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/ PC World Komputer 1997 November / Pcwk1197.iso / YDP / SC / DEM01_12.CBM / DEM01_12 (.png)
Bitmap Image  |  1997-04-17  |  249KB  |  601x410  |  8-bit (157 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | dialog box | monitor | table | web site | window
OCR: Stownik COLLINS successful successful [sak'sestul] adi success (venture, attempt) udany pomy isiny successful (writer) wziety succession successfully (business) candidate) dobrze zwycieski prosperuiacy SuCceSSIve (POL to he successful as odnosic sukcesy jako +nom successor was successful in getting the joh udato mi sie zdobye suceinct prace succulent succumb such such and such suchlike suck sucker suckle Graj Edytuj Historia Memo Tester owni COLTINS sesfull ysiny prosperujacy IPOL successfu qetting succinct succumh sucke