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- 1 EQViewPrefs
- 2 MatrixLines
- 3 InputBoxes
- 4 Marks
- 5 EQMisc
- 6 PrinterMetrics
- 7 MaxMatrixRows
- 8 MaxMatrixColumns
- 9 MetricsFile
- 10 EQColorRBGs
- 11 TextColorRed
- 12 TextColorGreen
- 13 TextColorBlue
- 14 TextColorIndex
- 15 MathColorRed
- 16 MathColorGreen
- 17 MathColorBlue
- 18 MathColorIndex
- 19 FunctionColorRed
- 20 FunctionColorGreen
- 21 FunctionColorBlue
- 22 FunctionColorIndex
- 23 HelperColorRed
- 24 HelperColorGreen
- 25 HelperColorBlue
- 26 EQStyle
- 27 ItalicsInMath
- 28 ItalicsMode
- 29 ExtraFracLine
- 30 ExtraFracSpace
- 31 InterColSpace
- 32 InterRowSpace
- 33 EqnColSpace
- 34 EqnRowSpace
- 35 MatrixLeftSpace
- 36 MatrixRightSpace
- 37 MatrixUpSpace
- 38 MatrixDownSpace
- 39 RootWidth
- 40 RootDepth
- 41 RadicalRightSpace
- 42 ExtraRadicalLine
- 43 EmptyWidth
- 44 EmptyHeight
- 45 EmptyBorder
- 46 ScriptSpace
- 47 EQAccents
- 48 AccRelLift
- 49 AccAbsLift
- 50 Accent3
- 51 Accent4
- 52 EQEnvironment
- 53 FontFace
- 54 FontPitchAndFamily
- 55 FontSize
- 56 FontColor
- 57 FontAttrs
- 58 FontCharset
- 59 FontRotation
- 60 GlobalSettings
- 61 ScriptSize
- 62 ScriptScriptSize
- 63 InlineOpsSize
- 64 DisplayOpsSize
- 65 SpaceEndsMath
- 66 SpaceSpaceMath
- 67 PanelSize
- 68 DlgDefaults
- 69 TeXSavePath
- 70 TeXImportPath
- 71 OperatorDlgSelected
- 72 OperatorDlgLimPos
- 73 OperatorDlgSize
- 74 BracketDlgLeft
- 75 BracketDlgRight
- 76 FunctionDlgCustom
- 77 DecorDlgSelected
- 78 MatrixDlgCols
- 79 MatrixDlgRows
- 80 MatrixDlgLRAlign
- 81 MatrixDlgTBAlign
- 82 SpaceDlgSelected
- 83 BinomialDlgLine
- 84 BinomialDlgSize
- 85 BinomialDlgLeft
- 86 BinomialDlgRight
- 87 RevMatrixDlgSel
- 88 RevMatxInsertDlgRC
- 89 RevMatxInsertDlgNum
- 90 RevMatxInsertDlgPos
- 91 TabbedX
- 92 TabbedY
- 93 AutoRecognize
- 94 ARdisable
- 95 AR
- 96 tr21.efm
- 97 Times New Roman
- 98 0
- 99 *undefined*
- 100 *undefined*
- 101 Pr,1,probability,$\Pr$
- 102 arccos,1,inverse cosine function ( arc form ),$\arccos$
- 103 arcsin,1,inverse sine function ( arc form ),$\arcsin$
- 104 arctan,1,inverse tangent function ( arc form ),$\arctan$
- 105 arg,1,argument ( of a complex number ),$\arg$
- 106 cos,1,cosine function,$\cos$
- 107 cot,1,cotangent function,$\cot$
- 108 csc,1,cosecant function,$\csc$
- 109 deg,1,degrees,$\deg$
- 110 det,1,determinant,$\det$
- 111 dim,1,dimension,$\dim$
- 112 exp,1,exponential function,$\exp$
- 113 gcd,1,greatest common divisor,$\gcd$
- 114 hom,1,homomorphism,$\hom$
- 115 inf,1,infimum,$\inf$
- 116 ker,1,kernel,$\ker$
- 117 lg,1,logarithm, base 2,$\lg$
- 118 lim,1,limit,$\lim$
- 119 ln,1,logarithm, base e,$\ln$
- 120 log,1,logarithm, base 10,$\log$
