132 The object has been changed. Update %s before proceeding?
149 Update
156 &Edit
170 \n\nKodak Digital Science ICC API copyright ⌐ 1995-1996 Eastman Kodak Company.
171 \n\nPortions copyright ⌐ Zsoft Corporation.
172 \n\nThe Paint Alchemy and Terrazzo Plug-In Filters ⌐
173 1996 XAOS, Tools, Inc. All rights reserved.
174 \n\nDIC Color Guide Process Color Note computer simulations used in this
175 product may not match DIC Color Guide and DIC Color Guide Part2
176 identified solid color standards. Use currentDIC Color Guide Process Color
177 Note Manuals for better use. DIC, DIC Color Guide Process Color Note Part2
178 are trademarks of Dainippon Ink && Chemicals, Inc.
179 \n\nBar Code Pro« by Allen Lubow; program by Xinying Gu copyright ⌐
180 1991-1996 SYNEX. All rights reserved. Bar Code Pro« is a registered
181 trademark of SYNEX. The barcode technology used in CorelDRAW is based
182 on Bar Code Pro« by SYNEX, publishers of microcomputer software,
183 barcode readers and scanners. For more information on the use of
184 barcode call SYNEX at (718) 499-6293, fax (718) 768-3997, or write
185 to SYNEX, 692 10th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215-4502 or visit their homepage
186 at http://www.snx.com
200 Corel PHOTO-PAINT (TM)
201 Version 7
202 Version 7.663
204 Copyright ⌐ 1988-1997 Corel Corporation.
205 All rights reserved.
206 Corel PHOTO-PAINT (TM) Plus
208 \nPANTONE« and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc.
209 \nSix-color Process System Patent Pending - Pantone, Inc. ⌐ Pantone, Inc., 1989, 1996
210 \nKodak Digital Science ICC API copyright ⌐ 1995-1996 Eastman Kodak Company.
215 Click a graphic to begin...
217 Open the Create a New Image dialog box to
218 begin a project.
219 Open %s,
220 to continue working where you left off.
221 There are no documents in your history list.
223 Open a file that you have used recently.
225 Follow step-by-step instructions to complete all of the
226 tasks required to produce quality scanned images.
227 Follow step-by-step instructions to complete many tasks,
228 from retouching photos, to publishing on the Internet.
229 Learn about the new features in Corel Photo-Paint 7,
230 including optimized power and program performance.
235 Corel 32-bit Presentation Exchange Data
236 CorelMetafile
237 Native
238 Embedded Object
239 Embed Source
240 Link Source
241 Rich Text Format
242 ObjectLink
243 OwnerLink
244 Object Descriptor
245 Link Source Descriptor
247 CorelQuickOLEClass
248 CorelMosaic File Transfer
253 new-%d
254 Changes will not take effect until PHOTO-PAINT is restarted. Do you wish to restart PHOTO-PAINT now?
261 &Info...
262 Image has changed.
263 Image has not changed.
264 %s (partial, %d%%)
265 Searching for plug-ins...
266 Leave contents of clipboard for other applications?
268 Image has no objects.
269 Image has 1 object
270 Image has %d objects
274 New Document
275 Play Movie
276 px.
278 Acquire Plugins
279 Alpha Channel Save List
280 Alpha Channel Load List
281 Plug-In Filter List
282 Change lens name to the appropriate default?
283 Loading Application...
284 Initializing Color Management System...
285 Loading Plug-in Filters...
286 Initializing User Interface Components...
287 Initializing Engines...
288 Creating Application Environment...
289 Registering OLE Automation Commands...
290 Undo List
291 Script Playback
292 Tool Stroke
293 Redo List
294 Frame
295 Frame %d of %d
296 The tool has modified the document.\nDo you wish to apply the changes?
297 Save &Brush...
298 A&pply
299 &Edit Brush Type
300 Stroke Current &Path
303 Backup_of_
304 Export Plugins
403 Pos:%s Use Right or Shift-Left to zoom out
404 Pos:%s
405 Pos:%s Hold Alt to copy selection
406 Pos:%s Start:%s Delta:%s
408 Pos:%s Center:%s Radius:%s
409 Pos:%s %s Ctrl: Paper, Shift: Fill
410 Pos:%s %s
411 Pos:%s Hold Ctrl or Shift to constrain
412 Pos:%s Hold Ctrl to constrain
417 Angle: %d
418 Position the Selection
419 Scale the Selection
420 Rotate the Selection
421 Skew the Selection
422 Distort the Selection
423 Perspective on Selection
429 RGB: %3d,%3d,%3d
430 HSB: %3d,%3d,%3d
431 CMYK255: %3d,%3d,%3d,%3d
432 CMY: %3d,%3d,%3d
433 Gray: %3d (%d %%)
434 BW: %3d
435 HLS: %3d,%3d,%3d
436 YIQ: %3d,%3d,%3d
437 Lab: %3.1f,%3.1f,%3.1f
438 Updating Work Image...Please Wait
444 Pos:%s Start:%s Delta:%s Scale:%s
446 Making a copy of the partial file...
447 CMYK: %3d,%3d,%3d,%3d
448 Index: %3d RGB: %3d,%3d,%3d
449 Value: %3d Ink: %3d
450 Value: %3d Inks: %3d,%3d
451 Value: %3d Inks: %3d,%3d,%3d
452 Value: %3d Inks: %3d,%3d,%3d,%3d
453 %s,%s
454 Pos:%s Right click to reset the origin
455 Pos:%s Hold Ctrl to constrain, S to keep the same origin
456 Pos:%s Hold Alt to draw a straight line; Ctrl to constrain
457 Index: %3d
458 Pos:%s %s Op: %d%% Ctrl: Paper, Shift: Fill
459 Double Click to Apply
460 Double Click to Reset
461 Edit Nodes
462 Create/Add Nodes
463 Double Click to Crop
464 Double Click to Reset
465 Drag to Navigate Image
466 Click to Apply Stroke
467 Scaling Image List...Please Wait
468 Compacting Swap File...Please Wait
469 Converting Image List...Please Wait
470 Generating Thumbnail...Please Wait
471 Loading Script...Please Wait
601 Butt
602 Filled
603 Round
604 Point
652 Last Used
653 You cannot delete the Last Used preset.
654 You cannot save over the Last Used preset.
655 Are you sure you want to delete %s?
656 Preset %s already exists. Overwrite it?
657 Default
658 Preset
700 Black and White
701 Grayscale
702 Paletted
703 24-Bit RGB Color
704 Lab Color
705 32-Bit CMYK
1050 Color Mask (*.cmk)
1058 AVI Animation
1065 Groups must contain a rollup. All empty groups are being removed.
1200 Uncompressed
1250 Wav&es:
1251 P&eriod:
1300 File %s exists. Overwrite it?
1301 Corel PHOTO-PAINT
1302 Corel PHOTO-PAINT - Warning
1303 Corel PHOTO-PAINT - Error
1304 This tool requires that at least one object be selected.
1305 This tool requires that at least one object or the background image be editable.
1306 New file will be a partial file
1307 Mask will be defloated. Continue?
1308 File %s is read-only. Save is disabled.
1309 Selection is empty!
1310 File %s is too large. Loading as partial file.
1311 Image Calculations is not recordable and will not\nbe added to the Undo list of %s.\nDo you wish to Continue?
1312 This tool requires an Undo Buffer.
1313 Revert %s to last saved version?
1314 Objects will be merged with background.
1315 Masks will be lost.
1316 Mask will be lost and objects merged with background.
1317 Object transformations will be lost when re-editing text
1318 Brush type already exists. Overwrite it?
1319 Cannot close document while it is busy. Please cancel task first.
1320 The animation's length has changed. The audio and video will no longer be synchronous
1321 Only the current frame is used for creating the optimized palette.
1322 Masks will not be saved in this format.
1323 Alpha channels cannot be saved to this format.
1324 LocalUndo commands cannot be redone (Redo List) on their own.\nDo you wish to continue?
1325 The name is too long and will be truncated to %s.\nDo you want to continue?
1326 Objects will not be deskewed. \nDo you want to continue?
1327 Text objects in an image can have up to 1000 characters only\nExtra characters are truncated
1328 This filter needs to access data outside the floater, mask will be defloated!
1329 Only the current frame will be split into separate channels.
1330 The name is too long.
1331 File is not RGB, no calibration performed.
1332 Calculations will be performed only on the currently loaded partial area.
1333 Cannot create the partial file. The full image is now in memory.
1334 Playing more then one movie may slow system response time.
1335 The image size is too big to handle, try a smaller image size
1336 Objects cannot be loaded with the partial file.\nTry loading the file normally.
1337 Masks cannot be loaded with the partial file.\nTry loading the file normally.
1338 Objects and Masks cannot be loaded with the partial file.\nTry loading the file normally.
1339 The number of colors in the Custom Color Palette has reached its maximum. Adding the new color will cause the last color to be overwritten.\nWould you like to add this color?
1340 Adding all colors will cause the maximum number of colors in the Custom Color Palette to be exceeded by %d colors. Delete some colors from the Custom Palette, or create a new palette before adding these colors.
1341 Commands requiring a document will be skipped.
1342 This effect requires an unlocked background.
1343 This 16-bit filter cannot be executed.
1344 Do you want to delete the associated path file as well?
1345 Unsaved changes will be lost. Do you want to save them?
1346 Some objects are empty and will be deleted. Do you wish to continue?
1347 The selected object and mask do not intersect.
1348 Delete '%s' from palette?
1349 This filter requested invalid data
1350 File Name field must be set!
1351 Map Name field must be set!
1352 Save to Checkpoint?
1353 Save to File?
1354 Do you wish to turn the Auto Save feature off?
1356 This effect cannot be run on a paletted image with a mask,\nbecause palette changes must affect the entire image.
1357 This effect cannot be run on a paletted image if all\nobjects are not active, because palette changes\nmust affect the entire image.
1358 The preview may not show the exact effect with more than one active object.
1359 The directory %s does not exist. Do you wish to create it?
1360 Settings with this name already exist. Overwrite them?
1361 The current settings have not been applied.\nDo you wish to apply them?
1362 Restoring the original settings will delete any custom settings you have defined.\nDo you wish to continue?
1363 Objects that are off the paper will get clipped to the paper size if activated.\nDo you wish to continue?
1365 The selected object is empty.
1366 Swap file space is very low.\nTo avoid problems, try choosing other drives from the Options Dialog\nor try deleting files on the existing drives.
1368 The following profile is selected in the Color Manager to handle CMYK conversions: %s.
1369 No profile has been selected in the Color Manager to handle CMYK conversions.
1370 The requested filter is not currently loaded
1371 This image contains a digital watermark.\nFor more information about the creator of this image run the ReadWatermark filter in effects menu.
