5700 File name '%s' \nis too long.\nWill truncate to '%s'.
5702 Enter Album Name
5703 No Selected Album.
5704 Album '%s' already exists.
5705 Not a valid file name.
5706 Choose one file for save.
5707 Not a valid album name
5708 There is more than one file by \nthat name in the album.
5709 Are you sure want to delete\nalbum '%s'?
5710 Rename album '%s'\n to \n.
5711 Ok to rename album '%s'\n to '%s'?
5712 View &Directories
5713 View &Albums
5714 &View Thumbnails
5715 &View File Names
5716 Error: Unable To Complete Operation.
5717 Error deleting thumbnail file.
5718 Error renaming thumbnail file.\n Thumb may have been lost.
5719 Error copying thumbnail file.
5720 Ok to rename file '%s'\n to '%s'?
5721 Rename file '%s'\n to file:
5722 Copy File:\n '%s'\n to new file:
5723 Copy File(s):\n '%s'\n to directory:
5724 '%s' is an invalid directory.
5725 Ok to copy file:\n %s\n to:\n %s?
5726 Error: Destination file exists or is unwriteable.
5727 Description has not been saved.\n Ok to save it now?
5728 Move File:\n '%s'\n to new file:
5729 Move File(s):\n '%s'\n to directory:
5730 Ok to move file:\n '%s'\n to:\n '%s'
5731 Error moving thumbnail for\nfile '%s'.
5732 Error moving file from \n '%s'\nto\n '%s'.\n\nContinue?
5733 Enter New Directory Path and Name:
5734 Ok to create new directory '%s'
5735 Error creating directory '%s'.
5736 Rename Directory:\n %s\n to Directory:
5737 Ok to rename Directory '%s'\nto '%s'.
5738 Error renaming Directory from '%s'\nto '%s'.
5739 Are you sure you want to delete\ndirectory '%s'?
5740 Error deleting directory '%s'.
5741 Error in thumbnail data base.\n Thumbnails or album entries may have been lost
5742 Error adding file to search results.\n Results may not contain matching file '%s'.
5743 Error creating results album.\n Results may be missing or inaccurate.
5744 No Preview
5747 &Search
5748 &Stop
5749 Type Keyword Here
5750 %ld pixels (%s %s)
5751 Database found in the directory '%s'.\n Ok to delete it?\n
5752 There is already a database for the\n directory '%s'.\n Ok to overwrite it?\n
5756 '%s' does not exist.
5757 Directories Searched
5758 Files Searched
5759 Search Successful.\nView Results?
5760 No Matches Found.
5761 %ld pixels/inch
5780 .ALL
5781 .ALL
5782 File '%s' is Read Only.
5783 Thumbnails found in the directory '%s'.\n Ok to delete them?\n
5784 Error copying %s.\nCannot copy file to itself.\n Continue?
5785 Error renaming '%s'.\nCannot rename file to itself.
5786 Ok to delete thumbnails for selected files?
5787 Error moving %s.\nCannot move file to itself.\n Continue?
5788 Destination file %s exists.\n Ok to overwrite?
5789 Error deleting file '%s'
5790 '%s' is not a valid file name.
5791 There are no albums to import at\n '%s'
5792 '%s' already exists.\nOK to replace with '%s'?
5793 The album '%s' already exists at\n '%s'.\nOK to replace?
5794 Error deleting file '%s'.
5795 Can not move files across drives.\n Use Copy.
5796 .ALL
5797 .ALL
5798 The filename exceeds the maximum 255 characters. Please correct and retry.
10427 Enter Hue value
10428 Enter Saturation value
10429 Enter Lightness value
10430 Enter Red value
10431 Enter Green value
10432 Enter Blue value
10433 Enter Cyan value
10434 Enter Magenta value
10435 Enter Yellow value
12251 Grayscale
12252 Full color
12253 Full Color and Grayscale
12254 Black ink separations
12255 Color ink separations
12321 Monochrome
12322 CMYK Color
12323 RGB Color
12501 Circular
12502 Square
12503 Elliptical
17059 Unable to completely delete the OLE object being edited. Please return to Picture Publisher, close the dialog and then close the document containing the object.
