10297 The document "%s" was edited with a newer version of Word Pro. The document cannot be opened with your current version of Word Pro.
10298 Print To File
10301 &Return to Originator
10302 &Send to Next Stop
10304 All files
10305 SUM
10306 REF
10307 (current document)
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10309 Edit Link
10310 Edit Chart Links
10311 Envelope
10312 Use better looking quotes.
10313 Use an em dash character.
10314 <Chart Links>
10315 Linked Chart
10316 %s &Properties...
10320 Use one space, rather than two.
10323 None
10326 &SaveCtrl+S
10327 &Update %sCtrl+S
10328 Document in %s
10329 container document
10330 E&xit Word Pro
10331 E&xit Word Pro && Return to %s
10332 Save &As...
10333 Save Copy &As...
10336 Bold
10337 Italic
10338 Bold & Italic
10339 Underline
10340 Double Underline
10341 Word Underline
10342 Superscript
10343 Subscript
10344 Overstrike
10345 Small Caps
10346 Strikethrough
10347 Lower Case
10348 Upper Case
10349 (blank)
10350 &Update
10351 ALT
10352 CTRL
10353 SHIFT
10354 F1
10355 F2
10356 F3
10357 F4
10358 F5
10359 F6
10360 F7
10361 F8
10362 F9
10363 F10
10364 F11
10365 F12
10366 PgUp
10367 PgDn
10368 Ins
10369 Del
10370 Enter
10371 Tab
10372 Left
10373 Up
10374 Right
10375 Down
10376 End
10377 Home
10378 Backspace
10379 Space
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10381 C&urrent script only
10382 All scripts for this o&bject
10383 &All scripts for this document
10384 Select Scripts
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10401 Default Text
10402 Outline
10403 Default Table
10404 ERR
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10413 &Accept Deletion
10414 &Reject Insertion
10415 &Reject Deletion
10416 Small file format
10419 Primary
10420 Secondary
10421 Separator
10422 Created by
10423 Other Editors
10424 Link
10425 Filename
10426 Path
10427 SmartMaster
10428 Document Description
10429 Date Created
10430 Use trademark symbol.
10431 Date Last Revised
10432 Use an ellipsis character.
10433 Last Editor
10434 Total Editing Time
10435 Number of Pages
10436 Number of Words
10437 Number of Chars
10438 Size of Document
10439 ClickHere
10440 WordProNative
10441 Description:
10442 Document Category
10445 ltmobn11.exe
10446 Background Spell Check
10447 amimacro.hlp
10449 amitutor.hlp
10450 These rules flag incorrect indefinite articles (a/an) in noun phrases. Words that begin with a vowel usually take 'an' as the indefinite article (an army), and words that begin with a consonant usually take 'a' as the indefinite article (a carrot).
10451 These rules flag the most common capitalization errors, including uncapitalized proper names, uncapitalized salutations, and incorrectly capitalized or uncapitalized names of days, months, seasons, holidays and abbreviations.
10452 They also flag sentences that begin with a lowercase letter. Example: 'chicago' to 'Chicago', 'best wishes' to 'Best Wishes', and 'Memorial day' to 'Memorial Day'
10453 These rules flag compounds with a missing of superfluous linking element or hyphen. Example: words with hyphens that should be written as one word 'blue-print' instead of 'blueprint'.
10454 These rules flag sequences of two identical words. Language-specific exceptions are made for legitimately doubled words. Examples: 'had had' (We had had the same discussion before) and 'that that'
10455 (She thought that that problem had been solved). These rules also flag a succession of articles ('the a'), possessive pronouns ('my his'), and similar words that must not be followed by a word of the same type.
10456 These rules flag spelling errors that result from incorrect use of spaces. The correct spelling is offered as an alternative.
10457 Example: 'nevertheless' to 'never the less' or 'in a while' to 'in awhile'.
10458 These rules flag errors of agreement between verbs and their predicate nouns when the sentence has 'here' or 'there' as the apparent subject. A predicate noun identifies or restates the subject
10459 of the sentence. When the apparent subject of the sentence is 'here' or 'there', the verb must agree with the predicate noun. For instance, one rule will flag a sentence like 'Here comes the two men
10460 who can help us' because the singular verb 'comes' does not agree with the plural predicate noun 'men'.
10461 These rules flag general errors of sentence structure, such as run-on sentences and sentence fragments. They check to see that conjunctions are used correctly and that correct punctuation appears between
10462 clauses. For example, this rule set will flag a sentence like 'We chopped up fruit, and we diced the potatoes, and we made a pie crust,' since only one 'and' is necessary when three clauses appear in sequence.
10463 These rules flag phrases that may be confusing or awkward because they contain more than one negative word ('can't hardly' instead of 'cannot' or 'can hardly'; 'in no uncertain terms' instead of 'clearly' or 'specifically').
10464 These rules check the format of numbers (placement of periods and commas, endings of ordinal numbers, spelling of fractions and other numbers), dates (use of cardinal and ordinal numbers), times
10465 (use of abbreviations and punctuation marks), currency and other symbols, and addresses.
10466 These rules flag expressions that include an incorrect preposition, and offer the appropriate preposition as a correction. Example: 'adhere by' becomes 'adhere to', 'center around' becomes 'center on'.
10467 These rules flag errors of mass/count agreement. An error in mass/count agreement is a conflict between the number of the noun (singular or plural) and the adjectives before the noun that tell how much
10468 or how many. For example, one rule in this set will flag a sentence like 'There are less mistakes in this document,' because the adjective 'fewer', not 'less', is the correct one to use with a plural noun.
10469 These rules flag misspellings or errors in common expressions. Many of the misspellings would not be caught by a spelling corrector alone, since they may be wrong only in the context of the phrase. For
10470 instance, you may write the phrase 'baited breath' when you mean 'bated breath'. Since 'baited' and 'bated' are both real words, it is necessary to refer to the context to identify the appropriate word.
10471 This rule set also flags phrases that violate an idiom. For instance, it would flag the phrase 'with regards to' because the correct idiom is 'with regard to'.
10472 These rules flag misspelled foreign expressions. They may also flag typing errors that make a word look like part of a foreign expression.
10473 Example: 'esprit di corps' to 'esprit de corps'.
10474 These rules flag words or phrases that are often used incorrectly or misunderstood because they are confused with similar words or phrases ('elude to' instead of 'allude to'; 'sit the books on the chair'
10475 instead of 'set the books on the chair'). The confused expressions should be used in different constructions.
10476 These rules flag errors of modification, such as the use of adjectives rather than adverbs to modify verbs. For example, they will flag a sentence like 'His new car really drives good,' since 'good'
10477 is an adjective that has been used mistakenly in place of the adverb 'well'. This rule set also checks to determine whether the hyphenation of modifiers conforms to standard usage.
10478 These rules flag errors of number agreement within noun phrases. A noun phrase consists of a noun and the words that modify it: 'this old man', 'that red bicycle', 'a tall building'. Certain modifiers
10479 like 'this', 'that', and 'a' are singular and must be used with singular nouns; other modifiers like 'these', 'those', 'both', and 'many' must be used with plural nouns. This rule set will flag a
10480 sentence like 'These five machine are still under warranty,' because 'these' is plural and 'machine' is singular.
10481 These rules check pronouns for errors in case and ordering. For example, one rule will flag a sentence like 'They are baking a cake for my sister and I' and note that the pronoun 'I' is incorrect.
10482 The error message will explain that because this pronoun is the object of a preposition, it should be in the objective case (me). This rule type also includes rules that flag the relative pronoun
10483 'which' when it is used in a restrictive clause and recommend using 'that'.
10484 These rules flag punctuation errors, such as the incorrect placement of commas in specific expressions and the inappropriate punctuation of parenthetical or quoted material.
10485 They also flag punctuation that is unnecessarily or inappropriately doubled.
10486 Number of spaces following this sentence does not match the setting in the Grammar Options dialog box, Grammatical Style tab.
10487 These rules flag errors of agreement between verbs and their subjects. The rules check to see whether verbs are the right number (singular or plural) and the right person (first, second, or third) to
10488 agree with their subjects. For example, one rule will flag a sentence like 'The index are full of errors' because the subject, 'index', is singular and does not agree with the plural verb 'are'.
10489 These rules flag phrases considered ungrammatical in standard English, although they may occur in regional dialects ('seeing as how' instead of 'since').
10490 These rules check the forms of verbs. They can identify errors in the use of the present, the past, and the past participle, as well as errors in the choice of helping verbs. For example, one rule
10491 will flag a sentence like 'We could not have drove home that night.' It will note that 'drove' is the simple past form of the verb and explain that 'have' should be followed by the past participle 'driven'.
