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- NeoShow/NeoShow Pro - Version 2.6
- (C)1993-96 NeoSoft Corp.
- --------
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- * About NeoShow
- * New Features in Version 2.6
- * Features Added After the Manual went to Press
- * System Requirements
- * Supported Video Cards
- * Starting NeoShow
- * Optimizing NeoShow
- * Mouse Driver Mysteries
- * Customer Services & Technical Support
- * Registering NeoShow
- * Distributing Your Presentations
- * Other Products from NeoSoft
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- Computer paint programs, such as NeoPaint from NeoSoft
- Corp., are capable of producing eye-catching art, text
- and take offs from scanned pictures. While your work here
- may be printed or imported into desktop publishing
- programs for output, you could also be taking advantage
- of your computer as a platform for presenting your work.
- NeoShow is a simple, yet powerful means of creating
- attractive, on screen presentations. NeoShow allows you
- to arrange computer images files into a logical sequence,
- much like a slide show. The slide production may be set
- up to run automatically, or await prompts from a
- presenter. You may determine how long each image is
- displayed, add sound clips, and apply different special
- effects to make professional looking transitions and
- wipes between images in your production.
- Your existing monitor is an effective tool for displaying
- your work to individuals or small groups. For
- presentations to larger groups, big screen monitors and
- displays which attach to an overhead projector are
- readily available. Several video cards are also sold
- which allow you to capture standard VGA displays onto
- video tape using a standard VCR.
- Aside from its obvious applications in business and group
- settings, NeoShow may also be used in the home to
- organize your artwork, produce story boards for videos or
- school plays, present pre-scanned family photos, etc.
- NeoShow Pro contains the same great features as NeoShow,
- but adds a compiler to allow sound files, image files and
- transitional effects to be combined into a stand alone
- executable EXE program. Purchasers of NeoShow Pro also
- receive a runtime license which allows them to distribute
- the presentation programs which they create.
- ------------
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- The following features are new to version 2.6:
- o Support for additional video cards and chipsets
- (see System Requirements below for details)
- o 15 and 16-Bit Hi-Color and 24-Bit True Color
- (display 32K, 64K and 16 million color images on
- supported video cards)
- o Support for BMP image files (Windows and OS/2
- formats)
- o Optional image Compression and Optimization for
- compiled slide shows PRO VERSION ONLY
- o File Delete option added to allow images and sound
- files to be erased by selecting them from NeoShow's
- storyboard. This feature makes NeoShow useable as a
- simple cataloging and file management utility.
- o Support for external sound and image files in
- compiled slide shows (great for CD-ROM slide shows)
- o Removed support for GIF image files
- o We've also added a few of other small enhancements
- not listed here...
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- The compiler dialog box (NEOSHOW PRO ONLY) now contains
- three new options.
- [ ] Make image files external
- When this option is checked, you will have to
- include the image (PCX/BMP) files separately, along
- with the compiled EXE file, when making copies of
- the presentation. This option is useful in
- situations where you want your viewers to have
- access to the images from other programs. External
- image and sound files must be placed in the same
- directory as the EXE when running the compiled
- presentation or an error will occur.
- [ ] Optimize images by converting them to match your
- slide show's default video mode.
- This option converts your slide show's images to
- match the number of colors in the destination video
- mode selected in the Show/Options menu. Depending
- on what type of images your presentation contains,
- this option can greatly improve the speed at which
- your presentation loads and Displays images. On the
- other hand, in some situations, it may greatly
- impact the size of your compiled EXE file. When
- reducing the number of colors in an image the EXE
- may become smaller. When increasing colors the EXE
- may become larger.
- [ ] Compress images to reduce size of compiled EXE files.
- This option converts images into a compressed
- format before placing them into the compiled
- presentation. This option greatly reduces the size
- of the compiled EXE with only a minor speed
- reduction when uncompressing and displaying the
- images.
- -----------
- The File menu now contains a File Delete option to erase
- files from your storyborad and hard disk. To erase files,
- simply highlight the slides in your storyboard that
- contain the files you wish to remove and choose Delete
- File from the File Menu. A dialog box will appear
- allowing you to confirm your selections. NOTE: THIS
- merely want to remove a slide then you should choose
- Remove Slide from the Edit menu instead.
- -------------------
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- To use NeoShow you will need the following:
- o IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible computer. A
- 286 or better CPU is recommended.
- o EGA, VGA, Super VGA, Hercules monochrome or
- compatible graphics card and monitor. See Supported
- Video Cards below for information on compatible
- Super VGA cards.
- o 640K minimum RAM.
- o A hard disk.
- o MS-DOS, PC-DOS 3.1 (or higher) or DR-DOS.
- o Microsoft, Logitech or compatible pointing device.