17063 Unable to start ABC Media Manager. Please ensure that it has been installed correctly.
18200 File Menu
18201 Edit Menu
18202 Mask Menu
18203 Map Menu
18204 Object Menu
18205 Image Menu
18206 Options Menu
18207 Window Menu
18208 Help Menu
18209 Tools
18210 Macros
18300 New...
18301 New...
18302 Open...
18303 Open...
18304 ImportBrowser
18305 Import...
18306 Scan...
18307 Scan...
18308 Acquire...
18309 Acquire...
18310 Save...
18311 Save...
18312 Save As...
18313 Save As...
18314 Revert To Saved
18315 Revert
18316 Close
18317 Close
18318 Print...
18319 Print...
18320 Print Preview
18321 Print Preview
18322 Setup Printer...
18323 Setup Print...
18324 Setup Scanner...
18325 Setup Scan...
18326 Setup Monitor...
18327 Setup Monitor...
18328 Setup Calibration For Scanning...
18329 Setup Scan Calibration...
18330 Setup Calibration For Printing...
18331 Setup Print Calibration...
18332 Play Macro...
18333 Play...
18334 Play Batch Macro...
18335 Play Batch...
18336 Record Macro...
18337 Record...
18338 Edit Macro...
18339 Edit...
18340 Stop Macro
18341 Stop
18342 Exit
18343 Exit
18350 Undo
18351 Undo
18352 Auto/Manual Apply
18353 Apply
18354 Command List Undo
18355 CmdList Undo
18356 Command List Redo
18357 CmdList Redo
18358 Command List Edit
18359 CmdList Edit
18360 Cut
18361 Cut
18362 Copy
18363 Copy
18364 Copy To...
18365 Copy To...
18366 Paste
18367 Paste
18368 Paste As New Image
18369 Paste New
18370 Clear
18371 Clear
18372 ClipboardBrowser...
18373 Clipboard...
18380 Mask Undo
18381 Mask Undo
18382 Remove Mask
18383 Remove
18384 Load Mask...
18385 Load Mask...
18386 Save Mask...
18387 Save Mask...
18388 Chroma Mask...
18389 Chroma Mask...
18390 Mask From Object
18391 Object->Mask
18392 Invert Mask
18393 Invert Mask
18394 Feather Mask...
18395 Feather Mask...
18396 Remove Holes
18397 Remove Holes
18398 Mask Smoother
18399 Mask Smoother
18400 Crop To Mask
18401 Crop
18402 Stroke Mask...
18403 Stroke...
18404 Show/Hide Mask
18405 Show/Hide Mask
18410 Modify Color Maps...
18411 Maps...
18412 Contrast/Brightness (Joystick)...
18413 C/B (Joystick)....
18414 Contrast/Brightness (Visual)...
18415 C/B (Visual)...
18416 Color Balance (Joystick)...
18417 CB (Joystick)...
18418 Color Balance (Visual)...
18419 CB (Visual)...
18420 Tone Balance...
18421 Tone Balance...
18422 Posterize...
18423 Posterize...
18424 Threshold...
18425 Threshold...
18426 Hue Shift...
18427 Hue Shift...
18428 Hue Map...
18429 Hue Map...
18430 Histogram...
18431 Histogram...
18432 Apply Calibration Map...
18433 Apply Calibration...
18434 Edit Palette...
18435 Edit Palette...
18440 Group Objects
18441 Group
18442 Ungroup Objects
18443 Ungroup
18444 Lock Object
18445 Lock
18446 Unlock Object
18447 Unlock
18448 Align Objects...
18449 Align...
18450 Position Objects...
18451 Position...
18452 Move Down
18453 Move Down
18454 Move Up
18455 Move Up
18456 Move To Bottom
18457 Move To Bottom
18458 Move To Top
18459 Move To Top
18460 Combine Objects Together
18461 Combine Together
18462 Combine Objects With Base
18463 Combine Objects/Base
18464 Combine Selected With Base
18465 Combine Selected/Base