10492 These rules flag the incorrect ordering of certain words that modify nouns ('my both' instead of 'both my').
10493 These rules flag commonly confused words that have similar though not identical pronunciations. The confused pairs do not include words that are the same part of speech, but instead involve confusion between, for
10494 instance, a noun and a verb. One rule will flag a sentence like 'You would be wise to seek legal advise before signing a contract,' because the verb 'advise' has been used mistakenly in place of the noun 'advice'.
10496 Windows Bitmap
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10507 DIF
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10513 Time Saving document(s).
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10552 Meaning for: %s
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10615 _default.wtb
10616 Margins
10617 Mis-typed error
10618 Original
10619 Placement
10620 Use one comma, rather than two.
10621 Graphic scaling
10622 Size
10624 Corners
10625 Shadow
10626 Columns
10628 The Review bar has rejected %ld edit(s) in your selected text.\n\nWould you like to continue rejecting all edits in the rest of your document?
10629 The Review bar has rejected %ld edit(s) in your document.
10630 The Review bar has rejected %ld edit(s) in your paragraph.
10631 The Review bar has accepted %ld edit(s) in your paragraph.
10632 Page
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10637 Regular footnotes
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10658 (123.22%c)
10659 -123.22%c
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10661 123.22%c-
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10669 Accept all edits in paragraph %s
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10718 <-
10719 <<
10720 ==>
10721 =>
10722 -->
10723 ->
10724 >>
10725 <==>
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10728 <->
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10779 Double commas
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10786 Numeric
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10788 Descending
10789 First
10790 Last
10791 All
10792 Other...
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10794 &Reject Edit
10795 Character replacement
10796 Appearance of acronym
10797 Use
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10799 Field
10800 Doc. Field
10801 Doc. Info
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10803 No
10804 Field name
10805 FX
10806 Contents
10807 The Review bar has accepted %ld edit(s) in your selected text.\n\nWould you like to continue accepting all edits in the rest of your document?
10808 The Review bar has accepted %ld edit(s) in your document.
10809 hr
10810 min
10811 Keywords
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10813 Allowed in current version or new version
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10815 Not allowed (read-only)
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10820 No copying or saving as new file
10821 No printing
10823 Markup of edits
10824 Editing in new version
10825 An equation
10826 Review & Comment tools
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10831 -
10832 o
10833 x
10834 >
10835 .
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10837 +
10840 Wingdings,Dingbats
10841 Bullets
10842 Improve format of bulleted lists.
10843 Editor's name
10844 How they can edit this document
10845 Not allowed (read-only)
10846 In current version only
10847 In new version only
10848 In current or new version
10849 ltnosn01.dll
10850 LWP
10851 , limited to(
10852 , suggest(
10853 Version name
10854 Editor(s)
10855 Last edited
10856 Remark
10857 Outline level
10858 Division
10859 Section
10862 Default Outline
10863 OTR
10864 Markup Options for %s
10865 Editor's Remark Please
10866 Please enter a remark describing your edits during this session.
10867 You will be viewing the document as read only.
10868 Your edits are only allowed in the current version.
10869 Your edits are only allowed in the current version and will be revision marked.
10871 Your edits are only allowed in a new version.
10872 Your edits are only allowed in a new version and will be revision marked.
10874 Your edits are allowed in the current version or a new version.
10875 Your edits are allowed in the current version or a new version and will be revision marked.
10877 Edit in current version
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10882 Text direction
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10886 Contents
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10896 cells
10897 tables
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10899 pages
10900 .wtb
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10902 Every day
10903 Every week
10904 Lotus Word Pro 97
10906 &More SmartMasters...
10907 Bp
10908 ->
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10912 AND
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10914 Collapse Nested Group
10915 Browse
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10917 Words starting with
10918 Words ending with
10919 Words containing
10920 Import...
10921 Export...
10922 All text
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10925 Tables
10926 Frames
10927 Footnotes
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10931 Current section's text
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10937 Dbl Underline
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10943 Lower Case
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10980 To set tabs on the ruler you can either click on the ruler where you want the tab, or you can use the following controls and choose Set Tab.
10981 To modify an existing tab on the ruler you can drag it to another location directly on the ruler, or you can use the following controls and choose Set Tab.
10982 Close
10987 _lwpenv.mwp
10988 SmartMaster...
10989 Standard
10990 Choose another SmartMaster on which to base the look of your Table of Contents.
10991 Base the look of your table of contents on the look of the current document.
10992 Remove underline from space.
10993 Reject all edits in paragraph by %s
10994 Reject all edits in paragraph %s by %s
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10997 Reject All Edits
10998 A Header
10999 A Footer
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11002 ???
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11174 Markup
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11210 Spelling Checking Options
11211 Section Property Edit(s)
11212 Division Property Edit(s)
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11215 Master Document
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11218 Spelling Corrections
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11220 Hide Note
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11265 Script Play
12000 headers
12001 footers
12002 Header
12003 Footer
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12005 Footer Style Change
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12007 Create Footer Style
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12009 Redefine Footer Style
12256 All of the properties of the current selection will be stored in the definition of this style.
12257 None of the properties come from the original style
12258 Only the local set properties of the current selection will be stored in the definition of this style.
12259 All others will come from the original style.
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12261 All others will come from the original style.
12262 Contained frames
12263 Rows and columns
12264 SmartCorrect
12266 Drag & drop
12267 Version warning messages
12268 Application startup scripts
12269 Document open scripts
12286 Software\Lotus\Components\Fills\
12287 Up&date Date/Time
12288 Up&date All Dates/Times
12289 Edit Click Here Block...
13256 Sho&w
13257 &Zoom
13258 Outli&ne
13259 &General
13260 &Fields
13261 &Options
13262 &Rules
13263 &Grammatical Style
13264 &Numbering
13265 &Separators
13266 &Continued Messages
13267 Acce&ss
13268 Editing &Rights
13269 Other &Protection
13270 AmiPro Document
13271 OLE2 Server
13274 &Find
13275 &Replace with
13277 Step &1: Look
13278 Step &2: Scope and Placement
13279 Step &3: Contents
13280 2. Setup Labels:
13281 2. Setup Envelope:
13282 &Setup...
13283 Envelope Send
13284 Envelope Return
13285 Comment Tools
13286 Envelope FIM
13287 Envelope BarCode
13290 enu
13291 Internet Tools
13292 SM
13293 ltiprn02.dll
13294 Version Created by
13295 Date Version Created
13296 Use copyright symbol.
13297 Date Version Last Edited
13299 Number of Versions
13300 Other Editors for Version
13301 All Version Names
13302 Version Remarks
13303 Version Last Edited by
13304 Edit &Fields
13305 US Bar Code
13306 Create a Division from an Existing &Document
13307 Create a Division Using a &SmartMaster
13308 Create from &Recently Used SmartMaster
13309 Create from any &SmartMaster
13310 Change to &Recently Used SmartMaster
13311 Change to any &SmartMaster
13312 Drawing
13313 Drawn Objects
13314 Rectangle
13315 Oval
13316 Rounded Rectangle
13317 Polygon
13318 Line
13319 PolyLine
13320 Arc
13321 Draw Text
13322 Choose a File Type
13323 Font
13324 PointSize
13325 Color
13326 Bold
13327 Italic
13328 Underline
13329 Style
13330 Collapsible
13331 PageUp
13332 PageDown
13333 PageNumber
13334 Spacer1
13335 Spacer3
13336 Spacer3
13337 Custom
13338 &Close
13339 &Close and Return to %s
13340 Universal
13341 OLE2 Server Universal
13342 No Bar Code
13343 Upper
13344 Lower
13345 Middle
13346 Manual
13347 Envelope
13348 Manual Envelope
13349 Auto Select
13350 Tractor
13351 Small Format
13352 Large Format
13353 Large Capacity
13354 Cassette
13355 Custom Bin %d
13356 Number of Revisions
13357 OLE Automation
13359 A&vailable Send Addresses:
13360 &Current Send Addresses:
13361 Send Address
13362 Step 1: Select data file
13363 Select or create a data file that contains the information you want to merge. The data file can be any type (1-2-3, dBase, etc.). New data files are stored in Word Pro and can be viewed and edited by selecting the file and choosing Edit...
13364 Step 2: Select document and insert merge fields
13365 Specify the document you would like to merge with your data. Upon choosing that document, you can use the Merge bar to insert specific data fields from the data file into the document.
13366 Step 3: Merge, view and print
13367 You can merge with all or only particular records in the data file. You can choose to send the merged documents directly to the printer, view the documents before printing them, or print the documents to a Word Pro file.
