The HTML SmartMasters contain two frame styles for importing graphic files:HTML_Bordered_Frame and HTML_Borderless_Frame.
Unlike the default framestyle, these frames have zero margin widths and the HTML_Borderless_Frame style lets you create borderless graphics.
If you export a graphic locally (not to the Internet) without selecting the "Link to file" option in the Import Picture dialog box, the filter exports relative paths for the graphic where possible (i.e., if the graphic is on the same drive letter as the document). This allows you to use Word Pro to author your web documents on the same machine as the Web server.
There is an option to keep downloaded graphics in the temporary directory, so embedding is not necessary. You can then delete unwanted downloaded graphics from the temporary directory.
When you click a link to a graphic, the graphic can be imported. (Word Pro generates a temporary HTML file containing the <IMG> tag with the URL of the graphic). The HTML filter uses the current time instead of "~WP####" to create graphic filenames. In addition, the HTML filter warns you if you have an embedded graphic without an IMG directive.
IMG directive Directives are "commands" you give to the Word Pro HTML filter to define how you want to export graphics. Directives consist of two parts. The first part is the directive identifier, which is basically two forward slashes followed by the name of the HTML tag. The second part is the directive argument, which lists the tag arguments along with the appropriate values, if any. An example of a
directive is:
"//IMG" is the directive identifier, and "src=clown.gif" is the directive argument, where "../images/clown.gif" is the value. Directives are embedded in a Word Pro document using comment notes.
You can create a comment note and type in the directive identifier followed by the directive argument(s). There are three requirements for a valid directive:
1. The directive identifier must be typed in the first line of the comment note with no spaces before it.
2. The directive identifier must be typed in all uppercase. However, the
directive arguments are not case sensitive.
3. The directive identifier must be separated from each directive argument by a paragraph break.
Word Pro can export comment notes to HTML comments. Therefore, be careful to follow rules 1 and 2 so that directives and comments are clearly distinguished.
Below is the complete list of supported directives:
Directive: IMG
Argument: src=filename
Purpose: Assign a filename to a graphic
Where to put the comment note: Right before the graphic frame
Directive: IMG
Argument: alt="alternate text"
Purpose: Assign alternate text to a graphic
Where to put the comment note: Right before the graphic frame
Directive: IMG
Argument: usemap="#MapName"
Purpose: Assign image map for client-side image mapping
Where to put the comment note: Right before the graphic frame
You can export real lists, instead of level-styled lists. There is only one paragraph style for each type of list (ordered, unordered, definition term, definition description). To nest a list, change the document level of the paragraph containing the list item (using ALT + 'arrow key'.) The filter does not require that you use the list styles in Word Pro. You can use any outlining style you want. The filter knows whether you have an ordered list or unordered list, and whether or not it is a nested list.
Note: The HTML filter export definition lists (<DL>) only from the
"Definition Term (DT)" and "Definition Description (DD)" paragraph styles.(It does not allow you to map other paragraph styles to these because all list styles require either an outlining definition or a local override of the document level.)
Exporting table and table column widths
Word Pro finds the first unconnected cell in each column and exports its
width in pixels. If you want to export a table column width expressed as a percent of the document width, set the cell style for one unconnected cell in the column to HTML_TableCell_Percent.If you create a table that is QuickAligned as "horizontal span," the table width is exported as 100%, and all cell widths are exported as percents. If a table width is 100% when imported, then "horizontal span" is applied as the QuickAlign setting.
For a complete list of HTML tags that are supported by the Word Pro HTML filter, see the README.LWP file provided in your \LOTUS\SAMPLES\WORDPRO directory.