home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1996-10-11 | 26.3 KB | 1,123 lines |
- object MainForm: TMainForm
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- Caption = 'This is an UNREGISTERED version!'
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- Caption = '12:30:06 PM'
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- Left = 1
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- end
- end
- object MainMenu: TMainMenu
- Left = 68
- Top = 25
- object File1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Desktop'
- ShortCut = 0
- object New1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&New'
- ShortCut = 16462
- OnClick = New1Click
- end
- object Open1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Open...'
- ShortCut = 16463
- OnClick = Open1Click
- end
- object N20: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Run1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Run...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Run1Click
- end
- object N14: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Exit1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'E&xit'
- ShortCut = 32856
- OnClick = Exit1Click
- end
- end
- object Modify1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Modify'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Modify1Click
- end
- object Page3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Page'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Options2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Options'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Options2Click
- object RunMini: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Minimize on &Run'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RunMiniClick
- end
- object ConfirmExecution1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Confirm Execution'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ConfirmExecution1Click
- end
- object DialerSetup1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Dialer Setup (Hidden)'
- ShortCut = 16452
- Visible = False
- OnClick = DialerSetup1Click
- end
- object N35: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ViewProgramLog1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'View Program &Log'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ViewProgramLog1Click
- end
- object RunTaskManager1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Run &Task Manager'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RunTaskManager1Click
- end
- end
- object Help1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- object Contents1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Contents'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Contents1Click
- end
- object TopicSearch1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Topic Search...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = TopicSearch1Click
- end
- object HowtoUseHelp1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&How to Use Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = HowtoUseHelp1Click
- end
- object UsingtheDesktop1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Using the QuikMenu Desktop'
- ShortCut = 112
- OnClick = UsingtheDesktop1Click
- end
- object N5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object PurchasingInfo1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Purchasing Info'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PurchasingInfo1Click
- end
- object OrderForm1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Order Form'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = OrderForm1Click
- end
- object Divider1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SystemInfo1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&System Info...'
- ShortCut = 0
- Visible = False
- OnClick = SystemInfo1Click
- end
- object N23: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- Visible = False
- end
- object About1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&About...'
- ShortCut = 113
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- end
- end
- object ModifyMenu: TMainMenu
- Left = 96
- Top = 25
- object Add1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add'
- ShortCut = 0
- object SoftWare1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Software Icon'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SoftWare1Click
- end
- object Page5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Page Icon'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Page5Click
- end
- object DialerIcon1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Dialer Icon'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DialerIcon1Click
- end
- end
- object Edit1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit'
- Hint =
- 'An item must be selected, using the Arrow tool, before it may be' +
- ' edited'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Edit1Click
- object Cut: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Cu&t'
- ShortCut = 16472
- OnClick = CutClick
- end
- object CutHide1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'CutHide'
- ShortCut = 8238
- Visible = False
- OnClick = CutClick
- end
- object Copy2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Copy'
- ShortCut = 16451
- OnClick = Copy2Click
- end
- object CopyHide1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'CopyHide'
- ShortCut = 16429
- Visible = False
- OnClick = Copy2Click
- end
- object Paste: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Paste'
- ShortCut = 16470
- OnClick = PasteClick
- end
- object PasteHide1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'PasteHide'
- ShortCut = 8237
- Visible = False
- OnClick = PasteClick
- end
- object DeleteObject1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Delete '
- ShortCut = 46
- OnClick = DeleteObject1Click
- end
- object Duplicate: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Dup&licate'
- ShortCut = 16452
- OnClick = DuplicateClick
- end
- object N27: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object CopyStyle1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'C&opy Attributes'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = CopyStyle1Click
- end
- object PasteStyle1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Paste Attri&butes'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PasteStyle1Click
- end
- object N2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SelectAll: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Select All'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SelectAllClick
- end
- object N3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Adjust: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Adjust Object...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AdjustClick
- end
- object EditObj: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit Object...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = EditObjClick
- end
- end
- object Arrange: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'A&rrange'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ArrangeClick
- object Front: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Bring to &Front'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = BringToFront1Click
- end
- object Back: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Send to &Back'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SendtoBack1Click
- end
- object N8: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AlignObject: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Align...'