1372 Can't find watermark on this image.
1373 This filter requires a mask
1374 This filter changes pixels outside the selection.\n It may be partially applied with inactive background
1375 This filter cannot handle the current image mode
1376 This image contains lens(es) which are not supported in the selected color mode.\nAll objects and lenses will be combined with the background.\nDo you wish to continue?
1377 Paste-in-selection will be defloated. Continue?
1378 PSD images containing Adjustment Layers may not appear correctly when imported into Photo-Paint. Verify Lens Properties.
1379 Mask contains no actual data. Can't copy to file this image until remove or edit current mask.
1380 This image contains lens(es) which cannot be saved to the selected format. Objects and lenses will be merged with background.
1381 Lenses are only supported when editing the composite image.\nAll lenses have been turned off.
1382 \nActive lenses are not editable by this tool in Multi-mode or Single-mode.
2001 Not enough memory
2002 File %s not found.
2003 Cannot create file %s.
2004 Cannot delete the Custom brush type.
2008 Document is not a partial file
2012 Not enough disk space for partial file
2013 Cannot animate marquee - system timer not available
2015 Could not convert image
2017 Invalid image type
2018 memory file
2023 Cannot load %s. Try opening the file using a specific filter.
2024 A problem occurred when writing the file. The disk may be full.
2025 A problem occurred when opening the file.
2026 You must use the control panel to install support for audio and video compression.
2027 Partial file size is too small.
2028 Not enough memory to create work image.
2031 A problem occurred when reading the file.
2033 Cannot save to this format. Try saving as a different file type.
2035 Not enough memory for partial area. Select a smaller area to edit.
2038 Not enough disk space for the partial file.
2039 Not enough memory to load image
2041 Not enough memory to create window
2044 Not enough temporary disk space to create new movie.
2045 Cannot group temporary channel objects with permanent objects.
2046 Cannot combine temporary channel objects with permanent objects.
2047 A problem occured when accessing the nib file. The file may be corrupted.
2048 Warning, the nib file is read only or does not exist.\nYou won't be able to change the nib settings.
2049 The file name you choosed is not allowed.\nUse another file name.
2050 The brush settings file is read only.\nYou won't be able to change the settings\nfor the paint brush, effect and clone tool.
2051 Warning, the mask file (*.msk) is read only.\n You won't be able to change custom nibs.
2052 A problem occured while resetting the nib file. Some files might be missing or corrupted
2053 A problem occured while appending. The file may be corrupted or invalid.
2054 A problem occured while loading the nib file. The file may be corrupted or invalid.
2055 A problem occured while deleting the nib. The file may be corrupted.
2057 The document needs to be saved prior to using\nthe clone from saved tool.
2058 Cannot use clone from saved because an error occured\nwhile loading the saved version.
2059 Cannot use clone from saved because the size\nof the saved version is different.
2060 Error in undoing the paste command
2061 Error in re-doing the paste command
2062 Cannot create more than 20 Alpha Channels
2063 Cannot use clone from saved because the number\n of clips of the saved version is different.
2064 Could not load the MULTIMEDIA MANAGER.\nPlease ensure it is properly installed.
2065 Could not load the Script Editor.\nPlease ensure it is properly installed.
2066 Cannot load a partial movie file. Movie will be loaded normally.
2067 Cannot play a movie with more then one view.\nPlease close extra views and try again.
2068 The File name : %s \n is either Invalid or too long\nChoose proper filename
2069 Selected Image larger than the base image
2070 Could not create backup file. Try saving file to a different name.
2071 Your brush type file is full. You have to delete \nsome types before adding new ones.
2072 There is not enough space to add more nibs. You have to delete \nsome nibs before adding new ones.
2073 Cannot use clone from saved while editing an embedded image.
2074 Could not defringe because there are not any non-fringe pixels in the object.
2075 Error in undoing the object duplicate command
2076 This image does not support some lens types.\nOperation has been aborted.
2077 This feature does not support lenses. \nOperation has been aborted.
2078 No stroke loaded. Use the brush tool to create a stroke.
2079 No image list loaded. Create one using objects or load an existing CPT file.
2080 Not enough memory. Reverting back to default settings.
2081 There is not enough memory to use the transparency brush. Try again with fewer objects selected.
2082 A backup file could not be created. Do you wish to continue?
2083 Your Pen Settings file is full. You have to delete\nsome pen settings before adding new ones.
2084 Your pen settings cannot be saved. Make sure that\nthe pen.ini file is not read only.
2085 The pen name Current cannot be used.
2086 The specified directory could not be created.
2095 Can't load plugin %s
2096 An error with the interface parameters
2097 Data has unsupported format for this plugin
2098 Request for unsupported service
2099 Request for unsupported property
3000 Open an Image
3001 Save an Image to Disk
3002 Save an Image to Disk
3003 Copy an Image to Disk
3004 Paste an Image from Disk
3005 Load a Mask from Disk
3007 Load an Alpha Channel from Disk
3009 Save an Alpha Channel to Disk
3010 Insert a Movie from Disk
3011 Save a Mask to Disk
3099 Select from submenu
4004 %s Ctrl+F
4103 dpi
4205 Selection
4206 Value
4207 Size
4208 Opacity
4209 Softness
4210 Hue
4211 Saturation
4212 Brightness
4213 Texture
4214 Bleed
4215 Sustain Color
4216 Tilt
4217 Rotate
4218 Tool
4219 Custom
4302 Point
4303 3x3 Area
4304 5x5 Area
4305 Custom Area
4306 Object Position
4307 Object Rotate
4308 Object Scale
4309 Object Size
4310 Object Skew
4311 Mask Position
4312 Mask Rotate
4313 Mask Scale
4314 Mask Size
4315 Mask Skew
4319 Load Texture
4322 &Amount:
4323 R&ate of flow:
4325 AaBbYyZz
4326 Load Image List
5000 Nothing
5001 New File
5002 Open File
5003 Run Script
5004 Welcome Screen
5005 Select a Plug-In Folder
5006 Shape
5007 Tool
5008 Crosshair
5009 Options
5010 Select a Backup Folder
5011 x %d pixels (Shift + Arrow)
