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READ THIS FIRST ------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains the following updated and new information about Lotus« Word ProÖ 97 Edition: - Support information - New features - Notes and updates to the product - Tips and tricks for using Word Pro - Macro and Script information - Extra Information about Word ProÆs HTML filter Note: For information about installation and system requirements, please see Exploring SmartSuite or the README.WRI file provided with Lotus SmartSuite. --------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT INFORMATION Telephone numbers For all PC desktop products, call Customer service:1-800-343-5414 or Technical Support for all Windows Desktop applications:1-508-988-2500 Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard time). Lotus Customer Support You can access all available customer support numbers in your country by following the instructions below. 1. Choose Help - Help Topics in Word Pro. 2. Click the Contents tab. 3. Click the Troubleshooting icon and click Open. 4. Click the Lotus Customer Support icon and click Open. 5. Click the icon for the desired country. 6. Click Open. 7. Click ôOverviewö for the desired country and click Display. Support from CompuServe If you subscribe to CompuServe, you can download updated LotusScript Help and other information. In CompuServe, visit the Lotus Word Processing forum (type ôGO LOTUSWPö). Support on the Internet If you have an Internet connection, you can download updated LotusScript Help and other information from the Lotus FTP server. To access the Lotus server, your computer should have a WinSock-based connection to the Internet. Follow the directions provided with your FTP client for downloading files.The FTP site is located at: ftp.support.lotus.com The Lotus Word Pro files are in several directories beginning at: /pub/desktop/wordpro You can find more information about Lotus products and upgrades by going to the Lotus home page. The Lotus website is located at: http//www.lotus.com --------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES * Booklet printing (Printing, overviews) * Cross References (Cross References) * Dialog Editor (Dialog Editor) * HTML SmartMaster templates (HTML SmartMasters) * Linked frames (Frames, linked) * Open & Save to Notes (Opening, documents) * Watermarks (Watermarks, overview) * Web Page Authoring (Web page, overview) For more information about these features, choose Help - Help Topics, click the Index tab, type the keywords (above in parenthesis) in the box, and choose a topic. --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES AND UPDATES The following is information about Word Pro that is not included in the online help. Word Pro default installation The following features are not installed during a default installation of Word Pro 97. * Equation Editor * Extra SVGA SmartIcons * English grammar checker as well as international grammar checkers * International spell-check dictionaries * Assistants for other word processors: Ami Pro Menu Assistant, MS Word Menu Assistant, and the Word Perfect Welcome Pack * LotusScript Help files (LotusScript, Chart LotusScript, and Word Pro LotusScript) * Text file filters: DisplayWrite, DCA/FFT, Text - Email, Enable 4.x, Framemaker (MIF), Legacy 1 & 2, Lotus Manuscript 2.x, MS Windows Write 3.x, MS Word for DOS 3, 4, 5, & 6, Multimate 3.x, Multimate 4.x, Multimate Advantage I & II, OfficeWriter 4, 5, & 6, PeachText 5000, Professional Write 1 & 2, Q&A Write 1, 3, & 4, Samna Word, WordStar 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7, WordStar 2000 R3, WordStar for Windows 1.x, and XyWrite DOS/Windows * Spreadsheet filters: Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2, MS Excel including 3.0, 4.0, & 5.0, and DIF * DataBase filters: ODBC Data, Lotus Organizer 1.x, and Lotus Organizer 97 * Graphic filters: CGM, EPS, Freelance, HPGL, Lotus PIC, CorelDraw 3, and Kodak Photo CD * Word Pro 97 product tour * Additional Internet SmartMaster templates. Although one set of Internet templates is installed during a default installation,you can install a second set of more advance Internet templates if you use the customized install. You can install all of these features by selecting a custom install when you install SmartSuite 97. If Word Pro is already installed, you can run install again, select Customized Install, select Word Pro, select Customize, and choose only those features you did not previously install. New Word Pro 97 File Format Although Word Pro 97 still uses the .LWP file extension for saved files, it uses a new file format. When Word Pro 97 opens a