- ---------------------
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- NeoShow will run on any computer system equipped with a
- 100% compatible EGA, VGA, Super VGA or Hercules graphics
- card. To operate NeoShow in 256 (except 320x200), 32K,
- 64K or 16 Million color video modes, you must have a
- Super VGA video card equipped with one of the following
- chipsets (or a close compatible):
- Advance Logic
- Ahead Systems
- Cirrus Logic
- Compaq QVision
- Oak
- Paradise/Western Digital
- S3*
- Trident
- Tseng ET3000
- Tseng ET4000
- Video Seven
- Weitek
- or any VESA compatible chipset.
- * Some S3 video cards require special command line
- options in order to work properly with NeoShow. If you
- have an S3 chipset and you experience problems, contact
- NeoSoft Technical support (541) 389-5489.
- NOTE: There may exist either now or in the future, video
- cards based on revisions of the above chipsets which may
- not be recognized by this version of NeoShow. If you
- experience problems related to your video card, please
- contact NeoSoft Technical support (541) 389-5489.
- CGA USERS: Due to severe limitations inherent in their
- design, CGA video cards are not supported. This includes
- many Tandy 1000 systems which are essentially CGA.
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- For the steps below, we assume that you have installed
- NeoShow in the directory C:\NEOSHOW. If you installed
- NeoShow in a different DOS subdirectory, then substitute
- that name for C:\NEOSHOW below.
- o Your mouse driver (usually MOUSE.COM) must be
- loaded before running NeoShow. Please refer to your
- mouse's user manual for more information.
- o To change to the NeoShow directory, at the DOS
- prompt (C:\), type CD\NEOSHOW and press Enter. This
- places you in the NeoShow subdirectory.
- o Once you have switched to the proper directory,
- NeoShow can be started from the DOS command line by
- typing NEOSHOW followed by the Enter key.
- -------------------
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- NeoShow has been designed to run acceptably on a wide
- range of DOS based systems and will automatically try and
- take optimal advantage of all supported hardware
- resources available to it. Some machines have processing
- speed, disk space, and memory limitations which will
- affect how NeoShow can perform. Graphics programs by
- their nature are demanding of system resources. Some
- images, particularly 256, 32K, 64K and 16 million color
- pictures in larger sizes, can easily use more than 1
- megabyte of memory and storage space.
- If you have a system with speed and memory limitations,
- one or more of the following suggestions may offer
- relief:
- o If you have a choice between configuring your
- system's memory as either EMS (expanded memory) and
- XMS (extended memory) on your system, use EMS for
- NeoShow. Using EMS memory can dramatically speed up
- many NeoShow functions like image loading and special
- effects.
- o If you're using a memory manager (such as QEMM,
- 386Max or EMM386) that draws EMS and XMS from the
- same pool, turn EMS on and XMS off in NeoShow. Select
- Setup/Preferences from the main menu to modify
- NeoShow's memory management. This will free up some
- valuable conventional memory and speed up many of
- NeoShow's functions.
- o Do not run NeoShow as a DOS application under
- Windows. Windows will slow NeoShow's execution, as
- Windows will still be using up your system's
- resources while NeoShow is running. If you do need to
- run NeoShow from Windows, use the included
- NEOSHOW.PIF file located in your NeoShow directory.
- We also recommend that you run NeoShow's interface in
- 640x480x16 mode if plan on switching back and forth
- between NeoShow and Windows. Otherwise Windows may
- distort NeoShow's display and ultimately crash
- Windows. Refer to your Microsoft Windows
- documentation for more information about PIF files.
- o Try using the 640x480 VGA resolution in 16 colors as
- your default. Some video cards use a TSR program to
- display VESA compatible higher resolutions. Using a
- TSR program is a much slower method of interacting
- with your hardware.
- If none of the above seem to help, you may wish to
- consider upgrading your system's hardware. Four hardware
- options are listed below, in ascending order of cost:
- o Add 2 or more megabytes of (RAM) memory to your
- system. NeoShow supports both the XMS and EMS
- specifications.
- o Add a larger, faster hard drive.
- o Upgrade your CPU.
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- If your mouse behaves strangely when using NeoShow, you
- may need to update your mouse driver software. Problems
- such as an invisible cursor or a pointer that leaves a
- trail of pigment on the screen are typical of certain
- older mouse drivers. Contact the computer store where you
- purchased your mouse or the manufacturer for information
- about updating your mouse driver.
- -------------------------------------
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- NeoSoft provides its registered software customers with
- free technical support. We also provide limited technical
- support to persons evaluating our products during the 30
- day evaluation period.
- We do, however, strongly encourage people to register.
- Software development and support is very expensive and we
- need your help if we are to continue to provide quality
- programs at affordable prices. If you haven't already,
- please take a few moments to register. This will assure
- you of eligibility for technical support, product update
- notification, special discounts, announcements, etc.
- If you should encounter a technical problem or question
- not covered in the manual, you may use one of the
- following avenues to obtain technical assistance:
- ------------------------------
- NeoSoft Corp.
