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- =============================================================================
- For Shareware Vendors
- Bölz! Version 1.0s from COGnition Development Team and
- Straffan Production Company Limited
- =============================================================================
- Long Description:
- Bölz!, the first video game release from COGnition Development Team,
- is an immensely fast-paced action/adventure game in which you are a
- ball attempting to rescue your friends from Billy Bölz!, who has stolen
- all the balls in the world!
- 20 huge, parallaxing, mind-bending levels in 4 zones featuring all the
- puzzles, warps, powerups, bonks, traps, secret rooms, boss fights, and
- everything else you'd expect to find -- and some things you simply won't
- believe all running at 30 frames per second on your 486 or higher system!
- Bölz! features a rockin' techno/industrial/hard rock digital sound track
- featuring a full 32 channels of 16-bit digital sound in surround sound
- with over 25 unique songs custom composed for Bölz! using Scream Tracker
- from The Future Crew and DSMI from Virtual Visions!!
- Medium Description:
- Bölz! is an immensely fast-paced action/adventure game in which you are a
- ball attempting to rescue your friends from Billy Bölz, who has stolen
- all the balls in the world!
- 20 huge levels in 4 zones featuring all the puzzles, warps, powerups,
- bonks, traps, secret rooms, boss fights, and everything else you'd expect
- to find all running at 30 frames per second on your 486 or higher system!
- Bölz! features a full 32 channels of 16-bit digital sound in surround
- sound with over 25 unique songs!
- Short Description:
- Billy Bölz! has stolen all the balls in the world, and it's up to you
- to get them back! 20 huge levels, 4 zones runnning at 30 fps on your 486
- or higher system! Bölz! features a full 16-bit, 32 channel surround sound
- sound system and over 25 unique songs!
- * 25-MHz or faster 80486 processor
- * 2 Megabytes of memory
- * 7 megabytes HD space (Shareware)
- * 30 megabytes HD space (Registered/Diskette)
- * 2x CD-ROM reader (Registered/CD-ROM)
- * VGA graphics
- * Joystick/Gamepad
- * Sound Blaster, SP Pro, SB-16, PAS-16, Gravis Ultrasound (not fully
- supported in CD-ROM version), Windows Sound System.
- Registration Options:
- There are FOUR total zones in Bölz! Zone 1 is shareware.
- You can buy the full game for only $29.95 on either diskette or CD-ROM.
- The CD has over 30 hand-drawn and 3D-rendered cinematic sequences,
- 10 selections from the sound track in CD Audio format playable in your
- regular stereo CD player, and much more requiring only a double-speed (2x)
- CD-ROM reader!
- =============================================================================
- If you are going to sell this software product, please read the terms
- listed in LICENSE.DOC on this disk/in this archive. It containts a list
- of the guidelines and requirements for distributing Straffan Production
- Company Limited's shareware products, especially for CD-ROMs and in
- retail environments.
- 24-bit fully rendered promotional graphics are available directly from
- COGnition Development Team or Straffan Production Company for use in
- magazine ads, fliers, catalogues, etc., both in gray-scale and
- truecolor (16.7 million colors). These are full advertisements with
- space allocated for your company's information.
- We thank you very much for distributing this Straffan Production Company
- video game! We are looking forward to working with you to promote the
- sharewae marketing method.
- =============================================================================
- To contact Straffan Production Company in the continental United States:
- Address: Straffan Production Company, LTD.
- P.O. Box 112546
- Pittsburgh, PA 15241-2546
- Phone: 1-800-734-8031 or +1-412-261-9123
- Fax: +1-412-391-7886
- AOL Screen Name: Straffan
- Internet: straffan@aol.com
- =============================================================================