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- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation.
- // All rights reserved.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // WebPost API usage example
- //
- // This example allows the user to post files to a web site.
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <wpapi.h>
- #include <wpspi.h>
- #include "wbpost.h"
- SimpleWebPost( LPTSTR lpszFileName )
- {
- LONG lRet;
- printf("Calling WpPost(...,%s,...)\n", lpszFileName);
- lRet = WpPost( NULL, // hWin
- 1, // count of files
- &lpszFileName, // file list
- NULL, // lpcbSiteName
- NULL, // lpszSiteName
- NULL, // lpcbURL
- NULL, // lpszURL
- 0 ); // flags
- printf("WpPost returned %d\n", lRet);
- return lRet;
- }
- ListSites()
- {
- static TCHAR buffer[8192];
- DWORD cSites, cbSites, lRet, i;
- cbSites = sizeof( buffer );
- cSites = 0;
- lpbSites = (LPWPSITEINFO) buffer;
- printf("Calling WpListSites()\n");
- lRet = WpListSites( &cbSites, lpbSites, &cSites );
- printf("WpListSites() returned %d\n", lRet);
- if (lRet)
- return lRet;
- printf("Total Sites: %d\n", cSites);
- for (i = 0; i < cSites; i++, lpbSites++)
- printf("%d. SiteName=%s\n", i, lpbSites->lpszSiteName);
- return lRet;
- }
- //
- // The next function illustrates getting a pointer to the web post
- // provider's interface and calling the functions in that interface.
- //
- AdvancedWebPost( LPTSTR lpszSiteName, LPTSTR lpszFileName )
- {
- DWORD lRet;
- IWPSite *lpSite = NULL;
- DWORD cbURL = 0;
- printf("Calling WpBindToSite(..., %s, ...)\n", lpszSiteName);
- lRet = WpBindToSite( NULL, // hWin
- lpszSiteName,
- NULL, // lpszURL
- 0, // fdwFlags
- 0, // dwReserved
- (PVOID *)&lpSite ); // Interface pointer
- printf("WpBindToSite returned %d\n", lRet);
- if (lRet)
- return lRet;
- lRet = lpSite->NetworkConnect(NULL, NULL);
- printf("NetworkConnect returned %d\n", HRESULT_CODE(lRet));
- if (lRet)
- goto cleanup;
- lRet = lpSite->ServerLogin(NULL, NULL);
- printf("ServerLogin returned %d\n", HRESULT_CODE(lRet));
- if (lRet)
- goto cleanup;
- printf("Calling PostFiles(...,%s,..)\n", lpszFileName);
- lRet = lpSite->PostFiles( 1, // cLocalPaths
- &lpszFileName,
- &cbURL, // lpcbURL
- NULL, // lpszURL
- 0 ); // fdwFlags
- printf("PostFiles returned %d\n", HRESULT_CODE(lRet));
- lRet = lpSite->ServerLogout();
- printf("ServerLogout returned %d\n", HRESULT_CODE(lRet));
- if (lRet)
- goto cleanup;
- lRet = lpSite->NetworkDisconnect();
- printf("NetworkDisconnect returned %d\n", HRESULT_CODE(lRet));
- cleanup:
- lRet = lpSite->Release();
- printf("Release returned %d\n", HRESULT_CODE(lRet));
- return lRet;
- }
- void
- usage(void)
- {
- printf("Usage: wbpost [-s sitename] [filename]\n");
- printf(" wbpost -l\t\t: lists the web sites\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- int __cdecl
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- LPTSTR lpszSiteName = NULL, lpszFileName = NULL;
- int fList = 0;
- LONG lRet;
- char c;
- // parse the arguments
- while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-')
- if (c = *++argv[0])
- switch (c) {
- case 'l':
- fList = 1;
- break;
- case 's':
- if (--argc)
- lpszSiteName = *++argv;
- break;
- default:
- printf("Error: illegal option %c\n", c);
- usage();
- break;
- }
- if (argc == 1) {
- lpszFileName = *argv;
- argc--;
- }
- if (argc)
- usage();
- // call the apis
- if (fList)
- lRet = ListSites();
- else if (lpszSiteName)
- lRet = AdvancedWebPost(lpszSiteName, lpszFileName);
- else
- lRet = SimpleWebPost(lpszFileName);
- return lRet;
- }