ocr: Name : TAKES Length: 359 notes Page I 1 Insert T TEMPO STYLE OCTAUE INSTRUMENT Allegro II Staccato Normal Organ 5 10 15 - - - - M, - - - - - l - - itoiit - - - a - - - - - . - - - Melody Master Help 2.0 Piano speaker Set - current Instrument Organ In the window on your right you are given a list Violin of - instruments. Coose an instrument using the Clavi Menu coMMands. For SoundBlaster ONLY. Guitar Menu Commands Oboe : Move highlighter up and down. El. Funky Piano Du PaUp/PaDn : Go to the next page of Menu. H-chord Enter - Choose the item. 1 page Y F1-Help F2-save F3-Load F4-Play F5-Tempo F6- ...