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- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Readme.txt
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Spruuids: A sample ActiveX Scripting host, which hosts VB Script.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // (C) Copyright 1992-1996 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ActivScp.h -- ActiveX Scripting header file, used by Game.cpp
- VBSGuids.h -- Defines CLSID for VB Script, used by Game.cpp
- CompMgr.h -- Component Manager interfaces, used by App.cpp, MsgLoop.cpp
- App.cpp, App.h
- -- Implements Main App window via a dialog. CApp is responsible
- for creating the CMsgLoop object, and CGame object.
- MsgLoop.cpp, MsgLoop.h
- -- Implements .exe's message loop via IOleComponentManager. CApp
- acts as a client to the ComponentManager, implementing
- IOleComponent.
- OleAuto.cpp, OleAuto.h
- -- Small framework for creating OLE Automation objects which have
- dual interfaces.
- Game.cpp, Game.h
- -- Orchestrates the show, responsible for creating and coordinating
- CScore, CDisplay (from Spr.cpp), and CSpriteClass's. Handles
- high-level game behaviors, such as starting and ending games,
- the menus, and creating, loading, and managing VB Script through
- ActiveX Scripting.
- GameOA.cpp
- -- OLE Automation implementation for "Game" object in object model.
- Score.cpp, Score.h
- -- Tracks score, level, # ships left.
- Spr.cpp, Spr.h
- -- Core "sprite" engine, implementing CDisplay, CSpriteClass, and
- CSprite.
- -- CDisplay implements the display surface on which the
- sprites are drawn, and handles drawing the sprites, updating
- their positions on timer ticks, and tracking collisions between
- the sprites.
- -- CSpriteClass implements a set of functionality shared between
- common kinds of sprites, such as the starting image used, how
- sprites of this class interact with the border, etc.
- -- CSprite implements a "sprite" which basically a repository for
- position, velocity, image, etc.
- SprOA.cpp
- -- Implements the "SpriteClass" and "Sprite" OLE Automation
- interfaces for the CSpriteClass and CSprite classes,
- respectively.
- Guids.cpp, Guids.h
- -- Simple file to get all necessary GUIDs to the linker.
- Helpers.h
- -- Implements some obligatory ANSI/Unicode helpers.
- Main.h
- -- Main include file included by everyone.
- SpruuidP.Pix, SpruuidP.hh, SpruuidP.h
- -- Helper files which tells the sprite engine about the graphics
- found within the main sprite bitmap, Spruuids.bmp
- DispIDs.h
- -- Defines the DISPIDs used for events.
- Spruuids.odl
- -- Declares the object model for the Spruuids.exe application.
- Spruuids.bmp -- Contains all of the interesting images.
- Ship.bmp -- Contains the image used to display the # ships left.
- Plus.bmp -- Graphics used to display a "+" when not enough room
- to display # ships left.
- Game1.txt -- Simple samples illustrating how to use some
- Game2.txt primitives from the Game object model.
- Game3.txt
- GameFull.txt -- Complete fun-to-play game.
- CApp implements
- IUnknown
- IDispatch Using COleAuto
- SpruuidsApp
- IOleComponent
- CGame implements
- IUnknown
- IDispatch Using COleAuto
- Game
- IActiveScriptSite
- IProvideClassInfo
- IProvideClassInfo2
- IConnectionPointContainer
- IConnectionPoint via an embedded class
- CMsgLoop implements
- IOleComponentManager
- CScore
- CDisplay
- CSpriteClass implements
- IUnknown
- IDispatch Using COleAuto
- SpriteClass
- IProvideClassInfo
- IProvideClassInfo2
- IConnectionPointContainer
- IConnectionPoint via an embedded class
- CSprite
- IUnknown
- IDispatch Using COleAuto
- Sprite
- Command Line:
- Spruuids <VB Script File>
- where
- <VB Script File> is the relative or full path to a VB Script
- file containing the source code which Spruuids is to load and run. See
- Game*.txt for samples of VB Script programs written against Spruuids.exe.
- Use MkTypLib.exe to compile "Spruuids.odl" into "Spruuids.h" and
- "Spruuids.tlb". NOTE THAT Spruuids.tlb MUST BE GENERATED BEFORE THE .RC
- Compile each of the *.cpp files.