18466 Feather Object...
18467 Feather Object...
18468 Merge Mask
18469 Merge Mask
18470 Object From Mask
18471 Mask->Object
18472 Delete Object(s)
18473 Delete
18474 Select All
18475 Select All
18476 Show/Hide Marquee
18477 Show/Hide Marquee
18480 Size...
18481 Size...
18482 Expand...
18483 Expand...
18484 Rotate 90CW
18485 Rotate 90CW
18486 Rotate 90CCW
18487 Rotate 90CCW
18488 Rotate 180
18489 Rotate 180
18490 Rotate Arbitrary...
18491 Rotate Arbitrary...
18492 Flip Horizontal
18493 Flip Horizontal
18494 Flip Vertical
18495 Flip Vertical
18496 Flip Diagonal
18497 Flip Diagonal
18498 Split RGB
18499 Split RGB
18500 Split HSL
18501 Split HSL
18502 Split CMYK
18503 Split CMYK
18504 Recombine
18505 Recombine
18506 Convert to Line Art
18507 Convert-Line Art
18508 Convert to Scattered
18509 Convert-Scattered
18510 Convert to Grayscale
18511 Convert-Grayscale
18512 Convert to Palette Color...
18513 Convert-Palette...
18514 Convert to RGB
18515 Convert-RGB
18516 Convert to CMYK
18517 Convert-CMYK
18518 Invert
18519 Invert
18520 Stitch...
18521 Stitch...
18522 Effects...
18523 Effects...
18524 Convert to ColorManaged
18525 Convert-ColorManaged
18530 Save Positions
18531 Save Positions
18532 Create Scratchpad
18533 Scratchpad
18534 Load ToolBox
18535 Load ToolBox
18536 Create ToolBox
18537 Create ToolBox
18538 Show/Hide Bubble Hints
18539 Bubble Hints
18540 Show/Hide Status Hints
18541 Status Hints
18542 Show/Hide Main Toolbox
18543 Main Toolbox
18544 Show/Hide Color Palette
18545 Color Palette
18546 Show/Hide Info
18547 Info
18548 Show/Hide QuickZoom
18549 QuickZoom
18550 Show/Hide Object List
18551 Object List
18552 Show/Hide Status Line
18553 Status Line
18554 Show/Hide Rulers
18555 Rulers
18556 Show/Hide Image Info
18557 Image Info
18558 Options...
18559 Options...
18560 Cascade
18561 Cascade
18562 Tile
18563 Tile
18564 Arrange Icons
18565 Arrange
18566 New Window
18567 New Window
18568 Close
18569 Close
18570 Close All
18571 Close All
18580 Context Sensitive...
18581 Context...
18582 Contents...
18583 Contents...
18584 Using Picture Publisher...
18585 Using PP...
18586 Read Me...
18587 Read Me...
18588 Using Help...
18589 Using Help...
18590 About Picture Publisher...
18591 About...
18600 Shape Mask Tool
18601 Freehand Mask Tool
18602 Paint On Mask Tool
18603 Smart Mask Tool
18604 Transform Tool
18605 Point Editor
18606 Crop Tool
18607 Paint Tool
18608 Airbrush Tool
18609 Clone Tool
18610 Texture Tool
18611 Smear Tool
18612 Eraser Tool
18613 Sharpen Tool
18614 Smooth Tool
18615 Lighten Tool
18616 Darken Tool
18617 Gradient Fill Tool
18618 Texture Fill Tool
18619 Tint Fill Tool
18620 Smart Fill Tool
18621 Shape Draw Tool
18622 Freehand Draw Tool
18623 Pencil Tool
18624 Selector Tool
18625 Mask Tools
18626 Retouch Tools
18627 Filter Tools
18628 Fill Tools
18629 Draw Tools
18630 View Tool
18631 Text Tool
18632 Color Probe Tool
18633 Zoom In
18634 Zoom Out
18635 Previous View
18636 1:1 View
18637 Fit In Window View
18638 Full Screen View
18639 Mask Channel
18640 Ruby Overlay
18641 Color Palette
18642 Color Shields
18643 Image Info
18644 QuickZoom
18700 &Edit...
18701 &Load...
