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/ PC World Komputer 1997 November / Pcwk1197.iso / Corel / SETUP / PAINT.BLD < prev    next >
INI File  |  1997-08-28  |  27KB  |  680 lines

  1. [Corel PHOTO-PAINT:Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7]
  2. Destination = <D>
  3. Fonts = <F>
  4. GroupName = <G>
  5. UninstallTree = Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7 Plus Trial Version
  6. S = Corel Approved Partners:<G>\Setup and Notes
  7. S = Corel Readme:<G>\Setup and Notes
  8. S = Setup:<G>\Setup and Notes
  9. S = Uninstaller:<G>\Setup and Notes
  10. S = Corel PHOTO-PAINT Samples:<G>
  11. S = Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7
  12. S = Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7 Plus Trial Version:<G>
  13. F = \filters\cdrconv.exe
  14. F = \PROGRAMS\sh22w32.dll
  15. F = \config\scanmgr.ini
  16. F = Photopnt\samples\PaintSamples
  17. F = <W>\TWAIN_32\COREL\crltwn32.cnt
  18. F = <W>\TWAIN_32\COREL\crltwn32.dll
  19. F = <W>\TWAIN_32\COREL\crltwn32.hlp
  20. F = <W>\TWAIN_32\COREL\crltwn32.GID
  21. F = <W>\TWAIN_32\COREL\crltwn32.FTG
  22. F = <W>\TWAIN_32\COREL\crltwn32.FTS
  23. F = <W>\corel\detexe.bld
  24. F = <W>\corel\setup.log
  25. F = <W>\corel\uninstal.exe
  26. F = \tutors\photopnt\2planes.cpt
  27. F = \tutors\photopnt\add1samp.cpt
  28. F = \tutors\photopnt\backgnd.cpt
  29. F = \tutors\photopnt\blnsamp.cpt
  30. F = \tutors\photopnt\bvb1.cpt
  31. F = \tutors\photopnt\bvb1a.cpt
  32. F = \tutors\photopnt\bvb2.cpt
  33. F = \tutors\photopnt\bvb2a.cpt
  34. F = \tutors\photopnt\bvb3.cpt
  35. F = \tutors\photopnt\bvb3a.cpt
  36. F = \tutors\photopnt\cactus.cpt
  37. F = \tutors\photopnt\castsamp.cpt
  38. F = \tutors\photopnt\circle.cdr
  39. F = \tutors\photopnt\colorize.cpt
  40. F = \tutors\photopnt\duosamp.cpt
  41. F = \tutors\photopnt\dustsamp.cpt
  42. F = \tutors\photopnt\ffx1fire.cpt
  43. F = \tutors\photopnt\field.cpt
  44. F = \tutors\photopnt\fil1man.cpt
  45. F = \tutors\photopnt\gifsamp.cpt
  46. F = \tutors\photopnt\jpgsamp.cpt
  47. F = \tutors\photopnt\kongback.cpt
  48. F = \tutors\photopnt\liq1aqua.cpt
  49. F = \tutors\photopnt\map1samp.cpt
  50. F = \tutors\photopnt\neo1samp.cpt
  51. F = \tutors\photopnt\oversamp.cpt
  52. F = \tutors\photopnt\pngsamp.cpt
  53. F = \tutors\photopnt\pnttutor.ini
  54. F = \tutors\photopnt\prnsamp.cpt
  55. F = \tutors\photopnt\red1boat.cpt
  56. F = \tutors\photopnt\redeye.cpt
  57. F = \tutors\photopnt\rockarch.cpt
  58. F = \tutors\photopnt\sca1roof.cpt
  59. F = \tutors\photopnt\sur1zeal.cpt
  60. F = \tutors\photopnt\ter1samp.cpt
  61. F = \tutors\photopnt\tint1.cpt
  62. F = \tutors\photopnt\tint2.cpt
  63. F = \tutors\photopnt\tint3.cpt
  64. F = \tutors\photopnt\len1a.cpt
  65. F = \tutors\photopnt\tra1samp.cpt
  66. F = \tutors\photopnt\undrsamp.cpt
  67. F = \tutors\photopnt\welsmpl.cpt
  68. F = \tutors\coreltutohelp.gid
  69. F = \tutors\pntplus.dll
  70. F = \tutors\tutor.exe
  71. F = \tutors\tutor.ini
  72. F = \tutors\pnttutor.exe
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  76. F = \tutors\pnttutor.FTS
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  78. F = \tutors\tutorhlp.hlp
  79. F = \tutors\tutorhlp.GID
  80. F = \tutors\tutorhlp.FTG
  81. F = \tutors\tutorhlp.FTS
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  84. F = \scripts\script.reg
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  86. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\agfae.ini
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  88. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\coreldrw.ink
  89. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\dic.cpl
  90. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\dupont.cpl
  91. F = \PROGRAMS\data\eps70.ps
  92. F = \PROGRAMS\data\explorer.cpl
  93. F = \PROGRAMS\data\ffill70.ps
  94. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\focolton.cpl
  95. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\hqs230.ini
  96. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\hqs260.ini
  97. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\hqs300.ini
  98. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\hqs330.ini
  99. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\hqs500.ini
  100. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\hqs530.ini
  101. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\hqs630.ini
  102. F = \PROGRAMS\data\labpal.cpl
  103. F = \PROGRAMS\data\marks70.ps
  104. F = \PROGRAMS\data\netscape.cpl
  105. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\panose.dat
  106. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\pantone.cpl
  107. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\pantone.hex
  108. F = \PROGRAMS\data\prolog70.ps
  109. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\resource.ps
  110. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rgbstd.cpl