13515 &Reject all edits in paragraph marked %s, and delete the paragraph
13516 &Accept %s
13517 &Reject %s
13518 Entire Document
13519 Current Group
13520 Current Division
13521 Current Section
13522 Selected Text
13523 At beginning of document
13524 At beginning of division
13525 At beginning of section
13526 At insertion point
13527 At beginning of group
13528 Paragraph text and number
13529 Paragraph text
13530 Paragraph number
13531 'A' vs. 'An'
13532 Capitalization errors
13533 Compounding errors
13534 Doubled words
13535 Open vs. closed spelling
13536 Agreement with 'here'/'there'
13537 Clause errors
13538 Double negatives
13539 Formatting errors
13540 Inappropriate prepositions
13541 Mass vs. count errors
13542 Misspelled expressions
13543 Misspelled foreign expressions
13544 Misused words
13545 Nonstandard modifiers
13546 Nonstandard terms
13547 Noun phrase consistency errors
13548 Pronoun errors
13549 Punctuation errors
13550 Spacing errors
13551 Subject-verb agreement errors
13552 Ungrammatical expressions
13553 Verb group consistency errors
13554 Word order errors
13555 Commonly confused words
13556 Homonyms
13557 Possible word confusions
13558 Archaic expressions
13559 ClichΘs
13560 Contractions
13561 Gender-specific expressions
13562 Informal expressions
13563 Jargon
13564 Overused phrases
13565 Passive voice usage
13566 Pretentious words
13567 Redundant expressions
13568 Sexist expressions
13569 Stock phrases
13570 Unnecessary prepositions
13571 Vague quantifiers
13572 Weak modifiers
13573 Wordy expressions
13574 Grammatical Style Errors
13576 Double word error
13606 Full proof
13607 Quick proof
13608 Informal
13609 Standard
13610 Formal
13619 Both odd and even pages
13620 Even pages
13621 Odd pages
13622 The SmartCorrect entry, %s, is already in the SmartCorrect list. Do you want to replace it?
13623 Replacement text for %s:
13624 Page
13625 Next --
13626 Previous --
13627 First --
13628 Last --
13629 Document to Insert as Division
13630 The current file has not been saved. Would you like to save the changes in the current file before copying it as Untitled?
13631 Some paragraphs were duplicated because they were different in more than one file. The paragraphs were duplicated so all differences can be reviewed.
13632 Choose TOC SmartMaster
13633 Table of Contents
13634 Within page
13635 On next page
13636 On odd page
13637 On even page
13638 Section
13639 Page Break
13640 Column Break
13641 Section: %s
13642 Page Style: %s
13643 Current division only
13644 All divisions at same level & below
13645 Entire document
13646 (None),Body,Memo,Letter,Fax,Report,Newsletter,Calendar,Resume,Envelope,Form,Index,Table of Contents,Label,Presentation,Press Release,Proposal,Title Page,Card,Miscellaneous
13647 Inside of border
13648 Outside of border
13649 Around layout
13652 &Next Edit
13653 Document
13655 Document
13658 Error %d: %s, %s: %d
13660 Appl
13661 UserSec
13662 Lotus Word Pro - Choose Script or 3.0 Macro
13663 Evenly spaced every
13667 Internal
13668 &Insert Page Number...
13669 Ed&it Page Number...
13670 Never (continuous in document)
13671 On each new section
13672 On each new division
13673 Section name
13674 Division name
13675 TOC on page %d (%s)
13676 Comparing file %d of %d and marking differences
13677 Numbering paragraphs duplicated during compare
13678 Adds a list of values.
13679 Takes one action if a condition is true, another if the condition is false.
13680 Calculates the average of a list of values.
13681 Counts the non blank cells in a list of ranges.
13682 Finds the largest value in list.
13683 Finds the smallest value in list.
13684 @SUM(list)
13685 @IF(condition;x;y)
13686 @AVG(list)
13687 @COUNT(list)
13688 @MAX(list)
13689 @MIN(list)
13690 custom color
13691 Color:
13692 TOC
13693 transparent
13694 E-mail login
13695 OS login
13696 Word Pro user name
13697 Lotus Word Pro 97 Document
13698 ProductDefines
13699 Globals
13700 This document is currently in a route.\nWould you like to save and send it to the next user in that route?
13701 TeamMail
13702 Send to %s?
13703 This document is currently in a route.\nWould you like to also send it to the next user while it's being saved?
13704 Mail Error
13705 Spaces
13706 Message sent from Lotus Word Pro: Current route destination is unknown. Please forward this mail message to the correct destination or to the next person on the route list.
13707 Message sent from Lotus Word Pro:\n\n
13708 Create a simple text-only message and distribute it to one or more people
13709 Create a simple text-only message and distribute it to one or more people. The text from your current selection will be inserted into the message body after the general message.
13710 Include the current document as an attachment. Distribute the message to one or more people, with options to route the message and track it along the way.
