Reboot1=Your machine must be rebooted to complete Setup.
Reboot2=Would you like to reboot your machine now?
Reboot3=Setup is complete. Remember to reboot
Restart1=Windows must be restarted to complete Setup.
Restart2=Would you like to restart windows now?
Restart3=Setup is complete. Remember to restart Windows.
Next="&Next >>"
Back="<< &Back"
wintype0=Unknown version of Windows"
wintype2=Windows for Workgroups"
wintype3=Win32s Windows"
wintype4=Windows NT
wintype5=Windows 95+
wintype99="Advanced versions of Windows"
tosa1="This is the setup process for WinEdit."
tosa3="Thank you for trying WinEdit."
tosa5="You may later select the components"
tosa6="that you wish to install."
tosa8="Press Next to continue."
tosb1="Wilson WindowWare"
tosb2="WinEdit Setup"
tosb4="This setup program is"
tosb5="written with WinBatch."
ssa1="Wilson WindowWare"
ssa2="WinEdit Setup"
ssa4="Choose the components"
ssa5="That you wish to install"
ssa6="or add using the check"
ssa7="boxes on the right."
ssa9="Space available on "
ssa11="Max space required is"
wtga1="Setup will copy files to your hard drive."
wtga2="You may accept the recommended default"
wtga3="folder for installation, or you may choose"
wtga4="<Other> to be prompted for a different"
wtga5="folder to install to."
wtgb1="Wilson WindowWare"
wtgb2="WinEdit Setup"
wtgb3="You may install WinEdit into the default"
wtgb4="folder, or you may choose your own."
doita1="Next Disk"
doita2="Please insert following disk:"
doita3="or specify the folder containing:"
doita4="Installation Proceeding"
doita5="Getting ready to copy files"
doita6="Installing: "
scanning=Looking for more items to setup.
newname="New versions of some menu and other files have been saved in the installation folder with the word NEW in front of the real filename. Please review these files for new information."
uninstall=Are you sure you wish to remove this application from your system?
exam="Examining System"
collect="Collecting Information"
deter="Determining destination directory"
fromflop="Checking to see if installing from floppy"