home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CNFTEST sample for Microsoft ActiveX Conferencing
- Unpublished work.
- Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- util.c
- Generic utility routines not specific to this application
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include "main.h"
- #include "shlobj.h"
- static char _szAppName[] = "CnfTest";
- static char _szIniName[] = "CnfTest.ini";
- /* D I S P A T C H M S G */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: DispatchMsg
- Search the message table and call the appropriate routine.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- LRESULT DispatchMsg(LPMSD lpmsd, HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
- {
- for (; ; lpmsd++) {
- if ((lpmsd->uMsg == 0) || (lpmsd->uMsg == uMsg)) {
- return lpmsd->pfnmsg(hwnd, uMsg, wparam, lparam);
- }
- }
- NotReached();
- }
- /* D I S P A T C H C M D */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: DispatchCmd
- Search the command table and call the appropriate routine.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- LRESULT DispatchCmd(LPCMD lpcmd, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
- {
- WORD wCmd = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wparam, lparam);
- for (; ; lpcmd++) {
- if ((lpcmd->wCmd == 0) || (lpcmd->wCmd == wCmd)) {
- lpcmd->pfncmd(hwnd, wCmd,
- GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wparam, lparam),
- GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wparam, lparam));
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0L;
- }
- /* G E T I N I B O O L */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: GetIniBool
- Get the boolean data for an entry
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL GetIniBool(LPSTR szEntry, BOOL fDefault)
- {
- return GetPrivateProfileInt(_szAppName, szEntry, fDefault, _szIniName) != 0;
- }
- /* G E T I N I I N T */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: GetIniInt
- Get the numeric data for an entry
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- DWORD GetIniInt(LPSTR szEntry, DWORD dwDefault)
- {
- return GetPrivateProfileInt(_szAppName, szEntry, dwDefault, _szIniName);
- }
- /* G E T I N I S T R */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: GetIniStr
- Get the string data for an entry
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- LPSTR GetIniStr(LPSTR szEntry, LPSTR szDefault)
- {
- int cch;
- LPVOID lpv;
- char sz[MAX_PATH];
- cch = GetPrivateProfileString(_szAppName, szEntry, szDefault, sz, MAX_PATH, _szIniName);
- if (cch == 0)
- {
- if (NULL == szDefault)
- return NULL;
- cch = lstrlen(szDefault);
- lstrcpy(sz, szDefault);
- }
- cch++; // include chNull
- lpv = LpvAlloc(cch);
- if (lpv == NULL)
- return NULL;
- lstrcpyn(lpv, sz, cch);
- return lpv;
- }
- /* G E T I N I H E X */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: GetIniHex
- Convert the hex data into binary.
- If no entry is found, lpv isn't modified
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID GetIniHex(LPSTR szEntry, LPVOID lpv, int cb)
- {
- char sz[MAX_PATH];
- if (GetPrivateProfileString(_szAppName, szEntry, lpNil, sz, MAX_PATH, _szIniName) != 0) {
- HexToData(sz, lpv, cb);
- }
- }
- /* W R I T E I N I S T R */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: WriteIniStr
- Write the data to an entry in the ini file
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID WriteIniStr(LPSTR szEntry, LPSTR szData)
- {
- WritePrivateProfileString(_szAppName, szEntry, szData, _szIniName);
- }
- /* W R I T E I N I I N T */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: WriteIniInt
- Write the numeric data to an entry in the ini file
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID WriteIniInt(LPSTR szEntry, DWORD dw)
- {
- char szData[32];
- wsprintf(szData, "%d", dw);
- WritePrivateProfileString(_szAppName, szEntry, szData, _szIniName);
- }
- /* W R I T E I N I B O O L */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: WriteIniBool
