Labels:book | crt screen | dialog box | sky | web site | window OCR: Siownik COLLINS Wvszuk search [sat]] memory (for person, thing) poszukiwania RAM We eventually found the keys after long search.. random access memory ROM (COMPUT szukanie dokumencie) screen memory fof sb's home) rewizja search The police questioned the youth and then search storage capacity revealed pistol. (place) przeszukiwac (przeszukac perf Police searched the building clues (mind memory szukac th +ioc She searched her mind for some words of comfort Jnorann nzoesuliwar nroesulor norf Graj Edytuj HIstoria Memo Tester ownik SZUN eventuall memor dokumencle screer rewizia quest ioned storade capacit przeszukiwad