home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 33768 ccNone
- 33769 ccBack
- 33770 ccBotOfPage
- 33771 ccBotRightCell
- 33772 ccCompleteDate
- 33773 ccCompleteTime
- 33774 ccCopy
- 33775 ccCtrlChar
- 33776 ccCut
- 33777 ccDec
- 33778 ccDel
- 33779 ccDelBol
- 33780 ccDelEol
- 33781 ccDelLine
- 33782 ccDelWord
- 33783 ccDown
- 33784 ccEnd
- 33785 ccExtendDown
- 33786 ccExtendEnd
- 33787 ccExtendHome
- 33788 ccExtendLeft
- 33789 ccExtendPgDn
- 33790 ccExtendPgUp
- 33791 ccExtendRight
- 33792 ccExtendUp
- 33793 ccExtBotOfPage
- 33794 ccExtFirstPage
- 33795 ccExtLastPage
- 33796 ccExtTopOfPage
- 33797 ccExtWordLeft
- 33798 ccExtWordRight
- 33799 ccFirstPage
- 33800 ccGotoMarker0
- 33801 ccGotoMarker1
- 33802 ccGotoMarker2
- 33803 ccGotoMarker3
- 33804 ccGotoMarker4
- 33805 ccGotoMarker5
- 33806 ccGotoMarker6
- 33807 ccGotoMarker7
- 33808 ccGotoMarker8
- 33809 ccGotoMarker9
- 33810 ccHome
- 33811 ccInc
- 33812 ccIns
- 33813 ccLastPage
- 33814 ccLeft
- 33815 ccNewLine
- 33816 ccNextPage
- 33817 ccPageLeft
- 33818 ccPageRight
- 33819 ccPaste
- 33820 ccPrevPage
- 33821 ccRedo
- 33822 ccRestore
- 33823 ccRight
- 33824 ccScrollDown
- 33825 ccScrollUp
- 33826 ccSetMarker0
- 33827 ccSetMarker1
- 33828 ccSetMarker2
- 33829 ccSetMarker3
- 33830 ccSetMarker4
- 33831 ccSetMarker5
- 33832 ccSetMarker6
- 33833 ccSetMarker7
- 33834 ccSetMarker8
- 33835 ccSetMarker9
- 33836 ccTab
- 33837 ccTableEdit
- 33838 ccTopLeftCell
- 33839 ccTopOfPage
- 33840 ccUndo
- 33841 ccUp
- 33842 ccWordLeft
- 33843 ccWordRight
- 34168 Unknown Error condition
- 34169 Duplicate command found while adding a new command to the table
- 34170 Command table not found or command table index out of range
- 34171 This feature is not implemented at this time
- 34172 No Controller assigned
- 34173 Unable to create command table
- 34174 Can't delete this table. Must have at least one command table defined
- 34175 Invalid or no key sequence entered
- 34176 Keys entered are not WordStar style commands
- 34177 No command selected
- 34178 Duplicate key sequence
- 34179 Value is not within required range
- 34180 Value is not valid for this field type
- 34181 A value is required in this field
- 34182 Value is not a valid date
- 34183 Value is not a valid time
- 34184 This field should contain no blanks
- 34185 This field should be either empty or completely full
- 34186 Region is too large (> 64K)
- 34187 Could not allocate memory for clipboard copy
- 34188 Parameter value is invalid
- 34189 No Window's timers are available
- 34190 Too many trigger events
- 34191 Invalid trigger handle
- 34192 OnSelect event is not assigned
- 34193 Invalid page index value
- 34194 Invalid data type for this field
- 34195 Invalid font. toRight oriented tabs require a True-Type font
- 34196 Invalid font. Rotated text requires a True-Type font
- 34197 insufficient memory for requested operation
- 34198 Current operation will exceed the maximum number of allowed paragraphs
- 34199 Cannot join paragraphs. New paragraph size exceeds maximum paragraph size
- 34200 Current operation will exceed the maximum editor text size
- 34201 Current operation will exceed the maximum paragraph size
- 34202 Invalid picture mask: %s
- 34203 Invalid range. Enter a value between (%d) and (%d)
- 34204 Invalid range. Enter a value between (-1.7e+38) and (+1.7e+38)
- 34205 Invalid range. Enter a value between (-1.1e+4932) and (+1.1e+4932)
- 34206 Invalid range. Enter a value between (-1.7e+308) and (+1.7e+308)
