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- ActiveX SDK Beta 1 Samples Readme.Txt
- =====================================
- BaseCtl Internet enabled OCX framework and samples
- Framewrk Internet enabled OCX framewrk
- Ielnk Sample Control which demonstrates Simple Hyperlink Navigation API
- Iemime Sample Control which demonstrates custom mime type registration.
- ToDoSvr Sample DocObject Control
- WebImage Sample Control which demonstrates downloading and displaying a BMP file.
- Framer Demonstrates in-place activation of a DocObject.
- MSConf Microsoft ActiveX Conferencing samples
- OLEScript Sample of an ActiveX Scripting host
- Progress Sample that uses an URL Moniker, demonstrates IBindStatusCallBack
- Range Demonstrates simple http GET request with optional read ranges.
- UrlPad Enhances SUPERPAD that demonstrates getting an URL
- using urlostream API (from urlhlink.lib) and posting
- it back to the server using WebPost API (sample below).
- VBScript Sample VBScript pages, pointers to JavaScript pages
- WebPost Demonstrates the use of the Web Post APIs to update
- content on Web Sites.
- WinINet Samples that demonstrate use of the WinInet APIs.
- AsyncFtp Demonstrates use of Wininet asynchronous API for ftp.
- HttpAuth Demonstrates use of Wininet for HTTP authentication.
- Instructions
- ==============
- Please run SetEnv.Bat to set up your environment. This SDK requires the
- most recent (May 96 or later) Win32 SDK and a recent compiler (all
- testing was done with VC++ 4.1) The INCLUDE, LIB and PATH environment
- variables should first look in \INetSDK (from this SDK), then in \MSTools
- (from the Win32 SDK) and then in \MSDev (or equivalent compiler.)
- The samples in this tree generally use the Win32 SDK conventions for makefiles.
- 'nmake' will build a debug binary and 'nmake nodebug=1' will build a
- retail binary. The debug binaries will link with the debug variants of the
- C Runtimes and class libraries, and the retail binaries will link with the
- retail variants of these libraries. Please remember that machines without
- VC++ installed may not have mfc40.dll, msvcrt40.dll, etc. (for retail),
- mfc40d.dll, msvcr40d.dll, etc. (for debug) DLLs installed. Please make
- sure that any such required DLLs are properly installed on your test
- machines. Some samples also have VC++ makefiles (project.mak) for use
- in the IDE.
- To figure out what DLLs your project is using use
- "link -dump -imports <filename>"
- And look for <file>.Dll lines. There are often DLLs referenced that are not
- installed on test machines, particularly for debug builds. You need to make
- sure that any such DLLs referenced are properly installed where they will be
- loaded when the app or control is loaded, This is typically the directory
- returned by the GetSystemDirectory API call (system on Windows 95, System32
- on Windows NT.)
- Creating Microsoft Visual C++ Project Files.
- ============================================
- To build the samples from within the Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0
- Developer Studio environment for samples that do not come with
- VC++ makefiles (.mak files), you must add appropriate paths to
- the Developer Studio's include and library paths, and create a
- Visual C++ project file. The general steps to follow are outlined
- below, although the exact steps vary from sample to sample.
- 1) Click "Options..." on the "Tools" menu, and on the
- "Directories" tab add the full path to your installed
- INetSDK\Include directory to the includes directories, the full
- path to INetSDK\Lib to the library directories, and the full path
- to the INetSDK\Bin directory to the executable files directories.
- These entries should be moved to the top of the search list.
- Several samples also require the Beta NT-SUR version (or later) of
- the Win32 SDK. The corresponding include, lib, and bin directories
- should also be added and moved up just below the INetSDK entries.
- 2) Create project and make files as follows:
- a) Close any open workspace from the File menu.
- b) Click "New" on the "File" menu and choose "Project Workspace".
- c) In the "New Project Workspace" dialog type the root name for
- the output file into the "Name:" edit control (for example, type
- "Framer" for the Framer sample).
- d) Choose "Application" in the "Type:" if you are building an
- application, "Dynamic-Link Library" for an ActiveX(tm) Control, or
- "Static Library" for a library (such as BaseCtl\FrameWrk).
- e) "Browse..." to the INetSDK\Samples directory on your system.
- From there move to the directory holding the sample's sources and
- click "OK" to close the "Choose Directory" dialog. Make sure the
- "Location:" edit control reflects the directory holding the
- sample's sources and not a new subdirectory under this root.
- f) Click "Create".
- g) Click "Files into Project..." on the "Insert" menu.
- h) Multiple select *.Cpp, *.c, *.def, and *.Rc and click "Add". If the
- project contains an .Odl file add this to the project also.
- i) Click "Settings..." on the "Build" menu and select the "Link"
- tab. Add any appropriate libraries from the INetSDK or Win32 SDK
- to the list of Object/library modules for both debug and release.
- You can search the SDK makefile in the source's directory for
- ".lib" to find out which additional libraries are needed by a
- particular sample (such as uuic2.lib, uuid3.lib, urlmon.lib,
- etc.). Note that some samples need to link to separate debug or
- release libraries.
- j) If the sample you are building uses MFC, choose which type of
- library to use in the "Microsoft Foundation Classes:" list box on
- the "General" tab of the "Project Settings" dialog.
- 3) Build the project from within the IDE. Note that some samples
- are dependent on libraries build by other samples. These
- dependencies are noted in the ReadMe.Txt files.
- 4) If necessary, copy and/or rename the output file appropriately,
- using the provided makefile as a guide.
- 5) If the output is an ActiveX(tm) Control, run RegSvr32 from the
- command line to register the .ocx on your system. You can probably
- finesse the "Register Control" option on the "Tools" menu to do
- this without dropping to the command line, but it is set up to
- work with projects created using the OLE ControlWizard.