- Write the boolean value to an entry in the registery
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID WriteIniBool(LPSTR szEntry, BOOL f)
- {
- WritePrivateProfileString(_szAppName, szEntry, f ? "1" : "0", _szIniName);
- }
- /* W R I T E I N I H E X */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: WriteIniHex
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID WriteIniHex(LPSTR szEntry, LPVOID lpv, int cb)
- {
- char sz[MAX_PATH];
- DataToHex(lpv, sz, cb);
- WriteIniStr(szEntry, sz);
- }
- /* C E N T E R W I N D O W */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CenterWindow
- Center a window over another window.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CenterWindow(HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent)
- {
- int xNew, yNew;
- int cxChild, cyChild;
- int cxParent, cyParent;
- int cxScreen, cyScreen;
- RECT rcChild, rcParent;
- HDC hdc;
- // Get the Height and Width of the child window
- GetWindowRect(hwndChild, &rcChild);
- cxChild = rcChild.right - rcChild.left;
- cyChild = rcChild.bottom - rcChild.top;
- // Get the Height and Width of the parent window
- GetWindowRect(hwndParent, &rcParent);
- cxParent = rcParent.right - rcParent.left;
- cyParent = rcParent.bottom - rcParent.top;
- // Get the display limits
- hdc = GetDC(hwndChild);
- if (hdc == NULL) {
- // major problems - move window to 0,0
- xNew = yNew = 0;
- } else {
- cxScreen = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES);
- cyScreen = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES);
- ReleaseDC(hwndChild, hdc);
- if (hwndParent == hwndNil) {
- cxParent = cxScreen;
- cyParent = cyScreen;
- SetRect(&rcParent, 0, 0, cxScreen, cyScreen);
- }
- // Calculate new X position, then adjust for screen
- xNew = rcParent.left + ((cxParent - cxChild) / 2);
- if (xNew < 0) {
- xNew = 0;
- } else if ((xNew + cxChild) > cxScreen) {
- xNew = cxScreen - cxChild;
- }
- // Calculate new Y position, then adjust for screen
- yNew = rcParent.top + ((cyParent - cyChild) / 2);
- if (yNew < 0) {
- yNew = 0;
- } else if ((yNew + cyChild) > cyScreen) {
- yNew = cyScreen - cyChild;
- }
- }
- SetWindowPos(hwndChild, NULL, xNew, yNew, 0, 0,
- }
- /* L P V A L L O C */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: LpvAlloc
- Return a pointer to an allocated array of bytes
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- LPVOID LpvAlloc(int cb)
- {
- return LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cb);
- }
- /* F R E E P L P V */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: FreePlpv
- Free the data pointed to by plpv and set *plpv to NULL
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID FreePlpv(LPVOID plpv)
- {
- if ((plpv == NULL) || (*(VOID FAR * FAR *)plpv == NULL)) {
- return;
- }
- LocalFree(*(VOID FAR * FAR *)plpv);
- *(VOID FAR * FAR *)plpv = NULL;
- }
- /* D E F C M D P R O C */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: DefCmdProc
- Default command procedure.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID DefCmdProc(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD w2, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- Log2(LOG_NORMAL, "DefCmdProc reached: wCmd=0x%08X, w2=0x%08X", wCmd, w2);
- }
- /* C H F R O M H E X */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: ChFromHex
- Convert from Hex data to ascii character
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- char ChFromHex(LPSTR lpch)
- {
- int i = 0;
- int cch = 2;
- char ch;
- while (cch-- > 0) {
- ch = *lpch++;
- if (ch >= 'A') {
- i = (i*16) + (ch - ('A'-10));
- } else {
- i = (i*16) + (ch - '0');
- }
- }
- return (char) i;
- }
- /* H E X T O D A T A */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: HexToData
- Convert from Hex data to ascii character
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID HexToData(LPSTR lpchSrc, LPVOID lpvDest, int cb)
- {
- CHAR * lpchDest = lpvDest;
- CharUpperBuff(lpchSrc, cb);
- while (cb-- > 0)
- {
- *lpchDest++ = ChFromHex(lpchSrc);
- lpchSrc += 2;
- }
- }
