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- /**********************************************************************/
- /* MegaCAD colour values */
- /**********************************************************************/
- #define BLACK 0
- #define BLUE 1
- #define GREEN 2
- #define CYAN 3
- #define RED 4
- #define MAGENTA 5
- #define YELLOW 6
- #define WHITE 7
- #define BRIGHT_BLACK 8
- #define BRIGHT_BLUE 9
- #define BRIGHT_GREEN 10
- #define BRIGHT_CYAN 11
- #define BRIGHT_RED 12
- #define BRIGHT_MAGENTA 13
- #define BRIGHT_YELLOW 14
- #define BRIGHT_WHITE 15
- /**********************************************************************/
- #define NIB(i,s) (((i) & 0xf)<<(s))
- #define PIX_XOR 2
- #define LMODE(s,p,c,w) ((ushort)(NIB(s,0) | NIB(p,4) | NIB(c,8) | NIB(w,12)))
- // s = linestyle, p = pixelmode, c = colour, w = linewidth
- // with 'DrawInv()' pixelmode must be 'PIX_XOR'
- // other values may be constant or 0,
- // if 0, current values are taken
- // if you want a continuous line with width 1, you can call :
- // DrawInv(E_LINE,&line,LMODE(1,PIX_XOR,WHITE,1),0);
- // if you want the current settings of entity type 'type', you call :
- // DrawInv(E_LINE,&line,LMODE(0,PIX_XOR,0,0),type);
- #define HLP_INV(f,b,s) ((ushort)(NIB(f,0) | NIB(b,4) | ((s)<<15)))
- // f = foreground colour, b = background colour, s = sound ?
- // if you set both colours to 0, the default colours are taken
- #define DO_SAVCNT (1<<7)
- // calls 'savecount()' at the end of 'StoreMultiple()'
- // if or'ed together with entity type
- #if defined ( MEGATECH_C )
- #define tCallBack void *
- #else
- typedef short (_far *tCallBack)(void _far *para);
- #endif
- #define CONTINUE_LOOP 0
- #define CALL_SAVECOUNT 1
- #define BREAK_LOOP 2
- #define CALC_PERIM 0
- #define CALC_AREA 1
- #define CALC_GRAVITY 2
- #define isLGBIT(a,i) ((a[(i)/8] >> ((i)%8))&1)
- #define setLGBIT(a,i) a[(i)/8] |= (1<<((i)%8))
- #define delLGBIT(a,i) a[(i)/8] &= ~(1<<((i)%8))
- #define PART_ALL 1
- #define PART_MAC 2
- #define PART_ENT 4
- #define InsertMac(f,c,p,e,s) InsertMacro(f,c,p,e,s,NULL)
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* MegaCAD function prototypes. */
- /**********************************************************************/
- EXT(201) short GetPntInv( // Get point and draw something with mouse move
- double *pkt, // point to be filled in
- short setinc, // incremental point to be set ?
- tCallBack func, // callback function
- void *para); // data pointer for callback function
- EXT(202) void DrawInv( // draw and save a temporary object
- ushort type, // type of entity to be drawn
- void *ptr, // data of entity
- ushort lmode, // line attributes (see LMODE)
- ushort atype); // type to get attributes from
- EXT(203) short DlgInput( // input some values by dialog
- ushort num, // number of fields (1 - 10)
- char *title, // title string
- t_dlgdta *dta); // array of field descriptors
- EXT(204) short GetFilename( // let the user select a filename
- char *title, // title string
- char *fname); // filename; must be initialized with path
- EXT(205) void StoreMultiple( // store an entity (maybe multiple)
- double *data, // entity data
- ushort type); // entity type (may be or'ed with DO_SAVCNT)
- EXT(206) void MegaCMD( // call MegaCAD command
- char *cmd); // command string (+ arguments)
- EXT(207) short Message( // message box
- char *str1, // 1st line of text
- char *str2, // 2nd line of text
- char *but1, // 1st button (may be NULL)
- char *but2, // 2nd button (may be NULL)
- char *but3, // 3rd button
- short defbut); // number of default button (1-3)
- EXT(208) void MouseHelp( // help text for mouse buttons
- char *str1, // help text for left mouse button
- char *str2, // help text for right mouse button
- ushort inv); // colour (beep) for 1st text (see HLP_INV)
- EXT(209) short GetPnt( // Get point
- double *pkt, // point to be filled in
- short setinc); // incremental point to be set ?