  111. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\romfont1
  112. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rt230.ini
  113. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rt260.ini
  114. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rt300.ini
  115. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rt330.ini
  116. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rt500.ini
  117. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rt530.ini
  118. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\rt630.ini
  119. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\startup.ps
  120. F = \PROGRAMS\data\text70.ps
  121. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\toyo.cpl
  122. F = \PROGRAMS\DATA\trumatch.cpl
  123. F = \PROGRAMS\data\userinks.cpl
  124. F = \PROGRAMS\box.id
  125. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrflt60.gid
  126. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrflt70.gid
  127. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrflt70.gid
  128. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrflt70.hlp
  129. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrflt70.GID
  130. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrflt70.FTG
  131. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrflt70.FTS
  132. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrhlp70.dll
  133. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrpng70.cmp
  134. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrpsi70.dll
  135. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrscp.dll
  136. F = \PROGRAMS\cdrtxr70.dll
  137. F = \PROGRAMS\corelap.cnt
  138. F = \PROGRAMS\corelap.gid
  139. F = \PROGRAMS\corelap.gid
  140. F = \PROGRAMS\corelap.hlp
  141. F = \PROGRAMS\corelap.GID
  142. F = \PROGRAMS\corelap.FTG
  143. F = \PROGRAMS\corelap.FTS
  144. F = \PROGRAMS\digiopen.8be
  145. F = \PROGRAMS\effects.gid
  146. F = \PROGRAMS\iejpeg70.dll
  147. F = \PROGRAMS\kptwin20.gid
  148. F = \PROGRAMS\kptwin20.gid
  149. F = \PROGRAMS\kptwin20.hlp
  150. F = \PROGRAMS\kptwin20.GID
  151. F = \PROGRAMS\kptwin20.FTG
  152. F = \PROGRAMS\kptwin20.FTS
  153. F = \PROGRAMS\pcdlib32.dll
  154. F = \PROGRAMS\photopnt.cnt
  155. F = \PROGRAMS\photopnt.exe
  156. F = \PROGRAMS\219.lic
  157. F = \PROGRAMS\photopnt.gid
  158. F = \PROGRAMS\photopnt.hlp
  159. F = \PROGRAMS\photopnt.GID
  160. F = \PROGRAMS\photopnt.FTG
  161. F = \PROGRAMS\photopnt.FTS
  162. F = \PROGRAMS\pntintl.dll
  163. F = \PROGRAMS\pp_scr.cnt
  164. F = \PROGRAMS\pp_scr.gid
  165. F = \PROGRAMS\pp_scr.gid
  166. F = \PROGRAMS\pp_scr.hlp
  167. F = \PROGRAMS\pp_scr.GID
  168. F = \PROGRAMS\pp_scr.FTG
  169. F = \PROGRAMS\pp_scr.FTS
  170. F = \PROGRAMS\sccomp.dll
  171. F = \PROGRAMS\sccres.dll
  172. F = \PROGRAMS\swi32.dll
  173. F = \PROGRAMS\techsupp.cnt
  174. F = \PROGRAMS\techsupp.gid
  175. F = \PROGRAMS\techsupp.hlp
  176. F = \PROGRAMS\techsupp.GID
  177. F = \PROGRAMS\techsupp.FTG
  178. F = \PROGRAMS\techsupp.FTS
  179. F = \PROGRAMS\tutor.gid
  180. F = \plugins\cdr_orig.frx
  181. F = \plugins\juliaset.frx
  182. F = \plugins\kpt_orig.grd
  183. F = \plugins\kpt21hub.dll
  184. F = \plugins\pijlia70.dll
  185. F = \plugins\pipnt70.dll
  186. F = \plugins\preset1.frx
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  188. F = \PHOTOPNT\USERDEF\blur5.usr
  189. F = \PHOTOPNT\USERDEF\edge.usr
  190. F = \photopnt\userdef\emboss.usr
  191. F = \photopnt\userdef\highpass.usr
  192. F = \photopnt\userdef\hpmean.usr
  193. F = \photopnt\userdef\vshift.usr
  194. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\brighten.map
  195. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\darken.map
  196. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\default.map
  197. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\inverse.map
  198. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\lighten.map
  199. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\neggamma.map
  200. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\posgamma.map
  201. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\shadow.map
  202. F = \photopnt\tonemap\solar1.map
  203. F = \PHOTOPNT\TONEMAP\solarize.map
  204. F = \PHOTOPNT\SHEARMAP\tilt.shr
  205. F = \PHOTOPNT\SHEARMAP\wave.shr
  206. F = \photopnt\samples\object.cpt
  207. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\boxpanel.bmp
  208. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\bubble.bmp
  209. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\cigaret.bmp
  210. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\clamshel.bmp
  211. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\clamtext.bmp
  212. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\comet.bmp
  213. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\footprnt.bmp
  214. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\fragment.bmp
