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Makefile | 1996-05-01 | 962 b | 46 lines |
- #
- # Async Wininet FTP
- #
- # Copyright (c)1996 Microsoft Corporation
- # Mike Maringas, mikema@microsoft.com
- #
- APPVER=4.0
- all:asyncftp.exe
- !include <win32.mak>
- # Update the resource if necessary
- asyncftp.res: asyncftp.rc resource.h
- $(rc) $(rcvars) $(rcflags) asyncftp.rc
- # Update the object files if necessary
- .cpp.obj:
- echo ++++++++++
- echo Compiling $*.cpp
- $(cc) $(cflags) $(cvars) $(cdebug) $*.cpp
- # Update the executable file if necessary, and if so, add the resource back in.
- OBJS1 = capp.obj cdlg.obj cdlgopt.obj
- OBJS2 = comctl.obj clist.obj
- OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2)
- LIBS1 = kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
- LIBS2 = comctl32.lib wininet.lib $(libcdll)
- LIBS = $(LIBS1) $(LIBS2)
- asyncftp.exe : $(OBJS) asyncftp.res
- $(link) $(ldebug) $(lflags) -out:asyncftp.exe $(OBJS) asyncftp.res $(LIBS)
- clean:
- del *.exe
- del *.obj
- del *.res