- EXT(210) void savecount( // End of operation
- void ); // must be called after creation of entities
- EXT(211) void SetFuncText( // set name of current function
- char *text); // function text
- EXT(212) ulong CreateEntity( // store an entity (not multiple), returns ID
- ushort type, // entity type
- t_attribs *attr, // entity attributes (may be NULL)
- void *data); // entity data
- EXT(213) void GetTextVal( // retrieve text attributes
- ushort type, // line or block
- ushort init, // initialize (or just calculate box)
- t_text *txt); // text data
- EXT(214) ushort ReadTxtFile( // read in a text file
- char *fname, // filename
- char *buf, // buffer to be filled in
- uint bufsiz); // size of buffer
- EXT(215) ushort AddPolylnPt( // add a polyline point
- t_polyln *polyln, // polyline structure
- double *mpd, // may be NULL
- double px, // x-coordinate of point
- double py); // y-coordinate of point
- EXT(216) void EraseInv( // delete temporary objects
- void );
- EXT(217) void GetDimVal( // retrieve dimension attributes
- ushort type, // type of dimension
- ushort init, // initialize (or just calculate box)
- t_dimension *dim); // dimension data
- EXT(218) void PrintDimVal( // print dimension text
- double value, // measured value
- char *str, // string buffer to fill
- char *tol1, // tolerance string 1
- char *tol2); // tolerance string 2
- EXT(219) short ClickEntity( // let the user click a single entity
- ulong filter, // allowed entity types
- double *pnt, // point where entity was clicked
- t_entity *ent, // entity data to be filled in
- void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
- ushort esiz); // size of data buffer
- EXT(220) ulong ExChangeEntity(// exchange an entity, returns new ID
- t_entity *ent); // new entity data, old id
- EXT(221) short Blink( // draw something blinking
- tCallBack func, // callback function
- void *para); // data pointer for callback function
- EXT(222) void EntityLoop( // loop through all entities
- ulong filter, // allowed entity types
- tCallBack func, // callback function
- void *para, // data pointer for callback function
- void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
- ushort esiz); // size of data buffer
- EXT(223) void DrawEntities( // draw array of entity-id's
- ulong *pid, // array of entity-id's
- ushort num); // number of id's
- EXT(224) short StringInput( // input a line of text
- char *title, // title string
- char *buf, // string buffer to be filled in
- ushort buflen); // size of buffer
- EXT(225) void SelectInit( // set select filter
- ulong filter); // allowed entity types
- EXT(226) void SelectLoop( // select entities
- tCallBack func, // callback function
- void *para, // data pointer for callback function
- void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
- ushort esiz); // size of data buffer
- EXT(227) ushort InsertMacro( // insert macro-file
- char *fname, // macro filename
- tCallBack func, // callback function
- void *para, // data pointer for callback function
- void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
- ushort esiz, // size of data buffer
- t_placemac *pmac); // how (and where) to place the macro
- EXT(228) ushort CalcPattern( // calc perimeter, area, pt. of gravity
- ushort which, // PERIM, AREA, GRAVITY
- ushort cnt, // cnt of polyline points
- t_polypt *ppt, // maybe NULL
- double *result); // value vs. point
- EXT(229) ushort DeleteEntity( // delete an entity
- ulong id); // ID of entity
- EXT(230) ushort GetEntity( // get entity data
- ulong id, // ID of entity
- t_entity *ent, // entity
- void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
- ushort esiz); // size of data buffer
- EXT(231) void SetIncPnt( // set incremental point
- double *pnt); // new incremental point
- EXT(232) void InfoLoop( // loop through all entity infos
- tCallBack func, // callback function
- t_entinfo *inf ); // info buffer
- EXT(233) ushort GetInfo( // get entity info data
- ushort iID, // info ID
- t_entinfo *inf ); // info buffer
- EXT(234) ushort StoreInfo( // store entity info
- t_entinfo *inf ); // info buffer
- EXT(235) ushort ExChangeInfo( // exchange entity info data
- t_entinfo *inf ); // info buffer
- EXT(236) void GetAttributes( // get attributes (stl,col...)
- ushort type, // entity type
- t_attribs *attr); // buffer to be filled in
- EXT(237) void GetLayerBits( // retrieve active/inactive layers
- uchar *bits); // buffer of 32 bytes (256 bits)
- EXT(238) void GetGroupBits( // retrieve active/inactive groups
- uchar *bits); // buffer of 32 bytes (256 bits)
- EXT(239) void GetLayerNames( // retrieve layer names
- t_laygrp *lg); // buffer of 256 * 64 bytes
- EXT(240) void GetGroupNames( // retrieve group names
- t_laygrp *lg); // buffer of 256 * 64 bytes
- EXT(241) void GetGridSets( // retrieve grid settings
- t_gridsets *grid); // buffer to be filled in
- EXT(242) void SetAttributes( // alter attributes (stl,col...)
- ushort type, // entity type
- t_attribs *attr); // new attributes
- EXT(243) void SetLayerBits( // set active/inactive layers
- uchar *bits); // new bits (32 bytes/256 bits)
- EXT(244) void SetGroupBits( // set active/inactive groups
- uchar *bits); // new bits (32 bytes/256 bits)
- EXT(245) void SetLayerNames( // set layer names
- t_laygrp *lg); // buffer of 256 * 64 Bytes
- EXT(246) void SetGroupNames( // set group names
- t_laygrp *lg); // buffer of 256 * 64 Bytes
- EXT(247) void SetGridSets( // alter grid settings
- t_gridsets *grid); // new settings
- EXT(248) short GetCurrentFile(// get name of currently loaded file
- uchar *fname); // name buffer to be filled in
- EXT(249) ulong CreateMacro( // create and insert a macro
- t_macro *mac, // macro data
- t_mkmacro *mkm, // entities to be created
- ushort cnt, // number of entries
- t_placemac *pmac); // how (and where) to place the macro
- EXT(250) void MacroLoop( // loop through all macros
- ulong filter, // allowed entity types
- ulong start, // start ID (if 0L => all macros)
- tCallBack func, // callback function
- void *para, // data pointer for callback function
- void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
- ushort esiz); // size of data buffer
- EXT(251) short ClickMacro( // let the user click a macro
- double *pnt, // point where macro was clicked
- t_entity *ent, // macro data to be filled in
- void *edta, // data ptr of variable length entities
- ushort esiz); // size of data buffer
- EXT(252) short EntityLen( // retrieve the length of an entity
- t_entity *ent, // entity to get length of
- double *len); // resulting length
- EXT(253) short PartList( // create a part list
- uchar *fmt, // name of format file
- uchar *out, // name of output file (maybe NULL)
- uchar flags); // flags (PART_....)