PC World Komputer 1997 November
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Text File
207 lines
; Configuration file for SmartCenter 97
; Syntax
; ------
; SET setID
; DRAWER label handle width height
; FOLDER (or DEFAULT) label red green blue type [AppDirCode or directory]
; ICON description AppIconCode [file]
; LOTUSAPP description [product uninstall section] [quickdemo exename logging]
; AppDirCodes
; -----------
; 123Work - work dir
; ApproachWork - work dir
; FreelanceWork - work dir
; WordProWork - work dir
; 123SM - smartmaster dir [give smartmaster file]
; ApproachSM - smartmaster dir [give smartmaster file]
; FreelanceSM - smartmaster dir [give smartmaster file]
; SmartCenterSM - smartmaster dir [give smartmaster file]
; WordProSM - smartmaster dir [give smartmaster file]
; NotesDB - notes database [give database, MAIL special case]
; AppIconCodes
; ------------
; AmiPro - executable
; Approach - executable
; ccMail - executable
; Forms - executable
; Freelance - executable
; Organizer - executable
; ScreenCam - executable
; WordPro - executable
; SmartCenterCodes
; ----------------
; Home - home dir [ive file that lives in home dir - for node installs]
; Personal - personal dir [ive file that lives in personal dir]
; General - travolta acts stupid [give file with full path]
DRAWER "SmartSuite" 803 135 414
DEFAULT "Lotus Applications" 0 128 128 File Large
LOTUSAPP "Lotus 123" 123 123CORE 123W.EXE
LOTUSAPP "Lotus cc:Mail" ccMail
LOTUSAPP "Lotus Forms" Forms
LOTUSAPP "Lotus Freelance" Freelance FLWEXE F32MAIN.EXE
LOTUSAPP "Lotus Organizer" Organizer ORGEXE
LOTUSAPP "Lotus ScreenCam" ScreenCam CAMEXE
FOLDER "SuiteMasters" 194 0 0 File Large
ICON "Sales Proposal" SmartCenterSM "Sales.SSM"
ICON "Business Plan" SmartCenterSM "Plan.SSM"
ICON "Meeting Plan" SmartCenterSM "Meeting.SSM"
FOLDER "SmartMaster Templates" 128 0 128 File Small
ICON "Product Launch Plan" FreelanceSM "Plaunch.SMC"
ICON "Zig Ziglar Plan" FreelanceSM "Saleszig.SMC"
ICON "Kotler Marketing Plan" FreelanceSM "Kotpres.SMC"
ICON "Letter" WordProSM "Letter1.MWP"
ICON "Memo" WordProSM "Memo1.MWP"
ICON "Fax" WordProSM "Fax1.MWP"
ICON "Newsletter" WordProSM "News1.MWP"
ICON "Corporate Web Page" WordProSM "Cohome1.MWP"
ICON "Company Address Intranet Page" WordProSM "Addres1.MWP"
ICON "Home Web Page" WordProSM "Home1.MWP"
ICON "Kid Web Page" WordProSM "kidpg1.MWP"
ICON "World Wide Web Database" ApproachSM "Surfnet.MPR"
ICON "Orders Database" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Loan Amortization" 123SM "Loan.12M"
ICON "Personal Budget" 123SM "Budget.12M"
ICON "Expense Report" 123SM "Expense.12M"
FOLDER "1-2-3 Workbooks" 0 0 128 File Small 123Work
FOLDER "Word Pro Documents" 194 0 65 File Small WordProWork
FOLDER "Freelance Presentations" 130 0 64 File Small FreelanceWork
FOLDER "Approach Databases" 0 130 80 File Small ApproachWork
FOLDER "Notes Databases" 64 0 128 File Large
ICON "Notes Mail" NotesDB MAIL
DRAWER "Internet" 812 200 414
DEFAULT "Headlines" 194 0 0 "Internet News"
FOLDER "Stock Quotes" 0 0 128 "Internet Stock"
FOLDER "Weather" 128 0 0 "Internet Weather"
FOLDER "Web Reference" 128 0 128 "Internet URL" "http://www.lotus.com/smartctr/ss97ref.htm"
FOLDER "Bookmarks" 194 0 65 "Internet URL" "Internet Bookmarks"
FOLDER "Favorites" 130 0 64 File Small "Internet Favorites"