5012 Solid Line
5013 Dashed Line
5014 Dots
5015 Test Backup File
5016 Test Plugin File
5017 Available RAM: %d Kbytes
5018 %% %d Kbytes
5021 %s %dMB Free
5022 Multi
5023 Single
5024 Layer
5050 Best Fit
5051 To Fit
5052 %
5053 1 to 1
5060 Move Here
5061 Copy Here
5062 Cancel
5100 &Undo
5101 &Redo
5103 Brush Stroke
5104 Flood Fill
5105 Undo Brush Stroke
5106 Undo is out of memory. Undo is being disabled for you.
5107 Mask Float
5108 Mask Defloat
5109 Polygon
5110 Line
5111 Curve
5112 Object Delete
5113 Object Combine With Background
5114 Object Move
5115 Object Stretch
5116 Object Rotate
5117 Object Transform
5118 Object Perspective
5119 Mask Stretch
5120 Mask Rotate
5121 Mask Transform
5122 Mask Perspective
5123 Mask Translate
5124 Object Combine All
5125 Object Combine
5126 Cut
5127 Paste
5128 Clear
5129 Mask Remove
5130 Mask Rectangle
5131 Mask Circle
5132 Object Copy
5133 Mask Freehand
5134 Mask Lasso
5135 Mask Wand
5136 Mask Brush
5137 Mask Node Edit
5138 Mask Copy
5139 Mask Move
5140 Object From Mask
5141 Object Align
5142 Mask From Color Mask
5143 Fill
5144 Desaturate
5145 Mask Threshold
5146 Eraser
5147 Object Order Change
5148 Ellipse
5149 Rectangle
5150 Color Replacer
5151 Mask Skew
5152 Object Skew
5153 Mask Flip
5154 Object Flip
5155 Mask Select All
5156 Mask Feather
5157 Mask Border
5158 Mask Grow
5159 Mask Similar
5160 Mask Remove Holes
5161 Mask Create From Object(s)
5162 Mask Expand
5163 Mask Reduce
5164 Mask Smooth
5165 Color Hue
5166 Last Object Group
5167 Last Object Ungroup
5168 Object Defringe
5169 Object Feather
5170 Object Remove Matte
5171 Object Clip To Mask
5172 Resample
5173 Paper Size
5174 Calculations
5175 Rotate
5176 Flip Horizontal
5177 Flip Vertical
5178 Deskew
5179 Crop with Color
5180 Convert
5181 Crop
5182 Mask Antialias
5183 Revert
5184 Palette Change
5185 Mask From Channel
5186 Mask Invert
5187 Movie Insert New
5188 Movie Insert File
5189 Movie Delete Frame(s)
5190 Movie Move Frame(s)
5191 Object Threshold
5192 Object To Front
5193 Object To Back
5194 Object Forward one
5195 Object Back one
5196 Object Reverse Order
5197 Object Select All
5198 Object Duplicate
5199 Invert
5200 Hue/Saturation/Lightness
5201 Undo for this operation is not available
5202 Brightness/Contrast/Intensity
5203 Repea&t
5204 Last Command
5205 Posterize
5206 Color Balance
5207 Swirl
5208 Movie Goto Frame
5209 Movie Goto Next Frame
5210 Movie Goto Previous Frame
5211 Movie Goto Last Frame
5212 Movie Goto First Frame
5213 Object Visible
5214 Object Edit
5215 Bit Planes
5216 DeInterlace
5217 Gamma
5218 Color Halftone
5219 Psychedelic
5220 Solarize
5221 Repeat Strokes
5222 Object EditAll
5223 Shear
5224 Move
5225 Object Transparency Tool
5226 Wet Paint
5227 Wind
5228 Offset
5229 Pixelate
5230 Puzzle
5231 Ripple
5232 Tile
5233 Edge Detect
5234 Trace Contour
5235 Band Pass
5236 Unsharp Mask
5237 Minimum
5238 Maximum
5239 Median
5240 Diffuse
5241 Low Pass
5242 High Pass
5243 Dust and Scratch
5244 User Defined
5245 Jaggy Despeckle
5246 Add Noise
5247 Impressionist
5248 Vignette
5249 Map to Object
5250 Pinch/Punch
5251 Glass Block
5252 Gradient Fill Tool
5260 RGB Channels
5261 Red Channel
5262 Green Channel
5263 Blue Channel
5264 CMYK Channels
5265 Cyan Channel
5266 Magenta Channel
5267 Yellow Channel
5268 Black Channel
5269 Gray Channel
5270 Index Channel
5271 Lab Channels
5272 Lightness Channel
5273 a Channel
5274 b Channel
5275 Current Mask
5280 TIFF
5281 WMF
5282 Black and White
5283 4 bit Grayscale
5284 4 bit Color
5285 8 bit Grayscale
5286 8 bit Color
5300 bytes
5650 2 x 2
5651 3 x 3
5652 4 x 4
5653 8 x 8
5654 Custom size
5675 Top Left
5676 Top Center
5677 Top Right
5678 Center Left
5679 Centered
5680 Center Right
5681 Bottom Left
5682 Bottom Center
5683 Bottom Right
5684 Custom
5700 R
5701 G
5702 B
5703 C
5704 M
5705 Y
5706 K
5707 H
5708 L
5709 S
5710 I
5711 Q
5712 Cyan-%d.cpt
5713 Magenta-%d.cpt
5714 Yellow-%d.cpt
5715 Black-%d.cpt
5716 Red-%d.cpt
5717 Green-%d.cpt
5718 Blue-%d.cpt
5719 H-%d.CPT
5720 S-%d.CPT
5721 B-%d.CPT
5722 L-%d.CPT
5723 Y-%d.CPT
5724 I-%d.CPT
5725 Q-%d.CPT
5726 A
5727 L-%d.CPT
5728 a-%d.CPT
5729 b-%d.CPT
5750 Anti-alias
5751 Stretch / Truncate
5760 Default Object Picker Mode
5761 Object Pick Tool Rotate Mode
5762 Object Pick Tool Scale Mode
5763 Object Pick Tool Distort Mode
5764 Mask Pick Tool Translate Mode
5765 Mask Pick Tool Rotate Mode
5766 Mask Pick Tool Scale Mode
5767 Mask Pick Tool Distort Mode
5768 Path Node Edit Tool Mode
5769 Repeat Stroke Tool Mode
5770 Zoom and Hand Tools Mode
5771 Text Tool Mode
5772 Mask Shape Tools Mode
5773 Mask Freehand Tool Mode
5774 Mask Scissors Tool Mode
5775 Mask Wand Tool Mode
5776 Mask Brush Tool Mode
5777 Crop Tool Mode
5778 EyeDrop Tool Mode
5779 Rectangle/Ellipse Tool Mode
5780 Polygon/Line Tool Mode
5781 Fill Tool Mode
5782 Eraser/Local Undo Tool Mode
5783 Color Replacer Tool Mode
5784 Gradient Fill Tool Mode
5785 Object Transparency Tool Mode
5786 Transparency Brush Tool Mode
5787 Brush/Clone Tool Mode
5788 Brush Continuous Tool Mode
5789 Effect Tool Mode
5790 Image Sprayer Tool Mode
5795 Paint:
5796 Paper:
5797 Fill:
5798 Swap: %lu MB
5799 Mem: %lu KB
6010 Point
6011 3X3
6012 5X5
6013 Custom
6014 Normal
6015 HSB
6016 Fill...
6017 Outline...
6018 Edit...
6019 Brush
6020 Group
6021 UnGroup
6022 Stroke Path
6023 Anti-alias
6024 Use Original
6025 Align
6026 Brush...
6027 Unknown
6028 &Save Brush...
6029 &Delete Brush
6030 Reset &Brush
6031 Reset Brush &Type
6032 Reset &All Brush Types
6033 Apply
6034 Reset
6035 Grow
6036 Similar
6037 From:
6038 To:
6039 H:
6040 S:
6041 L:
6042 Transform
6050 Modif&y Colors
6051 &Protect Colors
6052 &Edit Color...
6053 &Open Color Mask...
6054 &Save Color Mask...
6055 &Reset Color Mask
6056 Brightness
6057 &What's This?
6059 Overlay
6060 Black Matte
6061 White Matte
6062 Sampled Colors
6063 Reds
6064 Yellows
6065 Greens
6066 Cyans
6067 Blues
6068 Magentas
6069 Highlights
6070 Midtones
6071 Shadows
6072 Out of Gamut
6073 &Mask To Channel
6074 N
6075 Mo&de
6076 Color
6100 C
6101 M
6102 Y
6103 K
6104 H
6105 S
6106 B
6107 L
6108 I
6109 Q
6110 R
6111 G
6112 B
6113 L
6114 a
6115 b
6116 Edit
6117 Pick
6118 RGB
6119 HSB
6120 CMY
6121 Lab
6122 YIQ
6123 HLS
6124 Color Blend
6125 CMYK
6126 CMYK255
6127 Palette
6129 Uniform Colors
6130 Image Colors
6131 Custom Colors
6132 PANTONE« Process Colors
6135 TRUMATCH Colors
6136 SpectraMaster« Colors
6138 DIC Colors
6139 Lab Colors
6140 FOCOLTONE Colors
6141 &Add Color
6142 Red
6143 Green
6144 Blue
6145 Cyan
6146 Magenta
6147 Yellow
6148 Black
6149 Gray
6150 Channel
6152 Fill Mixing Area
6154 Inside Gamut
6155 Outside Gamut
6165 Paper Color
6166 Paint Color
6167 Show Color Com&ponents
6168 S&how Color Name
6169 Show Mi&xing Area
6170 Show &Model
6172 Swap Co&lors
6173 &What's This?
6174 Gam&ut Alarm
6187 B&rush Size
6188 &Small
6189 &Medium
6190 &Large
6191 Load Bi&tmap...
6192 Sav&e Bitmap...
6193 Clear &Bitmap...
6194 &Grid Size
6195 &Color Model
6196 &CMYK
6197 &RGB
6198 &HSB
6199 &Edit Color...
6200 &Rename Color...
6201 &Delete Color
6202 &New Palette...
6203 &Open Palette...
6204 &Save
6205 Sa&ve As...
6206 Show Color Names
6207 Auto-Blend
6211 Color Palette
6212 Brush T&ype
6213 &Hard
6214 &Medium
6215 &Soft
6216 Corel Color Manager
6217 Delete '%s' from palette?
6218 HSB - &Wheel Based
6219 HSB - &Hue Based (Default)
6220 &RGB - 3D Additive
6221 &CMY - 3D Subtractive
6222 CMY&K - 3D Subtractive
6223 &Lab - Device Independent
6224 &YIQ - Television
6225 &Color Model
6226 HSB - &Brightness Based
6227 HSB - &Saturation Based
6229 Netscape Navigator (TM)
6230 Microsoft« Internet Explorer
6231 Measure &From
6232 &None
6233 &Gretag SPM55
6234 XRite &DTP22
6235 &XRite 918
6236 &Colortron II
6290 Delete Bitmap Pattern
6291 Delete currently selected Bitmap Pattern?
6292 Import Failed
6293 Tiling Ini file not found
6321 Don't save
6322 Save over original
6323 Save to new folder
6324 Save as new type
6325 Load Images for Batch Playback
6350 Normal
6351 Add
6352 Subtract
6353 Difference
6354 Multiply
6355 Divide
6356 If Lighter
6357 If Darker
6358 Texturize
6359 Color
6360 Hue
6361 Saturation
6362 Lightness
6363 Invert
6364 Logical AND
6365 Logical OR
6366 Logical XOR
6367 Red
6368 Green
6369 Blue
6370 Cyan
6371 Magenta
6372 Yellow
6373 Black
6405 Inside
6406 Middle
6407 Outside
6408 Linear
6409 Curved
6418 Expand
6419 Reduce
6420 Normal
6421 Fixed Size
6422 Row(s)
6423 Column(s)
6424 Hard
6425 Medium
6426 Soft
6427 &Float
6428 De&float
6429 Average
6442 Shadow
6460 Alpha %d
6461 Open...
6462 Save As...
6465 Object %d
6466 Background
6467 Lens %d
6468 Small
6469 Medium
6470 Large
6471 Selection
6472 No Thumbnails
6473 Update Thumbnails
6475 Brightness-Contrast-Intensity
6476 Hue/Saturation/Lightness
6477 Tone Curve
6478 Sample/Target Balance
6479 Threshold
6480 Level Equalization
6481 Posterize
6482 Gamma
6483 Color Balance
6484 Replace Colors
6485 Invert
6486 Desaturate
6490 Brush:
6491 Effect:
6492 Clone:
6495 Art Brush
6496 Airbrush
6497 Spray Can
6498 Pencil
6499 Ball Point
6500 Calligraphy
6501 Fine Felt
6502 Marker
6503 Hi-Liter
6504 Chalk
6505 Crayon
6506 Charcoal
6507 Pastel
6508 Watery
6509 Artistic
6515 Smear
6516 Smudge
6517 Brightness
6518 Contrast
6519 Hue
6520 Hue Replacer
6521 Sponge
6522 Tint
6523 Blend
6524 Sharpen
6525 Undither
6535 Normal
6536 Impressionism
6537 Pointillism
6538 From Saved
6540 Custom
6541 Delete Type %s?
6542 Nib/Stroke
6543 Texture/Color
6557 %1 changed, save changes?
