PC World Komputer 1996 December
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~** **
~** ^ H L - S E R V E R ~ **
~** **
¢Release 2.00 ∙ September 7, 1992
¢IPX ∙ NetBios
¢^HL-Server - Technical Information
^-~HL-Server runs on any computer on the network
~ (but not on a dedicated file server). This machi-
~ ne can run as usual without any limitations. Just
~ the network protocol driver (e.g., IPX.COM) has
~ to be loaded.
^-~HL-Server is a terminate-and-stay-resident pro-
~ gram less than 70 KB in size, and can provide
~ access to up to three different Hardlocks for the
~ network. HL-Server may be loaded high into UMBs
~ (DOS 5.0, QEMM,...), saving your DOS base memory.
^-~The maximum number of HL-Servers per network is
~ 250
^-~The physical position of a HL-Server not relevant
~ for your application.
^-~In this release, the access to an HL-Server using
~ IPX is limited to one segment of a network, i.e.,
~ the HL-Server cannot be called across bridges or
~ routers. This restiction does not apply to Net-
~ Bios.
^-~HL-Server directly accesses the network protocol
~ layer (IPX, NetBios, ...) . This solution is
~ faster and much safer than the insecure shared
~ file solution.
^-~You can install any number of licences for your
~ customers between one and the licence number you
~ have got from FAST. To do so, simply burn a
~ signature like "Logins:0032" into the EEPROM area
~ of your Hardlock.
^-~Using HL-Crypt, you can specify the licence as an
~ HL-Crypt parameter (e.g., "-usr:8")
^-~You can check the number of current logins when
~ using manual implementation to decide whether
~ another copy of your software may be started.
^-~Installation is performed either by using a com-
~ fortable menu or the command line (Batch).
~ Example command line :
° "HLSERVER /module=29809 /install"
~ starts HL-Server and makes the Hardlock with
~ the module address 29809 available for the net-
~ work.
^-~Applications using the "Remote Hardlock" will be
~ registered in login tables. The login tables can
~ be maintained from any station on the network
~ (Remote Console).
^-~There are three ways to clear the resources of a
~ hanging machine:
~ ^-~ definable timeout (may be disabled). After
~ the timeout is expired, the login entry
~ will be deleted.
~ ^-~ logging out the machine with the utility
~ HLOGOUT (maybe in autoexec), and
~ ^-~ manual logging out a station using the
~ Remote Console from any machine on the
~ network (may be password protected)
^-~Minimal changes to your Hardlock implementation:
~ ^-~ HL-Crypt 5: just specify whether you want
~ to ask for a local or a remote Hardlock, or
~ both (if you specify both, the application
~ will first search for a local Hardlock,
~ then for a remote one)
~ ^-~ Manual Implementation : Insert a "Login"
~ call at the beginning of the program, a
~ "Logout" call at the end. All other Hard-
~ lock calls remain unchanged. You can keep
~ these calls if your program runs locally.
^-~Debugging support: HL-Server may display a status
~ line with login information, network packets etc.
~ the Remote Console may be used for supervising
~ login tables, Hardlocks and for testing an HL-
~ Server.
^-~A demo mode for the Demo-Hardlock (#2000), module
~ address 29809, with 10 Logins is available.
¢^Starting HL-Server Demo:
^1.~Plug the Demo Hardlock (Module Address 29809)
~ into any LPT port
^2.~Type:°HLSERVER -i -m:29809
~ HL-Server is now running. The Demo Hardlock can
~ be used network-wide.
^3.~Type °HLSERVER~ to invoke the menu surface to
~ look at the login tables and perform tests.
¢^Examples for starting HL-Server:
HLSERVER /i /m:29809
~ loads HL-Server for Hardlock MA 29809
HLSERVER /install /moduleadr=29809
~ same as above
HLSERVER /i /d /m:2547 /m:1704
~ loads HL-Server for Hardlocks MA 2547,
~ MA 1704, and displays status line
~ terminates and unloads HL-Server
~ invokes HL-Server menu mode
¢^Useful hints:
~ - Disable the /D option (display status line) when
~ running Windows 3.xx. Windows Screen might be
~ corrupted.
~ - The login count for an application Hardlock is
~ specified by the HL-Server Hardlock. You can re-
~ strict it by the application Hardlock. To do so,
~ a signature like "Logins:xxxx"(where xxxx is the
~ login count, 4 digits decimal, zero-padded, e.g.
~ 0032) must be written anywhere into the Hard-
~ Lock's EEPROM area. See APPLIxxxx.EEP for an
~ example.
~ - The EYE request counter increments not only for
~ real EYE requests, but also for administration
~ requests ( login, logout, etc. ), because these
~ requests check whether a Hardlock is present.
~ - You can specify the switches in one-letter form,
~ or in the full length, since only the first
~ letter is evaluated. In batch files, it is re-
~ commended to use the names in full length for
~ better readability. You can use either a slash
~ "/" or a dash "-" as prefix.