DRAWER "Calendar" 801 135 414
DEFAULT "Calendar" 0 128 128 Calendar
DRAWER "Addresses" 802 135 414
DEFAULT "Addresses" 128 0 128 Address
DRAWER "Reminders" 811 135 414
DEFAULT "Home" 0 128 128 Reminder
FOLDER "Business" 64 0 128 Reminder
DRAWER "Reference" 809 135 414
DEFAULT "Dictionary" 128 0 128 Dictionary
FOLDER "Thesaurus" 0 0 128 Thesaurus
DRAWER "Business Productivity" 803 135 414
DEFAULT "Business Management" 0 128 128 File Small
ICON "Amortize a loan" 123SM "Loan.12M"
ICON "Business cards" WordProSM "Buscard1.MWP"
ICON "Business plan" FreelanceSM "Busplan.SMC"
ICON "Calculate loan payments" 123SM "Loantbl.12M"
ICON "Checkbook" ApproachSM "Checkbk.MPR"
ICON "Employee tracking" ApproachSM "Employee.MPR"
ICON "Expense reporting" 123SM "Expense.12M"
ICON "Fax cover sheet" WordProSM "Fax1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Company profile" WordProSM "About1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Corporate home page" WordProSM "Cohome1.MWP"
ICON "IT Strategy - Gemini consulting" FreelanceSM "Itstrat.SMC"
ICON "Letter - Professional" WordProSM "Letter2.MWP"
ICON "Letter - Standard" WordProSM "Letter3.MWP"
ICON "Memo" WordProSM "Memo1.MWP"
ICON "Newsletter" WordProSM "News1.MWP"
ICON "Positioning proposal" FreelanceSM "Position.SMC"
ICON "Project proposal" FreelanceSM "Proposal.SMC"
ICON "Stategic alliance proposal" FreelanceSM "Sallnc.SMC"
ICON "Time sheet analysis" 123SM "Timesht.12M"
FOLDER "Finance & Accounting" 194 0 0 File Small
ICON "Accounts" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Amortize a loan" 123SM "Loan.12M"
ICON "Calculate loan payments" 123SM "Loantbl.12M"
ICON "Checkbook" ApproachSM "Checkbk.MPR"
ICON "Employee salary report" ApproachSM "Employee.MPR"
ICON "Expense reporting" 123SM "Expense.12M"
ICON "Inventory tracking" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Orders billing" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Product tracking" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Time sheet analysis" 123SM "Timesht.12M"
FOLDER "Account Management" 128 0 128 File Small
ICON "Action items" ApproachSM "Contacts.MPR"
ICON "Contact management" ApproachSM "Contacts.MPR"
ICON "Customer call tracking" ApproachSM "Register.MPR"
ICON "Customer information" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Internet - Product catalog" WordProSM "Catlog1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Product information" WordProSM "Produc1.MWP"
ICON "Invoice" 123SM "Invoice.12M"
ICON "Mailing lists" ApproachSM "Contacts.MPR"
ICON "Orders tracking" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Product tracking" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Purchase order" 123SM "Purchase.12M"
FOLDER "Sales" 0 0 128 File Small
ICON "Action items" ApproachSM "Contacts.MPR"
ICON "Competitive sales pitch - Wax" FreelanceSM "Saleswax.SMC"
ICON "Contact management" ApproachSM "Contacts.MPR"
ICON "Customer call tracking" ApproachSM "Register.MPR"
ICON "Customer information" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Fax cover sheet" WordProSM "Fax1.MWP"
ICON "Forecasting sales plan" 123SM "Sales.12M"