13711 When you are finished with the attachment, choose File TeamMail Send to Next Stop to continue the route.
13712 When you are finished with the attachment, choose File TeamMail Return to Originator to continue the route.
13751 white
13752 vanilla
13753 parchment
13754 ivory
13755 pale green
13756 sea mist
13757 ice blue
13758 powder blue
13759 arctic blue
13760 lilac mist
13761 purple wash
13762 violet frost
13763 seashell
13764 rose pearl
13765 pale cherry
13766 white
13767 blush
13768 sand
13769 light yellow
13770 honeydew
13771 celery
13772 pale aqua
13773 pale blue
13774 crystal blue
13775 lt cornflower
13776 pale lavender
13777 grape fizz
13778 pale plum
13779 pale pink
13780 pale rose
13781 rose quartz
13782 5% gray
13783 red sand
13784 buff
13785 lemon
13786 pale lemon lime
13787 mint green
13788 pastel green
13789 pastel blue
13790 sapphire
13791 cornflower
13792 light lavender
13793 pale purple
13794 light orchid
13795 pink orchid
13796 apple blossom
13797 pink coral
13798 10% gray
13799 light salmon
13800 light peach
13801 yellow
13802 avocado
13803 leaf green
13804 light aqua
13805 lt turquoise
13806 light cerulean
13807 azure
13808 lavender
13809 light purple
13810 dusty violet
13811 pink
13812 pastel pink
13813 pastel red
13814 15% gray
13815 salmon
13816 peach
13817 mustard
13818 lemon lime
13819 neon green
13820 aqua
13821 turquoise
13822 cerulean
13823 wedgewood
13824 heather
13825 purple haze
13826 orchid
13827 flamingo
13828 cherry pink
13829 red coral
13830 20% gray
13831 dark salmon
13832 dark peach
13833 gold
13834 yellow green
13835 light green
13836 caribbean
13837 dk pastel blue
13838 dark cerulean
13839 manganese blue
13840 lilac
13841 purple
13842 lt red violet
13843 light magenta
13844 rose
13845 carnation pink
13846 25% gray
13847 watermelon
13848 tangerine
13849 orange
13850 chartreuse
13851 green
13852 teal
13853 dark turquoise
13854 lt slate blue
13855 medium blue
13856 dark lilac
13857 royal purple
13858 fuchsia
13859 confetti pink
13860 pale burgundy
13861 strawberry
13862 30% gray
13863 rouge
13864 burnt orange
13865 dark orange
13866 light olive
13867 kelly green
13868 sea green
13869 aztec blue
13870 dusty blue
13871 blueberry
13872 violet
13873 deep purple
13874 red violet
13875 hot pink
13876 dark rose
13877 poppy red
13878 35% gray
13879 crimson
13880 red
13881 light brown
13882 olive
13883 dark green
13884 dark teal
13885 spruce
13886 slate blue
13887 navy blue
13888 blue violet
13889 amethyst
13890 dk red violet
13891 magenta
13892 light burgundy
13893 cherry red
13894 40% gray
13895 dark crimson
13896 dark red
13897 hazelnut
13898 dark olive
13899 emerald
13900 malachite
13901 dark spruce
13902 steel blue
13903 blue
13904 iris
13905 grape
13906 plum
13907 dark magenta
13908 burgundy
13909 cranberry
13910 50% gray
13911 mahogany
13912 brick
13913 dark brown
13914 deep olive
13915 dark emerald
13916 evergreen
13917 baltic blue
13918 blue denim
13919 cobalt blue
13920 dark iris
13921 midnight
13922 dark plum
13923 plum red
13924 dark burgundy
13925 scarlet
13926 60% gray
13927 chestnut
13928 terra cotta
13929 umber
13930 amazon
13931 peacock green
13932 pine
13933 metallic blue
13934 dk slate blue
13935 royal blue
13936 lapis
13937 dark grape
13938 aubergine
13939 dark plum red
13940 raspberry
13941 deep scarlet
13942 70% gray
13943 burnt sienna
13944 milk chocolate
13945 burnt umber
13946 deep avocado
13947 deep forest
13948 dark pine
13949 dk metallic blue
13950 air force blue
13951 ultramarine
13952 prussian blue
13953 raisin
13954 eggplant
13955 boysenberry
13956 bordeaux
13957 ruby
13958 75% gray
13959 red gray
13960 tan
13961 khaki
13962 putty
13963 bamboo green
13964 green gray
13965 baltic gray
13966 blue gray
13967 rain cloud
13968 lilac gray
13969 lt purple gray
13970 light mauve
13971 lt plum gray
13972 lt burgundy gray
13973 rose gray
13974 80% gray
13975 dark red gray
13976 dark tan
13977 safari
13978 olive gray
13979 jade
13980 dk green gray
13981 spruce gray
13982 dk blue gray
13983 atlantic gray
13984 dk lilac gray
13985 purple gray
13986 mauve
13987 plum gray
13988 burgundy gray
13989 dark rose gray
13990 black
13991 Cycle %d
13992 Level %d
13993 Last10
13994 %d Error(s) Found
13995 Lotus.FileViewer.1
13996 Lotus.Comment.1
13997 Lotus.Draw.1
13998 Lotus.Project.1
13999 Lotus.Spreadsheet.1
14000 Lotus.Chart.1
14020 Today's date (system)
14021 Today's date (static)
14022 Yesterday's date
14023 Tomorrow's date
14024 Date created
14025 Date of last save
14026 Date of last version
14027 Current time
14028 Time Created
14029 Time of last save
14030 Time of last version
14080 version '%s' remarks
14081 Tabs
14082 Returns
14083 Rulers
14084 Page breaks
14085 Section breaks
14086 New page styles
14087 Anchors
14088 Column breaks
14089 Bookmark
14090 OLE/DDE marks
14091 Comment marks
14092 &Clean Screen
14093 &General
14094 &Locations
14095 &Default files
14096 &Personal
14097 All
14100 Step &1: Look
14101 Step &2: Scope and Placement
14102 Choose another SmartMaster on which to base the look of your index.
14103 Base the look of your index on the look of the current document.
14149 Panorama gives you a full width WYSIWYG layout view in which to edit, and a four page view to give you an overview of the look of your document.
14150 DocSkimmer
14151 DocSkimmer gives you a multipage view for navigating, an outline view for overview, and a draft view for editing the text of your document.
14152 Zoomer
14153 Zoomer gives you a page view for navigation, a layout view for zooming in, and a draft view.
14154 PageWalker
14155 PageWalker gives you a WYSIWYG layout view for editing, and a full page view to see the overall look of your pages
14156 Panorama
14157 This page intentionally left blank.
14158 See Also
14159 See
14160 Number from higher position
14161 Division name
14162 Section name
14163 ^? Any one character
14164 ^* Any characters
14165 ^+ Phrase
14166 ^p To end of paragraph
14167 ^t Tab character
14168 ^r Return character
14169 ^^ ^ character
14170 Will find/replace any one character. Can be used with other text to find and/or replace variations of a word. Example: Find "Chapter^?", Replace with "Part^?".
14171 Will find/replace zero or more characters in a word. Can be used with other text to find and/or replace variations of a word. Example: Find "dog^*", Replace with "cat^*".
14172 Will find/replace zero or more characters across multiple words. Can be used with other text to find and/or replace phrases. Example: Find "Now ^+ time".
14173 Will find/replace zero or more characters across multiple words to the end of a paragraph. Example: Find "Once upon a time ^p".
14174 Will find/replace zero the tab character. Example: Find five spaces, Replace with "^t".
14175 Will find/replace the return character. Example: Find "^r^r", Replace with "^r".
14176 Will find/replace the ^ character. Example: Find "H^^20", Replace with water.
14177 Default Column
14178 Default Left Column
14179 Default Right Column
14181 Save Copy As
14182 Markup version
14183 Version created while comparing %s to %d file(s):
14290 Found
14291 Not found
14292 %d replaced
14293 Ascii Script Files
14294 Import Script File
14295 Export Script File
14296 Main
14297 File for Script Recording
14312 parent
14313 parent's margin
14314 text line
14315 Upper left of
14316 Left center of
14317 Lower left of
14318 Top center of
14319 Lower center of
14320 Center of
14321 Upper right of
14322 Right center of
14323 Lower right of
14324 table interior
14325 frame interior
14326 table exterior
14327 frame exterior
14328 table border
14329 frame border
14330 .hyp
14332 Enter New File Password
14333 Re-enter New File Password to Confirm
14334 Enter New TeamSecurity Password
14335 Re-enter New TeamSecurity Password to Confirm
14336 Enter New Password
14337 Re-enter New Password to Confirm
14338 Enter TeamSecurity Password
14339 Enter File Password
14340 New Function
14344 Enter Password for %s
14349 Language:
14350 Type over
14351 /
14352 Markup edits
14353 Version:
14354 Editor:
14355 (Read Only)
14356 (Division)
14357 a metafile. This format is better than bitmap for printing to high quality printers. Also the Windows Metafile format takes less space, and Word Pro can redraw faster
14358 a metafile
14359 a bitmap picture. This format can take up a lot of memory and disk space, but is exactly what you see on the screen
14360 a bitmap
14361 text without any formatting
14362 text without any formatting
14363 text with font and table formatting
14364 text with font and table formatting
14365 spreadsheet data
14366 spreadsheet data
14367 a Word Pro Drawing. This format is editable in Word Pro's drawing module
14368 a Word Pro equation. This format is editable in Word Pro's equation editor
14370 it appeared in Word Pro with its exact formatting
14373 Word Pro Equation
14374 Word Pro Drawing
14378 Left
14379 Center
14380 Right
14381 Numeric Right
14382 Numeric Left
14383 Justify
14385 Warning: This macro will be converted.\n\nIn order to run this macro in Word Pro, it must be converted to a new format. After the conversion, AmiPro must open and save it, before it can be played by AmiPro.\nConvert and playback this macro?
14386 Saving document to file on Internet
14387 Script Glossary
14390 Default Columns
14400 Add to Dictionary
14401 Skip
14402 Skip All
14403 Replace All
14404 Replace
14405 -----------------------------
14406 Turn on Background Spell Check
14407 OLE unless required
14408 Loading OLE resources
14409 DDE unless required
14700 Argentinean Peso
14701 Australian Dollar
14702 Austrian Schilling
14703 Belgian Franc
14704 Brazilian Real
14705 British Pound
14706 Canadian Dollar
14707 Chinese Yuan
14708 Czech Koruna
14709 Danish Krone
14710 ECU
14711 Finnish Markka
14712 French Franc
14713 German Mark
14714 Greek Drachma
14715 Hong Kong Dollar
14716 Hungarian Forint
14717 Indian Rupee
14718 Indonesian Rupiah
14719 Irish Punt
14720 Italian Lira
14721 Japanese Yen
14722 Luxembourg Franc
14723 Malaysian Ringgit
14724 Mexican Peso
14725 Netherlands Guilder
14726 New Zealand Dollar
14727 Norwegian Krone
14728 Polish Zloty
14729 Portuguese Escudo
14730 Romanian Leu
14731 Russian Ruble
14732 Singapore Dollar
14733 Slovakian Koruna
14734 Slovenian Tolar
14735 South African Rand
14736 South Korean Won
14737 Spanish Peseta
14738 Swedish Krona
14739 Swiss Franc
14740 Taiwan Dollar
14741 Thai Baht
14742 U.S. Dollar
14743 Other Currency
14744 A
14745 A$
14746 ╓S
14747 BF
14748 R$
14749 ú
14750 C$
14751 PRCÑ
14752 Kc
14753 Dkr
14754 ECU
14755 mk
14756 F
14757 DM
14758 Dr
14759 HK$
14760 Ft
14761 Rs
14762 Rp
14763 IRú
14764 L.
14765 Ñ
14766 LF
14767 Rm
14768 Mex$
14769 F
14770 NZ$
14771 Nkr
14772 Zl
14773 Esc.
14774 Leu
14775 R
14776 S$
14777 Sk
14778 SIT
14779 R
14780 W
14781 Pts
14782 Skr
14783 SFr
14784 NT$
14785 Bt
14786 $
14787 OTH
14788 %
14789 E
14899 Table: %d x %d
14900 Standard - Insert typed text
14901 Insert Table...
14902 Insert Picture...
14903 Insert OLE Object...
14904 Insert Chart...
14905 Insert Drawing...
14906 Follow a Link...
14907 Insert Glossary Text...
14908 Insert Equation...
14910 Click here to type Text
14911 Click here to insert Table
14912 Click here to insert Picture
14913 Click here to insert OLE Object
14914 Click here to insert a Chart
14915 Click here to insert a Drawing
14916 Click here to type text for Link
14917 Click here to open a Glossary
14918 Click here to insert an Equation
14920 Click here to type Text
14921 Default Headings
14926 Welcome Dialog
14927 Index on page %d (%s)
14928 Graphic/OLE Frame Style
14929 Equation Frame Style
14930 Default Text Style
14931 Default Page Style
14932 Default Frame Style
14933 Default Table Style
14934 Default Table Cell Style
14935 Names to add as editors:
14936 Default
14937 General
14938 Fixed
14939 Comma
14940 Percent
14941 Scientific
14942 Label
14943 Any number
14944 Negative numbers
14945 Zero
14946 &Object
14947 olesrv.mwp
14949 First line indent
14950 Rest of paragraph indent
14951 All lines indent
14952 &Options...