document that was saved with the Word Pro 96 format, it checks to verify the consistency of the document. If a consistency error is found, Word Pro displays a message asking you to save the file with the new Word Pro 97 file format. If you are using both Word Pro 96 and Word Pro 97, be aware of the following: * If you save a document in Word Pro 97, you cannot open the document in Word Pro 96 unless you save it with the Word Pro 96 file format. * You can save a document in Word Pro 97 using the Word Pro 96 format by choosing File - Save As, and selecting ôLotus Word Pro 96ö in the ôSave As Typeö box. * If you save a document in Word Pro 97, the default file type is .LWP for Word Pro æ97. Using Word Pro with multiple languages Installing new language versions SmartSuite lets you access single copies of Lotus applications in multiple languages. The first language you install becomes your default language. To add a second or third language version of a Lotus application, you must rerun the install program. The install program informs you that you already have an existing copy of the product in a different language and preserves the directory structure of the default language. The install program adds menu items for each additional language version of a product. These menu items can be identified by the two character ISO language tag. For example, the icon for the French version of Word Pro is labeled Word Pro 97 - FR. If you installed multiple language versions of Word Pro 96 and would like to install multiple language versions of Word Pro 97, you must install the English language version of Word Pro 97 first. Then you can install the other language versions of Word Pro 97. If you only install the English version of Word Pro 97, you may encounter compatibility problems with other language versions of Word Pro 96. User dictionaries for language versions You can select specific languages for your user dictionaries. Unlike the main dictionaries which come with Word Pro, the same user dictionary is used within each language type. An example of a language type is English. Variations of this type include American, British English, Australian, and British IZE. Although Word Pro has separate main dictionaries for each language, the user dictionary specified for one of these languages is used for all of them. TeamMail If you are using Lotus Notes« as your e-mail application, you can use TeamMail to send selected text in your document out as e-mail. Because DDE only works with Notes, this option is not available with other e-mail applications. To send selected text through TeamMail 1. Select the text you want to send in the Word Pro document. 2. Choose File - TeamMail. 3. Select ôMessage with current selectionÆs text as message body.ö 4. Click OK. 5. Type your password and click OK. 6. Make the desired selections in the TeamMail dialog box. 7. Click Send. When a Lotus Mail application (cc:Mail or Notes) is properly installed, it writes all the needed registration information into the Registry. TeamMail references these lines to determine which mail application is installed and where it is located. If you did not install a full version of Notes or cc:Mail, it is likely that TeamMail wonÆt work. If you are experiencing any problems running TeamMail, you can check the WIN.INI file for the following lines. Using TeamMail with Notes v3: Because Notes v3 is a 16-bit application, it requires the following lines in the WIN.INI file: [LotusMail] Program=<path to notes files>\notes.exe NoDialogs Application=notes Using TeamMail with cc:Mail 2.x: Because cc:Mail 2.x is a 16-bit application, it requires the following lines in theWIN.INI file: [LotusMail] Program=<path to ccmail files>\wmail.exe SENDMAIL Application=wmail Note: Older versions of Lotus applications required the path to the mail program to be listed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. When you use Windows 95 or Windows NT with a 32-bit Lotus application, it is not necessary to list files in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. However, older versions of cc:Mail (2.1 and earlier) may require this listing. If cc:Mail is not working properly, check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and make sure that the path to the cc:Mail program is listed correctly. Using TeamMail with Notes v4 or later: TeamMail checks the registry for information about the installed mail package. However, Notes v4 does not write information to the Registry. If you are using Notes 4.0, make sure that the lines specified above for Notes v3 are in the WIN.INI file. If you are using Notes v4.1 or later, the registration information is automatically entered in the Registry. Using OLE 2 applications with embedded objects When you launch an OLE 2 embedded object (either by double-clicking on the object, or by choosing the objectÆs context sensitive menu and choosing Edit), Word Pro launches the application ôin place,ö and allows you to modify the object. When you have completed modifications, the server application remains in memory, even though it no longer displays. If you are working on a computer with a limited amount of memory, you can close the document after editing the object (which also closes the server application), or you can launch a separate instance of the object instead of editing it ôin place.