258 by Alan McBee, Developer Support\nalanm@microsoft.com\n\nCopyright ⌐ 1995-6 Microsoft Corp.\nAll rights reserved.
259 from PSS Developer Support\n\nCopyright ⌐ 1995-6 Microsoft Corp.\nAll rights reserved.
272 &OK
273 Cancel
1040 RegClean Wizard - Step %d of %d
1041 Exit the RegClean Wizard?
1042 Exit RegClean?
1056 &Help
1057 &Options...
1058 &Cancel
1059 &Next >>
1060 << &Back
1061 E&xit
1062 &Finish
1072 OLE Automation Correction Wizard
1073 Welcome to the RegClean OLE Automation Registry Correction Wizard. This wizard will help you correct common problems with registry entries that can affect both local and remote OLE Automation.
1088 Areas to check
1089 Please indicate which parts of the registry you would like to check:
1090 &Remote parts only
1091 &Local parts only
1092 &All (local and remote)
1104 Remote Automation Server Test
1105 &Attempt to connect to CRemOLE object
1106 &Server:
1120 Protocols
1121 Select &All
1122 &Select all the network protocols you want to try with the CRemOLE server:
1136 Before you proceed!
1137 Make sure you have met the following requirements:\n\n
1138 - Automation Manager is running on %s.\n
1139 - You have executed CRemOLE.EXE at least once (recently) on %s. It does not have to be executing now.
1152 Finished!
1153 You have finished finding errors in the registry. Press the Commit button to make all corrections permanent.
1154 Co&mmit
1168 TCP/IP
1169 SPX
1170 Named Pipes
1171 NetBIOS over NetBEUI
1172 NetBIOS over TCP
1173 NetBIOS over IPX
1174 Datagrams - IPX
1175 Datagrams - UDP
2049 Microsoft«\n RegClean
2051 by Alan McBee
2052 Please send comments\n and bug reports to
2053 alanm@microsoft.com
2055 Copyright ⌐ 1995-6\n by Microsoft Corp.
2056 All rights reserved.
2057 3.0
2058 Beta
2059 3.0
4097 <no value specified>
4098 The 16-bit version of RegClean, REGCLN16.EXE, will not run on a 32-bit platform. Use the 32-bit program, REGCLEAN.EXE, instead.
4099 A required component, REGC16.DLL, could not be located. Please place this file in the application folder.
4100 A required component, REGC32.DLL, could not be located. Please place this file in the application folder.
4101 A required component, COMPOBJ.DLL, could not be located. Please place this file in the Windows System folder.
4102 A required component, OLE32.DLL, could not be located. Please place this file in the Windows System folder.
4103 If the correction is enabled, this key will be deleted.
4104 Check to make sure that all removeable media are present.\n\nError encountered while looking for:\n
4105 Check to make sure that this net connection is valid.\n\nError encountered while looking for:\n
4106 Check to make sure that the CD-ROM is present.\n\nError encountered while looking for:\n
4353 /?*"
4354 AaBbYyZz
4355 Auto
4609 Req'd key: present
4610 Req'd key: absent
4611 Opt. key: absent
4612 Opt. key: recognized
4613 Opt. key: ignored
4614 Opt. key: obsolete
4615 Unk. key: ignored
4616 Unk. key: error
4617 Empty key
4618 Opt. key: conflict
4619 Key to be deleted
4625 Req'd value: unchecked
4626 Req'd value: absent
4627 Req'd value: correct
4628 Req'd value: error
4629 Opt. value: absent
4630 Opt. value: ignored
4631 Opt. value: error
4864 Microsoft RegClean
4866 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface
4880 View Options
4881 Show &Tooltips
4882 Show &Wizard on Startup
4883 &Draft Mode
4884 Display &All Optional Keys
4885 Filter Out Non-&ProgIDs
4896 Changes have been made to one or more keys.\nDo you want to save these changes?
5120 Error Correction Options
5121 Typelibs
5122 Interfaces
5123 ProgIDs
5124 CLSIDs
5125 Files
5152 &Empty key check
5153 LANGID's platforms
5154 Version's LANGIDs
5155 LIBID's versions
5156 &Key validation
5157 Unrecognized platform
5158 Unrecognized LANGID
5159 Unrecognized LIBID
5160 Unrecognized version
5161 Obsolete keys
5162 &Typelib validation
5163 LIBID in file matches registry
5164 File has a typelib
5165 File exists
5166 &Optional keys
5167 Validate FLAGS
5168 Validate HELPDIR path
5169 Requires a value
5184 &Key validation
5185 Unrecognized IID
5186 Empty key check
5187 Requires a value
5188 &Cross-references
5189 Typelibs
5190 ProxyStubClsid16
5191 ProxyStubClsid32
5192 Find IID in Typelib
5217 &Cross-references
5218 CLSID keys
5219 CurVer keys
5220 Key &Validation
5221 Disallow CurVer in VerIndep
5222 Remove blank keys
5249 &Remote Automation
5250 Search for net addresses
5251 Check remote automation
5252 Key &Validation
5253 Require paths for files
5254 Empty key check
5255 Typelib cross-reference
5256 &Conversion
5257 Check OLE1Class key
5258 Check AutoConvertTo key
5259 Check TreatAs key
5260 &ProgIDs
5261 Check VersionIndependentProgID
5262 Check ProgID
5263 &Handlers
5264 Check InprocHandler32 exists
5265 Check InprocHandler16 exists
5266 &Servers
5267 Check InprocServer32 exists
5268 Check InprocServer16 exists
5269 Check LocalServer16 exists
5270 Check LocalServer32 exists
5280 File existence checks
5281 Assume files on RAM drives exist
5282 Check RAM drives for files
5283 Assume files on removable drives exist
5284 Check removable drives for files
5285 Assume files on CD-ROMs exist
5286 Check CD-ROMs for files
5287 Assume files on network drives exist
5288 Check network drives for files
5377 - These are keys that were modified or removed from the registry by RegClean
5378 on %s, at %s
5379 Double click on this file from Explorer or File Manager to automatically
5380 undo these deletions or modifications and return the values to the registry.
5633 Font Styles
5634 &Style Name:
5635 Font &Name:
5636 Font S&tyle:
5637 S&ize:
5638 &Effects
5639 &Underline
5640 Stri&kethrough
5641 &Fore Color:
5642 &Back Color:
5643 &Reset All
5644 Sample:
8193 Unrecognized platform
8194 16-bit platform
8195 Win32 platform
8196 Macintosh platform
8208 Path to Typelib help file
8209 Obsolete key
8210 This optional key is not used
8211 This optional key is not used
8212 LIBFLAG bit settings
8213 This key requires at least one platform subkey
8224 Major version:
8225 Minor version:
8226 Unrecognized as Major.Minor version
8227 This key requires at least one language subkey
8240 LIBID
8241 Not a valid GUID
8242 This key requires at least one version subkey