26115 Select this option to install the Quick Demos
26116 CS1N97EN.CNT
26117 lthlpn31.dll
26118 Dictionary
26119 Select this option to install the Dictionary folder. If you don't install the dictionary, you can run it from the SmartSuite CD
26120 Thesaurus
26121 Select this option to install the American and British Thesaurus
26122 {291340a5-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}
26123 {291340a6-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}
26124 SmartCenter 97 Dictionary Division
26125 SmartCenter 97 Thesaurus Division
26126 \lddict.dll
26127 \ldthes.dll
26128 \Dictionary
26129 \Thesaurus
26130 \Internet URL
26131 \Internet Weather
26132 \Internet Stock
26133 \Internet News
26134 Capabilities
26135 weblotus.ocx
26136 work\smartctr
26137 Work
26138 EN
26139 Address
26140 Calendar
26141 Dictionary
26142 File
26143 Mail
26144 Reminder
26145 Thesaurus
26146 Internet News
26147 Internet Stock
26148 Internet Page
26149 Internet Weather
26150 Internet Folder
26151 Select this option to install the Internet folder which gives you access to Web Sites on the Internet
26152 Tools
26153 Select this option to install the Reference tools for SmartSuite
26154 Help and Samples
26155 Select this option to install all the Help and Samples files
26156 On-Line Help
26157 Select this option to install the On-Line Help
26158 Tour
26159 Select this option to install the SmartSuite Guided Tour
26160 Lotus SmartCenter 96
26161 Lotus SuiteStart 96
26162 RunFromRom
26163 \lotus\smartctr\
26164 \lotus\compnent\
26165 SuiteMasters
26166 Select this option to install the cross-application SuiteMasters. SuiteMasters are templates for creating compound business documents with SmartSuite applications
26167 smasters\suite\
26168 sitelist.lot
26169 Lotus SuiteStart 97
26170 sc5en.123
26171 sc7en.lwp
26172 sc6en.lwp
26173 sc1en.lwp
26174 sc2en.prz
26175 sc4en.123
26176 sc3en.dbf
26177 sc3en.adx
26178 Lotus SuiteStart 97
26179 Lotus\smartctr\tour
26180 SmartSuite.SmartMaster
26181 Lotus SmartSuite 97 SuiteMaster
26182 {29130400-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}
26183 suitmstr.ico
26184 ExtPage
26185 {2913FFFE-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}
26186 ExtMenu
26187 New
26188 &New Document
26189 wordpro.exe -y %1
26190 [New(%1,1,0)]
26191 WordPro
26192 wordpro.exe -f %1
26193 [QuickOpen(%1)]
26194 wordpro.exe -p %1
26195 wordpro.exe -p %1/r %2
26196 American Thesaurus
26197 Select this option to only install the American Thesaurus
26198 British Thesaurus
26199 Select this option to only install the British Thesaurus