- Use RC.exe to compile the "Spruuids.rc" into "Spruuids.res", noting that
- "Spruuids.tlb" must be included as a resource of type "TYPELIB",
- so it must have been created first.
- Link everything togther, and use RC.exe to add the .res to the .exe.
- Application As SpruuidsApp
- R/O Properties
- Application - Returns the Application object (returns itself).
- Parent - Returns the Application object (returns itself).
- Game - Returns the "Game" object, described below.
- Methods
- Quit() - Causes Spruuids to terminate.
- Game As Game
- R/O Properties
- Application - Returns the Application object.
- Parent - Returns the Application object.
- ShipClass As SpriteClass - Returns the SpriteClass for the ship.
- BubbleClass As SpriteClass - Returns the SpriteClass for bubbles.
- AmmoClass As SpriteClass - Returns the SpriteClass for ammo.
- ExtraClass As SpriteClass - Returns the SpriteClass for extra,
- special effects, or general use.
- R/W Properties
- Caption As String - Sets the caption of the main Spruuids window.
- StatusText As String - Sets the status text of Spruuids.
- Width As Integer - Width, in pixels, of the display area.
- Height As Integer - Height, in pixels, of the display area.
- Paused As Boolean - Sets or clears the paused game.
- Score As Integer - Current score. Setting this will not compute
- extra ships gained. Use AddScore() to ensure this calcualtion.
- Level As Integer - Current level.
- ShipCount As Integer - Current number of ships left.
- ScoreFirst1Up As Integer - Score at which the first extra ship is
- awarded.
- ScoreSecond1Up As Integer - Score at which the second extra ship
- is awarded.
- DScoreNext1Up As Integer - Delta score for each extra ship award
- after the second.
- ShipsStart As Integer - Number of ships to start game with.
- Tag As Variant - General storage for the user.
- Methods
- StartGame() - Starts a new game, propting the user first, if a
- game is already in progress.
- EndGame() - Ends the current game.
- RemoveAllSprites() - Destroys all sprites.
- NextLevel() - Increments the Level number, updating the level
- display
- Refresh() - Forces the display to be refreshed.
- AddScore(amt As Integer) - Adds the given amount to the score,
- rounding up to zero, if necessary. Also computes to see
- if an extra ship should be awarded.
- StdBorderBounce(s As Sprite, brd As Integer) - Ensures that
- the sprite's velocities will cause the sprite to bounce.
- StdBorderWrap(s As Sprite, brd As Integer) - Move the sprite
- to the other edge of the screen.
- StdInitRand(s As Sprite, u As Variant) - Moves the sprite to some
- random location on the display at least u pixels away from
- the center. Ensures that the sprite does not start out
- overlapping a sprite it would cause a Collide event with.
- StdInitEdge(s As Sprite, u As Variant) - Moves the sprite to some
- random location around the edge of the display. u is ignored.
- Events
- NewGame() - Fired when a new game is started.
- NewLevel() - Fired when NextLevel is called.
- NewShip() - Fired when a new ship is awarded.
- Tick() - Fired every timer tick.
- Collide(s1 As Sprite, s2 As Sprite, coll As Integer) - Fired when
- two sprites move so they overlap. S1 is always the sprite
- with the lower id (ShipClass < BubbleClass < AmmoClass <
- ExtraClass). Coll is the bit-wise AND of s1.Parent.Collide
- with s2.Parent.Collide. So with judicious setting of the
- Collide propertis, coll is enough to tell what types of
- sprites collided, and what s1 and s2 are. Bit 1 is special
- and is used to indicate that a sprite should generate this
- event when it hits sprites of its own class.
- KeyDown(vk As Integer) - Fired when key is depressed. vk contains
- the virtual key code, as defined in Windows.h.
- KeyPress(ascii As Integer) - Fired when key is depressed. ascii
- contains the ascii value of the key pressed.
- KeyUp(vk As Integer) - Fired when key is released. vk contains
- the virtual key code, as defined in Windows.h.