18764 Chroma Mask
18765 This name is a duplicate name. Do you want to replace it?
18768 Toolbar Properties
18769 Reediting will cause you to lose all changes to the object. Do you wish to continue?
18770 This name is an invalid name. Please pick another one.
30012 Error occurred while printing. Check your software and hardware print connections.
30013 Not enough memory to print.
30014 Not enough disk space to print.
30015 Printing cancelled.
30016 Welcome to %s.
30017 Save changes to '%s'?
30018 The file '%s' is already open. Open as an Untitled image?
30019 Are you sure you want to save the options for the %s?
30020 In
30021 Out
30022 That brush is larger than %d pixels. The center portion will be used.
30023 Is it OK to remove the mask so that processing will go faster?
30024 You need to combine all objects before performing that function.
30025 You can only have a single object selected before performing that function.
30026 Error writing to file.
30027 File '%s' not found.
30028 Error creating the new file '%s'.
30029 '%s' is not TIFF version 4.2; will continue.
30030 '%s' is a CCITT or Packbits TIFF image; cannot be opened.
30031 '%s' is a TIFF image with non-standard photo interpretation (like color); will continue.
30032 '%s' is a TIFF image with non-standard fill order; will continue.
30033 '%s' is an oriented TIFF image; will continue.
30034 Map input points must be in ascending order.
30035 '%s' is not a valid TIFF image file.
30036 '%s' is not a valid map file.
30037 You have selected a non-PostScript printer along with a print style that specifies halftone and black generation settings. These settings are not used with non-PostScript printers.
30038 '%s' is not an 11 point calibration map; cannot load.
30039 '%s' is not a valid mask file.
30040 Cannot load Color Manager Driver '%s'.
30041 That function cannot be performed with this image.
30042 This is a 'try-out' copy of Picture Publisher, the world's best-selling image editor for Windows. You may use all of the features of the full version, but you can not print or save your work. To purchase the full version, call you \nr local retailer.
30044 No image
30045 %d%% in
30046 That image was not created by this complimentary copy of Picture Publisher. If you wish to read images created by scanners and other frame grabbers,you must purchase Picture Publisher from your local distributor.
30047 Picture Publisher has detected a system change from the original program installation. You must reinstall the program to run in this new environment. This program will continue to run, but you cannot save image files.
30048 Calibration measurements must be in ascending or descending order. Check that the mask is properly drawn.
30049 Could not run the tutorial.
30050 Are you sure you want to automatically update the GRAY column of measurements with readings taken from the rectangular image area?
30051 Are you sure you want to automatically update the RED, GREEN, and BLUE columns of measurements with readings taken from the rectangular image area?
30052 Are you sure you want to automatically update the CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, and BLACK columns of measurements with readings taken from the rectangular image area?
30053 Are you sure you want to automatically update the CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, and BLACK columns of measurements with readings taken from the rectangular image area?
30054 Processing Undo.
30055 Unable to open clipboard file '%s'.
30056 Error writing to clipboard file '%s'.
30057 Is it OK to apply all your pending changes so that processing will go faster?
30058 Error reading mask file '%s'.
30062 On
30063 Off
30064 Ready
30065 Invalid clipboard format.
30066 You have selected an effect that does not support CMYK images. You must first convert the image to RGB before applying this effect.
30067 The size of the image you are creating exceeds your system's maximum - Please reduce the size before continuing.
30068 Double click to change this color %s%s.
30069 %s%s.
30070 %ld pixels have an average of %s.
30072 Error decoding the compressed image.
30073 Do you wish to apply the effect?
30074 [F1 for Help]
30075 Double click to change this active color %s.
30076 Click to activate this alternate color %s.
30079 Unable to get Video or Frame Grab hardware error.
30080 User canceled grab.
30081 No printer selected; Use Print Setup to select one.
30082 Cannot load Windows driver '%s'.
30083 Cannot open the scanner driver: %s.
30084 Not enough memory to continue scanning!
30085 Write failed on cache file in directory '%s'; try closing any images before continuing.
30086 Cannot initialize the scanner: %s.
30087 Cannot get the scanner environment: %s.
30088 Cannot get the scanner attributes: %s.
30089 Cannot set the scanner attributes: %s.
30090 Cannot close the scanner properly: %s.
30091 Cannot start a scan: %s.
30092 Cannot get data from the scanner: %s.
30093 Crop area is empty; cannot scan.
30094 Number of gray levels found is %d. Maximum gray is %d. Minimum gray is %d.
30106 The masked area is not within the selected preview area. Move the preview window to a position that includes the mask, or click the Mask In/Out button.