- ShortCut = 16449
- OnClick = AlignObjectClick
- end
- object N4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object GroupMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Group'
- Enabled = False
- ShortCut = 16455
- OnClick = GroupMenuClick
- end
- object UnGroupMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Ungroup'
- Enabled = False
- ShortCut = 16469
- OnClick = UnGroupMenuClick
- end
- end
- object Page1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Page'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Page1Click
- object Goto1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Goto...'
- ShortCut = 116
- end
- object N28: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AddPage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddPage1Click
- end
- object CopyPage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Copy...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = CopyPage1Click
- end
- object SwitchPages1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Move...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SwitchPages1Click
- end
- object RenamePage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Rename...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RenamePage1Click
- end
- object DeletePage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Delete...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DeletePage1Click
- end
- object N9: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Attrib: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'A&ttributes...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AttribClick
- end
- object Password1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Pass&word...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Password1Click
- end
- object SetPalette1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Set &Palette...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SetPalette1Click
- end
- object N29: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ShowMasterItems1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Show Master Items'
- Checked = True
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowMasterItems1Click
- end
- end
- object Options: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Options'
- ShortCut = 0
- object ShowGrid1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Sho&w Grid'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowGrid1Click
- end
- object SnaptoGrid1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'S&nap to Grid'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SnaptoGrid1Click
- end
- object ShowMousePos: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Show &Mouse Position'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowMousePosClick
- end
- object N10: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SetGrid1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Set &Grid...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SetGrid1Click
- end
- object ReadProgramManagerGroup1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Read Program Group...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddProgramGroup1Click
- end
- object N30: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object MenuSetup1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Desktop &Setup...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = MenuSetup1Click
- end
- end
- object Help5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- object Contents3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Contents'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Contents1Click
- end
- object SearchforHelpOn1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Search for Help On...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = TopicSearch1Click
- end
- object HowtoUseHelp3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&How to Use Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = HowtoUseHelp1Click
- end
- object ModifyingtheMenu1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Modifying the Menu'
- ShortCut = 112
- OnClick = ModifyingtheMenu1Click
- end
- object N36: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object PurchasingInfo3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Purchasing Info'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PurchasingInfo1Click
- end
- object OrderForm3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Order Form'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = OrderForm1Click
- end
- object divider3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object About3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&About...'
- ShortCut = 113
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- end
- object Done1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Done'
- ShortCut = 27
- OnClick = Done1Click
- end
- end
- object Timer1: TTimer
- OnTimer = Timer1Timer
- Left = 41
- Top = 25
- end
- object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
- AutoPopup = False
- OnPopup = PopupMenu1Popup
- Left = 124
- Top = 25
- object File2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&DeskTop'
- ShortCut = 0
- object New2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&New...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = New1Click
- end
- object Open2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Open...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Open1Click
- end
- object N7: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Run2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Run...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Run1Click
- end
- object N26: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Exit2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'E&xit'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Exit1Click
- end
- end
- object N6: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object modify2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Modify'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Modify1Click
- end
- object N12: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Page4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Page'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object N17: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Options3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Options'
- ShortCut = 0
- object RunMinimized1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Minimize on &Run'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RunMiniClick
- end
- object ConfirmExecution2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Confirm Execution'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ConfirmExecution1Click
- end
- object N37: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ViewProgramLog2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'View Program &Log'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ViewProgramLog1Click
- end
- object RunTaskManager2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Run &Task Manager'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RunTaskManager1Click
- end
- end
- object N11: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Help2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- object Contents2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Contents'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Contents1Click
- end
- object TopicSearch2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Topic Search...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = TopicSearch1Click
- end
- object HowtouseHelp2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&How to use Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = HowtoUseHelp1Click
- end
- object UsingtheDesktop2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Using the QuikMenu Desktop'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = UsingtheDesktop1Click
- end
- object N25: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object PurchasingInfo2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Purchasing Info'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PurchasingInfo1Click
- end
- object OrderForm2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Order Form'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = OrderForm1Click
- end
- object divider2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SystemInfo2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&System Info...'