ö To launch an application as a separate instance 1. Select the object. 2. Choose the objectÆs context sensitive menu. 3. For example, if the object is a Lotus 1-2-3« 97 Workbook, choose the Workbook menu. Then choose Edit - Object. 4. Choose Open. 5. When you finish making changes, close the application to copy the changes back to your document, and release the application from memory. Using Ami Pro and Word Pro at the same time You may need to use both Ami Pro and Word Pro at the same time. You can run them without any conflicts, unless you are using embedded objects in other applications. If you have embedded Ami Pro objects in other applications (for example, in Lotus Notes), Word Pro edits and saves these objects when you launch them. When changes are saved back to the container application, the changes are saved in the Ami Pro format and can be edited by users who have Ami Pro installed. You can convert embedded Ami Pro objects to Word Pro objects by modifying the Windows Registration database. Word Pro can then update embedded Ami Pro objects and convert them to the Word Pro format when they are launched by the parent application. For information about converting objects, contact Lotus Customer Support. Caution: Once you convert Ami Pro embedded objects to the Word Pro format, the objects are no longer editable in Ami Pro. If you are still using Ami Pro in your organization, or if you expect to send documents containing embedded Ami Pro objects to Ami Pro users, Lotus advises you not to modify the registration database. WORD PRO TIPS The following tips are provided by the Lotus Customer Support department. How can you determine the name and location of linked graphic files? 1. Choose View - Set View Preferences. 2. Click the Show tab. 3. Deselect the ôShow graphicsö check box. 4. Click OK. Word Pro displays an ôXö in the graphic frame and shows the path and filename of the linked graphic image. A common page numbering format includes the total number of pages after the page number, for example, ôPage X of XXö, where æXÆ is the number of that page and æXXÆ is the total number of pages in the document. How can you implement this type of page numbering in Word Pro? You can display page numbers, such as ôPage X of 15ö in a 15 page document, by following these steps: 1. Place the insertion point in the header or footer. 2. Choose Text - Insert Page Number. 3. Type Page and a space in the ôText beforeö box. 4. Type a space followed by of in the ôText afterö box. 5. Choose the desired number style and numbering options and click OK. Word Pro displays ôPage X ofö in your document. 6. Place the insertion point after the word ôofö and press the SPACEBAR once. 7. Choose Text - Insert Other - Power/Doc. Field. 8. Select ôPower Field.ö 9. Select ôNumPagesö in the ôField nameö box. 10. Click Insert. Word Pro adds the total number of pages in the document. To update the total number of pages after pages have been added or removed, place the insertion point in the ôNumPagesö field, click the right mouse button, and choose Update Field. How can you temporarily type beyond the left and right page margins of a document (also known as a ômargin releaseö)? Choose View - Show/Hide - Ruler. On the ruler, drag the left margin indicator (bar at the left margin) or one of the indention indicators (triangles at the left margin) anywhere between the current margin and the edge of the page. You can now type past the margins. If you need to release the left margin repeatedly, or you want to create a style that uses a margin release, you can set a negative indent for a paragraph. 1. Place the insertion point in the paragraph you want to modify. 2. Choose Text - Text Properties. 