- 34207 Invalid range. Enter a value between (-3.4e+38) and (+3.4e+38)
- 34208 Invalid range. Enter a value between (-9.2e+18) and (+9.2e+18)
- 34209 Invalid date range. Enter a value using '%s' as the format
- 34210 Invalid time range. Enter a value using '%s' as the format
- 34211 Invalid range value
- 34212 Range limits for the currently selected data type are not supported
- 34213 Invalid line or paragraph index
- 34214 Invalid font assignment. Font must be a fixed font
- 34215 Invalid font assignemnt. Font must be a TFont or TOvcFixedFont
- 34216 Invalid line or column
- 34217 Unknown sparse array error
- 34218 Sparse array is at the maximum size
- 34219 Index is out of bounds for sparse array
- 34220 OvcTable: %s
- 34221 has maximum number of columns already
- 34222 has maximum number of rows already
- 34223 row number out of bounds
- 34224 Requested field type is not supported
- 34225 Invalid alarm handle
- 34226 OnIsSelected event is not assigned
- 34227 Invalid date value for picture mask. (Year is outside the Epoch range)
- 34228 Database field count exceeds table column capacity
- 34229 Invalid field index
- 34230 Header cell is not assigned
- 34231 Header cell is not TOvcTCString or TOvcTCColHead
- 34232 Viewer triggered I/O error %d
- 34233 Viewer: file not found
- 34234 Viewer: path not found or invalid file name
- 34235 Viewer: too many open files
- 34236 Viewer: file access denied
- 34237 This control is already attached to %s
- 34238 Could not enter edit mode
- 34268 (None)
- 34269 ccUser
- 34270 ccUser%d
- 34271 Delete the "%s" table?
- 34272 Rename Table
- 34273 Enter new table name for "%s":
- 34274 NewTable
- 34275 Default
- 34276 WordStar
- 34277 (Unknown)
- 34278 Entry Error
- 34279 %d. *** Warning *** OnGetItem not assigned!
- 34280 %d. - Sample virtual list box item
- 34281 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
- 34282 Wy
- 34283 Default
- 34284 Grid
- 34368 Y
- 34369 N
- 34370 T
- 34371 F
- 61440 Cannot assign a %s to a %s
- 61441 Cannot create file %s
- 61442 Cannot open file %s
- 61443 Stream read error
- 61444 Stream write error
- 61445 Out of memory while expanding memory stream
- 61446 Can't write to a read-only resource stream
- 61447 WriteObject called twice for the same instance
- 61448 Class %s not found
- 61449 Invalid stream format
- 61450 Resource %s not found
- 61451 Resource %s is of incorrect class
- 61452 List index out of bounds
- 61453 Operation not allowed on sorted string list
- 61454 String list does not allow duplicates
- 61455 Tab index out of bounds
- 61456 A component named %s already exists
- 61457 ''%s'' is not a valid component name
- 61458 A class named %s already exists
- 61459 ''%s'' is not a valid integer value
- 61460 Line too long
- 61461 Invalid property value
- 61462 Invalid property path
- 61463 Property does not exist
- 61464 Property is read-only
- 61465 Error reading %s.%s: %s
- 61466 Ancestor for '%s' not found
- 61467 Bitmap image is not valid
- 61468 Icon image is not valid
- 61469 Metafile is not valid
- 61470 Bitmap is empty
- 61471 Cannot change the size of an icon
- 61472 Unknown picture file extension (.%s)
- 61473 Unsupported clipboard format
- 61474 Out of system resources
- 61475 Canvas does not allow drawing
- 61476 Invalid image size
- 61477 Too many images
- 61478 Image dimensions do not match image list dimensions
- 61479 Invalid ImageList
- 61480 Unable to Replace Image
- 61481 Invalid ImageList Index
- 61482 Error creating window device context
- 61483 Client of TDrag not initialized
