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- $OBJECT=ShipClass
- $OBJECT=BubbleClass
- $OBJECT=AmmoClass
- Option Explicit
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Game3.txt
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Use path to this file as parameter to Sprite.exe. E.g.:
- ' Sprite C:\Tmp\Game3.txt
- ' See "Game.Pix" for list of images available, numbered 0-n.
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dim sShip 'Player's ship
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' GAME events
- '
- Sub Game_NewGame()
- ' ------------
- 'Sprites Bounce on inner border:
- ShipClass.Border = 15
- BubbleClass.Border = 15
- AmmoClass.Border = 15
- 'Setup Collision possibilities. Bit 1 is reserved for hitting same-kind objects.
- ShipClass.Collide = 2
- BubbleClass.Collide = 2 + 4
- AmmoClass.Collide = 4
- 'Setup Standard images for the different classes of sprites
- ShipClass.Image = 32 'Ship
- BubbleClass.Image = 60 'Small bubble
- AmmoClass.Image = 35 'Ammo
- 'Extra Ship Info
- Game.ScoreFirst1Up = 250
- Game.DScoreNext1Up = 500
- ShipClass.Friction = 0.981
- Set sShip = ShipClass.CreateSprite(Game.Width / 2, Game.Height / 2, 0)
- BubbleClass.CreateSprite 0, 0, 0
- End Sub
- Sub Game_KeyDown(ByVal ch)
- ' ------------
- Dim sT
- 'Too many shots on screen already?
- If AmmoClass.SpriteCount > 5 Then Exit Sub
- 'Game Over?
- If Game.ShipCount <= 0 Then Exit Sub
- 'Up
- If ch = 38 Then
- sShip.Image = 24
- Set sT = AmmoClass.CreateSprite(sShip.Left + sShip.Width / 2, sShip.Top, 0)
- sT.Vx = 0 : sT.Vy = -5
- sShip.Vy = sShip.Vy + 1
- End If
- 'Down
- If ch = 40 Then
- sShip.Image = 8
- Set sT = AmmoClass.CreateSprite(sShip.Left + sShip.Width / 2, sShip.Top + sShip.Height, 0)
- sT.Vx = 0 : sT.Vy = 5
- sShip.Vy = sShip.Vy - 1
- End If
- 'Left
- If ch = 37 Then
- sShip.Image = 16
- Set sT = AmmoClass.CreateSprite(sShip.Left, sShip.Top + sShip.Height / 2, 0)
- sT.Vx = -5 : sT.Vy = 0
- sShip.Vx = sShip.Vx + 1
- End If
- 'Right
- If ch = 39 Then
- sShip.Image = 0
- Set sT = AmmoClass.CreateSprite(sShip.Left + sShip.Width, sShip.Top + sShip.Height / 2, 0)
- sT.Vx = 5 : sT.Vy = 0
- sShip.Vx = sShip.Vx - 1
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub DoShipHit() 'Decrease # ships, end game if none left
- ' ---------
- sShip.Image = 32
- Game.ShipCount = Game.ShipCount - 1
- If Game.ShipCount <= 0 Then
- Game.EndGame
- Else
- sShip.Vx = 0
- sShip.Vy = 0
- sShip.MoveTo Game.Width / 2, Game.Height / 2
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub DoNewBubble(ByVal left, ByVal top, ByVal vx, ByVal vy)
- ' -----------
- Dim sT
- Set sT = BubbleClass.CreateSprite(left, top, 1)
- sT.Vx = vx * 0.5 + 4 * Rnd() - 2
- sT.Vy = vy * 0.5 + 4 * Rnd() - 2
- End Sub
- Sub Game_Collide(ByVal sLowId, ByVal sHighId, ByVal coll)
- ' ------------
- Dim ship
- Dim bubble
- Dim ammo
- Dim sT
- Select Case coll
- Case 2
- Set ship = sLowId
- Set bubble = sHighId
- If ship.Image <> 32 Then
- 'Ship Hit Bubble
- Call DoShipHit
- End If
- Case 4
- Set bubble = sLowId
- Set ammo = sHighId
- ammo.Remove
- If bubble.Image <= 57 Then
- Game.AddScore 50
- bubble.Remove
- DoNewBubble bubble.Left, bubble.Top, bubble.Vx - ammo.Vx, bubble.Vy - ammo.Vy
- DoNewBubble bubble.Left, bubble.Top, bubble.Vx + ammo.Vx, bubble.Vy + ammo.Vy
- Else
- bubble.Image = bubble.Image - 1
- Game.AddScore 5
- End If
- End Select
- End Sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' ShipClass events
- '
- Sub ShipClass_Init(ByVal s, ByVal u)
- s.TickEvent = 5
- End Sub
- Sub ShipClass_Border(ByVal s, ByVal brd)
- 'Randomize velocity, then bounce ship
- s.Vx = s.Vx + 6 * Rnd() - 3
- s.Vy = s.Vy + 6 * Rnd() - 3
- Game.StdBorderBounce s, brd
- End Sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' BubbleClass events
- '
- Sub BubbleClass_Init(ByVal s, ByVal u)
- If s.Left = 0 Then
- 'New Bubble, so start it at an edge, and give it a random direction
- Game.StdInitEdge s, u
- s.Vx = 12 * Rnd() - 6
- s.Vy = 12 * Rnd() - 6
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub BubbleClass_Border(ByVal s, ByVal brd)
- Game.StdBorderBounce s, brd
- End Sub
- 'If no more enemies, create some
- Sub BubbleClass_LastTerm()
- ' --------------------
- BubbleClass.CreateSprite 0, 0, 0
- End Sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' AmmoClass events
- '
- Sub AmmoClass_Border(ByVal s, ByVal brd)
- s.Remove
- End Sub
- '--- EOF ---