~ - If you are using QTSR, SideKick or similar uti-
~ lities, be sure to load HLServer first. Also,
~ you must of course load the network protocol
~ drivers before loading HL-Server.
^HLSERVER~ and its utilities return the following
~Errorlevel codes, which can be tested from batch
~files (remember: must be tested from high to low !)
^ 0 ~ - no error
^ 1 ~ - errors caused by bad parameters
^ 4 ~ - function not supported
^ 5 ~ - network timeout occured
^ 6 ~ - not logged in
^ 7 ~ - Hardlock not found
^ 8 ~ - network error
^ 9 ~ - access not possible
^ 10 ~ - memory (de)allocation failed
^ 11 ~ - client/server version mismatch
¢^Environment Settings
~Some HL-Server settings may be done in the DOS
~environment. Use the line
¢ Set HLSERVER=[option[,option[,...]]]
~Multiple settings can be entered at this line by
~separating them with spaces or commas.
~ ┌──────────┬───────────────────────────────────┐
~ │^ Option ~│^Function ~│
~ ├──────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤
~ │^ MONO ~│^force monochrome mode for menus ~│
~ │^ COLOR ~│^force color mode for menus ~│
~ │^ NOMOUSE~│^do not use the mouse ~│
~ └──────────┴───────────────────────────────────┘
¢^Files on evaluation disk:
HLSERVER.EXE ~ HL-Server executable
~ (try°HLSERVER ?~for help)
HLSERVER.OVL ~ HL-Server menu procedures
HLSERVER.HLP ~ This online-help file
HLOGIN.EXE ~ Manual login to specific HL
HLOGOUT.EXE ~ Manual logout from specific HL
HHT.EXE ~ Scans locally for HL-Server
Hardlocks and displays licence
EDITEEP.EXE ~ Hardlock Memory File Editor
*.EEP ~ Sample Hardlock Memory Files
¢^Context sensitive help items
¢^Status: About
~This screen shows copyright and version information
~about HL-Server.
~The Network symbol shows the installation state of
~HL-Server: If there are connections, HL-Server is
~loaded, otherwise it's not.
¢^Status: Main
~The^Main Status Screen~ shows the status of a resi-
~dent HL-Server and its associated Hardlocks.
~You can inspect the (up to three) HL-Server
~DoubleFace cards:
^ Module ~the Hardlocks module address
^ Port ~the Hardlocks port address at this
~HL-Server. Applications do not need
~to know this address
^ Used ~the number of login slots of the
~Hardlock which are currently used
^ Peak ~the maximum number of login slots
~used since the HL-Server was started
^ Max ~the maximum number of login slots
~available for this Hardlock
¢^Status: Tasks
~The ^Task List~ shows the state of the HL-Server
~multitasking system. Usually, you will see a Main
~task (i.e., the program loader), one or more net-
~work drivers, a Hardlock driver, a listen task for
~receiving messages, and the multitasking supervisor
~The column ^"Calls"~ lists the number of calls to
~the the specific task, so you can check if HL-Ser-
~ver is doing some work. The^"Address"~ and ^"Stack"
~columns might be useful for a supporter to locate
¢^Status: Network
~The^Network Status Screen~shows a list of installed
~network drivers. When selecting one of them, a list
~with driver-dependent information is displayed.
¢^Setup: Install
~This function installs the HL-Server on your machi-
~ne. The options you specified in ^Setup/Options~,
^Setup/Change Timeout~and the Hardlock selections in
^Hardlock/Select~ are used to build the command line
~for this installation. This command line is dis-
~played, so you can write it down to include it into
~your AUTOEXEC.BAT later.
~Optionally, you can specify a name for the HL-Ser-
~ver. This name may be used to identify a specific
~HL-Server in the^Remote/Select~ menu.
~The menu surface is terminated with installation,
~but you may restart it again after installation.
¢^Setup: Deinstall
~This function deinstalls the resident HL-Server on
~your machine, if any.
^Please be careful if any machines on the network
^are using HL-Server at this time ! If there are any
^logins at this time, you will be asked if you real-
^ly want to deinstall HL-Server.
¢^Setup: Options
^Display Status Line:~ HL-Server displays a Status
~ line at the top of the screen, showing the served
~ module addresses, the current and maximum login
~ counts, the number of received and sent network
~ packets, and the current time. °Be sure to turn
~ °off the status line of (HLSERVER /D) before star-
~ °ting Windows !
^Verbose Debug Display:~ This option is implemented
~ for technical support purposes only. You do not
~ need to activate it until our technical support
~ tells you to do so. A special password is requi-
~ red.
