PC World Komputer 2001 December
Text File
261 lines
-2 Call: syn [Option] <file name> [Option] <output file> [Option]
/S <Nummer> Stack size
/Hmax <Nummer> Max. Heap size
/Hmin <Nummer> Min. Heapg size
1601 ')' missing
1602 Could not find line end when reloading
1603 argument missing
1604 missing 'case' or 'default'
1605 undefined label found
1801 expect Operand
1802 expect Operation
1803 expect ';'
1804 expect ','
1805 expect '['
1806 expect ']'
1807 expect '('
1808 expect ')'
1809 expect '}'
1810 expect '{'
1820 expect Statement
1821 expect Ausdruck
1822 expect 'while'
1823 expect Name
1825 expect Typ specification
1826 expect structure variable
1827 expect Ausdruck after assignment
1828 expect constant Ausdruck
1829 expect '.' instat '->'
1830 expect '->' instat '.'
1831 Operands need to be from same type
1832 expect Pointer type
1833 expect ':'
1834 expect number larger than Null
1835 expect number or variable
1836 expect character
1837 expect Hexadecimal number
1839 expect letter
1841 expect '...'
1842 expect function pointer
1843 Function pointer needs to be dereferenziert
1844 expect Integer
1860 Unexpect: '('
1861 Unexpect: ')'
1862 Unexpect: 'break'
1863 Unexpect: 'continue'
1864 Unexpect: 'case'
1865 Unexpect: 'default'
1866 Unexpect: 'else'
1869 Unexpect: 'struct'
1870 Unexpect: 'typedef'
1871 Unexpect: ','
1873 Unexpect character: '%s'
1874 Unexpect: '{'
1875 Unexpect: '->'
1876 Unexpect: '.'
1877 Unexpect word: '%s'
2001 Unknown option: '%s'
2003 Could not write data
2005 file '%s' could not read data
2006 file '%s' could not open
2007 file '%s' not found
2009 Output file not created
2010 No memory available
2011 Function 'main' not defined
2013 Text positino could not be interpreted
2014 Not all Forward-Deklarationen are defined
2015 function multible not declaired
2016 Typ conflict
2017 Cast not possible
2018 Cast not allowed
2019 No lable
2020 name exists but is not a variable
2021 'default' double
2022 name not defined
2023 Multible defined
2024 No structure element
2025 variable not from Type 'struct'
2026 Error in expression
2027 Operation is not possible with this operand
2028 Stack size is not enough
2029 Code to large
2030 Return value to large
2031 Number is outside of legal range
2032 String ist to long
2033 to many Parameter
2034 Not enough parameter
2035 Array size unknown
2036 Parametertyp is different to definition
2037 Operation '&' not possible
2038 Operation '*' not possible
2039 Operation '[..]' not possible
2040 Division by null
2041 Operation with 'void'
2042 Operands have different types
2043 Return type of the function is different to declaration
2044 Type of the function parameters is different to declaration
2045 Operation with structure not possible
2046 constant must not be changed
2047 Function can not be dereferenziert
2048 Function definition is different to declaration
2049 String includes LF
2050 'unsigned' Integer with pre sign
2052 '%s' not defined
2201 Limit: to many 'else'
2202 Limit: to many 'case'
2203 Limit: to many 'continue'
2204 Limit: to many Gotolabel
2205 Limit: to many Pointer
2206 Limit: to many Arrays
2207 Limit: functions was declared with more than 15 parametern
2208 Limit: parameter list to long, may be not terminated string
2209 Limit: No free register
2210 Operating system does not support more available memory
2211 Limit: to many structur elements
2212 Limit: Identifier to long
2213 Limit: line to long
2214 Bit field to long
2215 Integer-constant to large
2216 Double-constant to large
2217 Double-exponent to large
2224 Limit: Recursion depth
2225 Limit: not enough temporary memory
2226 to many structure depths with '{'
2228 Function to long
2401 #pragma StackSize new defined
2402 #pragma HeapMin new defined
2403 #pragma HeapMax new defined
2404 #pragma StackSize value validated
2405 #pragma HeapMin value validated
2406 #pragma HeapMax value validated
2407 #pragma '%s' unknown
2410 Operand to 'unsigned' converted