3. Click the Alignment tab. 4. Specify a negative value in the ôIndent from marginö box. 5. If you only want to use a negative indent for certain lines of the paragraph, click Options, make the changes in the appropriate boxes, and click OK. What are some helpful hints to reduce the size of documents? Below are five helpful hints to decrease the size of documents in Word Pro. * Make sure Word Pro is saving files in a format optimized for smaller files. When you use this format, displaying and saving files takes slightly longer, but the amount of disk space required is greatly reduced. Choose File - User Setup - Word Pro Preferences, select ôSmall file formatö in the ôDisableö box, and click OK. * DonÆt embed fonts within the file. Most of the time, embedding fonts in the file is not needed. Choose File - Document Properties - Document, click the Options tab, deselect ôEmbed fonts in document,ö and click OK. * Remove unneeded paragraph styles from the document. If youÆre only using one paragraph style in a document, you may save a few kilobytes of space by removing the other paragraph styles. Place the insertion point in the document text, choose Text - Named Styles - Manage, select the paragraph style or styles you donÆt need, click Delete, click Yes, and click Close. * Use sections rather than divisions, if possible. Each division is a mini-document, with its own styles, page layout, and other formatting information; so, it requires additional disk space. If you want the information in the division to have the same format as the rest of the document, consider using a section. A section shares formatting information with the rest of the document. * Disable the ôFast graphic displayö option. Choose File - User Setup - Word Pro Preferences, click the General tab, in the Disable box deselect ôFast graphic display,ö and click OK. Graphics within the document may take a little longer to display, but the amount of space saved could be great, depending on the original size of the graphic. After making changes in the InfoBoxes, how can you go back to the document without using the mouse? Press Alt+Enter on the keyboard to return to the document at the location of the insertion point. In Ami Pro, you could use floating headers and footers to create multiple headers and footers. Where is this functionality in Word Pro? Word Pro doesnÆt use the term ôfloating.ö Instead, you can use sections in Word Pro to create multiple headers and footers. You can continue or discontinue the headers and footers from the previous page in the Create Section dialog box. If you deselect the options, you can create multiple headers and footers in your document. You can also use different headers and footers with each new division you create (Create - Division), or with each new page layout you insert (Text - Insert Page Layout). In Ami Pro, you could link documents back to the original style sheet. Can you do this in Word Pro? Word Pro does not have an option to link documents back to the original SmartMaster because all the information from a SmartMaster is copied directly into the document. To save newly created paragraph styles to your SmartMaster, you must copy the paragraph styles to the SmartMaster and save the SmartMaster. 1. Open the SmartMaster you want to change. 2. Choose Text - Named Styles - Manage. 3. Click Copy From. 4. Select ôAnother file.ö 5. Click Browse and select the file containing the desired paragraph styles. 6. Click Open. 7. Select the paragraph styles to bring over and click Copy. Word Pro displays a message. Choose the appropriate button. 8. Click Close to return to the SmartMaster. 9. When you are ready to save the SmartMaster, choose File - Save. You can use the same procedure to copy the paragraph styles from the newly modified SmartMaster to other documents you want to change. Sometimes, the "Ask the Expert" feature does not return the correct topic. Why is this? The "Ask the Expert" feature is context sensitive. The topics that are returned by the query are determined by the text used in the query, and the object that is currently in focus in the document at the time of the query. For example, if you need to locate topics on frames, be sure that a frame is selected in the document when you query "Ask the Expert". Is there a way to preview a Word Pro document? Yes. You can perform most file management tasks, including previewing a file, from the common Windows dialog boxes, such as File - Open and File - Close. The following procedure describes how to preview a file in the File - Open dialog box. You also can use these same steps in any dialog box that displays files. 1. Choose File - Open. 2. Right click on the document that you wish to preview and choose Properties. 3. Select the Preview tab. Other file management tasks that you can perform include copying files, deleting files, and renaming files. How do you assign a printer bin to a specific page? To assign a printer bin to a specific page that is different from the rest of the document, you must insert a page layout and then modify it. 1. Click on the desired page. 2. Choose Text - Insert Page Layout. 