^Password for Remote Login Deletion:~ When install-
~ ing HL-Server, you can specify a password to pro-
~ tect login table entrys from manual deletion by
~ remote stations. If a password is specified, you
~ must enter this password before you are enabled
~ to use the remote login deletion feature.Deletion
~ of login table entries in the "Local" menu is not
~ affected.
^Network Protocols:~Select the network protocol dri-
~ vers to be used by HL-Server. On startup, all
~ available drivers are checked and marked to be
~ loaded. You cannot mark a driver that is not
~ available on your station. If HL-Server is al-
~ ready resident, you cannot change the drivers
~ used by the resident HL-Server, but you can
~ change the driver used by the ^Remote~menu.
¢^Setup: Change Timeout
~Using the timeout, you can specify a time of inac-
~tivity, after which a logged station's entry may
~be overwritten by a new login request. So, if any
~station hangs due to an error, the login entry is
~returned to the system and may be used by another
~If the hanging station is restarted and logs in
~again while the timeout is not expired, it automa-
~tically reuses its login slot.
~A timeout value of °0~ disables this feature. Valid
~values range from 10 to 9999 minutes.
¢^System: Memory Map
~The ^System Memory Map~ shows the resident programs
~loaded on this machine, their sizes and addresses.
~This function is available only for DOS Version 4.0
~and above.
¢^System: Lock Console
~Using this function, you can specify a password,
~then the keyboard is disabled and the screen is
~blanked to avoid burn-ins. A moving "snake" is dis-
~played to show the machine is running. To unlock
~the machine, the password must be re-entered.
¢^Local: Select
~Enter up to three Hardlock module addresses to be
~served by HL-Server or to inspect. Module addresses
~specified here are passed to HL-Server when in-
~stalling it with^Setup/Install~.
~Optionally, you may specify a login limitation at
~this menu. This can be used to assign an HL-Server
~licence to several application Hardlocks.
¢^Local: EyeTest
~The ^Local E-Y-E Test~ performs a local test on a
~Hardlock specified under ^Local/Select~. The port
~address is determined, a test encryption is perfor-
~med, and the contents of the EEPROM (if any) is
~The module address, the encryption string, and the
~contents of the RAM area can be edited by moving
~the highlighted selection bar to the appropriate
~entry using the the arrow keys and pressing°ENTER.
~This function can be used to compare local access
~to a Hardlock to remote access.
¢^Local: Logins
~The login tables for a HL-Server running on this
~machine are displayed. You may select an entry and
~delete it by pressing the [DEL] key.
¢^Local: Stress
~The^Local Stress Test~ performs random access tests
~on up to three local Hardlocks. The counters for
~each operation are incremented for success (yellow)
~or fail (red), and a summary with a total packet
~counter and a speed meter are displayed.
~Please note that, due to the administation overhead
~of the menu surface, the speed can only be taken as
~a relative value. Using a test program without out-
~put, you should achieve much higher speed.
¢^Remote: Select
~When invoked for the first time, this function
~scans the whole network for remote Hardlocks using
~all network protocols marked in the ^Setup/Options
~menu, and displays a scrollable list with the found
~module addresses. Optional HL-Server names, network
~address of the HL-Server stations and the protocols
~which can be used to access a specific HL-Server
~from this station are shown.
~Select one of these entries to perform the ^Eye-
^test~or the^Stress Test~.
¢^Remote: EyeTest
~The ^Remote E-Y-E Test~ performs a local test on a
~remote Hardlock specified under ^Remote/Select~. A
~test encryption is performed, and the contents of
~the EEPROM (if any) is displayed.
~This function can be used to compare remote access
~to a Hardlock to local access. The results should
~be the same.
~If the login table for the selected Hardlock is al-
~ready full, this Hardlock cannot be accessed and a
~message window appears.
¢^Remote: Logins
~The login tables for a remote Hardlock are dis-
~played. You may select an entry and delete it by
~pressing the [DEL] key.
¢^Remote: Stress
~The ^Remote Stress Test~ performs random access
~tests for up to ten remote Hardlocks. The counters
~for each operation are incremented for success
~(yellow) or fail (red), and a summary with a total
~packet counter and a speed meter are displayed.
~If a Hardlock's login table is full, no testing can
~be performed. A message is displayed instead.
~Please note that, due to the administation overhead
~of the menu surface, the speed can only be taken as
~a relative value. Using a test program without out-
~put, you should achieve much higher speed.
¢^Remote: ReScan
^ReScan~ performs a network scan for all known HL-
~Servers, using all network protocols marked in the
~When entering the^Remote~menu for the first time, a
~HL-Server scan is done automatically. Since this
~scan takes some time, it is not repeated each time
~you access this menu again. So, if you want to know
~if HL-Servers were added or removed from the net-
~work in the meantime, you must perform a^ReScan.~
~The^Exit~function simply terminates the menu system
~and returns to DOS. You can also press the^ESC~key
~twice or the^Alt-X~key to exit.
^end of text