- /* H E X T O B I N */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: HexToBin
- Convert from Hex data to ascii character
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- LPSTR HexToBin(LPSTR lpchSrc, LPVOID lpvDest, int cb)
- {
- CHAR * lpchDest = ((CHAR *) lpvDest) + cb;
- CharUpperBuff(lpchSrc, cb);
- while (cb-- > 0)
- {
- lpchDest--;
- *lpchDest = ChFromHex(lpchSrc);
- lpchSrc += 2;
- }
- return lpchSrc;
- }
- /* D A T A T O H E X */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: DataToHex
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID DataToHex(LPSTR lpchSrc, LPSTR lpchDest, int cb)
- {
- unsigned char ch;
- if (lpchSrc == lpNil)
- {
- // Log(LOG_ALWAYS, "DataToHex - lpSrc == lpNil");
- SetEmptySz(lpchDest);
- return;
- }
- while (cb-- > 0) {
- ch = 0x00FF & (unsigned char) (*lpchSrc++);
- wsprintf(lpchDest, "%02X", ch);
- lpchDest += 2;
- }
- }
- /* S E T M E N U C H E C K */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: SetMenuCheck
- Set the menu item's check mark.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID SetMenuCheck(UINT idm, BOOL fCheck)
- {
- CheckMenuItem(ghMenu, idm,
- }
- /* M A Y B E D E L E T E O B J E C T */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: MaybeDeleteObject
- Check usage count, delete if we can
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID MaybeDeleteObject(HGDIOBJ * phgdi)
- {
- if (*phgdi == hgdiNil)
- return;
- DeleteObject(*phgdi);
- *phgdi = hgdiNil;
- }
- static char _szAssertTitle[] = "CnfTest Assert";
- /* A S S E R T P R O C */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: AssertProc
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID FAR PASCAL AssertProc(LPSTR lpszMsg, LPSTR lpszAssert, LPSTR lpszFile, UINT line)
- {
- char szBuffer[MAX_PATH];
- int id;
- static BOOL _fInAssert = fFalse;
- wsprintf((LPSTR)szBuffer,
- "Assert: %s\nFile %s, Line %d",
- (lpszMsg && *lpszMsg) ? lpszMsg : lpszAssert,
- lpszFile ? lpszFile : "", line);
- OutputDebugString(szBuffer);
- if (_fInAssert) {
- return;
- }
- _fInAssert = fTrue;
- do {
- id = MessageBox(NULL, (LPSTR)szBuffer, (LPSTR)_szAssertTitle,
- switch (id)
- {
- case IDRETRY:
- DebugBreak();
- break;
- case IDABORT:
- FatalAppExit(0, (LPSTR)szBuffer);
- break;
- case IDIGNORE:
- default:
- break;
- }
- } while (id == IDRETRY);
- _fInAssert = fFalse;
- }
- /* L O G */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: Log
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID Log(DWORD grf, LPSTR lpsz)
- {
- int i;
- if (((grf & gPref.grfLog) == 0) || (ghwndMsg == hwndNil))
- {
- return;
- }
- // write the string to the Message window
- i = SendMessage(ghwndMsg, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) lpsz);
- if( grf == LOG_ERROR )
- SendMessage(ghwndMsg, LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)255);
- else
- SendMessage(ghwndMsg, LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)0);
- PostMessage(ghwndMsg, WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0);
- }
- /* C L E A R L O G */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: ClearLog
- Clear the log screen
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID ClearLog(void)
- {
- SendMessage(ghwndMsg, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
- }
- /* L O G T E S T S T A R T */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: LogTestStart
- Start a test by clearing the log and displaying the string.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID LogTestStart(LPSTR sz)
- {
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "==> Running Test %s", sz);
- }
- /* L O G T E S T S T O P */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: LogTestStop
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID LogTestStop(LPSTR sz)
- {
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "==> Test %s Complete", sz);
- }
- /* L O G T E S T C A N C E L */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: LogTestCancel
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID LogTestCancel(LPSTR sz)
- {
