/ PC World Komputer 1997 November / Pcwk1197.iso / LOTUS / Eng-ins / SMASTERS / APPROACH / TECHNOTE.DBT | < prev | next > |
Unknown | 1997-01-09 | 8KB |
Program Identifications | |||
Confidence | Program | Identification | Match Type |
100% | file | Sony PlayStation PSX image, 4-Bit, Pixel at (28526,25972) Size=0x258 dBase IV DBT of Technote.DBF, block length 512, next free block index 16, field length 244, 1st used item "Yes. Approach 96 can quickly find the top or lowest values in �" | default |
99% | file | data | default |
88% | TrID | PSX TIM 4bpp (no CLUT) bitmap | default |
11% | TrID | LTAC compressed audio (v1.61) | default |
0% | TrID | VXD Driver | default |