  215. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\fuzzy.bmp
  216. F = \photopnt\plgbrush\gradient.bmp
  217. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\manfade.bmp
  218. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\mosctip.bmp
  219. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\oiltip.bmp
  220. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\plusglow.bmp
  221. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\pntbrush.bmp
  222. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\pntwide.bmp
  223. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\pufftext.bmp
  224. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\pyramid.bmp
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  226. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\saturn.bmp
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  228. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\smoke.bmp
  229. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\squig.bmp
  230. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\starsoft.bmp
  231. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\stdgrad.bmp
  232. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\stdline.bmp
  233. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\stdlinef.bmp
  234. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\stdsphbr.bmp
  235. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\stdsphdk.bmp
  236. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\stdstrwd.bmp
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  240. F = \PHOTOPNT\PLGBRUSH\vasili.bmp
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  243. F = \photopnt\paths\dummy3
  244. F = \photopnt\paths\simple.pth
  245. F = \PHOTOPNT\MeshWarp\dummy99
  246. F = \photopnt\imglists\arrow.cpt
  247. F = \photopnt\ImgLists\butrfly.cpt
  248. F = \photopnt\imglists\clouds.cpt
  249. F = \photopnt\imglists\foliage.cpt
  250. F = \photopnt\imglists\gears.cpt
  251. F = \photopnt\imglists\stamps.cpt
  252. F = \photopnt\imglists\sunflowr.cpt
  253. F = \photopnt\duotones\bbg3.cpd
  254. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dcolor1.cpd
  255. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dcolor2.cpd
  256. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dcolor3.cpd
  257. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dcolor4.cpd
  258. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dcolor5.cpd
  259. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dgray1.cpd
  260. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dgray2.cpd
  261. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dgray3.cpd
  262. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dgray4.cpd
  263. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\dgray5.cpd
  264. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qcolor1.cpd
  265. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qcolor2.cpd
  266. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qcolor3.cpd
  267. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qcolor4.cpd
  268. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qcolor5.cpd
  269. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qgray1.cpd
  270. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qgray2.cpd
  271. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qgray3.cpd
  272. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qgray4.cpd
  273. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\qgray5.cpd
  274. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tcolor1.cpd
  275. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tcolor2.cpd
  276. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tcolor3.cpd
  277. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tcolor4.cpd
  278. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tcolor5.cpd
  279. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tgray1.cpd
  280. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tgray2.cpd
  281. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tgray3.cpd
  282. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tgray4.cpd
  283. F = \PHOTOPNT\DUOTONES\tgray5.cpd
  284. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\circle.pcx
  285. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\pixelate.pcx
  286. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\pyramid.pcx
  287. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\ripple.pcx
  288. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\rusty.pcx
  289. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\sand.pcx
  290. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\square.pcx
  291. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\stars.pcx
  292. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\vibrate.pcx
  293. F = \PHOTOPNT\DISPLACE\worms.pcx
  294. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\half.cik
  295. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\inverse.cik