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "==> Test %s Canceled", sz);
- }
- /* L O G R E S U L T */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: LogResult
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID LogResult(LPSTR sz, DWORD dwTest, DWORD dwResult)
- {
- Log3((dwResult == CONFERR_SUCCESS ? LOG_NORMAL : LOG_ERROR), "%s Test %d Result=%s", sz, dwTest, GetConferrString(dwResult));
- }
- static char _szFilter[] = "All Files\0*.*\0Text Files (*.txt)\0*.TXT\0";
- /* F G E T F I L E N A M E */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: FGetFileName
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL FGetFileName(LPSTR szFileName)
- {
- SetEmptySz(szFileName);
- ClearStruct(&ofn);
- ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
- ofn.hwndOwner = ghwndMain;
- ofn.hInstance = (HANDLE) ghInst;
- ofn.lpstrFilter = _szFilter;
- ofn.nFilterIndex = 1L;
- ofn.lpstrFile = (LPSTR) szFileName;
- ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; // really sizeof(szFileName)
- ofn.lpstrTitle = "Pick a file to send";
- ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
- if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn))
- return fFalse;
- return fTrue;
- }
- /* F G E T D I R E C T O R Y */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: FGetDirectory
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL FGetDirectory(LPSTR szDir)
- {
- BOOL fRet;
- CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
- LPMALLOC lpMalloc;
- ghwndMain,
- szPath,
- "Select a Directory",
- NULL, 0L, 0 };
- if (0 != SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(HWND_DESKTOP, CSIDL_DRIVES, &pidlRoot))
- return fFalse;
- if (NULL == pidlRoot)
- return fFalse;
- bi.pidlRoot = pidlRoot;
- pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);
- if (NULL != pidl)
- fRet = SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, szDir);
- else
- fRet = fFalse;
- // Get the shell's allocator to free PIDLs
- if (!SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc) && (NULL != lpMalloc))
- {
- if (NULL != pidlRoot)
- {
- lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Free(lpMalloc, pidlRoot);
- }
- if (NULL != pidl)
- {
- lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Free(lpMalloc, pidl);
- }
- lpMalloc->lpVtbl->Release(lpMalloc);
- }
- return fRet;
- }
- /* G E T R A D I O B U T T O N */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: GetRadioButton
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int GetRadioButton(HWND hdlg, int idrFirst, int idrLast)
- {
- int id;
- for (id = idrFirst; id <= idrLast; id++)
- {
- if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, id))
- return id;
- }
- return idrFirst;
- }
- /* G U I D T O S Z */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: GuidToSz
- Convert the guid to a hex string.
- Assumes lpchDest has space for at least sizeof(GUID)*2+1 chars.
- Note the difference between this and UuidToString (or StringFromGUID2)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID GuidToSz(GUID * pguid, LPSTR lpchDest)
- {
- int i;
- ASSERT(NULL != pguid);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpchDest);
- lstrcpy(lpchDest, "--------------------------------");
- wsprintf(lpchDest, "%08X%04X%04X", pguid->Data1, pguid->Data2, pguid->Data3);
- lpchDest += 8+4+4;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- wsprintf(lpchDest, "%02X", pguid->Data4[i]);
- lpchDest += 2;
- }
- }
- /* S Z T O G U I D */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: SzToGuid
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID SzToGuid(LPSTR lpchSrc, GUID * pguid)
- {
- if (FEmptySz(lpchSrc) || (CchSz(lpchSrc) < sizeof(GUID)*2))
- {
- ClearStruct(pguid);
- return;
- }
- ClearStruct(pguid);
- lpchSrc = HexToBin(lpchSrc, &pguid->Data1, sizeof(pguid->Data1));
- lpchSrc = HexToBin(lpchSrc, &pguid->Data2, sizeof(pguid->Data2));
- lpchSrc = HexToBin(lpchSrc, &pguid->Data3, sizeof(pguid->Data3));
- HexToData(lpchSrc, pguid->Data4, sizeof(pguid->Data4));
- }