17086 Cannot generate a valid GUID. Make sure the proper OLE DLLs are installed.
17087 The selected data source does not have any tables.
17088 ODBC cannot open the database.
17089 Select a table
17090 The installed OLE DLLs do not have the proper exported functions.
17091 %lu KB Free
17092 Present
17093 Not present
17094 %lu KB Free
17095 This directory contains a file with the same name as one of the generated files. Please choose a different directory.
17096 Custom AppWizard error while parsing template '%s' near line %d:\n\n%s
17097 Cannot change to directory %1.
17098 Cannot create directory %1.
17099 Cannot create file %1.
17100 Cannot write to file %1.
17101 The project directory no longer exists.\nPlease choose a different directory.
17102 A project with this name already exists. Please enter a different name.
17103 This is a reserved MFC class name.\nPlease enter a different name.
17104 Class name is in use by another class.\nPlease enter a different name.
17105 File name is in use by another class.\nPlease enter a different name.
17106 Invalid name for new project.
17107 Invalid name for new subdirectory.
17108 Invalid symbol.
17109 Invalid file name.
17110 Invalid file extension.
17111 Cannot create a unique class ID.
17112 A unique class ID already exists in the registration database for this document type. Use the existing ID?
17113 Directory already contains an MFC project.\nPlease choose a different directory.
17114 %1 already exists. Do you want to replace it?
17115 Cannot write to %1. It is read-only.
17116 Cannot delete %1
17117 The table '%1' in data source '%2' is selected.
17118 No data source is selected.
17119 A file exists with the same name as your new subdirectory.\nPlease enter a different name.
17120 The file name you have chosen will interfere with AppWizard's default file naming scheme.\nPlease enter a different name.
17121 Cannot create the new subdirectory.
17122 Error creating the new subdirectory.
17123 Please enter a title name of less than 28 characters with no double quotes or '\n' in the name.
17124 Error loading %1.
17125 Invalid Type ID. Please begin name with a letter and do not use any punctuation other than periods.
17126 Advanced Options
17127 Window Styles
17128 Document Template Strings
17129 MDI Child Frame
17130 Macintosh-Specific
17131 Please enter exactly %1 characters.
17132 %1 is not a valid AppWizard resource DLL.
17133 Cannot locate the localized resource DLL for the language specified. A DLL named 'appwz??.dll' must exist in the same directory as Microsoft Visual C++ for AppWizard to continue.
17134 Selecting a database view without file support forces your project to exclude OLE container/server support.
17135 Selecting OLE 2.0 container or server support will cause your project to include file support.
17136 An OLE 2.0 container or container/server cannot have CEditView as its view's base class. Your view's base class will now be CView.
17137 Select a data source with that database option.
17138 Selecting multiple documents will cause your project to include file support.
17139 Selecting multiple documents will cause your project to change from a mini-server to a full-server.
17140 \HELP
17141 Cannot access Help file '%s'. Please correct the help directory locations shown below.
17142 Unavailable
17143 Please select at least one platform for your project.
17144 MFC AppWizard (exe)
17145 MFC AppWizard (dll)
17146 &Create...
17147 &Create
17148 H&eader file:
17149 Header file:
17150 &Implementation file:
17151 Implementation file:
17152 B&ase class:
17153 Base class:
17154 English
17155 Unknown
17156 %s - Step %d of %d
17157 %s - Step %d
17158 MFC does not support split windows with CEditView. Your view's base class will now be CView.
17159 A directory exists with the same name as your project. Please enter a different name.
17160 Macintosh platforms use MFC in a statically linked library. Other platforms will use MFC in a shared DLL.
17161 Cannot retrieve table information.
17162 Files
17163 Please enter a project path that does not contain spaces.
17164 ODBC and DAO are not installed on your system. You will not be able to choose any database options.
17165 The path is too long. Please choose a shorter path.
17166 Database options are not supported for Macintosh platforms. When targeting the Macintosh, you may not choose any database options.
17167 OLE is not currently supported on the Macintosh. When targeting the Macintosh, you may not choose any OLE options.
17169 Nested $$IF too deep
17170 Bad $$IF syntax
17171 $$ELIF without matching $$IF
17172 $$ELSE without matching $$IF
17173 $$ENDIF without matching $$IF
17174 Missing end of $$ symbol
17175 Undefined symbol '%1'
17176 Missing DATA resource '%1'
17177 Cannot load DATA resource '%1'
17178 Missing end of line in resource
17179 AppWizard cannot load '%1'
17180 Found NULL before end of resource
17181 File name in use\n.Please enter a different name.
17182 The custom AppWizard '%1' called SetCustomAppWizClass with NULL. This custom AppWizard cannot be used.
17183 AppWizard failed to load the custom AppWizard '%1'
17184 AppWizard cannot load the template '%1'
17185 The template resource is NULL
17186 Loops within loops are not allowed
17187 Bad syntax for $$BEGINLOOP
17188 Undefined symbol used in $$BEGINLOOP directive
17189 Argument to $$BEGINLOOP must expand to a positive integer
17190 Missing $$ENDLOOP
17191 Missing $$ENDIF
17192 $$ENDLOOP without a previous $$BEGINLOOP
17193 Illegal item '%1' in newproj.inf
17194 The custom AppWizard called SetNumberOfSteps(0) but did not return NULL from Next(NULL)
17195 Error in custom AppWizard:\n\n%1
17196 Template resource '%1' has zero size
17197 Cannot find template resource '%1'
17198 Invalid template resource '%1'
17199 The custom AppWizard called GetDialog with out-of-range argument '%1'
17200 Bad syntax for $$INCLUDE
17201 Undefined symbol used in $$INCLUDE directive
17202 Selecting MAPI support will cause your project to include file support.
17203 Selecting a database view without file support will force your project to exclude MAPI support.
17204 MFC AppWizard
17205 The custom AppWizard is missing the required template "newproj.inf"
17206 Bad syntax for $$SET_DEFAULT_LANG
17207 Undefined symbol used in $$SET_DEFAULT_LANG directive
17208 $$SET_DEFAULT_LANG tried to set '%1' as the default language, but the corresponding DLL was not loaded.
17209 The custom AppWizard attempted to call CAppWizStepDlg's constructor with the invalid argument '0'.
17210 The custom AppWizard attempted to delete a standard AppWizard step returned by GetDialog.
17211 < &Back
17212 The custom AppWizard '%1' failed to call SetCustomAppWizClass in its DllMain(). Cannot use the custom AppWizard.
17213 This directory already contains a file with the same name as one of the files to be generated.\nPlease choose a different directory.
17214 The template attempted a recursive include of '%1'
17215 OLE ControlWizard
17216 The file name '%1' was specified for more than one file.
17217 %s will create a new skeleton project with the following specifications:
17218 AppWizard
17219 - Win32 Pseudo-Debug
17220 - Win32 Unicode Debug
17221 Copying license file...
17222 Copying custom AppWizard to Template directory...
17223 Making help file...
17224 OLE controls are not supported for Macintosh platforms. When targeting the Macintosh, you may not choose any OLE options.
17225 Registering OLE control...
17226 Using CRichEditView as your main view's base class requires OLE container support.\nClick OK to add OLE container support to your project.
17227 OLE container support is required for using CRichEditView as your main view's base class.\nRemoving container support will cause your view base class to become CView.
17228 - Win32 Release
17229 - Win32 Unicode Release
17230 Selecting a database view without file support forces your project to use the Single Document Interface.