  296. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\neggamma.cik
  297. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\normal.cik
  298. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\posgamma.cik
  299. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\sharp.cik
  300. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\soft.cik
  301. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\solarize.cik
  302. F = \PHOTOPNT\CURVES\straight.cik
  303. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\breadc.pcx
  304. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\cementc.pcx
  305. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\cracks2c.pcx
  306. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\granit1c.pcx
  307. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\linen2c.pcx
  308. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\marble2c.pcx
  309. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\paper02c.pcx
  310. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\rocks1c.pcx
  311. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\rocks2c.pcx
  312. F = \PHOTOPNT\CANVAS\stuccoc.pcx
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  314. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\canals.cpt
  315. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\concret5.cpt
  316. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\cork_sm.cpt
  317. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\diamond.cpt
  318. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\drypaint.cpt
  319. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\ice.cpt
  320. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\light1.cpt
  321. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\puddle2.cpt
  322. F = \photopnt\brushtxr\sponge2.cpt
  323. F = \PHOTOPNT\alchemy.ini
  324. F = \PHOTOPNT\duotone.ps
  325. F = \PHOTOPNT\duotone2.ps
  326. F = \PHOTOPNT\lightfx.ini
  327. F = \photopnt\paintgif.reg
  328. F = \photopnt\paintjpg.reg
  329. F = \photopnt\paintpcd.reg
  330. F = \photopnt\paintpcx.reg
  331. F = \photopnt\painttif.reg
  332. F = \photopnt\paintwv.reg
  333. F = \photopnt\pen.ini
  334. F = \PHOTOPNT\photopnt.ini
  335. F = \PHOTOPNT\photopnt.reg
  336. F = \PHOTOPNT\photopnt.tlb
  337. F = \photopnt\plgparam.ini
  338. F = \photopnt\pntbars.cfg
  339. F = \PHOTOPNT\prodefnb.ini
  340. F = \PHOTOPNT\prodefnb.msk
  341. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntbrbr.ini
  342. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntbrbr.msk
  343. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntbrcl.ini
  344. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntbref.ini
  345. F = \photopnt\pntdef.acl
  346. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefbr.ini
  347. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefbr.msk
  348. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefcl.ini
  349. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefef.ini
  350. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefnb.msk
  351. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefnb.ini
  352. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefnb.ini
  353. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntdefnb.msk
  354. F = \photopnt\pntmenu.cfg
  355. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntnib.msk
  356. F = \PHOTOPNT\pntnib.nib
  357. F = \photopnt\pntrol.cfg
  358. F = \photopnt\pntrols.cfg
  359. F = \photopnt\pntsbar.cfg
  360. F = \photopnt\pntsbars.cfg
  361. F = \photopnt\proset.msk
  362. F = \photopnt\proset.nib
  363. F = \photopnt\scrapbook.cfg
  364. F = \photopnt\test.acl
  365. F = \ocrtrace\trcdef.acl
  366. F = \filters\plugins\dummy5.dir
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  661. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{BF735764-E6DA-11CF-AB9B-00C0F00683EB}
  662. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{4E3671A2-6D70-11D0-9C29-000092912C37}\ProgID
  663. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{4E3671A2-6D70-11D0-9C29-000092912C37}\InprocHandler32
  664. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{4E3671A2-6D70-11D0-9C29-000092912C37}\LocalServer32
  665. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{4E3671A2-6D70-11D0-9C29-000092912C37}
  667. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ptfile\defaultIcon
  668. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ptfile
  671. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Corel Generic Icon Handler\CLSID
  672. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Corel Generic Icon Handler
  673. R = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\DrwTutor.Callback.2
  674. R = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{8D806F40-1F6B-11CF-92A4-00401C603D3F}
  675. R = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CorelDRAW.Graphic.7