generated "control creator" class to
- // arrange controls in your applet, you may want to call its
- // CreateControls() method from within this method. Remove the following
- // call to resize() before adding the call to CreateControls();
- // CreateControls() does its own resizing.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- resize($$InitialWidth$$, $$InitialHeight$$);
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place additional initialization code here
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Place additional applet clean up code here. destroy() is called when
- // when you applet is terminating and being unloaded.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public void destroy()
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet cleanup code here
- }
- $$IF(Animation)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The imageUpdate() method is called repeatedly by the AWT while
- // images are being constructed. The flags parameter provides information
- // about the status of images under construction. The AppletWizard's
- // initial implementation of this method checks whether the ALLBITS flag is
- // set. When the ALLBITS is set, this method knows that an image is
- // completely loaded. When all the images are completely loaded, this
- // method sets the m_fAllLoaded variable to true so that animation can begin.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int flags, int x, int y, int w, int h)
- {
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Nothing to do if images are all loaded
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $$ENDIF(Comments)
- if (m_fAllLoaded)
- return false;
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Want all bits to be available before painting
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ((flags & ALLBITS) == 0)
- return true;
- $$IF(Comments)
- // All bits are available, so increment loaded count of fully
- // loaded images, starting animation if all images are loaded
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (++m_nCurrImage == NUM_IMAGES)
- {
- m_nCurrImage = 0;
- m_fAllLoaded = true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Draws the next image, if all images are currently loaded
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private void displayImage(Graphics g)
- {
- if (!m_fAllLoaded)
- return;
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Draw Image in center of applet
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- g.drawImage(m_Images[m_nCurrImage],
- (size().width - m_nImgWidth) / 2,
- (size().height - m_nImgHeight) / 2, null);
- }
- $$ENDIF(Animation)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // $$AppName$$ Paint Handler
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public void paint(Graphics g)
- {
- $$IF(Animation)
- // The following code displays a status message until all the
- // images are loaded. Then it calls displayImage to display the current
- // image.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (m_fAllLoaded)
- {
- Rectangle r = g.getClipRect();
- g.clearRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
- displayImage(g);
- }
- else
- g.drawString("Loading images...", 10, 20);
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place additional applet Paint code here
- $$ELIF(IsRunnable)
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet paint code here
- g.drawString("Running: " + Math.random(), 10, 20);
- $$ENDIF(Animation)
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The start() method is called when the page containing the applet
- // first appears on the screen. The AppletWizard's initial implementation
- // of this method starts execution of the applet's thread.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public void start()
- {
- $$IF(IsRunnable)
- if (m_$$AppName$$ == null)
- {
- m_$$AppName$$ = new Thread(this);
- m_$$AppName$$.start();
- }
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place additional applet start code here
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The stop() method is called when the page containing the applet is
- // no longer on the screen. The AppletWizard's initial implementation of
- // this method stops execution of the applet's thread.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public void stop()
- {
- $$IF(IsRunnable)
- if (m_$$AppName$$ != null)
- {
- m_$$AppName$$.stop();
- m_$$AppName$$ = null;
- }
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place additional applet stop code here
- $$ENDIF(IsRunnable)
- }
- $$IF(IsRunnable)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The run() method is called when the applet's thread is started. If
- // your applet performs any ongoing activities without waiting for user
- // input, the code for implementing that behavior typically goes here. For
- // example, for an applet that performs animation, the run() method controls
- // the display of images.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public void run()
- {
- $$IF(Animation)
- repaint();
- m_Graphics = getGraphics();
- m_nCurrImage = 0;
- m_Images = new Image[NUM_IMAGES];
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Load in all the images
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- String strImage;
- // For each image in the animation, this method first constructs a
- // string containing the path to the image file; then it begins loading
- // the image into the m_Images array. Note that the call to getImage
- // will return before the image is completely loaded.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_IMAGES; i++)
- {
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Build path to next image
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- strImage = "images/img00" + ((i < 10) ? "0" : "") + i + ".gif";
- $$IF(StandAlone)
- if (m_fStandAlone)
- m_Images[i-1] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(strImage);
- else
- m_Images[i-1] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), strImage);
- $$ELSE
- m_Images[i-1] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), strImage);
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Get width and height of one image.
- // Assuming all images are same width and height
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (m_nImgWidth == 0)
- {
- try
- {
- // The getWidth() and getHeight() methods of the Image class
- // return -1 if the dimensions are not yet known. The
- // following code keeps calling getWidth() and getHeight()
- // until they return actual values.
- // NOTE: This is only executed once in this loop, since we
- // are assuming all images are the same width and
- // height. However, since we do not want to duplicate
- // the above image load code, the code resides in the
- // loop.
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- while ((m_nImgWidth = m_Images[i-1].getWidth(null)) < 0)
- Thread.sleep(1);
- while ((m_nImgHeight = m_Images[i-1].getHeight(null)) < 0)
- Thread.sleep(1);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place exception-handling code here in case an
- // InterruptedException is thrown by Thread.sleep(),
- // meaning that another thread has interrupted this one
- }
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Force image to fully load
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- m_Graphics.drawImage(m_Images[i-1], -1000, -1000, this);
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Wait until all images are fully loaded
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- while (!m_fAllLoaded)
- {
- try
- {
- Thread.sleep(10);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place exception-handling code here in case an
- // InterruptedException is thrown by Thread.sleep(),
- // meaning that another thread has interrupted this one
- }
- }
- repaint();
- $$ENDIF(Animation)
- while (true)
- {
- try
- {
- $$IF(Animation)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // Draw next image in animation
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- displayImage(m_Graphics);
- m_nCurrImage++;
- if (m_nCurrImage == NUM_IMAGES)
- m_nCurrImage = 0;
- $$ELSE
- repaint();
- $$ENDIF(Animation)
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Add additional thread-specific code here
- Thread.sleep(50);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place exception-handling code here in case an
- // InterruptedException is thrown by Thread.sleep(),
- // meaning that another thread has interrupted this one
- stop();
- }
- }
- }
- $$ENDIF(IsRunnable)
- $$IF(Mouse)
- $$IF(MouseDownUp)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The mouseDown() method is called if the mouse button is pressed
- // while the mouse cursor is over the applet's portion of the screen.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet mouseDown code here
- return true;
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The mouseUp() method is called if the mouse button is released
- // while the mouse cursor is over the applet's portion of the screen.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet mouseUp code here
- return true;
- }
- $$ENDIF(MouseDownUp)
- $$IF(MouseDragMove)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The mouseDrag() method is called if the mouse cursor moves over the
- // applet's portion of the screen while the mouse button is being held down.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet mouseDrag code here
- return true;
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The mouseMove() method is called if the mouse cursor moves over the
- // applet's portion of the screen and the mouse button isn't being held down.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public boolean mouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet mouseMove code here
- return true;
- }
- $$ENDIF(MouseDragMove)
- $$IF(MouseEnterExit)
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The mouseEnter() method is called if the mouse cursor enters the
- // applet's portion of the screen.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet mouseEnter code here
- return true;
- }
- $$IF(Comments)
- // The mouseExit() method is called if the mouse cursor leaves the
- // applet's portion of the screen.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public boolean mouseExit(Event evt, int x, int y)
- {
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place applet mouseExit code here
- return true;
- }
- $$ENDIF(MouseDragMove)
- $$ENDIF(Mouse)
- $$IF(TODOComments)
- // TODO: Place additional applet code here
- }