- Customer Support
- 354 NE Greenwood Avenue, Suite 108
- Bend, OR 97701-4631
- U.S.A.
- ------------------
- Technical support and product update information are
- available between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM
- (Pacific Standard Time), Monday through Friday.
- Please have the following information available for the
- support staff when you call:
- o Brand name and model of your computer system, mouse,
- video adapter and monitor.
- o Operating system (DOS) version number.
- o A listing of the contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and
- CONFIG.SYS files.
- o A description of the problem, how it occurred, and
- how to reproduce it.
- Telephone support may be obtained by calling (541)
- 389-5489. You may also FAX your questions to (541)
- 388-8221.
- ----------------------------------
- Up to date product information, evaluation programs and
- supplements may be obtained via modem from our BBS. The
- telephone number is (541) 383-7195. The bulletin board
- operates using N/8/1/300-14.4 Baud.
- -------------------
- You may also receive technical support, updates
- information and evaluation copies of all our products
- from our forum on CompuServe. Simply type GO NEOSOFT at
- any ! prompt.
- -------------------
- -------------------
- If you purchased NeoShow in a shrink wrapped package with
- a NeoSoft logo on the back, a registration card was
- included in the package. Please take a moment to fill out
- the lower portion of the card and mail it to:
- NeoSoft Corp.
- Customer Registration
- 354 NE Greenwood Ave. Suite 108
- Bend, Oregon 97701-4631.
- This will enter you as a registered user in our records
- and insure that you receive technical support, upgrade
- notices and information about future products.
- If you received NeoShow from a friend, BBS, catalog or
- anywhere other than from NeoSoft or an authorized
- commercial software dealer or distributor, you may try
- the program for a trial period of up to 30 days before
- registering. Registered users will receive the latest
- version of NeoShow on diskette, a professional typeset
- manual, registration card, technical support, notices of
- future versions and with the professional version a
- runtime license to distribute your compiled slide shows
- royalty free. To obtain a complete commercial package
- including registration number and typeset manual call
- NeoSoft at (541) 389-5489. We can process your order with
- VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover over the
- phone. The purchase price of NeoShow is $35 for the
- standard version or $89.95 for the professional version
- with EXE compiler + $5 ($10 outside United States)
- shipping and handling. If you prefer, FAX your order to
- us at (541) 388-8221. If you would like to mail a check
- or money order, make sure it's drawn against a U.S. bank
- in U.S. funds. Our address is:
- NeoSoft Corp.
- 354 NE Greenwood Ave. Suite 108
- Bend, Oregon 97701-4631.
- You may also purchase NeoShow from any one of our many
- dealers world wide. For a list of dealers see the
- DEALER.DOC file accompanying this program.
- If you would like to give a copy of this program to a
- friend or associate please do so, but you may NOT give
- anyone your registration/serial number. We hope you enjoy
- the program and share it with your friends.
- -------------------------------
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- Users who have registered NeoShow Pro, may use it to
- produce and distribute compiled stand alone executable
- (EXE) versions of their slide show presentations. You may
- distribute these stand alone executable (EXE) programs
- royalty free, provided you place the following notice on
- each physical disk or in a portion of the slide show or
- its accompanying documentation visible to the end user:
- NeoShow Pro (TM) Runtime (C) NeoSoft Corp. 1993,1996
- In addition, your agreement with anyone who will use the
- stand alone executable programs which you distribute must
- acknowledge the following items:
- 1. NeoShow Pro is owned by NeoSoft Corp.;
- 2. NeoSoft Corp. will not be held responsible for
- damages caused by the disks and programs that you
- create and distribute; and
- 3. NeoSoft Corp. is under no obligation to provide
- product or technical support to users of the products
- which you create using NeoShow Pro.
- You may only distribute the stand alone executable
- programs produced by NeoShow Pro. You may not distribute
- with your stand alone executable programs any portion of
- NeoShow's documentation, labels, packaging, serial
- numbers, Product Registration Card, or other related
- materials and printed information included with NeoShow
- Pro.
- UNREGISTERED versions of NeoShow Pro may not be used to
- distribute compiled presentations except for purposes of
- evaluating the product prior to registration (within the
- 30 day trial period). Under no circumstances may you
- sell, rent or charge a fee for compiled presentations
- created with UNREGISTERED versions of NeoShow Pro.
- ---------------------------------
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- For information on the many exciting products available
- from NeoSoft please refer to the CATALOG.TXT file in your
- NeoShow directory.
- Evaluation copies of most NeoSoft products be obtained
- from better shareware disk vendors or downloaded from
- most major on-line services such as CompuServe (GO
- NEOSOFT) or from the NeoSoft BBS service at (541)
- 383-7195. For additional information, pricing or dealer
- information contact the NeoSoft Sales Department at (541)
- 389-5489.
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- Thank you for trying NeoShow