6558 OpenPath
6559 SavePath
6560 WorkPath
6562 Invalid Path
6565 New
6566 Open...
6567 Save
6568 Save As...
6569 Current Script:
6570 Total number of commands: %d
6571 Line #
6572 Command
6573 Script changed, save changes?
6574 Show Commands
6575 Use Frame Range
6576 Scale on Playback
6577 En&able
6578 Dis&able
6579 Load Script
6580 New Channel
6581 Mask
6582 Stretch
6583 Clip
6590 Custom
6591 Black Body
6592 Grayscale
6593 Uniform
6594 System
6595 Standard VGA
6596 Microsoft« Internet Explorer
6597 Netscape Navigator (TM)
6598 Select First Color
6599 Select Last Color
6600 Uniform Fill
6601 Bitmap Fill
6610 Square
6611 Round
6612 Line
6613 Cross
6614 Fixed 4x4
6615 Fixed 8x8
6644 Brush
6645 Effect
6646 Other
6650 Node Edit
6651 Add Nodes
6652 New Path
6653 Delete Path
6654 Mask To Path
6655 Path To Mask
6656 Open Path
6657 Save Path
6658 Stroke Mask
6659 Stroke Path
6660 Add
6661 Delete
6662 Join Selected Nodes
6663 Break Selected Node
6664 Auto-Reduce
6665 Symmetrical
6666 To Line
6667 To Curve
6668 Cusp
6669 Smooth
6670 Channel to Mask
6671 Save Mask to New Channel
6672 Save to Current Channel
6673 Delete Current Channel
6680 Zoom 100%
6681 Zoom to Fit
6682 Zoom 1:1
6683 Zoom In
6684 Zoom Out
6685 Rewind
6686 Step Back
6687 Play
6688 Stop
6689 Step Forward
6690 Fast Forward
6700 Create Mask From Object(s)
6701 Create Object From Mask
6702 Combine Object(s) With Background
6703 Delete Object(s)
6704 Edit Selected Only
6705 Edit All
6706 New Object
6710 Record
6720 Uniform Fill
6721 Fountain Fill
6722 Bitmap Fill
6723 Texture Fill
6724 No Fill
6730 Bold
6731 Italic
6732 Underline
6733 Left Justify
6734 Center Justify
6735 Right Justify
7525 Standard
7526 Mask/Object
7527 Toolbox
7528 Mask Tools
7529 Zoom Tools
7530 Undo Tools
7531 Line Tools
7532 Shape Tools
7533 Movie
7534 Rollups
7535 Object Tools
7536 Node Tools
7537 Fill Tools
7538 Property Bar
7539 V6.0 Standard
7540 Object Picker Modes
7541 Paint Tools
7542 Effect Tools
7543 Clone Tools
7560 Movie has %d frames.\nFrames %d to %d are loaded.
7570 Custom
7571 160 x 120
7572 320 x 200
7573 640 x 480
7574 800 x 600
7575 1024 x 768
7576 1280 x 1024
7580 Custom
7581 Letter
7582 Legal
7583 Tabloid
7584 Statement/Half
7585 Executive
7590 Custom
7591 A3
7592 A4
7593 A5
7594 B4
7595 B5
7598 %s to %s
7599 HEX: %2X, %2X, %2X
7604 Nib Load
7605 Nib Append
7606 Nib Save As
7607 PhotoPaint Nib (NIB)
7621 Default,20,9,70,60,1
7622 Brush Strokes,80,15,45,30,1
7623 Crystallize,12,9,0,60,1
7624 Fountains,40,9,0,60,1
7625 Rings,40,9,90,60,1
7626 Smudger,40,15,45,10,0
7627 Super Warpo,40,25,45,0,1
7630 Monotone
7631 Duotone
7632 Tritone
7633 Quadtone
7634 Tone 1 + 2
7635 Tone 1 + 3
7636 Tone 1 + 4
7637 Tone 2 + 3
7638 Tone 2 + 4
7639 Tone 3 + 4
7640 Tone 1 + 2 + 3
7641 Tone 1 + 2 + 4
7642 Tone 1 + 3 + 4
7643 Tone 2 + 3 + 4
7644 Tone 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
7645 Position
7646 Value
7647 Delete Handle
7648 General
7649 Inks
7650 Over Prints
7651 Load Duotone File
7652 Save Duotone File
7653 Load Ink File
7654 Save Ink File
7655 Duotone Files (*.cpd)
7656 cpd
7657 Ink Files (*.cik)
7658 cik
7663 Cyan
7664 Magenta
7665 Yellow
7666 Black
7700 %s bytes on disk
7701 %s (%s bytes).
7702 Movie has %d frames; %d to %d are loaded.
7703 Name:
7704 Width:
7705 Height:
7706 X dpi:
7707 Y dpi:
7708 Type:
7709 Format:
7710 SubFormat:
7711 Size in memory:
7712 Original file size:
7720 Objects/Channels
7740 Customize
7760 &What's This?
7765 Low-Point
7766 High-Point
7767 Input
7768 Output
7770 &Cyan
7771 &Magenta
7772 &Yellow
7773 Blac&k
7775 &Cyan
7776 &Magenta
7777 &Yellow
7778 Blac&k
7785 Light
7786 Position
7789 Default
7790 Remove Light Type
7791 Remove '%s' ?
7792 Can't remove '%s'.
7793 Modify Light Type
7794 Modify '%s' ?
7795 Can't modify '%s'.
7796 Ambient
7798 None
7799 Spotlight
7800 None
7801 Flat
7802 Linear
7803 Elliptical
7804 Radial
7805 Rectangular
7806 Square
7807 Conical
7808 Bitmap
7809 Texture
7810 From Paint to Paper
7811 From Paint to Transparent
7812 From Transparent to Paint
7813 Clockwise Spectrum
7814 Counterclockwise Spectrum
7815 Randomly
7816 Sequentially
7817 By Direction
7818 Do you want to create a directional image list?
7820 Stroke Mask
7821 Stroke Path
7822 Choose Brush Tool
7825 Proportional
7826 Not-proportional
7833 User Defined Files (*.usr)|*.usr|
7834 Load User Defined Filter Files
7835 Save User Defined Filter Files
7836 Invalid User Defined Filter File
7841 Meshwarp Files (*.msh)|*.msh|
7847 Default
7848 Load Meshwarp Files
7849 Save Meshwarp Files
7850 Range
7851 Sample
7852 Target
7853 Low-Point
7854 Mid-Point
7855 High-Point
7862 Shear Map Files (*.shr)|*.shr|
7863 Load Shear Map Files
7864 Save Shear Map Files
7867 This is not a PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Shear Map File!
7870 Load Displacement Map Files
7871 (no file)