14953 * &Options...
14954 Equation
14955 Default TOC Cell Style
14956 TOC Page Number Text Style
14957 PrettyPrinting
14958 UndoLevels
14959 TabWidth
14960 FontSize
14961 KeywordColor
14962 CommentColor
14963 IdentColor
14964 DirectiveColor
14965 ErrorColor
14966 FontName
14967 ScriptEditor
14968 UndoEnable
14969 Dialog Editor
14970 PasteDialog
14971 NewDialog
14972 Program Path
14975 Multiple cell paste
14976 &Basics
14977 Insert &Formula...
14978 Edit &Formula...
14979 Default Graphic/OLE
14980 EditICON
14981 DebugICN
14982 OptionDeclare
14987 IconPref
14988 Script Editor for %s
14989 Script Modules (*.lso)
14990 Save Globals As
14993 EditorRect
14995 StatusBarButtons
14996 Regular
14997 Bold
14998 Italic
14999 Bold Italic
15002 This feature is a feature not yet implemented or a feature being considered for Word Pro.
15500 %s has changed. Save changes?
15501 %s is already used.
15503 %s is currently protected. You cannot save any changes to it.
15504 You can only edit merge data files of type Word Pro.
15505 Could not add the word to the user dictionary.
15506 Cannot load one or more user dictionaries.
15507 Word Pro has detected a more recent timed save version of %s. Do you want to open the *%s file instead of the original document?
15508 Word Pro has detected a timed save version of one or more untitled documents. Do you want to open the file(s)?
15509 Glossary record name '%s' is already in use.
15510 %s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
15511 %s does not exist. Do you want to create it?
15512 Bookmark %s already exists. Type another name.
15513 Bookmark %s does not exist.
15514 HM Grammar checker returned %d
15515 Current address has been modified. Save to address list?
15516 The active window does not contain a macro file. Make the desired macro file the active window and choose Select Macro.
15517 %s is too large or too small. Try again, using a number between %s and %s.
15518 Cannot load the %s printer driver. Word Pro will format for the screen.
15519 You cannot use spaces for this bookmark name.
15520 Not enough memory to display the picture as you move it. The picture will reappear when you release the mouse button.
15522 %s does not contain a glossary. Do you want to create it?
15523 Cannot edit a picture stored in an external file. Re-import the picture and deselect the Link to file option.
15524 Could not create a glossary entry. The glossary is full.
15525 This address already exists. Do you want to replace it?
15526 Delete all Comment Notes in this document?
15527 Should the bookmark apply to the cell(s) instead of the text?
15528 Paste all the text into the current cell?
15529 Saving this file in a file type other than Word Pro can cause data to be lost in features not supported by the chosen format.\nWould you like to permanently hide this warning?
15530 Cannot display the %s SmartIcons set.
15531 This document was saved while in revision marking mode. Would you like to enter revision marking mode?
15532 This document's Auto Open scripts have been disabled.
15533 One of the paths is currently not a valid directory. You can use the Browse button to find a valid directory.
15534 The word immediately before this one was spelled exactly the same.
15535 Click on the word you want to look up and try again.
15536 Cannot load the thesaurus program.
15537 Cannot find the thesaurus in %s. Either the %s language thesaurus is not installed or the path is incorrect.
15538 %s is not in the thesaurus.
15539 The value you typed is incorrect. Please type a different value and try again.
15540 Data file is not in valid format.
15541 The glossary file contains an internal error.
15542 Glossary field name %s has too many characters.
15543 Cannot load the hyphenation program. Hyphenation will not be available.
15544 Cannot find the hyphenation dictionary in %s. Either the %s dictionary is not installed or the path is incorrect.
15545 The graphic file is either of the wrong type or is damaged.
15546 The program required to display the contents of this frame or cell is not installed.
15547 Maximum paragraph size encountered.
15548 Graphic file %s doesn't exist.
15549 There are no field names in the description file.
15550 Fixed ASCII files must have field lengths of 1 - 2047 characters.
15551 %s is not a valid field name.
15552 Cannot complete the command because the disk is full.
15553 Cannot open %s.
15554 Cannot load %s.
15555 This file is not in DIF format.
15556 Unable to create %s.
15557 Cannot establish DDE link to %s for %s item %s.
15558 Cannot establish DDE link to acceptable DDE format.
15559 %s is not active. Run it now?
15560 The glossary record you are trying to insert is too large.
15561 Cannot load the spelling program.
15562 Cannot find the spelling dictionary in %s. Either the %s dictionary is not installed or the path is incorrect.
15563 The file is not a Word Pro document.
15564 Cannot find %s.
15565 The file you want to use with that command is password protected. Remove the password protection and try again.
15566 Cannot find the grammar data file in %s. Either the %s language Grammar checker is not installed or the path is incorrect.
15567 Cannot load the grammar program.
15568 This will undo all the changes you have made since you last saved. Are you sure?
15569 Grammar Check is not available in the current language.
15570 Cannot go to that type of item right now.
15571 Cannot open SmartMaster %s. Please select another SmartMaster.
15572 Cannot find the file you specified.
15573 There are merge fields in the current document that do not match this records file.
15574 This graphic will not display on the screen. However, it will print on PostScript printers.
15575 This text cannot be edited because it is protected.
15576 An error has occurred in Word Pro.
15577 A %s error occurred in Word Pro.
15578 %s cannot be found.
15579 %s is invalid.
15580 Cannot open %s. Too many files are open.
15581 %s is in use by another program and cannot be opened by Word Pro.
15582 %s is full.
15583 Bad seek in %s.
15584 Word Pro could not read or write %s.
15585 The file %s is in use by another program, and cannot be opened by Word Pro.
15586 %s's disk is full.
15587 %s already exists. Try a different name.
15588 Local memory full.
15589 Global memory full.
15590 Virtual memory full.
15591 Unable to load resource.
15592 Unable to load %s.
15593 Unable to load %s due to low memory.
15594 Cannot locate %s.
15595 Cannot locate path for %s.
15596 The file %s is not compatible with this version of Word Pro.
15597 Program file %s has been damaged.
15598 Word Pro is low on resources and could not create a window.
15599 There is not enough room on the disk to back up %s.
15600 Unable to complete backup for file %s.
15601 %s is already open. You will not be able to save changes to this copy of the file. Use Save As to save changes to a new copy of the file.
15602 Cannot overwrite %s.
15603 The filename %s is actually a device name. Try again.
15604 Cannot write to directory %s.
15605 Field name %s is already being used. Try a new name.
15606 Unable to complete paste.
15607 Unable to complete copy.
15608 Unable to copy or cut to the clipboard.
15609 The file type you specified does not match its format.
15610 Unable to import all of %s.
15611 Unable to complete export to %s.
15612 Cannot create temp file to complete export to %s.
15613 Cannot import file %s.
15614 The file you are importing is password protected. Remove the password from the original file and try again.
15615 Text cannot be imported at the current insertion point.
15616 Unable to import or export. Exit and restart Word Pro and then try again.
15617 You must specify the field length for fixed length ASCII files.
15618 Convert selected text to a table?
15619 Are you sure you want to delete the field named '%s?' The contents of '%s' will also be deleted.
15620 There are no more edits in your selection. Would you like to continue reviewing the entire document?
15621 Are you sure you want to delete the editor named '%s?'
15622 Are you sure you want to permanently delete the version named '%s?' Press F1 for more information.
15623 The field and record delimiters cannot be the same. Please change one.
15624 Are you sure you want to check the format of the rest of this document automatically?
15625 Word Pro has finished checking your selection. Would you like to continue checking the entire document?
15626 There are no more misspelled words. Would you like to close the Spell Check bar?
15627 Search finished.\n\nWords found %ld\nWords replaced %ld\n\nDo you want to close Find & Replace?
15628 Word Pro has finished checking your selection.\n\nWords found %ld\nWords replaced %ld\n\nWould you like to finish checking the entire document?
15629 The tab '%s' has changed. Set this tab to '%s?'
15630 At least one set of paragraphs has editing tags from different editors. Would you like to leave these tags for later review?
15631 Delete\n%s?
15632 Delete Style
15633 Overwrite Style
15634 %s already exists.
15635 %s already exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite it?