- 121 max,1,maximum,$\max$
- 122 min,1,minimum,$\min$
- 123 sec,1,secant function,$\sec$
- 124 sin,1,sine function,$\sin$
- 125 sup,1,supremum,$\sup$
- 126 tan,1,tangent function,$\tan$
- 127 lcm,1,least common multiple,$\limfunc{lcm}$
- 128 arcsec,1,inverse secant function ( arc form ),$\limfunc{arcsec}$
- 129 arccsc,1,inverse cosecant function ( arc form ),$\limfunc{arccsc}$
- 130 arccot,1,inverse cotangent function ( arc form ),$\limfunc{arccot}$
- 131 Si,1,sine integral,$\limfunc{Si}$
- 132 Ci,1,cosine integral,$\limfunc{Ci}$
- 133 Ei,1,exponential integral,$\limfunc{Ei}$
- 134 erf,1,error function,$\limfunc{erf}$
- 135 mod,1,modulo,$\limfunc{mod}$
- 136 Re,1,real part ( of a complex number ),$\limfunc{Re}$
- 137 Im,1,imaginary part ( of a complex number ),$\limfunc{Im}$
- 4000 E&quation
- 4005 &Text Mode Ctrl+T
- 4006 &Math Mode Ctrl+T
- 4007 Show Input &Box Lines
- 4008 Hide Input &Box Lines
- 4009 Show &Matrix Lines
- 4010 Hide &Matrix Lines
- 4013 Show Ma&rks
- 4014 Hide Ma&rks
- 4015 lwpeqn.ini
- 4016 Error:
- 4018 &Window
- 4019 Save &As...
- 4020 &Import Picture...
- 4021 Error:
- 4022 Warning:
- 4023 FYI:
- 4031 CF_TEX
- 4034 Revise
- 4035 Import Equation
- 4036 Save Equation
- 4037 WordPro Equation Help
- 4038 EQUATION files(*.tex)+*.tex+
- 5000 Invalid key class in ProcessKey
- 5001 Limits error in TeXTextBox
- 5002 returning NULL char metrics for(%d,%d)
- 5004 Invalid custom function.
- 5005 File name contains invalid characters.
- 5006 File name is too long.
- 5007 Attempt to allocate more than 64K data space in clipboard
- 5008 Unable to allocate memory for clipboard
- 5009 Failed to load font metrics
- 5010 Incorrect version of FontMetrics file
- 5011 Error writing file %s
- 5012 File %s exists.\nOverwrite existing file?
- 5013 %s\ndoes not exist.
- 5014 %s was not found.\nFile recreated using defaults.
- 5015 Cannot revise %dx%d matrix
- 5016 File %s not found
- 5017 Range is\n %d to %d
- 5021 Transparent is not a valid equation text color
- 5022 A font or fonts used by the equation editor\n is missing: %s
- 5100 Structure too complex
- 5101 Out of memory
- 5102 Matrices restricted to 10 x 10
- 5103 Disk full\nDelete files and retry.
- 5104 Error writing to disk.
- 5105 Sorry, equation is too big.
- 5106 Error parsing TeX expression
- 5107 Cannot apply text attributes to more than one character at a time.
- 5108 Cannot use Revise Character command on more than one character at a time.
- 5111 Attempting to queue too many commands!
- 5112 Error creating file %s
- 5113 Unsupported equation format, %d
- 5233 inj lim
- 5234 lim inf
- 5235 lim sup
- 5236 proj lim
- 5237 lim