7880 Curve
7881 Linear
7882 Freehand
7883 Gamma
7887 Tone Map Files (*.map)|*.map|
7888 Load Tone Map Files
7889 Save Tone Map Files
7891 Incompatible color model in this Tone Map File.
12462 Some values are invalid. Make sure that values are\npositive and that angles do not exceed 360 degrees
12463 The value entered for the angle is invalid.\nMake sure it is between -360 and 360 degrees.\n
12464 The value entered for the frequency is invalid,\nMake sure it is a positive number.\n
12465 Print Job Info Sheet to Text File
12467 Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
12468 Print Job Info Sheet
12470 Print Job Info File (*.pji)|*.pji|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
12473 High
12474 Medium
12475 Low
12476 Draft
12477 The character '%c' cannot be used in the range of page numbers to be printed.
12478 You must specify at least one valid page number to be printed.\nCheck your page range and even/odd pages setting.
12485 %s%5.1f x %5.1f Millimeters
12486 %ld dpi
12487 %ld dpi x %ld dpi
12488 Use color p&rofile (%s)
12489 %s%ld dpi
12490 %s%3.4f Inches
12491 %s%3.4f x %3.4f Inches
12492 %s%3.4f Points
12561 Print Job Information
12562 Application Information
12563 Filename:
12564 Application:
12565 Version:
12568 Driver Information
12569 Driver Name:
12570 Driver File:
12571 Resolution:
12572 Job Information
12573 Mode:
12574 Output:
12575 Emulsion:
12576 AutoFlatness:
12577 AutoSpreading:
12578 Fountain Steps:
12579 For Mac:
12580 Color Profile:
12581 Screen Frequency:
12582 Bleed Limit:
12583 Crop Marks:
12584 Crosshairs:
12585 File Information:
12586 Densitometer Scale:
12587 Calibration Bar:
12588 Copies:
12589 Separation Information
12590 Color
12593 Flatness:
12594 Maximum Spread:
12595 Text Above:
12596 Font(s)
12597 Font(s) Required
12598 Font(s) Supplied
12599 OPI Linked Images
12600 None
12601 Yes
12602 No
12603 Enabled
12604 Disabled
12605 Separations
12606 Positive
12607 Negative
12608 Up
12609 Down
12610 See Separation Information
12611 degrees
12612 lpi
12614 Landscape
12615 Portrait
12616 N/A
12617 Do not know where to output the sheet.\n Go into Info Settings and specify a destination\n
12618 Printer Default
12619 Level 2 PostScript:
12620 Bitmap Color Space:
12621 Auto Increase Fountain Steps:
12622 Optimize Fountain fills:
12623 Current Selection:
12624 Bitmap Printing
12625 Output Entire Bitmap
12626 Output in 64K Chunks
12627 Preview Image Default
12628 Off By Default
12629 Default To High Quality Mode
12630 Bitmap Font Limit (PS)
12631 Bitmap Font Size Threshold (PS)
12632 Overprint Black Threshold (PS)
12633 Fill Clipping
12634 Use Driver Clipping For Fills
12635 Use Software Clipping For Fills
12636 Grayscale Driver Bitmap Output (PS)
12637 Send Color Bitmaps As Color
12638 Send Color Bitmaps As Grayscale
12639 PostScript 2 Stroke Adjust (PS)
12640 Off
12641 On
12642 Registration Mark Type
12643 Standard Bullseye
12644 Half Inverted Bullseye
12645 Square and Circle
12646 Elongated Bullseye
12647 Driver Banding
12648 Let Driver Handle Banding
12649 Send Bands to Driver
12650 Corel Logo
12651 Print Preview Drag Mode
12652 Drag Marquee
12653 Drag Full Image
12654 Page Orientation Warning
12655 Off
12656 On
12657 Composite Crop Marks (PS)
12658 Output in Black (Normal)
12659 Output in full CMYK
12660 Text Output Method
12661 All Text as Graphics
12662 Text as Text When Possible
12663 Conform to DSC (PS)
12664 Off
12665 On
12666 Resolve DCS Links (PS)
12667 Leave DCS Links Unresolved
12668 Substitute Plates at Print Time
12669 Bitmap Chunk Overlap Pixels
12670 Default To Fast Mode
12671 &Help
12672 Unable to read print styles database; print styles will not be available.
12673 Limit on number of print styles has been reached; unable to add another style.
12674 The print style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings?
12675 Unable to save print style. Please ensure that CORELPRN.INI has read/write access.
12676 Cannot remove style:\n\n %s\n\nStyle does not exist.
12677 You are about to delete the print style: %s\n\nDo you wish to proceed?
12678 Unable to remove style:\n\n %s
12679 You must enter a valid name for the style in order to save it.
12681 %s Defaults
12682 Unable to load the specified print style.
12683 Insufficient memory or system resources to carry out this operation.\nClose some applications and try again.
12684 <Current settings not saved>
12776 Layout Settings
12777 Separations Settings
12778 Prepress Settings
12779 Miscellaneous Settings
12780 Proofing and Color Settings
12781 PostScript Settings
12782 Fixed Auto Spreading (PS)
12784 Center Page
12785 Fit to Page
12786 Maintain Aspect Ratio
12787 Print Tiled Pages
12788 Layout Style
12789 Positioning Style
12790 Tile Overlap
12792 Print Separations
12793 Print Separations in Color
12794 Convert Spot Colors to CMYK
12795 Print Empty Plates
12796 Print File Info
12797 File Info Within Page
12798 Print Crop Marks
12799 Exterior Crop Marks Only
12800 Print Registration Marks
12801 Print Calibration Bar
12802 Print Densitometer
12803 Print Negative
12804 Print Emulsion Side Down
12805 Print Job Info Sheet
12806 Always Overprint Black (PS)
12807 Auto Spreading (PS)
12808 Auto Spread Maximum (PS)
12809 Auto Spread Text Above (PS)
12810 Fountain Fill Steps
12811 Width Scale Factor
12812 Height Scale Factor
12813 Job Info Sheet Contents
12814 Job Info Sheet Location
12815 Bleed Limit
12816 Print Vectors
12817 Print Bitmaps
12818 Print Text
12819 Print All Text Black
12820 Color Reduction
12821 Fit Entire Layout To Page
12822 Maximum Curve Points
12823 Curve Flatness
12824 Auto Increase Flatness
12825 Complex Object Warnings
12826 Download Type 1 Fonts
12827 Convert True Type to Type 1
12828 Use Level 2 Features
12829 Auto Increase Fountain Steps
12830 Optimize Fountain Fills
12831 Banded Fountain Warnings
12832 Output Color Bitmaps in RGB
12833 Maintain OPI Links
12834 Print Page Numbers
12835 Screening (PS)
12836 Halftone Type (PS)
12837 Print Hexachrome Plates
12838 Apply Settings to All Pages
12839 Screen Frequency
12840 High Density Hexachrome Ink
12841 Densitometer Densities
12842 Job Name / Slug Line
12843 Bounding Box
12844 Use JPEG Compresssion on Images
12845 JPEG compression Quality Factor
12846 Too Many Spot Colors Warning
12847 Too Many Fonts Warning
12858 You are about to delete the style: %s\n\nDo you wish to proceed?
12864 Full Page
12865 Book
12866 Booklet
12867 Tent-Card
12868 Side-Fold Card
12869 Top-Fold Card
12870 Tri-Fold Card
12871 Labels
12872 Manual
12879 Error loading %s.
12896 Ready
12897 Paused
12898 Error
12899 Pending Deletion
12900 Paper Jam
12901 Paper Out
12902 Manual Feed
12903 Paper Problem
12904 Offline
12905 I/O Active
12906 Busy
12907 Printing
12908 Output Bin Full
12909 Not Available
12910 Waiting
12911 Processing
12912 Initializing
12913 Warming Up
12914 Toner Low
12915 No Toner
12916 Page Punt
12917 User Intervention Required
12918 Out Of Memory
12919 Door Open
12920 Server Unknown
12921 ;
12922 Default printer
12923 %d documents waiting
12924 1 document waiting
12933 PagePath Section
12934 Refeed this stack with this sheet
12935 in the direction of the arrow.
12936 Use the smaller arrow if your printer feeds the paper along the long edge.
12937 FACE UP
12945 The first side of your print job has been printed.\n \n Follow the instructions on top of the stack of printed sheets.\n Click OK to print the second side.
12960 RGB
12961 CMYK
12962 Page Numbers:
12963 Client Information
12964 Client Name:
12965 Company Name:
12966 Mailing Address:
12967 Phone Number:
12968 Fax Number:
12969 Email Address:
12970 Job Name:
12971 Job Comments:
12975 Documents to print
12976 C&urrent page
12977 C&urrent slide
12978 C&urrent thumbnail
12979 C&urrent frame
12980 C&urrent handout
12984 Pa&ges:
12985 Slide&s:
12986 Thumbnail&s:
12987 Frame&s:
12988 Handout&s:
12992 &Apply settings to all pages
12993 &Apply settings to all slides
12994 &Apply settings to all thumbnails
12995 &Apply settings to all frames
12996 &Apply settings to all handouts
13000 &Pages per sheet:
13001 Slides &per sheet:
13002 Thumbnails &per sheet:
13003 Frames &per sheet:
13004 Handouts &per sheet:
13008 Style Name cannot be Empty
13009 0░
13010 180░
13011 Front frame
13012 Back frame
13013 Unable to access printer driver.Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver.
13014 The Position style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings?
13015 The Layout style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings?
13016 Manual Double Sided Printing
13017 You are printing a double-sided layout on a non-duplexing printer.\n\nChoose Yes to be prompted when to flip the paper to duplex manually.\nChoose No to disable the prompts and print on one side only.\n
13018 The left and top bounding box positions must be smaller than the right and bottom positions
13019 Note that this action will reset any changes you have made to the image positions or the list of separation colors in Print Options or Print Preview.
13020 Note that this action will reset any changes you have made to the list of separation colors in Print Options or Print Preview.
