PC World Komputer 2001 December
C/C++ Source or Header
998 lines
#include "std.h"
#include "megatyp.h"
#include "megacad.h"
#include "megapar.h"
#if _MSC_VER == 700
int nParameter)
return (1);
} // C4100 (ignore warning 'unreferenced parameter')
int _far PASCAL LibMain (
HANDLE hInstance,
WORD wDataSeg,
WORD wHeapSize,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine)
} // C4100 (ignore warning 'unreferenced parameter')
typedef ulong (_far _pascal _export *t_MegaCadIF)(t_MegaPars _far*,uint,uint);
typedef union
t_MegaCadIF fnIF;
uint para;
} tp;
char _far *file;
char _far *args;
} sm;
tCallBack func;
void _far *data;
} cb;
} t_para;
#define MI_CALLBACK 1
#define MI_TAKEPARA 3
#define MI_STARTMAIN 4
static ulong _far _pascal IF_Dummy(
t_MegaPars _far *pars,
uint megaptr,
uint funcnum )
} // C4100 (ignore warning 'unreferenced parameter')
static t_MegaCadIF MegaCAD_IF = IF_Dummy;
static uint MegaCAD_ptr = 0;
extern short MegaMain(char*,char*);
#ifdef _WIN32
__declspec(dllexport) short __stdcall MegaCAD_Entry();
/* This function is the entry point that MegaCAD searches for, when */
/* having loaded the DLL. */
short _far _pascal _export MegaCAD_Entry(
uint fCode,
t_para *par )
switch ( fCode )
// call the 'tCallBack' function with the given data pointer;
// this indirect way assures that only this function has to
// be '_export', not all the callback functions within the DLL.
return( par->cb.func(par->cb.data) );
// return the version number of the MegaCAD interface
// the number must match the number of the MegaCAD .EXE
return( MI_VERSION );
// save the MegaCAD entry function and parameter
MegaCAD_IF = par->tp.fnIF;
MegaCAD_ptr = par->tp.para;
// call the 'MegaMain()' function of the DLL
return( MegaMain(par->sm.file,par->sm.args) );
/* Local function, that calls the MegaCAD entry function. */
#if _MSC_VER >= 700 && _MSC_VER <= 800
#define _pSTACK _based(_segname("_STACK"))
#define _pSTACK
static ulong _near _fastcall CallMegaCAD(
t_MegaPars _pSTACK *params,
uint funcnum )
return( MegaCAD_IF(params,MegaCAD_ptr,funcnum) );
#if defined ( _WIN32 )
/* In 32 bit DLL's there has to be an extra _matherr function!!! */
/* Especially 'atan2()' would produce floating point errors with two */
/* identical points. */
int _matherr(
struct _exception *err )
err->retval = 0.0;
#endif // _WIN32
/* Function codes. */
#define GET_PNT_INV 1
#define DRAW_INV 2
#define DLG_INPUT 3
#define GET_FILENAME 4
#define MEGA_CMD 6
#define MESSAGE 7
#define MOUSE_HELP 8
#define GET_PNT 9
#define SAVECOUNT 10
#define SET_FUNC_TEXT 11
#define CREATE_ENTITY 12
#define GET_TEXT_VAL 13
#define READ_TXT_FILE 14
#define ADD_POLYLN_PT 15
#define ERASE_INV 16
#define GET_DIM_VAL 17
#define PRINT_DIM_VAL 18
#define CLICK_ENTITY 19
#define BLINK 21
#define ENTITY_LOOP 22
#define DRAW_ENTITIES 23
#define STRING_INPUT 24
#define SELECT_INIT 25
#define SELECT_LOOP 26
#define INSERT_MACRO 27
#define CALC_PATTERN 28
#define DELETE_ENTITY 29
#define GET_ENTITY 30
#define SET_INC_PNT 31
#define INFO_LOOP 32
#define GET_INFO 33
#define STORE_INFO 34
#define EX_CHANGE_INFO 35
#define GET_LAYER_BITS 37
#define GET_GROUP_BITS 38
#define GET_LAYER_NAMES 39
#define GET_GROUP_NAMES 40
#define GET_GRID_SETS 41
#define SET_LAYER_BITS 43
#define SET_GROUP_BITS 44
#define SET_LAYER_NAMES 45
#define SET_GROUP_NAMES 46
#define SET_GRID_SETS 47
#define CREATE_MACRO 49
#define MACRO_LOOP 50
#define CLICK_MACRO 51
#define ENTITY_LEN 52
#define PART_LIST 53
/* The functions of the MegaCAD interface. */
short GetPntInv( // Get point and draw something with mouse move
double *pkt, // point to be filled in
short setinc, // incremental point to be set ?
