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- // merge.c
- #include "bsp5.h"
- #define CONTINUOUS_EPSILON 0.001
- /*
- ================
- CheckColinear
- ================
- */
- void CheckColinear (face_t *f)
- {
- int i, j;
- vec3_t v1, v2;
- for (i=0 ; i<f->numpoints ;i++)
- {
- // skip the point if the vector from the previous point is the same
- // as the vector to the next point
- j = (i - 1 < 0) ? f->numpoints - 1 : i - 1;
- VectorSubtract (f->pts[i], f->pts[j], v1);
- VectorNormalize (v1);
- j = (i + 1 == f->numpoints) ? 0 : i + 1;
- VectorSubtract (f->pts[j], f->pts[i], v2);
- VectorNormalize (v2);
- if (VectorCompare (v1, v2))
- Error ("Colinear edge");
- }
- }
- /*
- =============
- TryMerge
- If two polygons share a common edge and the edges that meet at the
- common points are both inside the other polygons, merge them
- Returns NULL if the faces couldn't be merged, or the new face.
- The originals will NOT be freed.
- =============
- */
- face_t *TryMerge (face_t *f1, face_t *f2)
- {
- vec_t *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *back;
- face_t *newf;
- int i, j, k, l;
- vec3_t normal, delta, planenormal;
- vec_t dot;
- plane_t *plane;
- qboolean keep1, keep2;
- if (f1->numpoints == -1 || f2->numpoints == -1)
- return NULL;
- if (f1->planeside != f2->planeside)
- return NULL;
- if (f1->texturenum != f2->texturenum)
- return NULL;
- if (f1->contents[0] != f2->contents[0])
- return NULL;
- if (f1->contents[1] != f2->contents[1])
- return NULL;
- //
- // find a common edge
- //
- p1 = p2 = NULL; // stop compiler warning
- j = 0; //
- for (i=0 ; i<f1->numpoints ; i++)
- {
- p1 = f1->pts[i];
- p2 = f1->pts[(i+1)%f1->numpoints];
- for (j=0 ; j<f2->numpoints ; j++)
- {
- p3 = f2->pts[j];
- p4 = f2->pts[(j+1)%f2->numpoints];
- for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
- {
- if (fabs(p1[k] - p4[k]) > EQUAL_EPSILON)
- break;
- if (fabs(p2[k] - p3[k]) > EQUAL_EPSILON)
- break;
- }
- if (k==3)
- break;
- }
- if (j < f2->numpoints)
- break;
- }
- if (i == f1->numpoints)
- return NULL; // no matching edges
- //
- // check slope of connected lines
- // if the slopes are colinear, the point can be removed
- //
- plane = &planes[f1->planenum];
- VectorCopy (plane->normal, planenormal);
- if (f1->planeside)
- VectorSubtract (vec3_origin, planenormal, planenormal);
- back = f1->pts[(i+f1->numpoints-1)%f1->numpoints];
- VectorSubtract (p1, back, delta);
- CrossProduct (planenormal, delta, normal);
- VectorNormalize (normal);
- back = f2->pts[(j+2)%f2->numpoints];
- VectorSubtract (back, p1, delta);
- dot = DotProduct (delta, normal);
- return NULL; // not a convex polygon
- keep1 = dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON;
- back = f1->pts[(i+2)%f1->numpoints];
- VectorSubtract (back, p2, delta);
- CrossProduct (planenormal, delta, normal);
- VectorNormalize (normal);
- back = f2->pts[(j+f2->numpoints-1)%f2->numpoints];
- VectorSubtract (back, p2, delta);
- dot = DotProduct (delta, normal);
- return NULL; // not a convex polygon
- keep2 = dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON;
- //
- // build the new polygon
- //
- if (f1->numpoints + f2->numpoints > MAXEDGES)
- {
- // Error ("TryMerge: too many edges!");
- return NULL;
- }
- newf = NewFaceFromFace (f1);
- // copy first polygon
- for (k=(i+1)%f1->numpoints ; k != i ; k=(k+1)%f1->numpoints)
- {
- if (k==(i+1)%f1->numpoints && !keep2)
- continue;
- VectorCopy (f1->pts[k], newf->pts[newf->numpoints]);
- newf->numpoints++;
- }
- // copy second polygon
- for (l= (j+1)%f2->numpoints ; l != j ; l=(l+1)%f2->numpoints)
- {
- if (l==(j+1)%f2->numpoints && !keep1)
- continue;
- VectorCopy (f2->pts[l], newf->pts[newf->numpoints]);
- newf->numpoints++;
- }
- return newf;
- }
- /*
- ===============
- MergeFaceToList
- ===============
- */
- qboolean mergedebug;
- face_t *MergeFaceToList (face_t *face, face_t *list)
- {
- face_t *newf, *f;
- for (f=list ; f ; f=f->next)
- {
- //CheckColinear (f);
- if (mergedebug)
- {
- Draw_ClearWindow ();
- Draw_DrawFace (face);
- Draw_DrawFace (f);
- Draw_SetBlack ();
- }
- newf = TryMerge (face, f);
- if (!newf)
- continue;
- FreeFace (face);
- f->numpoints = -1; // merged out
- return MergeFaceToList (newf, list);
- }
- // didn't merge, so add at start
- face->next = list;
- return face;
- }
- /*
- ===============
- FreeMergeListScraps
- ===============
- */
- face_t *FreeMergeListScraps (face_t *merged)
- {
- face_t *head, *next;
- head = NULL;
- for ( ; merged ; merged = next)
- {
- next = merged->next;
- if (merged->numpoints == -1)
- FreeFace (merged);
- else
- {
- merged->next = head;
- head = merged;
- }
- }
- return head;
- }
- /*
- ===============
- MergePlaneFaces
- ===============
- */
- void MergePlaneFaces (surface_t *plane)
- {
- face_t *f1, *next;
- face_t *merged;
- merged = NULL;
- for (f1 = plane->faces ; f1 ; f1 = next)
- {
- next = f1->next;
- merged = MergeFaceToList (f1, merged);
- }
- // chain all of the non-empty faces to the plane
- plane->faces = FreeMergeListScraps (merged);
- }
- /*
- ============
- MergeAll
- ============
- */
- void MergeAll (surface_t *surfhead)
- {
- surface_t *surf;
- int mergefaces;
- face_t *f;
- printf ("---- MergeAll ----\n");
- mergefaces = 0;
- for (surf = surfhead ; surf ; surf=surf->next)
- {
- MergePlaneFaces (surf);
- Draw_ClearWindow ();
- for (f=surf->faces ; f ; f=f->next)
- {
- Draw_DrawFace (f);
- mergefaces++;
- }
- }
- printf ("%i mergefaces\n", mergefaces);
- }