15636 Could not open SmartMaster %s. Create with standard look?
15637 Review of markups has finished. Would you like to close the Review Marked Edits bar?
15638 Word Pro has finished reviewing your selection.\nWould you like to finish reviewing the entire document?
15639 There are no more formatting errors. Would you like to close the Format Check bar?
15640 You cannot delete the editor named '%s'. Press F1 for more information.
15641 Access to this dialog box is currently restricted to the editor named '%s.' Continuing will change TeamSecurity protection to 'Unprotected.' Continue anyway?
15642 Currently, no editor may make changes to the document. Also, you will be unable to save this file.
15643 Brings up the Save As dialog box so that you can save this document to a file. You can place the file on a floppy disk for 'sneaker-net' distribution,
15644 on a network drive for network access, or simply on your hard drive for later distribution. All document sharing settings will be stored with the document.
15645 Saves the document with all of its document sharing settings and brings up the Send Mail dialog box so that you can send this document to the people with whom
15646 you are sharing it. The document will be sent to each person as an attachment to an email. You can edit the mail recipient list and the mail message before sending.
15647 Saves the document with all of its document sharing settings and brings up the Send Mail dialog box so that you can route this document from one person to the next.
15648 You can edit the recipient list, the routing order, and the mail message before sending.
15649 Accept All Format Check Suggestions
15650 There are no more grammar errors. Would you like to close the Grammar Check bar?
15651 %s contains characters which cannot be used in a filename.
15652 There are no more misspelled words in your selection. Would you like to continue checking the entire document?
15653 Your printer is done printing the booklet on the first side. Take the paper from the output tray, turn them over, and put them in the paper feed. Click on the 'OK' button when you are finished.
15654 Cannot change to "SmartMaster" editor because of the protection that is set.
15660 Unable to combine divisions. Your current selection of divisions spans hidden or OLE divisions, which cannot be combined.
15661 The Word Pro Expert logs all Expert questions at Beta sites so that Lotus Development Corp may use your questions as input to tune the Expert's responses.
15662 Your Expert log file is large enough to warrant shipping to Lotus. We ask you to copy this file to removable media (diskette) to be shipped to Lotus.
15663 This procedure will step you through the process of copying the Expert log file. Will you assist us at this time?
15664 Please place a diskette in the appropriate diskette drive on your computer, and select OK or Cancel. If you select OK, Word Pro will display a screen which
15665 will allow you to select the destination drive where the Expert log file will be copied. After you select a drive and press OK, Word Pro
15666 will copy your Expert log file. You may copy the file to diskette or to another hard disk. Press Cancel to postpone this procedure until later.
15667 Word Pro Expert has successfully copied your Expert log file to diskette. Please remove the diskette from your computer, label as "Expert Question Log" and mail to:\n\n
15668 Lotus Development Corporation\nATTN: J Richards\n1000 Abernathy Road\nAtlanta, GA 30328\n\n
15669 Press OK to clear the old Expert log file. Press Cancel to retain it.
15670 The Expert log file has been copied to disk. Press OK to clear the old Expert log file. Press Cancel to retain it.
15671 Word Pro could not copy your log file.
15672 Could not reinitialize log file.
15673 Word Pro Expert
15674 This file is protected.
15675 This file is protected. Contact: %s
15676 %s, this file is protected.
15677 %s, this file is protected. Contact: %s
15678 Revision check has found a hidden deletion, which cannot be displayed. Press F1 for more information.
15681 Please enter a file password.
15682 Please enter a password for this dialog box.
15683 Wrong Password. (Passwords are case sensitive - be sure to use correct upper and lower case).
15684 The file %s is the current Master Document. A Master Document cannot be added to itself.
15685 Warning: Setting your own editing rights to Read Only remains in effect until you close the document. If you save the document with your rights set to Read Only,
15686 it may not be able to be edited again. For more information, press F1.
15687 Your system does not have a default printer driver. Formatting for the screen.
15689 There was no filter to save %s in the format specified.
15690 Word Pro could not initialize the printer driver %s.
15691 Brings up the Save to Internet dialog so you can save this document to a file stored on an Internet server. All document sharing settings will be stored with the document.
15692 Cannot save document %s. Reopen in a modifiable mode.
15693 Cannot access document %s. You do not have the appropriate access rights to open this file.
15694 Cannot access document %s. This file is checked out by another user.
15695 Unable to perform requested DMS operation for document %s. Error in connection with DMS.
15696 Unable to perform requested DMS operation for document %s.
15697 Unable to perform requested DMS operation for document %s.
15698 The division you are about to replace has been modified. Do you want to save these changes to the external division's original file?
15699 The division's original file is in a format Word Pro cannot support. Changes to this division cannot be saved.
15700 The division you are about to import has been modified. Do you want to save these changes to the division's original file before importing?
15701 Are you sure you want to permanently remove this icon from the available list and delete the file %s?
15702 You have selected one of the standard Word Pro icons. These cannot be edited. You can however use these icons as a starting image for a new custom icon.
15703 The icon %s has been modified. Would you like to save your changes?
15704 The formula you typed has errors. Try again.
15705 The file %s was opened from the Internet. All previous saves were made to a local temporary file.\n\nDo you want to save your changes back to the original location on the Internet? (Choosing No will enable you to save a permanent local copy.)
15706 No mail package is currently installed.
15707 The drive containing the selected file is inaccessible.
15708 Not enough temp space available.
15709 Unable to edit object. Link could not be loaded.
15710 Unable to edit object. Server or link could not be loaded.
15711 Out of memory. Please save your document and reduce memory usage.
15712 Cannot run with the current code page.
15713 Unable to create OLE object. Create operation was either cancelled, resulted in an OLE server error, or the server did not respond.
15714 This AmiPro Document object was created by Lotus Ami Pro which has since been upgraded to Lotus Word Pro. If you convert it to a Lotus Word Pro Document object it will no longer be editable by Lotus Ami Pro.\n\n%s
15715 Convert this to a Lotus Word Pro Document object?
15716 Cannot save document or exit Word Pro.
15717 In order to include your Editor's Remark, this document will be closed and saved before sending.
15718 Your current data file is in a file format not supported by Word Pro's Merge. To use this file, you must first import and save it as a Word Pro document.
15719 Changes in %s include mark(s) for new OLE or DDE link(s) to its contents. You have also made other changes to the document. You must save the changes for your link(s) to function.\n\nSave changes?
15720 Because you created OLE or DDE link(s) from %s, you must save it for your link(s) to function in the future.\n\nSave changes?
15721 Current data record has not been saved. Would you like to save the record?
15722 Your user defined filter is not in the correct form. You need to have it as such: `*.lwp;*.sam'
15723 The selected text contains %ld characters and %ld words.\nThe document contains %ld characters and %ld words.
15724 The document contains %ld characters and %ld words.
15725 Unable to perform requested Notes operation for Document %s.
15726 Lotus Notes is not available.
15727 Unable to load the Tour program file %s. If you installed from CD, place your CD in the drive, and click OK to run the Tour. Otherwise, run the Install program, select Customize features, and select Tour.
15728 Unable to load the Tour demonstration file %s. If you installed from CD, place your CD in the drive, and click OK to run the Tour. %s
15729 Brings up the Save As to Notes dialog so you can save this document as a Notes attachment. All document sharing settings will be stored with the document.
15730 Cannot use the Internet functionality. The Internet feature is not installed or an error occurred in network connection.
15731 \n\nFor more information, press F1.
15732 There is no currently installed filter for graphic type '%s'.
15733 Insert a new Lotus Approach 96 Mailing Labels object into your document.
15734 No OLE2 Support. Cannot merge labels.
15735 Data file %s has changed. Save changes?
15736 Current data file has changed. Save changes?
15737 Line limit exceeded in Text to Table conversion.
15738 Data file %s does not exist. Choose a new data file to continue.
15739 There are no merge fields in the current document. You must insert merge fields to continue.
15740 Either temporary disk space was too low or one or more graphic or OLE objects have been deleted by another editor. Please reopen file then save it.
15741 Cannot modify the user dictionary because it is in use by another program.
15742 Unable to load the %s program. To install the %s program, run the WordPro install program, select customize features, and select %s.
15743 Data file %s is not open. To continue merge do not press cancel when the range dialog box appears.
15744 LotusScript Dialog: Ctrl+Break
15745 Continue execution of dialog?
15746 LotusScript IDE load failed
15747 LotusScript IDE open failed, status = %d
15748 Document has script errors. Close it anyway?
15749 LotusScript: Ctrl+Break
15750 Continue execution of script?
15751 Unable to load the %s filter. To install the %s filter, run the WordPro install program, select customize features, and select %s.
15752 This document contains LotusScript dialogs, which are not supported by %s. Proceed with save?
15756 Cannot create object. You have too many objects nested within other objects.
15757 If you installed from a server, contact your network administrator to verify that the Tour was installed on the server. Otherwise, run the Install program, select Customize features, and select Tour.