tCallBack func, // callback function
void *para) // data pointer for callback function
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetPntInv.pkt = pkt ;
params.m_GetPntInv.setinc = setinc;
params.m_GetPntInv.func = func ;
params.m_GetPntInv.para = para ;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,GET_PNT_INV) );
void DrawInv( // draw and save a temporary object
ushort type, // type of entity to be drawn
void *ptr, // data of entity
ushort lmode, // line attributes (see LMODE)
ushort atype) // type to get attributes from
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_DrawInv.type = type ;
params.m_DrawInv.ptr = ptr ;
params.m_DrawInv.lmode = lmode;
params.m_DrawInv.atype = atype;
short DlgInput( // input some values by dialog
ushort num, // number of fields (1 - 10)
char *title, // title string
t_dlgdta *dta) // array of field descriptors
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_DlgInput.num = num ;
params.m_DlgInput.title = title;
params.m_DlgInput.dta = dta ;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,DLG_INPUT) );
short GetFilename( // let the user select a filename
char *title, // title string
char *fname) // filename; must be initialized with path
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetFilename.title = title;
params.m_GetFilename.fname = fname;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,GET_FILENAME) );
void StoreMultiple( // store an entity (maybe multiple)
double *data, // entity data
ushort type) // entity type (may be or'ed with DO_SAVCNT)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_StoreMultiple.data = data;
params.m_StoreMultiple.type = type;
void MegaCMD( // call MegaCAD command
char *cmd) // command string (+ arguments)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_MegaCMD.cmd = cmd;
short Message( // message box
char *str1, // 1st line of text
char *str2, // 2nd line of text
char *but1, // 1st button (may be NULL)
char *but2, // 2nd button (may be NULL)
char *but3, // 3rd button
short defbut) // number of default button (1-3)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_Message.str1 = str1 ;
params.m_Message.str2 = str2 ;
params.m_Message.but1 = but1 ;
params.m_Message.but2 = but2 ;
params.m_Message.but3 = but3 ;
params.m_Message.defbut = defbut;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,MESSAGE) );
void MouseHelp( // help text for mouse buttons
char *str1, // help text for left mouse button
char *str2, // help text for right mouse button
ushort inv) // colour (beep) for 1st text (see HLP_INV)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_MouseHelp.str1 = str1;
params.m_MouseHelp.str2 = str2;
params.m_MouseHelp.inv = inv ;
short GetPnt( // Get point
double *pkt, // point to be filled in
short setinc) // incremental point to be set ?
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetPnt.pkt = pkt ;
params.m_GetPnt.setinc = setinc;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,GET_PNT) );
void savecount( // End of operation
void ) // must be called after creation of entities
t_MegaPars params;
void SetFuncText( // set name of current function
char *text) // function text
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetFuncText.text = text;
ulong CreateEntity( // store an entity (not multiple), returns ID
ushort type, // entity type
t_attribs *attr, // entity attributes (may be NULL)
void *data) // entity data
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_CreateEntity.type = type;
params.m_CreateEntity.attr = attr;
params.m_CreateEntity.data = data;
return( (ulong) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,CREATE_ENTITY) );
void GetTextVal( // retrieve text attributes
ushort type, // line or block
ushort init, // initialize (or just calculate box)
t_text *txt) // text data
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetTextVal.type = type;
params.m_GetTextVal.init = init;
params.m_GetTextVal.txt = txt ;
ushort ReadTxtFile( // read in a text file
char *fname, // filename
char *buf, // buffer to be filled in
uint bufsiz) // size of buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_ReadTxtFile.fname = fname ;
params.m_ReadTxtFile.buf = buf ;
params.m_ReadTxtFile.bufsiz = bufsiz;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,READ_TXT_FILE) );
ushort AddPolylnPt( // add a polyline point
t_polyln *polyln, // polyline structure
double *mpd, // may be NULL
double px, // x-coordinate of point
double py) // y-coordinate of point
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_AddPolylnPt.polyln = polyln;
params.m_AddPolylnPt.mpd = mpd ;
params.m_AddPolylnPt.px = px ;
params.m_AddPolylnPt.py = py ;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,ADD_POLYLN_PT) );
void EraseInv( // delete temporary objects
void )
t_MegaPars params;
void GetDimVal( // retrieve dimension attributes
ushort type, // type of dimension
ushort init, // initialize (or just calculate box)
t_dimension *dim) // dimension data
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetDimVal.type = type;
params.m_GetDimVal.init = init;
params.m_GetDimVal.dim = dim ;
void PrintDimVal( // print dimension text
double value, // measured value
char *str, // string buffer to fill
char *tol1, // tolerance string 1
char *tol2) // tolerance string 2
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_PrintDimVal.value = value;
params.m_PrintDimVal.str = str ;
params.m_PrintDimVal.tol1 = tol1 ;
params.m_PrintDimVal.tol2 = tol2 ;
short ClickEntity( // let the user click a single entity