30107 Cannot write file '%s', you are out of disk space.
30108 There is no active mask.
30109 There is no area to transform.
30110 Are you sure want to delete %s '%s' (%s)?
30111 Replace existing extended file '%s'?
30112 Not enough memory to create an Undo buffer. Undo will not work on some operations.
30113 Nothing to erase.
30114 You cannot erase editing that includes a size change.
30115 Custom Brush '%s' does not exist. Do you want to create it?
30116 Invalid palette file format: '%s'.
30117 Palette named '%s' already exists.
30118 The rectangle you have drawn on the step scale does not appear to surround all of the steps.
30119 The rectangle you have drawn on the print scale does not appear to surround all of the steps.
30120 You need to draw a rectangle over all the steps in a scanned step scale to measure.
30121 You need to draw a rectangle over all the steps in a scanned print scale to measure.
30122 Replace existing file '%s'?
30123 Revert to last saved version of '%s'?
30124 Scaling width by %s %%; Scaling height by %s %%.
30125 Scaling by %s %%.
30126 Rotating X by %s degrees; Rotating Y by %s degrees.
30127 Rotating by %s degrees.
30128 Clipboard &Name
30130 Texture &Name
30131 Brush &Name
30132 Not all channels exist for combine.
30133 Not all channels are the same size for combine.
30134 Is it OK to close all the open images so that scanning will go faster?
30136 Unsupported 'MGX_IMAGE' clipboard type.
30137 Do you want to convert the open image to the same format as the saved image?
30138 Please wait...
30139 Your scanner driver cannot be opened. Make sure you have selected a valid scanner driver from the Setup Scanner dialog box and have included any necessary DOS drivers in your CONFIG.SYS startup file.
30140 Your grabber driver cannot be opened. Make sure you have selected a valid grabber driver from the Setup Grabber dialog box and have included any necessary DOS drivers in your CONFIG.SYS startup file.
30141 New viewing percentage is out of range.
30142 Cannot allocate enough memory to load the program. Exiting...
30143 Cannot change to directory '%s'.
30144 Cannot change the write-protected file '%s'.
30145 Images that have different color depths cannot be stitched.
30146 Transform
30147 &Anchor
30148 This file was not installed with Picture Publisher.\n Unable to install now due to unexpected failure.\n Try the Picture Publisher Installer.
30149 The %s cannot be used with palette color or line art images.
30157 File %s was found.\nHowever, this is not the disk specified.\nLoad anyway?.
30158 Warning: File %s is read only. \n It is not writable.
30159 R-
30160 G-
30161 B-
30162 C-
30163 M-
30164 Y-
30165 K-
30166 %s x %s %s at (%s,%s)
30167 Scratchpad
30170 Cannot open the image - %s
30171 Cannot complete the operation - %s
30172 Cannot access the image data in the cache path
30173 Do you want to apply operations to full resolution image '%s'
30174 This macro contains low resolution open command(s). Would you like to convert them to normal open commands?
30175 The selected object is not in the masked area.
30176 Must have a brush to perform this operation.
30177 The %s named '%s' refers to a file (%s) that cannot be found.\n\nClick YES if you wish to delete the named entry.\n\nClick NO if you wish to check the location for %s files in the Options dialog box, and try again.
30178 Cannot create the file '%s'.
30179 Cannot copy '%s' to file '%s'.
30180 The location '%s' is READ ONLY. Please specify a location having write-access in the Options dialog box.
30181 The path '%s' cannot be found. Check the location in the Options dialog box.
30182 This palette cannot be used because it contains more than 256 colors.
30184 The %s cannot be used with line art images.
30185 Command '%s' failed. Do you want to try to continue?
30186 A document with the same filename is already open.\nDo you want to try again?
30187 '%s' is linked to the file, '%s', that cannot be opened low resolution.