3. Select an option in the "Insert page layout with page style" box. 4. In the "Start page layout" box, select where the new layout should begin. 5. Click Insert & Edit. 6. Select the Margins tab. 7. Click ôUse settings from printer driverö to deselect the option. 8. Select an alternate option in the ôPrinter binö box. The settings in the öPrinter binö box are now used for all pages that use the current page layout. To set different printer bins for each page, you must insert a new page layout and change the printer bin for each individual page. For more information on inserting a page layout, see the online Help. How do you "reveal codes" in Word Pro? The status bar displays the font name, font size, font color, whether a word is bold, italics, and/or underlined, and the style that is assigned to selected text. You can change any of these settings by clicking the corresponding part of the status bar. The InfoBox is a single place where you can change the properties of text, pages, frames, tables, table cells, headers, footers, columns, OLE objects, and Word Pro drawings. The InfoBbox has features that make your tasks easier. * You can leave the InfoBox open on your screen while you work in a document. * You can drag and drop the InfoBox to a different part of the Word Pro workspace. * When you make a choice in the InfoBox, the text on your screen changes instantly. If you type your choice in an InfoBox text box instead of selecting a highlighted option, the change occurs only when you tab or click outside the InfoBox. The Set View Preferences dialog box allows you to control how the document is displayed. This menu allows you to view marks, rulers, grids, and so on. To view the Set View Preferences dialog box, choose View - Set View Preferences. How do you insert bullets in the middle of a sentence? Word Pro 97 includes a feature that allows you to insert any character at the location of the insertion point. 1. Place the insertion point at the desired location for the bullet. 2. Choose Text - Insert Other - Symbol. 3. Select the font in the ôFontö box. 4. Click Insert. 5. Click Done. More than one character can be inserted when the Insert Symbol box is displayed. How do you open multiple documents at the same time? With the File - Open box displayed, press CTRL and select the desired files. You can also select a sequence of files by selecting the first file in a list, and then holding down SHIFT while you select the last file in the list. Is there a way to modify a page number in a Word Pro document? Right click on the page number and choose Edit Page Number. --------------------------------------------------------------- AMI PRO MACROS You can use many of the Ami Pro macros in Word Pro. However, some Ami Pro macro functions are not supported in Word Pro. Macros using these functions do not run successfully. The first time you run an Ami Pro macro in Word Pro, it converts to the Word Pro format. If the macro uses an unsupported function, Word Pro displays a message. If a macro runs without displaying a message, you should test the macro to make sure it provides the results you expect. Specific information about unsupported macro functions and other suggestions for converting macros are available from Lotus Customer Support. --------------------------------------------------------------- USING LOTUSSCRIPT If your package was a CD version of Word Pro, you can install the LotusScript Help file by doing a custom install. (See the Custom Install section.) Because the LotusScript Help file for Word Pro is still under construction, the file that you install is not complete. To obtain the latest version of the Word Pro LotusScript Help file, you can do one of the following: * Order an updated Help file from customer support. * Download the updated Help files from CompuServe. See the Support section. * Download the files from the Lotus Customer Support website. See the Support section. Deleted Word Pro LotusScript elements The following classes, properties, and methods have been deleted from the Word Pro object model. If you have existing scripts which use these classes, properties, or methods, you will need to modify them. Most of these elements were deleted due to functionality changes in Word Pro. AddEnvelopeReturnAddress Property AnyOleObjects Property Cancel() Method ContactUponPermissionDenied Property DocTextSize Property EditorAttemptingOpen Property FileProtection Class FileProtection Property FormatCheckAction() Method FormatCheckLevel Property FormatCheckReplace() Method