ulong filter, // allowed entity types
double *pnt, // point where entity was clicked
t_entity *ent, // entity data to be filled in
void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
ushort esiz) // size of data buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_ClickEntity.filter = filter;
params.m_ClickEntity.pnt = pnt ;
params.m_ClickEntity.ent = ent ;
params.m_ClickEntity.edta = edta ;
params.m_ClickEntity.esiz = esiz ;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,CLICK_ENTITY) );
ulong ExChangeEntity( // exchange an entity, returns new ID
t_entity *ent) // new entity data, old id
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_ExChangeEntity.ent = ent;
return( (ulong) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,EX_CHANGE_ENTITY) );
short Blink( // draw something blinking
tCallBack func, // callback function
void *para) // data pointer for callback function
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_Blink.func = func;
params.m_Blink.para = para;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,BLINK) );
void EntityLoop( // loop through all entities
ulong filter, // allowed entity types
tCallBack func, // callback function
void *para, // data pointer for callback function
void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
ushort esiz) // size of data buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_EntityLoop.filter = filter;
params.m_EntityLoop.func = func ;
params.m_EntityLoop.para = para ;
params.m_EntityLoop.edta = edta ;
params.m_EntityLoop.esiz = esiz ;
void DrawEntities( // draw array of entity-id's
ulong *pid, // array of entity-id's
ushort num) // number of id's
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_DrawEntities.pid = pid;
params.m_DrawEntities.num = num;
short StringInput( // input a line of text
char *title, // title string
char *buf, // string buffer to be filled in
ushort buflen) // size of buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_StringInput.title = title ;
params.m_StringInput.buf = buf ;
params.m_StringInput.buflen = buflen;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,STRING_INPUT) );
void SelectInit( // set select filter
ulong filter) // allowed entity types
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SelectInit.filter = filter;
void SelectLoop( // select entities
tCallBack func, // callback function
void *para, // data pointer for callback function
void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
ushort esiz) // size of data buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SelectLoop.func = func;
params.m_SelectLoop.para = para;
params.m_SelectLoop.edta = edta;
params.m_SelectLoop.esiz = esiz;
ushort InsertMacro( // insert macro-file
char *fname, // macro filename
tCallBack func, // callback function
void *para, // data pointer for callback function
void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
ushort esiz, // size of data buffer
t_placemac *pmac) // how (and where) to place the macro
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_InsertMacro.fname = fname;
params.m_InsertMacro.func = func ;
params.m_InsertMacro.para = para ;
params.m_InsertMacro.edta = edta ;
params.m_InsertMacro.esiz = esiz ;
params.m_InsertMacro.pmac = pmac ;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,INSERT_MACRO) );
ushort CalcPattern( // calc perimeter, area, pt. of gravity
ushort which, // PERIM, AREA, GRAVITY
ushort cnt, // cnt of polyline points
t_polypt *ppt, // maybe NULL
double *result) // value vs. point
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_CalcPattern.which = which ;
params.m_CalcPattern.cnt = cnt ;
params.m_CalcPattern.ppt = ppt ;
params.m_CalcPattern.result = result;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,CALC_PATTERN) );
ushort DeleteEntity( // delete an entity
ulong id) // ID of entity
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_DeleteEntity.id = id;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,DELETE_ENTITY) );
ushort GetEntity( // get entity data
ulong id, // ID of entity
t_entity *ent, // entity
void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
ushort esiz) // size of data buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetEntity.id = id ;
params.m_GetEntity.ent = ent ;
params.m_GetEntity.edta = edta;
params.m_GetEntity.esiz = esiz;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,GET_ENTITY) );
void SetIncPnt( // set incremental point
double *pnt) // new incremental point
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetIncPnt.pnt = pnt;
void InfoLoop( // loop through all entity infos
tCallBack func, // callback function
t_entinfo *inf ) // info buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_InfoLoop.func = func;
params.m_InfoLoop.inf = inf ;
ushort GetInfo( // get entity info data
ushort iID, // info ID
t_entinfo *inf ) // info buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetInfo.iID = iID ;
params.m_GetInfo.inf = inf ;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,GET_INFO) );
ushort StoreInfo( // store entity info
t_entinfo *inf ) // info buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_StoreInfo.inf = inf ;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,STORE_INFO) );
ushort ExChangeInfo( // exchange entity info data
t_entinfo *inf ) // info buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_ExChangeInfo.inf = inf ;
return( (ushort) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,EX_CHANGE_INFO) );
void GetAttributes( // get attributes (stl,col...)