- 61484 Error creating window class
- 61485 Error creating window
- 61486 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
- 61487 Control '%s' has no parent window
- 61488 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form
- 61489 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
- 61490 Cannot make a visible window modal
- 61491 Scrollbar property out of range
- 61492 %s property out of range
- 61493 Menu index out of range
- 61494 Menu inserted twice
- 61495 Sub-menu is not in menu
- 61496 Not enough timers available
- 61497 Printer is not currently printing
- 61498 Printing in progress
- 61499 Printer index out of range
- 61500 Printer selected is not valid
- 61501 %s on %s
- 61502 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex
- 61503 Cannot have more than one MDI form per application
- 61504 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active
- 61505 Invalid component registration
- 61506 Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap
- 61507 A control cannot have itself as its parent
- 61508 OK
- 61509 Cancel
- 61510 &Yes
- 61511 &No
- 61512 &Help
- 61513 &Close
- 61514 &Ignore
- 61515 &Retry
- 61516 Abort
- 61517 &All
- 61518 Cannot drag a form
- 61519 PutObject to undefined item
- 61520 Could not load CARDS.DLL
- 61521 Duplicate CardId found
- 61522 An error returned from DDE ($0%x)
- 61523 DDE Error - conversation not established ($0%x)
- 61524 Error occurred when DDE ran out of memory ($0%x)
- 61525 Unable to connect DDE conversation
- 61526 FB
- 61527 FG
- 61528 BG
- 61529 Cannot load older version of TShape
- 61530 Metafiles
- 61531 Enhanced Metafiles
- 61532 Icons
- 61533 Bitmaps
- 61534 Grid too large for operation
- 61535 Too many rows or columns deleted
- 61536 Grid index out of range
- 61537 Fixed column count must be less than column count
- 61538 Fixed row count must be less than row count
- 61539 %s on line %d
- 61540 Identifier expected
- 61541 String expected
- 61542 Number expected
- 61543 ''%s'' expected
- 61544 %s expected
- 61545 Invalid numeric value
- 61546 Invalid string constant
- 61547 Invalid property value
- 61548 Invalid binary value
- 61549 Outline index not found
- 61550 Parent must be expanded
- 61551 Invalid value for current item
- 61552 Invalid input value
- 61553 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes
- 61554 Invalid outline index
- 61555 Incorrect level assignment
- 61556 Invalid selection
- 61557 File load error
- 61558 Line too long
- 61559 Maximum outline depth exceeded
- 61560 Warning
- 61561 Error
- 61562 Information
- 61563 Confirm
- 61564 &Yes
- 61565 &No
- 61566 OK
- 61567 Cancel
- 61568 &Help
- 61569 No help available
- 61570 Help
- 61571 &Abort
- 61572 &Retry
- 61573 &Ignore
- 61574 &All
- 61575 BkSp
- 61576 Tab
- 61577 Esc
- 61578 Enter
- 61579 Space
- 61580 PgUp
- 61581 PgDn
- 61582 End
- 61583 Home
- 61584 Left
- 61585 Up
- 61586 Right
- 61587 Down
- 61588 Ins
- 61589 Del
- 61590 Shift+
- 61591 Ctrl+
- 61592 Alt+
- 61593 (Unknown)
- 61594 (None)
- 61595 Value must be between %d and %d
- 61596 Cannot create a default method name for an unnamed component
- 61597 Invalid argument to date encode
- 61598 Invalid argument to time encode
- 61599 ''%s'' is not a valid date
- 61600 ''%s'' is not a valid time
- 61601 ''%s'' is not a valid date and time
- 61602 Invalid file name - %s
- 61603 All files (*.*)|*.*
- 61604 All
- 61605 : [ - no volume label - ]
- 61606 Unable to insert a line
- 61607 The specified directory does not exist. Create it?