13131 Plate: %d of %d
13132 Preparing document fonts
13133 Color profile:
13134 %.5g lpi at %.5g degrees
13136 Default screen
13137 Composite
13152 No Error
13153 Unknown Error
13154 Out Of Memory
13155 Invalid Parameters
13156 Could Not Write Output
13157 Could Not Create Command Block
13158 No Output Stream Specified
13159 Could Not Read Input
13160 Invalid Block Type
13161 String Too Large
13162 No Graphics State Available
13163 No Graphics Vector Fill Available
13164 No Text Block Available
13165 No Printing State Available
13166 No Printer Vector Fill Available
13167 Invalid Parameter To Print Routine
13168 No Text Block Available
13169 Cannot Print Outside of Text Block
13264 Page %d
13265 Slide %d
13266 Thumbnail %d
13267 Frame %d
13268 Handout %d
13272 Page Size:
13273 Slide Size:
13274 Thumbnail Size:
13275 Frame Size:
13276 Handout Size:
13280 Page Orientation:
13281 Slide Orientation:
13282 Thumbnail Orientation:
13283 Frame Orientation:
13284 Handout Orientation:
13290 %s%3.4f %s
13291 %s%3.4f x %3.4f %s
13296 Full Page
13297 Book
13298 Booklet
13299 Tent-Card
13300 Side-Fold Card
13301 Top-Fold Card
13302 Tri-Fold Card
13303 Manual
13304 Clipping factors:
13305 Scale factor:
13307 User Defined
13308 Cannot Open File
13309 Form Already Exists OverWrite?
13312 &Printer Capabilities
13313 Device Mode Information:
13314 Device Name:
13315 Version Number:
13316 Printer Driver Version:
13317 Size:
13318 Driver Extra:
13319 Fields:
13320 Orientation:
13321 Portrait
13322 Landscape
13323 Paper Size:
13324 Paper Length:
13325 Paper Width:
13326 Scale (%):
13327 Copies:
13328 Default Source:
13329 Print Quality:
13330 High
13331 Medium
13332 Low
13333 Draft
13334 Color:
13335 On
13336 Off
13337 Duplex:
13338 Simplex
13339 Horizontal
13340 Vertical
13344 Y Resolution:
13345 TrueType Options:
13346 Prints TT as Graphics
13347 Downloads TT Fonts as Soft Fonts
13348 Substitutes Device Fonts for TT
13349 Collate:
13350 True
13351 False
13352 From Name:
13353 Pixels (per logical inch):
13354 Color Resolution (in bits per pixel):
13355 Width (in pixels):
13356 Height (in pixels):
13357 Device's display mode:
13358 Text mode
13360 Frequency (htz):
13361 ICM Handled:
13362 Disabled:
13363 Windows:
13364 Device Driver:
13365 Destination Device:
13366 Color Matching Methods:
13367 Optimize for Color Saturation:
13368 Optimize for Color Contrast:
13369 Optimize to Match the Exact Color:
13370 Media Type:
13371 Plain Paper:
13372 Glossy Paper:
13373 Transparent Film:
13374 Dither Type:
13375 Non
13376 A Coarse Brush
13377 A Fine Brush
13378 Line Art Dithering
13379 Grayscale
13380 Device Capabilities:
13381 Device Type:
13382 PostScript
13383 Non-PostScript
13384 Device Technology:
13385 Vector Plotter
13386 Raster Display
13387 Raster Printer
13388 Raster Camera
13389 Character Stream
13390 Metafile
13391 Display File
13392 Physical Width (mm):
13393 Physical Height (mm):
13394 Width of the Screen (pixels):
13395 Height of the Screen (raster lines):
13396 Number of Pixels Hor (logical inch):
13397 Number of Pixels Ver (logical inch):
13398 Color Bits (pixel):
13399 Color Planes (pixel):
13400 Device-Specific Brushes:
13401 Device-Specific Pens:
13402 Device-Specific Fonts:
13403 System Colors:
13404 Relative Pixel Width:
13405 Relative Pixel Height:
13406 Relative Pixel Diagonal Width:
13407 Reserved:
13408 Entries in System Palette:
13409 Reserved Entries in System Palette:
13410 Color Resolution:
13411 Physical Width (device units):
13412 Physical Height (device units):
13413 Horizontal Physical Printable Area:
13414 Vertical Physical Printable Area:
13415 Horizontal Scaling Factor:
13416 Vertical Scaling Factor:
13417 Vertical Refresh Rate:
13418 Width of the Virtual Desktop (pixels):
13419 Height of the Virtual Desktop (pixels):
13420 Horizontal Drawing Alignment:
13421 Clipping Capabilities:
13422 Clip Output to Rectangle
13424 Raster Capabilities:
13425 Requires Banding Support
13426 Transfer Bitmaps
13427 Support Bitmaps Larger than 64K
13428 Supports SetDIBits and GetDIBits
13429 Supports SetDIBits To Device
13430 Flood Fills
13431 Support Windows 2.0 Features
13432 Specifies a Palette-Based Device
13433 Capable of Scaling
13434 Supports StretchBlt
13435 Supports StretchDIBits
13436 Curve Capabilities:
13437 Does not Support
13438 Draw Circles
13439 Draw Pie Wedges
13440 Draw Chord Arcs
13441 Draw Ellipses
13442 Draw Wide Borders
13443 Draw Styled Borders
13444 Draw Wide Styled Borders
13445 Draw Interiors
13446 Draw Rounded Rectangles
13447 Line Capabilities:
13448 Not Supported
13449 Draw A Polyline
13450 Draw a Marker
13451 Draw Multiple Markers
13452 Draw Wide Lines
13453 Draw Styled Lines
13454 Draw Wide and Styled Line
13455 Draw Interiors
13456 Polygon Capabilities:
13457 Not Supported
13458 Draw Alternate-fill Polygons
13459 Draw Rectangles
13460 Draw Winding-fill Polygons
13461 Draw Single Scan Line
13462 Draw Wide Borders
13463 Draw Styled Borders
13464 Draw Wide and Styled Borders
13465 Draw Interiors
13466 Text Capabilities:
13467 Capable of Character Output Precision
13468 Capable of Stroke Output Precision
13469 Capable of Stroke Clip Precision
13470 Capable of 90-degree Character Rotation
13472 Capable of Any Character Rotation
13473 Scale in X and Y Direction
13474 Capable of Doubled Character for Scaling
13475 Uses Integer Multiples for Scaling
13476 Uses Multiples for Exact Scaling
13477 Draw Double-Weighted Characters
13478 Italics
13479 Underline
13480 Draw Strikeouts
13481 Draw Raster Fonts
13482 Draw Vector Fonts
13483 Must be Zero
13484 Can not Scroll using Bit-Block Transfer
13485 Yes
13486 No
13488 Saves current print settings in the current print style
13489 Saves current print settings as a new print style
13490 Deletes the current print style
13491 Prints all or part of the document
13492 Immediately prints the current sheet only
13493 Chooses printer to use and/or changes printer properties
13494 Closes print preview, returning to edit mode
13495 Exits the application and prompts to save changes
13496 Overrides preview type to show a composite image of all colors on each sheet
13497 Overrides preview type to show color separations that will be printed for each sheet
13498 Shows only a specific color separation for each sheet
13499 Represents the image to be printed by a gray bounding box
13500 Quickly shows a rough approximation of the image to be printed
13501 Draws a more accurate version of the image to be printed
13502 Overrides preview type to show how sheets would appear if printed in color
13503 Overrides preview type to show how sheets would appear if printed in grayscale
13504 Shows or hides the edge of the printable area for the current printer
13505 Shows or hides boundaries between pages when print tiled pages is on
13506 Shows a fold at the upper right corner of the page
13507 Shows or hides handles that can be used to move or resize the image
13508 Shows or hides the main print preview toolbar
13509 Shows or hides the status bar
13510 Shows or hides the rulers
13511 Shows the current view in full-screen preview mode
13512 Changes the current zoom (magnification) setting
13513 Jumps to a specific location in the document
13514 Resizes or repositions image(s) to be printed
13515 Edits page layout
13516 Edits rows and colums of pages
13517 Changes basic color separation settings
13518 Changes advanced screening parameters
13519 Changes miscellaneous print options
13520 Turns on or off printer's marks and other prepress settings
13521 Changes PostScript-specific settings
13522 Sets up a job information sheet to be printed with the document
13523 Sets up double-sided printing on a single-sided printer
13524 Opens the search dialog box, which searches for help on a specific topic
13525 Invokes context-sensitive help
13526 &Close
13527 Print
13528 Print Options
13529 Close Print Preview
13530 Print Style
13531 Save Print Style As
13532 Delete Print Style
13533 Pick Tool
13534 Zoom Tool
13535 Zoom Factor
13536 Full Screen
13537 Layout
13538 Separations
13539 Help
13540 Previous Sheet
13541 Next Sheet
13542 Emulsion Side Down
13543 Print in Negative
13544 Densitometer Scales
13545 Color Calibration Bar
13546 Registration Marks
13547 Crop Marks
13548 Page Numbers
13549 File Information
13550 Close
13551 You must specify at least one valid chapter number to be printed.
13552 &Options...
13553 You must specify at least one valid page number to be printed.\nCheck your page range and left/right pages setting.
13554 &Print... Ctrl+P
13555 &Print Ctrl+P
13556 %d%%
13557 To Page
13558 To Width
13559 To Height
13560 To Selected
13561 To Fit
13562 AaBbCcDdEeXxYyZz
13563 (Print Preview)
13564 Page %d
13565 Sheet %d
13566 Front
13567 Back
13568 -
13570 PMS
13571 CV
13572 Seps
13573 Composite
13574 CMYK
13575 Hexachrome
13576 &
13577 Spot
13578 Printer:
13579 Composite
13580 (%s)
13581 Sheet
13582 Side
13583 Plate
13584 Page(s)
13585 %d of %d
13586 ,
13587 No plates are selected for printing.
13588 No plates matching the View|Plate setting are selected for printing.
13589 Color Separations To Print
13590 Currently Selected Printer
13591 PostScript Printer
13592 Color Printer
13593 Grayscale Printer
13594 Width: %s Height: %s Position: (%s, %s)
13595 Scale: %.lf%%
13596 Scale: (%.lf%%, %.lf%%)
13597 Selection:
13598 None
13599 ,
13600 Positive Image / Emulsion Up
13601 Positive Image / Emulsion Down
13602 Negative Image / Emulsion Up
13603 Negative Image / Emulsion Down
13604 %s Densitometer Scale
13605 Toolbar
13606 Prepress Bar
13607 Shows or hides the toolbar with printers marks and prepress settings
13608 Shows or hides the bounding box which printer's marks are aligned to
13612 Automatically sets the preview type to match what will be printed
13613 Displays program information and copyright
13614 Non-PostScript Printer
13615 PostScript Printer - AdobePS Driver
13616 No
13617 Color Separations Are Off
13618 Current Selection
13619 Color Printer - Grayscale Mode
13620 Preview of duotone separations is not supported
13762 The current settings for this document will cause %d fonts to be\ndownloaded to the printer. This could overrun memory and prevent\nthe page(s) from printing.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
13763 not configured
13764 not configured for composite
13765 not configured for separations
13766 No color profile has been setup for separations. Use Corel Color Manager to configure a separations profile.
13776 Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard
13777 %s is currently gathering linked image files used by your graphic.
13778 %s is currently assembling information about your graphic.
13779 %s is currently creating a %s file.
13780 %s is currently printing your graphic to a .PRN file.
13781 The gathering of files for your service bureau was not completed.
13782 \n\nIf you wish to change any of your previous settings or try again, click Back. Click Cancel if you wish to exit the Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard.
13783 UserName
13784 CompanyName
13785 MailingAddress
13786 PhoneNumber
13787 FaxNumber
13788 EmailAddress
13789 PrepareForServiceBureauWizard
13791 Corel Service Bureau Profiles (*.csp)
13792 Browse Service Bureau Profiles
13793 Choose Location
13795 Folder (*.*)
13798 The location you specified could not be found or created.\n\nClick back to select another location.
13800 (%s)
13802 To change color calibration to use this profile, launch the Corel Color Manager and change the %s profile. When you are finished, click Next to continue.
13803 composite
13804 separations
13806 The gathering of files for your service bureau was not completed. The following files were not created:
13807 \n
13808 \n
13809 %s x %s %s
13810 (%s)
13811 The service bureau has requested the use of color calibration.\n\nYou do not have color management installed with %s. You must exit %s to install the color management component. Please save your work before exiting.\n\nPress cancel to exit this wizard and then run Setup from %s CD #1. Choose the Custom option and select Color Management in the Graphics Utilities section.
13812 The service bureau requests that the following color profile be used as the %s printer profile:
13813 Your document's page size is too large for the current physical page size. The document page size selected in page setup must be small enough to fit within the physical page selected in printer properties, while still leaving a %s %s margin on all sides.\n\nClick Cancel if you wish to return to your document to adjust its page size, or click Back to change the page size in printer properties.
13814 Unable to find the file:\n\n %s\n\nDo you wish to continue gathering files, omitting this file?
13815 The folder where files are being gathered to already contains a file named:\n\n %s\n\nDo you wish to replace this file?
13816 You have cancelled the gathering of files for your service bureau.
13817 Font Name
13818 Filename
13819 Fonts.TXT
13820 Below is a list of the fonts used by %s.\n\nFont Name Path\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
13821 %-25.25s %s\n
13822 ,
13823 Links.TXT
13824 Below is a list of externally linked images used by %s.\n\n
13825 %s\n
13826 Your document's page size is too large for the largest physical page size supported by this service bureau. The document page size selected in page setup must be no larger than %s. \n\nClick Cancel if you wish to return to your document to adjust its page size, or click Back to select a different profile.
13828 The selected service bureau profile is not intended for use with this version of %s. Using this profile may not produce the results requested by the service bureau.\n\nDo you wish to proceed using this profile?
13829 Download profile from Internet...
13830 This service bureau profile was created for %s, and cannot be used with %s.\n\nClick Back to select a different profile, or click Cancel to exit the Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard.
13831 Any
13832 The service bureau has requested that you set the printer page size to %s.
13833 Your document page size set in page setup is %s.
13834 This is the minimum printer page size that may be used to print your graphic.
13835 To allow for any printer's marks outside this area, the minimum printer page size that may be used to print your graphic is %s.
13836 The largest printer page size supported by the service bureau is %s.\n\nIn Printer Properties, choose a printer page size that is within this range.
13837 JobInfo.TXT
13840 Resolve External Bitmaps
19525 &New Album
19526 &New Folder
19527 Move Up One Level\nUp One Level
19528 Rename\nRename
19529 Add to Favorites\nAdd to Favorites
19530 Go to a different folder\nGo to a different folder
19531 Deletes the selected items.\nDelete
19532 Removes the selected items and copies them to the clipboard.\nCut
19533 Copies the selected items to the clipboard.\nCopy
19534 Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.\nPaste
19535 Display the properties of the selected items.\nProperties
19536 Creates a new folder.\nNew Folder
19537 Look in Favorites\nLook in Favorites
20480 Jan
20481 Feb
20482 Mar
20483 Apr
20484 May
20485 Jun
20486 Jul
20487 Aug
20488 Sep
20489 Oct
20490 Nov
20491 Dec
20492 January
20493 February
20494 March
20495 April
20496 May
20497 June
20498 July
20499 August
20500 September
20501 October
20502 November
20503 December
20504 Mon
20505 Tue
20506 Wed
20507 Thu
20508 Fri
20509 Sat
20510 Sun
20511 Monday
20512 Tuesday
20513 Wednesday
20514 Thursday
20515 Friday
20516 Saturday
20517 Sunday
20594 K
20595 M
20596 e+00
20597 %
20598 #
20599 0
20602 y
20603 M
20604 d
20605 h
20606 m
20607 s
20608 "
20609 \
20610 &
20611 am
20612 AM
20613 pm
20614 PM
20615 miles
20616 mi
20617 yards
20618 yds
20619 feet
20620 ft
20621 ''
20622 '
20623 inches
20624 in
20625 ""
20626 "
20627 kilometers
20628 km
20629 meters
20630 m
20631 centimeters
20632 cm
20633 millimeters
20634 mm
20635 picas
20636 picas
20637 points
20638 pts
20639 ciceros
20640 didots
20641 General
20642 /
20643 -
20645 degrees
20646 radians
20647 gradians
20648 Corel
20649 Only user-defined format types may be deleted. \nThe selected format type is not user-defined.
20651 #,##0 mi 0 ft
20652 #,##0 ft 0 in
20653 #,##0 ft 0 /32 in
20654 #,##0 '' 0 ""
20655 #,##0''"-"0 /32""
20656 #,##0.000 km
20657 #,##0 km 0.00 m
20658 #,##0 m 0.00 cm
20659 #,##0 m 0.0 mm
20660 0 picas 0 points
20663 0
20664 0.0
20665 0.00
20666 #,##0
20667 $"$"#,##0.00
20668 #,##0 K
20669 #,##0 M
20670 #,##0 %
20671 0.00 e+00
20674 dd/MM/yy
20675 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
20775 Could not open %s.\n\nPlease check Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s" Value: "%s" in the Registry.
20776 Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s" Value: "%s" not found in the Registry.
