Labels:crt screen | monitor | plant | road | sky | tree | window OCR: Bez nmzeu Notatnik X Plik Edycja Szukaj Pomoc To he not Stownik YDP Collins English Polish Dictionary -- X COLLINS KEYWYORO to [tu: toad toadstool prep toady (usu) do tgen toasi oo Germany jechac (pojechac pert do Niemiec toaster toastmaster to the count key to to the ten front liczyc door (policzyc klucz do perf drzwi do dziesieciu frontowych toast tobacco rack three is to B goals as 10 is two to trzy ma do sie dwoch do B tak jak do tobacconist to the left/right na lewo/prawo tobacconist's (shop) she secretart director jest sekretarka Tobago dyrektora toboggan 30 miles to the gallon galon ha 30 mil today toddle Yioith ownik ownil brep lechac policzye toastmaste toals dwoct righi secretar directo 1sal obodcar toddie Ywith tinne