ICON "Internet - Corporate newsletter" WordProSM "Inews1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Product catalog" WordProSM "Catlog1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Product information" WordProSM "Produc1.MWP"
ICON "Letter - Professional" WordProSM "Letter2.MWP"
ICON "Letter - Standard" WordProSM "Letter3.MWP"
ICON "Newsletter" WordProSM "News1.MWP"
ICON "Product information" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Sales reports" ApproachSM "Orders.MPR"
ICON "Solutions sales pitch - Ziglar" FreelanceSM "Saleszig.SMC"
FOLDER "Marketing" 194 0 65 File Small
ICON "Competitor analysis" FreelanceSM "Compete.SMC"
ICON "Industry analysis" FreelanceSM "Industry.SMC"
ICON "Internet - Company profile" WordProSM "About1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Corporate home page" WordProSM "Cohome1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Corporate newsletter" WordProSM "Inews1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Press release" WordProSM "Prrel1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Press release index" WordProSM "Prindx1.MWP"
ICON "Letter - Professional" WordProSM "Letter2.MWP"
ICON "Letter - Standard" WordProSM "Letter3.MWP"
ICON "Market research proposal" FreelanceSM "Mktres.SMC"
ICON "Market segmentation - Kotler" FreelanceSM "Kotseg.SMC"
ICON "Market strategy - Kotler" FreelanceSM "Kotstrat.SMC"
ICON "Marketing mix - Kotler" FreelanceSM "Kotmix.SMC"
ICON "Marketing plan - Kotler" FreelanceSM "Kotpres.SMC"
ICON "New market entry" FreelanceSM "Newmkt.SMC"
ICON "Newsletter" WordProSM "News1.MWP"
ICON "Positioning proposal - Trout" FreelanceSM "Position.SMC"
ICON "Strategic competitive plan - SLF" FreelanceSM "Sbuplan.SMC"
ICON "Survey management" ApproachSM "Survey.MPR"
FOLDER "Internet" 130 0 64 File Small
ICON "Internet - Company profile" WordProSM "About1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Corporate home page" WordProSM "Cohome1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Corporate newsletter" WordProSM "Inews1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Press release" WordProSM "Prrel1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Press release index" WordProSM "Prindx1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Product catalog" WordProSM "Catlog1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - Product information" WordProSM "Produc1.MWP"
ICON "Internet - URL management" ApproachSM "Surfnet.MPR"
DRAWER "Suite Help" 804 135 414
DEFAULT "Help" 0 130 80 File Large
ICON "SmartSuite Help" Home "Sc1n97en.HLP"
FOLDER "DocOnline" 130 0 64 File Large
ICON "Exploring SmartSuite 97" DocOnlinePDF "explore.PDF"
ICON "Getting the Most out of LotusScript" DocOnlinePDF "getmost.PDF"
ICON "Developing Apps Using LotusScript" DocOnlinePDF "devapp.PDF"
ICON "LotusScript Programmer's Guide" DocOnlinePDF "proggd.PDF"
ICON "LotusScript Language Guide" DocOnlinePDF "12754.PDF"
FOLDER "Tours" 194 0 65 File Large
ICON "Lotus 123 Tour" 123Tour ssnopnen.prz
ICON "Lotus Organizer Tour" OrganizerTour "Ornopnen.PRZ"
ICON "Lotus Freelance Graphics Tour" FreelanceTour "Flninten.PRZ"
ICON "Lotus Approach Tour" ApproachTour "Lanopnen.PRZ"
ICON "Lotus Word Pro Tour" WordProTour "Wpnopnen.PRZ"
ICON "Lotus SmartSuite Tour" SmartCenterTour "Scnopnen.PRZ"
FOLDER "Helpful Web Sites" 128 0 128 "Internet URL" "http://www.lotus.com/smartctr/lothlp97.htm"