1211 Abs(number) returns the absolute value of number
1212 Acos(number) returns the arc cosine of number expressed in radians
1213 Asc(character) returns the ASCII numeric value of character
1214 Asin(number) returns the arc sine of number expressed in radians
1215 Atan(number) returns the arc tangent of number expressed in radians
1216 Atan(number1@number2) returns the arc tangent of number1/number2 in radians
1217 Avg(number1@number2@ ... @numberN) returns the average of N numbers in a list within a record
1218 Blank(field@value) returns value if field is blank; otherwise, returns the value in field
1219 Chr(number) returns the ASCII character for number
1220 Combine(string1@ string2@ ... @stringN) combines all text strings in string1 to stringN to form one text string
1221 Cos(angle) returns the cosine of angle expressed in radians
1222 Date(month@day@year) returns a date corresponding to numbers in month, day, and year parameters
1223 Day(date) returns a number from 1 to 31 representing the day of the month for date
1224 DayName(number) or DayName(date) returns the name of the day corresponding to number or date. Number must be from 1 to 7, with 1 being Sunday
1225 DayOfWeek(date) returns a number representing the day of the week in date, with 1 being Sunday
1226 DayOfYear(date) returns a number representing the number of days since January 1 of the year in date
1227 Degree(radians) converts a number from radians to degrees
1228 DateToText(date@format) converts date to a text string with the specified format
1229 Exp(number) returns the constant e to the power of number, where e is the base of the natural logarithm
1230 Factorial(number) returns the factorial of number
1231 Fill(text@number) returns a text string consisting of number instances of text
1232 Hour(time) returns a number representing the number of hours in time
1233 Hundredth(time) returns a number representing the number of hundredths of a second in time
1234 If(condition@true value@false value) evaluates condition for true or false, and returns a true or false value
1235 IsBlank(field) returns Yes if field is blank; otherwise, returns No
1236 Left(text@number) returns a text result containing the specified number of characters in text, counting from the left
1237 Length(text) returns the total number of characters in text, including spaces, numbers, and special characters
1238 Like(text1,text2) returns Yes if strings text1 and text2 match exactly (case-insensitive); otherwise, returns No
1239 Ln(number) returns the natural logarithm (to the base e) of a positive number
1240 Log(number) returns the logarithm of number to the base 10
1241 Lower(text) converts all characters in text to lowercase
1242 Middle(text@start@size) extracts characters from text, beginning at the start position and containing the number of characters specified by size
1243 Minute(time) returns a number representing the number of minutes in time
1244 Mod(number1@number2) divides number1 by number2 and returns the remainder
1245 Month(date) returns a number representing the month in date
1246 MonthName(number) or MonthName(date) returns the name of the month corresponding to number or date
1247 Pi() returns the constant 3.14159
1248 Position(text@search string@start) returns the position of the first occurrence of a search string in text, beginning at the start position
1249 Pow(number1@number2) returns the value of number1 raised to the power of number2
1250 Prefix(text1@text2) returns Yes if all the characters in text1 match the same number of characters at the start of text2; otherwise, returns No
1251 Proper(text) converts the first letter of each word in text to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase
1252 Radian(degrees) converts degrees to radians
1253 Random() returns a random number between 0 and 1
1254 Replace(original text@start@size@replacement text) beginning at position start, replaces characters in original text with replacement text, where size is the number of replacement characters
1255 Right(text@number) returns the number of characters in text, counting from the right
1256 Round(number@precision) rounds number to the number of decimal places specified by precision
1257 Second(time) returns a number representing the number of seconds in time
1258 Sign(number) returns -1, 0, or 1 representing whether number is negative, zero, or positive
1259 Sin(angle) returns the trigonometric sine of an angle where angle is expressed in radians
1260 Span(text1@text2) returns the number of characters in text1 that also exist in text2 until a character is found that is not in text2
1261 SpanUntil(text1@text2) returns the number of characters in text1 that are not in text2 until a character is found that is also in text2
1262 Sqrt(number) returns the square root of number
1263 Tan(angle) returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle expressed in radians
1264 Time(hours@minutes@seconds@hundredths) returns a time corresponding to the hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths parameters
1265 Today() returns the current system date
1266 Translate(text@character1@character2) replaces all occurrences of character1 with character2 in text
1267 Trim(text) returns text without its leading and trailing spaces
1268 Trunc(number@precision) truncates a number to the number of decimal places specified by precision
1269 Upper(text) converts all letters in text to uppercase
1270 WeekOfYear(date) returns a number representing the number of weeks since January 1 of the year in date
1271 Year(date) returns a number representing the year within which a date occurs
1272 SAverage(number field) returns the average of the values in number field for a summary range of records
1273 SCount(field) returns the number of nonblank occurrences in field over a summary range of records
1274 SSum(number field) returns the sum of all values in a number field for a summary range of records
1275 SMin(field) returns the minimum value or earliest date or time in field for a summary range of records
1276 SMax(field) returns the maximum value or latest date or time in field for a summary range of records
1277 SSTD(number field) calculates the standard deviation of a population given the entire population as a field within a summary range of records
1278 SVAR(number field) calculates the variance of a population given the entire population as a summary range of records
1279 SNPV(value@discount rate) calculates the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows (value) and a discount rate
1280 Exact(text1@text2) performs a case-sensitive comparison of text1 and text2; if the strings match exactly, the function returns Yes; otherwise, returns No
1281 SoundsLike(text1@text2) returns Yes if text1 sounds phonetically like text2; otherwise, returns No
1282 STD(number1@number2@...@numberN) calculates the standard deviation of the population given the entire population as parameters
1283 VAR(number1@number2@...@numberN) returns the variance of a population given the entire population as parameters
1284 PMT(principal@rate@periods) returns the payment required to pay off a loan given principal, a periodic interest rate and a number of periods
1285 PV(payment@rate@period) calculates the present value of an ordinary annuity given a payment, a periodic interest rate, and a number of periods
1286 FV(payment@rate@period) calculates the future value of an investment given a payment, a periodic interest rate, and a number of periods
1287 NPeriods(rate@principal@payment) calculates the number of periods necessary to pay off principal with a periodic payment at a given periodic interest rate
1288 SLN(cost@salvage@life) calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for a single period, given cost, salvage, and life
1289 CurrTime() returns the current system time
1290 FaToDo - replace this string
1291 FaToDo - replace this string
1292 TextToTime(text) converts text to a time value
1293 TextToDate(text) converts text to a date value
1294 TextToBool(text) returns No if the first character in text is F, f, N, n, or 0 (zero); otherwise, returns Yes
1295 NumToText(number@format) converts number to a text string with the specified format
1296 IsLastRecord() returns Yes if the current record is the last record in the sort order of the found set; otherwise, returns No
1320 NumToWord(number, precision) converts number to a text string with the specified precision
1321 Lead(text) capitalizes the first character in text