15758 The SmartMaster you chose was created using a previous version of Word Pro. Lotus suggests that you convert it to Word Pro '97 format before you create documents or divisions from it. Press F1 for more information.
15759 This document was created using a previous version of Word Pro. Lotus suggests that you convert it to Word Pro '97 format before continuing. For best results, make a backup of the original document, then save, close and reopen it. Press F1 for more information.
16003 %s0%s%s%s.dat
17962 For &WordPerfect Users
17963 Welcome WordPerfect &Users...
17964 Script IDE
17965 Column Block
17966 Answer
17967 No Answer
17968 No Answer At All
17969 Text
17970 Selected Frame
17971 Header
17972 Table
17973 Charting
17974 Drawing
17975 Equations
17976 Text Frame
17977 Picture Frame
17978 Footer
17979 Table Cell
17980 Parallel Columns
17981 Comment Note
17982 %s5%s%s%s.dat
17983 %s8%s%s%s.dat
17984 The Expert found no other answers relating to your question.
17985 For help on using the Expert, choose one of these and click OK.
17986 Searching... just a moment, please.
17987 One of these may be the answer. Choose one or enter new question.
17988 Unable to answer your question. Choose one or enter new question.
17989 Using the Expert
17990 Suggestions for asking questions
17991 %s1%s%s%s.dat
17992 %s3%s%s%s.dat
17993 %s2%s%s%s.dat
17994 %s4%s%s%s.dat
17995 %s6%s%s%s.dat
17996 %s7%s%s%s.dat
17997 %s9%s%s%s.dat
17998 userqstn.log
17999 The Expert also found these answers.
18002 SmartSelect
18003 Footnote &Options...
18004 OLE Object
18005 %ld bytes
18008 lothome.lwp
18009 lotcss.lwp
18010 lotftp.lwp
18011 Link Frame &Contents
18012 &Unlink
18013 Advanced Font Matching
18014 Up&date Index
18015 Up&date Table of Contents
18016 &Edit Drop Caps...
18017 &Custom
18018 &Outline
18019 inetsrch.lwp
18020 inetsuit.lwp
18021 Fast graphic display
18022 Display keyword list...
18023 Click here to insert a keyword
18024 Font, attribute, and color
18025 Alignment
18026 Color, pattern, and line style
18027 Bullet and number
18028 Tab settings, language, outline settings, and numeric alignment
18029 Paragraph breaks
18030 Named style
18031 Size and margin
18032 Place a watermark
18033 Newspaper columns
18034 Header margin settings
18035 Footer margin settings
18036 Tab settings, alignment, and grid
18037 Tab settings, alignment, graphics scaling, and grid
18038 Table protection
18039 Grid and rotation
18040 Placement and anchoring options
18041 Number format
18042 crossref.lwp
18043 Default Header
18044 Default Footer
18045 Default Header Style
18046 Default Footer Style
18047 Update header content across all divisions in document?\n\nNote: Yes will replace existing headers in each division with the current header.
18048 Update footer content across all divisions in document?\n\nNote: Yes will replace existing footers in each division with the current footer.
18049 &Entire Document
18050 &Entire Division
18051 Bubble help
18052 backgrnd
18053 Select Watermark
18054 Color and line style
18055 Word Pro
18056 Special
18057 Master Label
18058 Cell1
18059 Label Sheet
18060 MergeLabelStyle
18061 Label
18062 Table1
19000 Anglicisms
19001 Belgian expressions
19002 Common misspellings
19003 Confused prepositions
19004 Confused verb endings
19005 Confusion of related words
19006 Derogatory terms
19007 Fixed expressions
19008 Formal terms
19009 Gallicisms
19010 Gender-specific words
19011 Germanisms
19012 Nonstandard prepositions
19013 Nonstandard usage
19014 Open vs. closed usage
19015 Prepositional expressions
19016 Word choice
19017 Partial words
19018 Adjective, noun, participle?
19019 Colloquial terms
19020 Confused words: easy
19021 Confused words: medium
19022 Confused words: difficult
19023 Confusion with English
19024 Contraction errors
19025 Different prepositions
19026 Elision errors
19027 English words
19028 Homonyms: easy
19029 Homonyms: difficult
19030 Incorrect preposition
19031 Incorrect pronoun
19032 Nonstandard negation
19033 Noun phrase agreement errors
19034 Adjective position
19035 Postclitic agreement errors
19036 Regional expressions
19037 Spelling: standard expressions
19038 Trite expressions
19039 Words derived from English
19040 Words with two genders
19041 Bureaucratic jargon
19042 Easily confused plurals
19043 Feminine occupational titles
19044 Incorrect plural forms
19045 Lowercase adjectives
19046 Lowercase colors
19047 Lowercase numbers
19048 Lowercase phrases
19049 Lowercase pronouns
19050 Nonstandard adjective
19051 Nonstandard clause
19052 Nonstandard comparatives
19053 Nonstandard geographical terms
19054 Nonstandard inflections
19055 Nonstandard verb forms
19056 Nouns with common errors
19057 Nouns with nonstandard gender
19058 Sensitive expressions
19059 Typical misspelled words
19060 Borrowed foreign expressions
19061 Confused words
19062 Double plurals
19063 Exotic spellings
19064 Foreign words
19065 Homographs
19066 Incorrect comparatives
19067 Incorrect inflections
19068 Misspelled Italian expressions
19069 Unnecessarily complex words
19070 Vague expressions
19071 Calque
19072 Foreign spellings
19073 Gender usage
19074 Homophones
19075 Nonstandard contractions
19076 Nonstandard pronouns
19077 Nonstandard spellings
19078 False friends
19079 Homophones 1
19080 Homophones 2
19081 Overused expressions
19082 Conjunctions: usage
19083 Nonstandard Uppercase
19084 Finnish-Swedish expressions
19085 Formal expressions
19086 Literary
19100 These rules flag nouns in a row, prepositional phrases in a row, and split infinitives, according to settings specified on the Grammatical Style Panel of the Grammar Options Dialog Box. They also flag
19101 adjacent sentences that begin with identical words.
19102 These rules flag homonyms or near-homonyms, words that may be confused because they sound alike ('principle' and 'principal'; 'complacent' and 'complaisant'). Note that all occurrences of these words
19103 will be flagged because there are no contextual clues to distinguish their usage; you must consult the explanations given in the error message to determine whether your usage is correct or incorrect.
19104 These rules flag words that may be confused because they have similar meanings, derivations, or pronunciations. The pairs of words addressed by these rules often sound somewhat similar and have
19105 meanings that may be confused . All occurrences of these words are flagged, because there are no clues to indicate which one is correct in a given context. You must consult the explanations
19106 in the error message to determine whether you are using these words correctly. Example: ('alternatively' and 'alternately'; 'flagrant' and 'blatant')
19107 These rules flag words and expressions that are no longer current in standard usage. These words or expressions may be appropriate
19108 in certain contexts but might seem stilted or awkward in everyday writing, and they should be replaced with contemporary equivalents whenever possible.
19109 Example: 'Would you perchance be free for lunch on Tuesday?' can be revised using a more contemporary term like 'perhaps' or 'possibly'.
19110 These rules flag clichΘs, colorful expressions used so often that they have lost their original force. Although clichΘs may occasionally be appropriate, you should avoid using
19111 them casually or excessively. Sometimes a clichΘ can be replaced by a more direct term. In other cases the sentence must be rephrased to avoid the clichΘ.
19112 Example: 'make a mountain out of a molehill' might become 'exaggerate' or 'overreact')
19113 These rules flag contractions and recommend the appropriate expanded forms. For example, one rule will flag a sentence like 'I've completed the course' and suggest replacing 'I've' with 'I have'.
19114 Contractions are acceptable in many written contexts, especially if you are striving for a conversational tone. They may be inappropriate, however, in some formal documents. This rule set will enable
19115 you to identify and revise contractions when you are working on formal documents.
19116 These rules flag gender-specific terms, such as names of occupations or professions, that may unnecessarily indicate a person's gender. For professions that used to be dominated
19117 by women but now also include men, gender-neutral designations are to be preferred. Example: one rule will flag a sentence like
19118 'The guest speaker was a popular local poetess,' because 'poetess' is a gender-specific expression; it suggests the term 'poet' as an alternative.
19119 These rules flag words and expressions that are more appropriate in speech than in writing. The rules offer a less casual alternative or suggest rephrasing the sentence to eliminate the expression.
19120 Example: the phrase 'a shot at' can be replaced by an expression like 'a chance to'.
19121 These rules flag words and expressions that belong to a specific technical vocabulary (medicine, science, music, etc.) but are inappropriate when used in general writing. Example: 'input'.
