1800 There is an EXCELLENT chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work.
1801 There is a VERY GOOD chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work.
1802 There is a GOOD chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work.
1803 There is a FAIR chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work. Then restart the program.
1804 The chances are POOR that the program will work properly if you click Fix Program. You should restart the program after you save your work.
1805 It is unlikely that CrashGuard can repair the problem. You can still click Fix Program and try to save your work.
1806 DANGER! This program might cause a system crash. Click Fix Program only if you really need to save your work. Click Close Program to avoid further problems.
1807 There is a chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. To let CrashGuard proceed, click Fix Program, save your work, and restart the program.
1850 Norton CrashGuard 2.0
1851 Norton
1852 CrashGuard 2.0
1853 By closing Norton CrashGuard, you will no longer be protected from crashes. Are you sure you want to close?
1854 Norton CrashGuard does not operate under this version of Windows.
1855 Your trial version of Norton CrashGuard has expired.Continue to receive the benefits of Norton CrashGuard by purchasingthe retail version. Remove the trial version before installing the retail\nversion by selecting "Norton CrashGuard" through the "Add/RemovePrograms" item in the Control Panel.For more information on CrashGuard, visit www.symantec.com.
1857 Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*|
1858 Save Crash Details
1859 CrashGuard is currently unable to save the crash details.
1860 Saved details in '%s'
1861 The file, '%s', already exists.Do you want to append the new details to the existing file?