- MouseMove(x As Integer, y As Integer, keys As Integer, button As
- Integer) - Fired when mouse moves over the play surface of
- Spruuids. x and y are the pixel location of the mouse relative
- to the upper left corner of the play surface. keys indicates
- whether the SHIFT key is depressed (bit 1) or the CONTROL key
- is depressed (bit 2). button indicates which buttons are
- currently depressed (any combination of: 1=left, 2=right,
- 4=middle).
- MouseDown(x As Integer, y As Integer, keys As Integer, button As
- Integer) - Fired when the user depresses a mouse button.
- button indicates which button was depressed (one of: 1=left,
- 2=right, 4=middle).
- MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer, keys As Integer, button As
- Integer) - Fired when the user releases a mouse button.
- button indicates which button was released (one of: 1=left,
- 2=right, 4=middle).
- SpriteClass Objects
- R/O Properties
- Application - Returns the Application object.
- Parent - Returns the Game object.
- SpriteCount As Integer - The number of existing sprites of
- this kind.
- R/W Properties
- Image As Integer - A number indicating the default graphic
- to be used for sprites of this class.
- Brd As Integer - A bitfield indicating the display borders with
- which sprites of this class are interested in being notified
- (via the Border event) when then touch them. See Spr.h for
- the definition of this bitfield.
- Collide As Integer - a bitfield used to determine whether to fire
- the Game_Collide event, as described above.
- Friction As Single - Indicates the amount of friction sprites of
- this class should default to. Values 0<n<1 slow the ship. The
- value 1 is the same as no friction (default). Values >1 will
- cause the ship to automatically accelerate. Values <0, who
- knows?
- Tag As Variant - General storage for the user.
- Methods
- CreateSprite(Left As Integer, Top As Integer, u As Variant) As Sprite
- A function which creates a new instance of a sprite of this
- class, at the given location. U is passed to the Init event,
- allowing the user to pass information into that event. This
- function returns a reference to the sprite object created.
- Events
- Init(s As Sprite, u As Variant) - Fired when sprite is first
- created. U is the parameter passed to CreateSprite().
- Tick(s As Sprite) - Fired every s.TickEvt timer ticks.
- Border(s As Sprite, brd As Border) - Fired when sprite touches
- a display border indicated by the Brd property. Calling
- s.IgnoreMove() during this event will cause the sprite
- to return to its position it was at before the move which
- caused this event.
- Term(s As Sprite) - Called before sprite object is destroyed.
- LastTerm() - Fired when no more sprites of this sprite class
- exist.
- Sprite Objects
- R/O Properties
- Application - Returns the Application object.
- Parent - Returns the Game object.
- Width As Integer - Width of sprite's graphic in pixels.
- Height As Integer - Height of sprite's graphic in pixels.
- R/W Properties
- Left As Single - Left position in pixels (may be fractional).
- Top As Single - Top position in pixels (may be fractional).
- Vx As Single - Horizontal velocity in pixels per TickMove ticks
- (may be fractional).
- Vy As Single - Vertical velocity in pixels per TickMove ticks
- (may be fractional).
- Ax As Single - Horizontal acceleration in pixels per TickMove ticks
- (may be fractional).
- Ay As Single - Vertical accekeration in pixels per TickMove ticks
- (may be fractional).
- FrictionX As Single - Horizontal friction. See description of
- Friction for SpriteClass (may be fractional).
- FrictionY As Single - Vertical friction. See description of
- Friction for SpriteClass (may be fractional).
- Image As Integer - Graphic associated with this sprite. See
- SpruuidP.pix and SpruuidP.hh for a list of numbers and their
- graphics.
- TickMove As Integer - The number of ticks between times the sprite
- engine move this sprite by Vx and Vy.
- TickEvt As Integer - The number of ticks between SpriteClass_Tick
- events.
- Visible As Boolean - Indicates whether this sprite is visible or
- not. Invisible sprites never cause Collide events.
- Tag As Variant - General storage for the user.
- Methods
- MoveTo(Left As Single, Top As Single) - Move the sprite to the
- given location.
- MoveBy(Left As Single, Top As Single) - Move the sprite by the
- given amount.
- Remove() - Destroys the sprite.
- Refresh() - Forces the sprite to repaint, if it is visible.
- IgnoreMove() - Called from within the Collide or Border events
- to indicate that the move which caused this sprite to collide
- or touch a border should not be made.
- //--- EOF -----------------------------------------------------------------