- ShortCut = 0
- Visible = False
- OnClick = SystemInfo1Click
- end
- object N24: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- Visible = False
- end
- object About2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&About...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- end
- end
- object PopupMenu2: TPopupMenu
- AutoPopup = False
- OnPopup = PopupMenu2Popup
- Left = 152
- Top = 25
- object Add3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add'
- ShortCut = 0
- object SoftwareIcon2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Software Icon'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SoftWare1Click
- end
- object PageIcon2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Page Icon'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Page5Click
- end
- object DialerIcon3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Dialer Icon'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DialerIcon1Click
- end
- end
- object N13: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit'
- ShortCut = 0
- object Cut1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Cu&t'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = CutClick
- end
- object Copy1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Copy'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Copy2Click
- end
- object Paste1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Paste'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PasteClick
- end
- object Delete1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Delete'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DeleteObject1Click
- end
- object Duplicate1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Dup&licate'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DuplicateClick
- end
- object N1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object CopyStyle2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'C&opy Attributes'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = CopyStyle1Click
- end
- object PasteStyle2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Paste Attri&butes'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PasteStyle1Click
- end
- object N21: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SelectAll1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Select All'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SelectAllClick
- end
- object N22: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AdjustObject1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Adjust Object...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AdjustClick
- end
- object EditObject1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit Object...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = EditObjClick
- end
- end
- object Arrange1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'A&rrange'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ArrangeClick
- object BringtoFront1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Bring to &Front'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = BringToFront1Click
- end
- object SendtoBack1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Send to &Back'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SendtoBack1Click
- end
- object N15: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Align1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Align...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AlignObjectClick
- end
- object N16: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Group1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Group'
- Enabled = False
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = GroupMenuClick
- end
- object UnGroup1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Ungroup'
- Enabled = False
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = UnGroupMenuClick
- end
- end
- object Page2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Page'
- ShortCut = 0
- object Goto2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Goto...'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object N31: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AddPage2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddPage1Click
- end
- object CopyPage2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Copy...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = CopyPage1Click
- end
- object MovePage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Move...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SwitchPages1Click
- end
- object RenamePage2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Rename...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RenamePage1Click
- end
- object DeletePage2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Delete...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DeletePage1Click
- end
- object N18: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Attributes1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Attributes...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AttribClick
- end
- object Password2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Pass&word...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Password1Click
- end
- object SetPalette2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Set &Palette...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SetPalette1Click
- end
- object N32: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ShowMasterItems2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Show Master Items'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowMasterItems1Click
- end
- end
- object Options1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Options'
- ShortCut = 0
- object ShowGrid2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Sho&w Grid'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowGrid1Click
- end
- object SnaptoGrid2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'S&nap to Grid'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SnaptoGrid1Click
- end
- object Show1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Show &Mouse Position'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowMousePosClick
- end
- object N19: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SetGrid2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Set &Grid...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SetGrid1Click
- end
- object ReadProgramManagerGroup2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Read Program Group...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddProgramGroup1Click
- end
- object N33: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object MenuSetup2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Desktop &Setup...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = MenuSetup1Click
- end
- end
- object Help3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- object Contents4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Contents'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Contents1Click
- end
- object TopicSearch3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Topic Search...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = TopicSearch1Click
- end
- object HowtoUseHelp4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&How to Use Help'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = HowtoUseHelp1Click
- end
- object ModifyingtheMenu2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Modifying the Menu'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ModifyingtheMenu1Click
- end
- object N34: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object PurchasingInfo4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Purchasing Info'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PurchasingInfo1Click
- end
- object OrderForm4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Order Form'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = OrderForm1Click
- end
- object divider4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object About4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&About...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- end
- object Done2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Done'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Done1Click
- end
- end
- object Dialer1: TDialer
- ComPort = dpCOM1
- Method = dmTone
- Left = 208
- Top = 25
- end
- end