19122 These rules flag overused expressions that have lost their original impact. In an appropriate spoken context they might be acceptable, but in writing they sound too casual and should be replaced with expressions
19123 that are less colloquial and more precise. In some cases the sentence must be rephrased to avoid an overused expression. Example: '(the phrase 'blissful ignorance' might be replaced by the word 'ignorance' alone)
19124 These rules flag usage of the passive voice. A sentence is in the passive voice when the subject completes no action but instead is acted upon. Thus, 'Our proposal was accepted by the board' is a
19125 sentence in the passive voice. It has a counterpart, 'The board accepted our proposal,' which is in the active voice. Sentences written in the passive voice can sound weak and confusingly indirect,
19126 and it is often better to rephrase them in the active voice. For example, one rule will flag a sentence like 'The ball was thrown by the boy.' The error message notes that the sentence is passive and
19127 suggests rewriting it in the active voice. You may occasionally find that a sentence makes sense only in the passive voice, but most sentences are more coherent when the subject completes the action.
19128 These rules flag unnecessarily complex words and offer simple, straightforward alternatives. The word 'eventuate', for example, can usually be replaced with an expression like 'take place' or 'happen'.
19129 These rules flag expressions containing multiple words that mean or imply the same thing. Redundancy can often be eliminated
19130 by deleting part of the expression. Example: 'sufficient enough' might become either 'sufficient' or 'enough'.
19131 These rules flag expressions that are likely to be considered sexist or reflective of stereotypes based on gender. The error messages may offer alternatives or suggest rephrasing the sentence to eliminate the
19132 expression. For example, one rule will flag sentences like 'Say hello to the little woman,' because 'little woman' is considered a sexist expression; it suggests the terms 'wife', 'partner', or 'spouse' as alternatives.
19133 These rules flag stock phrases that may often be deleted without changing the meaning or emphasis of a sentence. Unlike clichΘs, the expressions these rules address are not worn-out metaphors or
19134 conventional descriptive phrases. Instead they are introductory or parenthetical expressions often used as 'filler' ('it goes without saying that' or 'in fact').
19135 'down' is superfluous since it is implied by the word 'sat.'
19136 These rules flag expressions that include an unnecessary preposition and suggest deleting it to make the expression more concise. Example: in the sentence 'I sat down on the lawn,' the preposition
19137 These rules flag vague, wordy, or informal quantifiers (words or phrases that specify number or amount). An expression like 'lots of' can be replaced by a less colloquial term like 'much' or 'many' or a more precise indication of the amount.
19138 These rules flag overused or colloquial modifiers (adjectives or adverbs that limit or 'modify' the sense of another word). Expressions like 'funny', 'pretty well', or 'nice' can often be replaced by more specific expressions.
19139 These rules flag vague or wordy expressions that could be replaced by simpler, more direct expressions to make your writing clearer. Example: a phrase like 'in all probability' might be replaced by a simple adverb like 'probably'.
19140 Missing articles
19141 These rules flag the possible absence of an article or determiner before single countable nouns, some plural nouns, nouns that require an article, and fixed expressions and proper nouns that require an
19142 article. The rules suggest adding an appropriate definite or indefinite article or replacing the noun with a plural.
19143 Word form errors
19144 These rules flag constructions containing errors caused by incorrect usage ('They punished him for no obeying the rules,' where 'no' should be 'not').
19632 Save File Locally
19633 Set &Breakpoint
19634 Clear &Breakpoint
19635 Enable B&reakpoint
19636 Disable B&reakpoint
19637 Enable Brea&kpoints for Document
19638 Disable Brea&kpoints for Document
19641 SUB %s, not found
19642 You must have a user dictionary active to be able to edit.
19643 Dictionary error
19644 language not installed
19651 ltlrn31.dll
19652 ltsdn31.dll
19653 ltsun31.dll
19654 lthlpn31.dll
19655 URL
19658 Hyphenation\4.0
19659 Thesaurus\3.0
19660 GrammarChecker\3.0
19661 Anchor (A)
19662 Viewed Anchor (A)
19663 &Lotus Word Pro Help
19676 NichiYoubi
19677 GetsuYoubi
19678 KaYoubi
19679 SuiYoubi
19680 MokuYoubi
19681 KinYoubi
19682 DoYoubi
19683 Nichi
19684 Getsu
19685 Ka
19686 Su
19687 Moku
19688 kin
19689 Do
19690 Meiji
19691 Taisho
19692 Shouwa
19693 Heisei
19694 M
19695 T
19696 S
19697 H
19698 YYYY'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'AWeekday
19699 YYYY'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'(AWday)
19700 YYYY'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'
19701 '\''YY'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'AWeekday
19702 '\''YY'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'(AWday)
19703 '\''YY'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'
19704 GG'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'AWeekday
19705 GG'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'(AWday)
19706 GG'Nen'M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'
19707 M/D/G
19708 D/M/G
19709 G/M/D
19710 M/D/YYYY
19711 D/M/YYYY
19712 YYYY/M/D
19713 M.D.YY
19714 D.M.YY
19715 YY.M.D
19716 M-D-YY
19717 D-M-YY
19718 YY-M-D
19719 M'Gatsu'D'Nichi'
19727 %s Properties
19728 Object Properties
19730 Notes Document
19731 Lotus Notes
19732 OLE Object
19733 Spanish (Guatemala)
19734 Spanish (Costa Rica)
19735 Spanish (Panama)
19736 Spanish (Dominican Republic)
19737 Spanish (Venezuela)
19738 Spanish (Colombia)
19739 Spanish (Peru)
19740 Spanish (Argentina)
19741 Spanish (Ecuador)
19742 Spanish (Chile)
19743 Spanish (Uruguay)
19744 Spanish (Paraguay)
19745 English (Jamaica)
19746 English (Caribbean)
19747 Serbian
19748 Medical (American)
19749 Medical (British)
19750 Medical (Canadian)
19751 EBCDIC (CP37)
19752 IBM International #1 (CP256)
19753 IBM Symbols Set 7 (CP259)
19754 IBM Germany-Austria (CP273)
19755 IBM Denmark, Norway (CP277)
19756 IBM Finland, Sweden (CP278)
19757 IBM Italy (CP280)
19758 IBM Spain, Latin America (CP284)
19759 IBM UK (CP285)
19760 IBM France (CP297)
19761 Dos USA (CP437)
19762 IBM International #5 (CP500)
19763 Dos Greek (CP737)
19764 Dos Baltic (CP775)
19765 Dos Multilingual (CP850)
19766 Dos Greek (CP851)
19767 Dos Slavic (CP852)
19768 Dos Cyrillic (CP855)
19769 Dos Turkish (CP857)
19770 Dos Portuguese (CP860)
19771 Dos Icelandic (CP861)
19772 Dos Hebrew (CP862)
19773 Dos Canadian-French (CP863)
19774 Dos Arabic (CP864)
19775 Dos Nordic (CP865)
19776 Dos Russian (CP866)
19777 Dos Greek (CP869)
19778 Dos Desktop Publishing (CP1004)
19779 Unicode (CP1200)
19780 Windows Eastern European (CP1250)
19781 Windows International (CP1252)
19782 Windows Greek (CP1253)
19783 Windows Baltic (CP1257)
19784 Jump to Web Document (http://)
19785 Go to another document in this web site
19786 Go to a bookmarked location
19787 Start a file transfer (ftp://)
19788 Create a mail message (mailto:)
19789 Open a Gopher session (gopher:)
19790 Read a newsgroup (news:)
19791 Open a telnet session (telnet:)
19795 http://www.lotus.com
19796 textonly.html
19797 #summary
19798 ftp://ftp.support.lotus.com
19799 mailto:whoever@whatever.com
19800 gopher://gatech.edu
19801 news://rec.sport.basketball.college
19802 telnet://cdnow.com
19806 http://
19808 #
19809 ftp://
19810 mailto:
19811 gopher://
19812 news://
19813 telnet://
19817 Horizontal Rule (HR)
19818 Edit Control
19819 Multi-line Edit Control
19820 Checkbox Control
19821 Radio Button Control
19822 Combobox Control
19823 Listbox Control
19824 Submit Button
19825 Reset Button
19826 End-of-form Control
19831 {530B32E3-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19832 {530B32E7-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19833 {530B32EB-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19834 {530B32EF-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19835 {530B32F3-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19836 {530B32F7-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19837 {530B32FB-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19838 {530B32FF-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19839 {530B3303-81AA-11CF-BCAA-0020AF24D443}
19840 Select Background Wallpaper
19841 This function requires either the NetScape Navigator or the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. Word Pro was not able to detect either browser in your system.
19842 lwphtml.ini
19843 Internet
19844 Building watermark background
19845 You must select some text or a frame in order to create a link.
19846 %s on %s
19847 Envelope
19850 Warning: Your computer is too low on temporary disk space for Word Pro to function optimally. It is suggested that you free some space (delete some files on %c:) or adjust your temporary disk space allocation. Press F1 for help.