PC World Komputer 1997 November
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' This example contains two examples, one
' opens the clip art browser, the other, a variation
' on the first, opens the diagram browser.
' Script to launch clip art browser with a
' specified clip art file.
' This script consists of two subs. The first is
' LaunchSymBrowser, the primary sub that actually
' opens the clip art browser. The second
' sub is the sub that calls LaunchSymBrowser with a parameter
' indicating whether the sub should open the clip art
' browser.
' There are two complete examples each
' containing two subs. One example opens the clip art,
' browser, the other opens the diagram browser.
' Once the browser is open, the user
' selects which item to place on the page.
' The sub, LaunchSymBrowser, looks for an existing
' placement block (a SymbolPlacementBlock in this case)
' on the current page and then opens the
' clip art browser so that the user can select clip art
' for that placement block.
Private Sub LaunchSymBrowser(SymbolFile As String)
Dim SymPB As DrawObject
' The following line locates the placement block named
' SymbolPlacementBlock1 on the current page and
' then assigns it to the object variable, SymPB.
' To do this, you have to know the name of
' the placement block.
Set SymPB = _
' The next line uses the BrowseSymbols method of the
' PlacementBlock class to open the symbol browser
' with the name of the clip art file that
' has been passed to this sub. Note the use of
' the TemplateDir property to indicate the path of
' the file.
SymPB.PlacementBlock.BrowseSymbols CurrentApplication._
Preferences.TemplateDir + SymbolFile
' Note: you could write a variation on this sub that first
' creates the placement block, positions it on the page,
' and then opens the symbol browser.
End Sub
' The following sub, PeopleSymbol, calls the
' LanuchSymBrowser sub with the name of the clip art file
' that it will use.
Sub PeopleSymbol()
End Sub
' Launching the diagram browser
' The following sub, LaunchDgmBrowser, does the same thing as was ' described in the previous example. However, in this case, the
' sub opens the diagram browser.
' The sub, LaunchDgmBrowser, looks for an existing diagram
' placement block on the current page, then opens the diagram
' browser so that the user's selection will go into that
' placement block.
Private Sub LaunchDgmBrowser(DiagramFile As String)
Dim DgmPB As DrawObject
Set DgmPB = _
' The next line uses the BrowseDiagrams method of the
' PlacementBlock class to open the diagram browser.
DgmPB.PlacementBlock.BrowseDiagrams CurrentApplication. _
Preferences.TemplateDir + DiagramFile
End Sub
' The following sub, GanttDiagram, calls the
' LaunchDgmBrowser sub with the name of the file that
' contains the diagram that is used in this example.
Sub GanttDiagram()
End Sub