20779 Registered to: %s Serial #: %s
20780 This copy is registered to:\n%s\nSerial Number: %s\nPIN: %s
20781 Unknown User
20782 Unknown
20783 Invalid serial number. Please try again.
20784 Arial
20800 Custom
20801 Labels
20802 Slide
20803 Letter
20804 Legal
20805 Tabloid
20806 Statement/Half
20807 Executive
20808 Fanfold
20809 Double
20810 Broad Sheet
20811 A0
20812 A1
20813 A2
20814 A3
20815 A4
20816 A5
20817 A6
20818 B1 (ISO)
20819 B4 (ISO)
20820 B5 (ISO)
20821 B4 (JIS)
20822 B5 (JIS)
20823 C3
20824 C4
20825 C5
20826 C6
20827 RA2
20828 RA3
20829 RA4
20830 Envelope #9
20831 Envelope #10
20832 Envelope #11
20833 Envelope #12
20834 Envelope #14
20835 Envelope Monarch
20836 Envelope Check
20837 DL
20838 German Fanfold
20839 German Legal Fanfold
20848 %s Condition #%4.4d-%s-%4.4d
20849 A problem occurred accessing memory. Please refer to the Technical Support Help.
20850 Unexpected condition encountered. Please refer to the Technical Support Help.
20851 CorelDRAW!
20852 Invalid %s
20853 Value must be between %s and %s %s.
20857 inches
20858 inch
20859 in
20860 millimeters
20861 millimeter
20862 mm
20863 picas, points
20864 pica
20865 pc
20866 points
20867 point
20868 pt
20869 centimeters
20870 centimeter
20871 cm
20872 pixels
20873 pixel
20874 px
20875 feet
20876 foot
20877 ft
20878 miles
20879 mile
20880 mi
20881 meters
20882 meter
20883 m
20884 kilometers
20885 kilometer
20886 km
20887 degrees
20888 degree
20889 deg
20890 ciceros, didots
20891 cicero
20892 cc
20893 didots
20894 didot
20895 dd
20896 agates
20897 agate
20898 agates
20899 inches decimal
20900 inch decimal
20901 in decimal
20902 yards
20903 yard
20904 yd
20910 % Complete
20917 Insufficient memory to open this Roll-Up.\n\nClose one or more Roll-Ups or applications and then try again.
20918 Roll-Up
20919 System
20920 Display
20921 Printing
20922 Corel EXEs & DLLs
20923 System DLLs
20925 Platform: Windows NT
20926 Platform: Win32s(TM) on Windows 3.1
20927 Platform: Windows 95
20928 Platform: Unknown
20929 Platform version: %d.%d
20930 Platform build number: %d
20931 Platform info: %s
20932 Total physical memory: %lu KB
20933 Available physical memory: %lu KB
20934 Total virtual memory: %lu KB
20935 Available virtual memory: %lu KB
20936 Math Coprocessor: Yes
20937 Math Coprocessor: No
20938 Available space on drive %c: %lu KB %s
20939 Windows Directory: %s
20940 TEMP directory: %s
20941 <unknown>
20942 (Network drive)
20943 (Ram drive)
20944 Processor: Intel 80386
20945 Processor: Intel 80486
20946 Processor: Intel Pentium (586)
20947 Processor: Intel 860
20948 Processor: MIPS R2000
20949 Processor: MIPS R3000
20950 Processor: MIPS R4000
20951 Processor: Alpha 21064
20952 Processor: Unknown
20953 Number of Processors: %lu
20954 Display width: %d
20955 Display height: %d
20956 Mode: Black and White
20957 Mode: 16 Colors
20958 Mode: 256 Colors
20959 Mode: 65K Colors
20960 Mode: 24 Bit Color
20961 Display: %s
20962 Driver: %s
20963 Driver version: %d.%d
20964 Driver size: %lu
20965 Driver date: %s
20966 Box name: %s
20967 File Version Date Size
20968 %s %s %d/%d/%d %ld
20969 Installed Printers Driver Version Date Size Port
20970 %s %s %d.%d %d/%d/%d %ld %s
20971 System info was saved to %s.
20972 Unable to save system info to %s.
20973 pixels per
20975 1:
20976 2:
20977 3:
20978 Rotation values
20979 Are you sure you wish to cancel\nthe current operation?
20980 Confirm
20981 (CD-ROM drive)
20982 Invalid selection.\nPlease do as directed by Training Card.
20983 Training Card
20984 Please select the drive that contains the\n%s:
20985 CorelApp.INI is corrupt. Please reinstall.
20986 Cannot find any CDROM or Network drives. Aborting.
20987 <No disk inserted in CDROM drive.>
20988 <Can not connect to network drive.>
20989 URLs
20991 &Edit Links...
20992 Menu Text
20993 URL
20994 http://
21761 Value must be between %s and %s %s.
21762 Value must be between %s and %s %s.\nThe value will be reset to %s %s.
21763 Invalid
21764 Grid Unit
21765 Settings
21766 Toolbars...\nMore Toolbars...
21767 Toolbar
21768 There is already a toolbar named '
21769 '.\nTry a different name.
21770 &Delete
21771 &Reset
21772 Reset all changes made to the toolbar '
21773 '? (This operation cannot be undone)
21774 Others...
21775 You must type a name for the toolbar
21777 This is a system defined toolbar.\nYou cannot change its name
21778 The %s could not be opened.\n\n
21779 The %s is corrupt.\n\n
21780 The %s is read only.\n\n
21781 The %s has an old format.\n\n
21782 Using the default configuration instead.
21783 The configuration will not be saved\n
21784 The configuration cannot be saved\n
21785 Load Configuration File
21786 Save Configuration File
21787 file '%s'
21788 You must enter a name for the menu
21791 <<Separator>>
21792 <<Empty>>
21793 This will delete the '
21794 ' menu and all contained menu items.
21797 Menu
21798 File
21799 View
21800 Tools
21801 Window
21802 Help
21803 Edit
21804 Delete
21805 Assign
21806 Load...
21807 Save As...
21808 Reset
21809 Go to conflict on assign
21810 Commands:
21811 Current shortcut keys:
21812 Press new shortcut key:
21813 Accelerator Files (*.acl) | *.acl||
21814 Prefix
21815 Ctrl, Alt, or Shift must me used in combination with another key.
21816 You will lose all your changes.
21817 This accelerator conflicts with part of a multiple key accelerator.\n Assign another accelerator.
21818 This accelerator is reserved for Windows.\n Assign another accelerator.
21819 This accelerator conflicts with another single key accelerator
21820 File Path not set ... Please check
21821 File Cannot be Read \n Will use default settings
21822 No Disk Space available
21823 File is not an Accelerator File
21824 Accelerator File does not belong to this Application\n Using default settings instead.
21825 Accelerator File does not belong to this version of the Application\n Using default settings instead.
21826 Acclerator file is in old Format,\n Using default settings instead.
21827 Clear
21828 Print Screen
21829 Num Lock
21830 Scroll Lock
21831 Ctrl
21832 Shift
21833 Alt
21834 Backspace
21835 Tab
21836 Enter
21837 Pause
21838 CapsLock
21839 Esc
21840 Space
21841 PgUp
21842 PgDn
21843 End
21844 Home
21845 LeftArrow
21846 RightArrow
21847 UpArrow
21848 DnArrow
21849 Insert
21850 Delete
21851 F1
21852 F2
21853 F3
21854 F4
21855 F5
21856 F6
21857 F7
21858 F8
21859 F9
21860 F10
21861 F11
21862 F12
21863 F13
21864 F14
21865 F15
21866 F16
21867 F17
21868 F18
21869 F19
21870 F20
21871 F21
21872 F22
21873 F23
21874 F24
21875 NUMPAD*
21876 NUMPAD+
21877 NUMPAD-
21878 NUMPAD.
21879 NUMPAD/
21880 NUMPAD0
21881 NUMPAD1
21882 NUMPAD2
21883 NUMPAD3
21884 NUMPAD4
21885 NUMPAD5
21886 NUMPAD6
21887 NUMPAD7
21888 NUMPAD8
21889 NUMPAD9
21890 CAP
21891 NUM
21892 OVR
21893 SCRL
21894 Press ESC to Cancel
21895 Progress:
21896 Working ...
21897 Base Region
21903 &Help
21904 &What's This?
21905 You must type in a name for the Roll-Up Group
21906 Persistant
21907 No Roll-Ups
21908 All Roll-Ups Arranged
21909 Save On Exit
21912 -
21913 New Group
21919 Grid & Ruler Setup
21920 Custom
21921 8 per tick
21922 10 per tick
21923 2 Points
21924 Angle and 1 Point
21925 H
21926 V
21927 Angle:
21928 Guidelines Setup
21929 &Show Guidelines
21930 S&nap To Guidelines
21931 Clea&r All
21932 &Options>>
21933 &Options<<
21934 Could not write Keyword/Notes.
21935 There are too many files for the Files listbox. Some will not be shown.
21973 '%s - %s' is no longer available. A component\nof your application may have been uninstalled.
21974 '%s - %s' is no longer available.
21975 Reset the status bar to original settings? (This operation cannot be undone)
21976 Wednesday, September 30, 2000
21977 Table
21978 Columns
21979 Cancel
21980 &Update
21981 Save Copy &As...
21982 Main Table
21983 Clear Bitmap\nThis will clear off all the drawing irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
21984 Copy Bitmap\nSome other application has the clipboard ownership.\nRetry after closing all other applications.
21985 Paste Bitmap\nThis operation will erase the bitmap being edited.\nDo you want to continue?
21986 Paste Bitmap\nUnable to complete operation.\nMake sure that the clipboard contains a bitmap.
21987 Restore Defaults\nYou will loose the customized button properties irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
21988 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the cropped bitmap
21989 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the bitmap
21990 Drop File\nInvalid file format.\nYou can drop only .BMP and .DIB files
21991 Button Properties
21992 Edit &Scale...
21993 Re&solution...
21994 per tick
21995 Roll-Up Groups
21996 %s : %s
21997 This will cause the drawing scale to be reset to 1.0. Continue?
21998 Keyboard Shortcuts
21999 Page : %d
22000 Text File (*.txt)
22001 *.txt
22003 Spacing
22004 Frequency
22005 &X1:
22006 Y&1:
22007 &X:
22008 &Y:
22009 There is already a Roll-Up Group with that name. Please use a different name.
22010 &Other
22787 %
22788 Delete last selected arrow
22789 Outline Color
22791 Vector Pattern
22792 Vector Pattern
22793 Two-Color Bitmap Pattern
22794 Error: Nothing selected, cannot delete.
22795 Delete Full-Color Pattern
22796 Error: File %s has been deleted.
22797 Delete File: %s?
22798 Delete currently selected Two-Color Pattern?
22799 Delete Two-Color Pattern
22800 Two-Color Foreground
22801 Two-Color Background
22802 Fountain Fill
22803 Uniform Fill
22804 Full-Color Bitmap Pattern
22805 Tiles.ini Not Found
22806 Delete currently selected Bitmap Pattern?
22807 Delete Bitmap Pattern
22808 Cannot Open Full-Color Bitmap File
22809 Load
22810 Pattern File (*.pat)|*.pat||
22812 Could not import selected file
22813 Delete currently selected Full-Color Pattern?
22814 Error: Could not
22815 There are too many dots and dashes, please remove some to continue.
22816 Fountain Fill
22817 Default
22818 Delete preset: %s?
22819 Edit Line Style Warning
22820 2-color
22821 Full color
22822 Bitmap
22832 %s is read only. \n\n CorelDRAW cannot create the arrow !