FormatCheckRule Property FormatCheckSuggestion Property FormatCheck() Method GetDocDescription() Method GetProtectionType() Method GetStorageProtectionType() Method InUseCount Property IsPrintInBackground Property Item("Long") Item("ScriptDataSet") Item("Twips") LongCollection Class MacroAppend() Method MacroCancel() Method MacroCompile() Method MacroQuickPlay() Method MacroQuickRecord() Method MacroResume() Method MacroRun() Method MakeImportsUntitled Property MergeContinue() Method Name Property (LWP Dialog) Parent Property (LWP Dialog) RotationAngle Property RunAutoNewMacro() Method RunAutoOpenMacro() Method ScriptDataSetCollection Class SpellCheckIncludesOtherTextStreams Property SpellCheckStartsAtBeginning Property TerminateFormatCheck() Method TOCNumEntries Property UnitCollection Class UserPassword Property VerificationResult Property Hidden Word Pro LotusScript elements The following classes, properties, or methods are hidden in Word Pro 97. Hidden elements still work in Word Pro 97, but do not appear in the Object Browser or LotusScript class reference Help for Word Pro. If you use a custom install and install the Word Pro type library, these elements also do not appear. Hidden elements are obsolete properties, classes, methods, or events. Most hidden objects in the Word Pro 97 object model are Word Pro dialog box elements. Beginning with Word Pro 97, the old Word Pro Dialog Editor was replaced with Lotus Common Dialog Editor. Consequently, the elements that represented the Word Pro Dialog Editor were replaced with the Lotus Common Dialog elements available in all the SmartSuite applications. You should not use these hidden objects in your applications because they will not be supported, and will be removed from the Word Pro object model in the future. AddItemIndex() Method (LWPDialog) InitControls() Method (LWPDialog) AddItem() Method (LWP Dialog) InitDir Property (LWP Dialog) AddListBoxText() Method (LWPDialog) IsItemSelected() Method (LWPDialog) Archive Property (LWP Dialog) IsParaDemandLoad Property BarSide Property (LWP Dialog) IsReplacement Property BarType Property (LWP Dialog) Labels("LWPLabel") (LWPDialog) Bisect() Method LineCount Property (LWPDialog) Buttons("LWPButton") (LWP Dialog) ListBoxes("LWPListBox")(LWPDialog) CalcSmartLevels() Method ListCount Property (LWP Dialog) Changed Event (LWP Dialog) LostFocus Event (LWP Dialog) CheckBoxes("LWPCheckBox") (LWPDialog) LWPBaseCtrl Class(LWP Dialog) ClassName Property LWPButton Class (LWP Dialog) ClearInternalSpellInfo() Method LWPCheckBox Class(LWP Dialog) ClearPopupData() Method LWPClicker Class (LWP Dialog) Clear() Method (LWP Dialog) LWPComboBox Class (LWPDialog) Clicked Event (LWP Dialog) LWPCommonDialog Class(LWPDialog) Clickers("LWPClicker") (LWP LWPControls Class(LWP Dialog) ComboBoxes("LWPComboBox") LWPCustomDialog Class(LWPDialog) Controls Property (LWP Dialog) LWPEditBox Class Count Property (LWP Dialog) LWPFileListBox Class(LWPDialog) Decrement Event (LWP Dialog) LWPLabel Class (LWP Dialog) DialogEvent Event (LWP Dialog) LWPListBox Class (LWP Dialog) DirControl Property (LWP Dialog) LWPRadioButton Class(LWPDialog) DivideText() Method MaxLength Property (LWPDialog) DivisionsRequired Property Modal Property (LWP Dialog) DoubleClicked Event (LWP Dialog) Normal Property (LWP Dialog) EditBoxes("LWPEditBox") (LWPDialog) Path Property (LWP Dialog) EnableControl() Method (LWPDialog) RadioButtons("LWPRadioButton")(LWP Dialog) Enabled Property (LWP Dialog) ReadOnly Property (LWP Dialog) FileListBox("LWPFileListBox") Reload() Method (LWP Dialog) Filename Property (LWP Dialog) RemoveItem() Method (LWP Dialog) Filter Property (LWP Dialog) RemovePowerField() Method FilterIndex Property (LWP Dialog) SelectAStyle() Method Flags Property (LWP Dialog) SelectCount Property (LWP Dialog) GetButtonId Property SelectItemString()Method(LWPDialog) GetControlText() Method (LWPDialog) SelectItem() Method (LWP Dialog) GetControlValue() Method (LWPDialog) SelectMarker() Method GetLine() Method (LWP Dialog) SetButtonText() Method GetPowerFieldValue() Method SetControlText() Method (LWPDialog) GotFocus Event (LWP Dialog) SetControlValue() Method (LWPDialog) GoToIndexLastItemAccessed Property SetFocus() Method (LWPDialog) GoToItemName Property SetFocus() Method (LWPDialog) GotoPageLoadInBackground Property SetPowerFieldValue() Method GoToPageNumber Property Show() Method (LWP Dialog) GoToSelection Property System Property (LWP Dialog) Hidden Property (LWP Dialog) Text Property (LWP Dialog) HideControl() Method (LWP Dialog) TextNumber() Method Hide() Method (LWP Dialog) Type Property (LWP Dialog) Hwnd Property (LWP Dialog) Value Property (LWP Dialog) ID Property (LWP Dialog) Visible Property (LWP Dialog) IncludeDirs Property (LWP Dialog) IncludeDrives Property (LWP Dialog) Increment Event (LWP Dialog) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML AND WORD PRO Graphics The HTML SmartMasters contain two frame styles for importing graphic files:HTML_Bordered_Frame and HTML_Borderless_Frame. Unlike the default framestyle, these frames have zero margin widths and the HTML_Borderless_Frame style lets you create borderless graphics. If you export a graphic locally (not to the Internet) without selecting the "Link to file" option in the Import Picture dialog box, the filter exports relative paths for the graphic where possible (i.e., if the graphic is on the same drive letter as the document). This allows you to use Word Pro to author your web documents on the same machine as the Web server. There is an option to keep downloaded graphics in the temporary directory, so embedding is not necessary. You can then delete unwanted downloaded graphics from the temporary directory. When you click a link to a graphic, the graphic can be imported. (Word Pro generates a temporary HTML file containing the <IMG> tag with the URL of the graphic). The HTML filter uses the current time instead of "~WP####" to create graphic filenames. In addition, the HTML filter warns you if you have an embedded graphic without an IMG directive. IMG directive Directives are "commands" you give to the Word Pro HTML filter to define how you want to export graphics. Directives consist of two parts. The first part is the directive identifier, which is basically two forward slashes followed by the name of the HTML tag. The second part is the directive argument, which lists the tag arguments along with the appropriate values, if any. An example of a directive is: //IMG src=../images/clown.gif "//IMG" is the directive identifier, and "src=clown.gif" is the directive argument, where "../images/clown.gif" is the value. Directives are embedded in a Word Pro document using comment notes. You can create a comment note and type in the directive identifier followed by the directive argument(s). There are three requirements for a valid directive: 1. The directive identifier must be typed in the first line of the comment note with no spaces before it. 2. The directive identifier must be typed in all uppercase. However, the directive arguments are not case sensitive. 3. The directive identifier must be separated from each directive argument by a paragraph break. Word Pro can export comment notes to HTML comments. Therefore, be careful to follow rules 1 and 2 so that directives and comments are clearly distinguished. Below is the complete list of supported directives: Directive: IMG Argument: src=filename Purpose: Assign a filename to a graphic Where to put the comment note: Right before the graphic frame Directive: IMG Argument: alt="alternate text" Purpose: Assign alternate text to a graphic Where to put the comment note: Right before the graphic frame Directive: IMG Argument: usemap="#MapName" Purpose: Assign image map for client-side image mapping Where to put the comment note: Right before the graphic frame Lists You can export real lists, instead of level-styled lists. There is only one paragraph style for each type of list (ordered, unordered, definition term, definition description). To nest a list, change the document level of the paragraph containing the list item (using ALT + 'arrow key'.) The filter does not require that you use the list styles in Word Pro. You can use any outlining style you want. The filter knows whether you have an ordered list or unordered list, and whether or not it is a nested list. Note: The HTML filter export definition lists (<DL>) only from the "Definition Term (DT)" and "Definition Description (DD)" paragraph styles.(It does not allow you to map other paragraph styles to these because all list styles require either an outlining definition or a local override of the document level.) Exporting table and table column widths Word Pro finds the first unconnected cell in each column and exports its width in pixels. If you want to export a table column width expressed as a percent of the document width, set the cell style for one unconnected cell in the column to HTML_TableCell_Percent.If you create a table that is QuickAligned as "horizontal span," the table width is exported as 100%, and all cell widths are exported as percents. If a table width is 100% when imported, then "horizontal span" is applied as the QuickAlign setting. For a complete list of HTML tags that are supported by the Word Pro HTML filter, see the README.LWP file provided in your \LOTUS\SAMPLES\WORDPRO directory.