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/ PC World Komputer 1997 November / Pcwk1197.iso / YDP / SC / DEM03_15.CBM / DEM03_15 (.png)
Bitmap Image  |  1997-04-17  |  308KB  |  640x480  |  8-bit (158 colors)
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OCR: Siownik COLLINS memort ['memarI] memory (aiso COMPUT) pamiec RAM The accuracy of their memory 19 astounding random access memory ROM 64k memory can store 65 .536 bytes screen search memory My (recollection) memory iwspomnienie of my childhood happy one storage capacity She smiles at the memory in memory of ku pamieci +gen have good/had memory miec dobra/zta pamiec loss memor utrata pamieci Graj Edytuj HIstoria Memo Tester ownik nermory screer recollec tion childhnod capacit Fgen dobrafzia parniec