ushort type, // entity type
t_attribs *attr) // buffer to be filled in
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetAttributes.type = type;
params.m_GetAttributes.attr = attr;
void GetLayerBits( // retrieve active/inactive layers
uchar *bits) // buffer of 32 bytes (256 bits)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetLayerBits.bits = bits;
void GetGroupBits( // retrieve active/inactive groups
uchar *bits) // buffer of 32 bytes (256 bits)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetGroupBits.bits = bits;
void GetLayerNames( // retrieve layer names
t_laygrp *lg) // buffer of 256 * 64 bytes
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetLayerNames.lg = lg;
void GetGroupNames( // retrieve group names
t_laygrp *lg) // buffer of 256 * 64 bytes
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetGroupNames.lg = lg;
void GetGridSets( // retrieve grid settings
t_gridsets *grid) // buffer to be filled in
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetGridSets.grid = grid;
void SetAttributes( // alter attributes (stl,col...)
ushort type, // entity type
t_attribs *attr) // new attributes
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetAttributes.type = type;
params.m_SetAttributes.attr = attr;
void SetLayerBits( // set active/inactive layers
uchar *bits) // new bits (32 bytes/256 bits)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetLayerBits.bits = bits;
void SetGroupBits( // set active/inactive groups
uchar *bits) // new bits (32 bytes/256 bits)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetGroupBits.bits = bits;
void SetLayerNames( // set layer names
t_laygrp *lg) // buffer of 256 * 64 Bytes
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetLayerNames.lg = lg;
void SetGroupNames( // set group names
t_laygrp *lg) // buffer of 256 * 64 Bytes
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetGroupNames.lg = lg;
void SetGridSets( // alter grid settings
t_gridsets *grid) // new settings
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_SetGridSets.grid = grid;
short GetCurrentFile( // get name of currently loaded file
uchar *fname) // name buffer to be filled in
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_GetCurrentFile.fname = fname;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,GET_CURRENT_FILE) );
ulong CreateMacro( // create and insert a macro
t_macro *mac, // macro data
t_mkmacro *mkm, // entities to be created
ushort cnt, // number of entries
t_placemac *pmac) // how (and where) to place the macro
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_CreateMacro.mac = mac ;
params.m_CreateMacro.mkm = mkm ;
params.m_CreateMacro.cnt = cnt ;
params.m_CreateMacro.pmac = pmac;
return( (ulong) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,CREATE_MACRO) );
void MacroLoop( // loop through all macros
ulong filter, // allowed entity types
ulong start, // start ID (if 0L => all macros)
tCallBack func, // callback function
void *para, // data pointer for callback function
void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
ushort esiz) // size of data buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_MacroLoop.filter = filter;
params.m_MacroLoop.start = start ;
params.m_MacroLoop.func = func ;
params.m_MacroLoop.para = para ;
params.m_MacroLoop.edta = edta ;
params.m_MacroLoop.esiz = esiz ;
short ClickMacro( // let the user click a macro
double *pnt, // point where macro was clicked
t_entity *ent, // macro data to be filled in
void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
ushort esiz) // size of data buffer
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_ClickMacro.pnt = pnt ;
params.m_ClickMacro.ent = ent ;
params.m_ClickMacro.edta = edta;
params.m_ClickMacro.esiz = esiz;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,CLICK_MACRO) );
short EntityLen( // retrieve the length of an entity
t_entity *ent, // entity to get length of
double *len) // resulting length
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_EntityLen.ent = ent;
params.m_EntityLen.len = len;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,ENTITY_LEN) );
short PartList( // create a part list
uchar *fmt, // name of format file
uchar *out, // name of output file (maybe NULL)
uchar flags) // flags (PART_....)
t_MegaPars params;
params.m_PartList.fmt = fmt ;
params.m_PartList.out = out ;
params.m_PartList.flags = flags;
return( (short) CallMegaCAD(¶ms,PART_LIST) );