- 61608 Select Directory
- 61609 Directory &Name:
- 61610 D&rives:
- 61611 &Directories:
- 61612 &Files: (*.*)
- 61613 Ne&twork...
- 61614 Color
- 61616 Invalid clipboard format
- 61617 Clipboard does not support Icons
- 61618 Default
- 61619 Text exceeds memo capacity
- 61620 Custom Colors
- 61621 Operation not supported on selected printer
- 61622 There is no default printer currently selected
- 61623 Unable to write to %s
- 61624 Bits index out of range
- 61625 (Untitled)
- 61626 Invalid data type for '%s'
- 61627 Failed to create key %s
- 61628 Failed to set data for '%s'
- 61629 Failed to get data for '%s'
- 61630 Synchronize called when main VCL thread in a WaitFor call
- 61631 Unknown RichEdit conversion file extension (.%s)
- 61632 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form
- 61952 Tab control access error
- 61953 Invalid item level assignment
- 61954 Invalid index
- 61955 Unable to insert an item
- 61956 Invalid owner
- 61957 Unable to create new column
- 61958 Unable to create new item
- 61959 RichEdit line insertion error
- 61960 Failed to Load Stream
- 61961 Failed to Save Stream
- 61962 StatusBar cannot have more than 64 panels
- 61963 Error assigning Hot-Key to %s. %s
- 61964 Hot-Key is invalid
- 61965 Window is invalid or a child window
- 61966 Hot-Key is assigned to another window
- 61967 %s is already associated with %s
- 65408 '%s' is not a valid integer value
- 65409 '%s' is not a valid floating point value
- 65410 '%s' is not a valid date
- 65411 '%s' is not a valid time
- 65412 '%s' is not a valid date and time
- 65413 Invalid argument to time encode
- 65414 Invalid argument to date encode
- 65415 Out of memory
- 65416 I/O error %d
- 65417 File not found
- 65418 Invalid filename
- 65419 Too many open files
- 65420 File access denied
- 65421 Read beyond end of file
- 65422 Disk full
- 65423 Invalid numeric input
- 65424 Division by zero
- 65425 Range check error
- 65426 Integer overflow
- 65427 Invalid floating point operation
- 65428 Floating point division by zero
- 65429 Floating point overflow
- 65430 Floating point underflow
- 65431 Invalid pointer operation
- 65432 Invalid class typecast
- 65433 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
- 65434 Stack overflow
- 65435 Control-C hit
- 65436 Privileged instruction
- 65437 Operation aborted
- 65438 Exception %s in module %s at %p.\n%s%s
- 65439 Application Error
- 65440 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument
- 65441 No argument for format '%s'
- 65442 Invalid variant type conversion
- 65443 Invalid variant operation
- 65444 Variant method calls not supported
- 65445 Read
- 65446 Write
- 65447 Format result longer than 4096 characters
- 65448 Format string too long
- 65449 Error creating variant array
- 65450 Variant is not an array
- 65451 Variant array index out of bounds
- 65452 External exception %x
- 65472 Jan
- 65473 Feb
- 65474 Mar
- 65475 Apr
- 65476 May
- 65477 Jun
- 65478 Jul
- 65479 Aug
- 65480 Sep
- 65481 Oct
- 65482 Nov
- 65483 Dec
- 65488 January
- 65489 February
- 65490 March
- 65491 April
- 65492 May
- 65493 June
- 65494 July
- 65495 August
- 65496 September
- 65497 October
- 65498 November
- 65499 December
- 65504 Sun
- 65505 Mon
- 65506 Tue
- 65507 Wed
- 65508 Thu
- 65509 Fri
- 65510 Sat
- 65511 Sunday
- 65512 Monday
- 65513 Tuesday
- 65514 Wednesday
- 65515 Thursday
- 65516 Friday
- 65517 Saturday