22833 Create Arrow
22848 Linear
22849 Radial
22850 Conical
22851 Square
22852 Preset already exists,\n Overwrite ?
22853 Rectangular
22864 Texture Fill
22865 The format of the file %s is not currently supported for use as a fill.
22866 Style Name:
22867 Arrowhead file CORELDRW.END could not be found
22868 Save Texture as
22869 Texture exists in this Library,\n Overwrite ?
22870 Please enter a different name.
22871 Delete Texture: %s?
22872 Texture Options
22873 %s bytes
22874 Error generating Texture
22875 Are you sure?
22876 Function not found in TXR_EngineProc
22877 TXR_EngineProc not found in Texture DLL
22878 Texture DLL not found
22879 Could not find your Texture directory
22890 Error during Save As
22891 Texture file CORELDRW.TXR could not be found.
22892 You cannot Save in the Styles Library
22893 Cannot Open Texture Bitmap File
22894 None
22895 Hairline
22896 Could not create any new outline style,\nthe maximal number of outline styles being reached.\n\nPlease remove some outline styles if you want to add new ones.
22897 Fountain Transparency
22898 Texture Fill
22899 Texture Transparency
22900 Pattern Fill
22901 Pattern Transparency
26147 &Edit
26148 &Edit,0,2
26149 &Open,0,2
26150 \nPresentation Exchange Objects have full display capabilities, but logical information may not be preserved.
26375 Limit of %d 'plug-in' filters reached - Ignoring the rest.
26376 Could not load %s.
26378 a memory full
26379 a user cancelled
26380 a read error
26381 a write error
26382 an open error
26383 an I/O error
26384 an error
26385 a null handle error
26386 a disk full error
26387 an end-of-file error
26388 Plug-in filter '%s' in file %s reported %s condition.
26389 an error %d
26390 Unknown
26391 Other
26392 a bad parameters
26393 an unsupported image type
26394 This plug-in is attemping to use a feature not implemented by Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
26395 Warning
26397 a missing .ini file
26399 Some plug-ins could not be loaded. There could be a memory shortage.
26401 an internal error
26402 This filter does not support the current image type.
27461 Memory
27462 File
27463 Buffered
27464 An Unknown Error has occured in the Twain Source Manager during Initialization.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled.
27465 The Twain Source Manager could not be Loaded, the file Twain_32.dll is either missing or corrupted.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled.
27466 The Twain Source Manager could not be Initialized.\n\nTwain Functionality will be disabled.
27467 No Twain Drivers could be found.\n\nPlease make sure that your Twain Driver(s) have been installed properly.
27468 The Selected Twain Driver could not be enabled.\n\nThe driver is either busy, or the Hardware is not installed properly.
27469 An Unknown Error has occured during Image Acquisition.
27470 A Low Memory Error occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image.
27471 A Low Disk Space Error has occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image, or free up some disk space.
27472 The Selected Image is too large.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image.
27473 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try adjusting your Image and try again.
27474 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to Memory.\n\nPlease try Buffered, or File Mode from the Options Dialog.
27475 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition in Buffered Mode.\n\nPlease try Memory, or File Mode from the Options Dialog.
27476 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to File.\n\nPlease try Memory or Buffered Mode from the Options Dialog.
27477 An Unknown Error occured when creating a temporary file.\n\nPlease check your Windows temp Directory and try again.
27478 The Selected Image has an unsupported Pixel Depth.\n\nPlease try reducing the number of colors in your image.
27479 Buffered Transfer Mode does not support Planar Data.\n\nPlease try Native or File Transfer Mode with this Twain Driver.
27480 This image contains an unsupported image data type.\n\nPlease check the options in your Twain Driver for B&W, Gray, or RGB Selections.
27481 This Twain Driver does not support File Transfer Mode.\n\nPlease try Native, or Buffered Mode from the Options Dialog.
27482 CorelSCAN 7
27483 Failed to launch CorelSCAN correctly
33010 Creates a new blank image\nNew
33011 Opens a new image from disk\nOpen
33012 Closes the image\nClose
33013 Saves the image to disk\nSave
33014 Saves the image to disk with a new name\nSave As
33015 Selects an external device for importing images\nSelect Source
33016 Imports an image from an external device\nAcquire
33017 Prints the image\nPrint
33018 Shows images as they will be printed and allows print settings to be changed\nPrint Preview
33019 Opens an image using scanner profile\nAcquire From File
33021 Selects another partial area to open\nSelect Partial Area
33022 Saves the partial area to disk with a new name\nSave Partial Area As
33023 Opens last saved version from disk\nRevert
33024 Imports an image from Corel Scan\nAcquire From Corel Scan
33025 Print Setup\nPrint Setup
33040 Closes the current OLE image\nClose
33041 Updates the current OLE image in the OLE client\nUpdate
33042 Exits the program and returns to the OLE client\nExit
33043 Saves a copy of the current OLE image to disk\nSave As
33050 Reverses last operation\nUndo
33051 Saves the image's current state\nCheckpoint
33052 Restores image to the last Checkpoint\nRestore To Checkpoint
33053 Cuts the selection and places it on the clipboard\nCut
33054 Copies the selection and places it on the clipboard\nCopy
33055 Pastes an image from the clipboard as a new object\nPaste As Object
33056 Pastes an image from the clipboard as a new document\nPaste As New Document
33057 Removes the selection without saving to the clipboard\nClear
33058 Clears the contents of the clipboard\nClear Clipboard
33059 Saves the selection to disk\nCopy To File
33060 Pastes an image from disk\nPaste From File
33061 Shows Undo List\nUndo List
33062 Shows Redo List\nRedo List
33063 Applies the current fill and transparency to the image\nApply Fill/Transparency
33064 Resets brush, paper and fill colors\nReset Colors
33065 Repeats the last executed command\nRepeat
33066 Pastes an image from the clipboard as a new selection\nPaste As Selection
33067 Pastes an image from the clipboard into the current selection\nPaste Into Selection
33068 Redoes last undo operation\nRedo
33101 Converts the image to black and white\nConvert to BW
33102 Desaturates image colors\nDesaturate Image
33103 Equalizes image levels\nEqualize Image
33104 Inverts image colors\nInvert Image
33105 Converts the image to 256 grayscale\nConvert to Grayscale
33106 Converts the image to paletted color\nConvert to Paletted
33107 Converts the image to 24-bit RGB color\nConvert to RGB
33108 Converts the image to 32-bit CMYK color\nConvert to CMYK
33109 Splits the image into Red, Green and Blue channels\nSplit RGB Channels
33110 Splits the image into Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black channels\nSplit CMYK Channels
33111 Splits the image into Hue, Saturation and Brightness channels\nSplit HSB Channels
33112 Splits the image into Hue, Lightness and Saturation channels\nSplit HLS Channels
33113 Splits the image into Y, I and Q channels\nSplit YIQ Channels
33114 Creates an image from the separated channels\nCombine Channels
33115 Displays the image's characteristics\nImage Information
33116 Resamples the image\nResample Image
33117 Changes the image's paper size\nChange Paper Size
33118 Flips the image horizontally\nFlip Image Horizontally
33119 Flips the image vertically\nFlip Image Vertically
33120 Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise\nRotate 90 clockwise
33121 Rotates the image 90 degrees counterclockwise\nRotate 90 counterclockwise
33122 Rotates the image 180 degrees\nRotate 180 degrees
33123 Rotates the image by a specified amount\nCustom Rotate
33124 Crops the image to the chosen border color\nCrop to Border
33125 Color levels threshold\nThreshold Image
33126 Posterizes image colors\nPosterize Image
33127 Straightens the image in the image window\nDeskew Image
33128 Converts the image to duotone color\nConvert to Duotone
33129 Crops the image to the mask\nCrop to Mask
33130 Displays the image's color table\nShow Color Table
33131 Duplicates the image\nDuplicate Image
33132 Performs calculations on images/channels\nCalculations
33134 Preserves the image when creating masks and objects\nPreserve Image
33135 Adjusts image brightness, contrast and intensity\nBrightness-Contrast-Intensity
33136 Balances image colors\nColor Balance
33137 Adjusts the image's color hue\nColor Hue
33138 Adjusts the image's color tone\nColor Tone
33139 Adjusts image hue, saturation and lightness\nHue-Saturation-Lightness
33140 Replaces image colors\nReplace Colors
33141 Edits/creates tone curves\nTone Curve
33142 Converts the image to 24-bit Lab color\nConvert to Lab
33143 Splits the image into L, a, b, channels\nSplit Lab Channels
35196 Save currently selected object(s) as Image List\nSave Object(s) as Image List
35197 Nib Size\nNib Size
35198 Shape Width\nWidth
35199 Amount\nAmount
35200 Active Movie Frame\nActive Movie Frame
35201 Tangent To Path\nTangent To Path
35202 Color Hue Level\nColor Hue Level
35203 Color Saturation Level\nColor Saturation Level
35204 Color Luminance Level\n Color Luminance Level
35205 Shows or hides the Property Bar\n Toggle Property Bar
35206 Disable Fill\nDisable Fill
35207 Immediate Update\nImmediate Update
35208 Apply Changes\nApply Changes
35209 Shows or hides the Color Palette\nToggle Color Palette
35210 Radius\nRadius
53296 &Time and Date
53297 &None
53298 &Memory
53299 &State Icons
53300 &Keyboard States
53301 &Large Color Swatch
53302 Sm&all Color Swatches
53303 Object &Information
53304 Object &Details
53305 Small Color S&watches
53353 Opens the Customize dialog with the Roll-Ups tab selected; provides the ability to customize the placement and grouping of Roll-Ups\nCustomize Roll-Ups
57347 %1 in %2
57349 %1 - %2
57612 Sends the image through electronic mail\nSend Mail
57616 Open this image
57617 Open this image
57618 Open this image
57619 Open this image
57648 Opens another view of the image\nNew Window
57649 Arranges icons\nArrange Icons
57650 Cascades image windows\nCascade Windows
57651 Tiles image windows horizontally\nTile Horizontally
57652 Tiles image windows vertically\nTile Vertically
57665 Exits Corel PHOTO-PAINT; prompts to save the image\nExit
57666 Opens Corel PHOTO-PAINT Help\nOpen Help
57669 Invokes context sensitive help\nContext Help