30188 Unknown
30190 H-
30191 S-
30192 L-
30193 The macro '%s' has been modified, do you want to continue?
30194 Batch ImageBrowser
30195 Select
30196 Do you want to save halftone changes?
30197 Do you want to save calibration changes?
30198 Partial changes have been made that cannot be undone. Do you still want to cancel?
30202 Optimized Preview
30203 &Save Ctrl+S
30204 &Update client
30205 E&xit Alt+F4
30206 E&xit to client
30207 &Undo
30208 &Redo
30209 Manual &Apply Ctrl+Shift+A
30210 Auto &Apply Ctrl+Shift+A
30211 Cre&ate Scratchpad Ctrl+Shift+F10
30213 This function is not available when a mask is on the image.
30214 Are you sure you want to delete the selected object(s) ?
30217 FastBits...
30218 This operation cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?
30219 Previous AVI frame
30220 Next AVI frame
30223 This calibration map is not a measurement map and can only be used with visual calibration
30224 Could not find file '%s'. Would you like to try to locate the file?
30225 The selected drive does not have the correct volume label '%s' for Photo CD file '%s'. Would you like to try to locate the correct drive?
30226 Printing Cyan Separation
30227 Printing Magenta Separation
30228 Printing Yellow Separation
30229 Printing Black Separation
30230 Printing Full Color Image
30231 Printing Grayscale Image
30232 Command '%s' is not currently available. Do you want to try to continue?
30233 Error copying file from '%s' to '%s'
30236 %s - printing...
30237 Print request processing. Do you want to terminate it?
30301 Text Tool
30302 Clear
30303 Cut
30304 Text Editing
30310 Paint Tool
30311 Airbrush Tool
30312 Clone Tool
30313 Texture Tool
30314 Smear Tool
30315 Eraser Tool
30320 Sharpen Tool
30321 Smooth Tool
30322 Lighten Tool
30323 Darken Tool
30330 Gradient Fill Tool
30331 Texture Fill Tool
30332 Color Tint Fill Tool
30333 Smart Fill Tool
30340 Pencil Tool
30341 Shape Draw Tool
30342 Freehand Draw Tool
30350 Mask Transform Tool
30360 Size Image
30361 Rotate 90CW
30362 Rotate 180
30363 Rotate 90CCW
30364 Rotate Arbitrary
30365 Flip Horizontal
30366 Flip Vertical
30367 Flip Diagonal
30368 Invert
30369 Combine All Objects
30370 Expand Image
30371 Merge Mask
30372 Special Filter
30373 Paste
30374 Feather
30375 Crop
30376 Color Reduction
30377 Convert To
30378 Remove Holes
30379 Mask Smoother
30390 Map Changes
30391 Tone Balance
30392 Contrast/Brightness
30393 Posterize
30394 Hue Map
30395 Color Balance
30396 Apply Calibration Map
30397 Edit Palette
30398 Hue Shift
30399 Threshold
30400 Shape Mask
30402 FreeHand Mask
30403 Paint On Mask
30404 Smart Mask
30405 Transform Mask
30407 Invert Mask
30408 Remove Mask
30410 Load Mask
30411 Stroke Mask
30412 Expand Smart Mask
30413 Mask From Object
30414 Object From Mask
30420 Delete Object
30421 Duplicate Objects
30422 Feather Object
30430 Insert
30431 Insert
30432 Fill
30433 Color Change
30434 Label
30436 Special Effect
30437 Object Align
30438 Combine Selected Objects
30439 Object Position
30440 Object Lock
30441 Combine Objects Together
30442 Object UnLock
30443 Group Objects
30444 UnGroup Objects
30445 Mask Point Editing
30446 Similar
30498 Ctrl+Z
30499 Ctrl+Shift+Z
30500 %s printed on %s
30501 Print Style '%s'
30502 Print Device '%s %s'
30503 No ink correction
30504 Ink correction: Recipe for Red is %d%% Magenta plus %d%% Yellow
30505 Ink correction: Recipe for Green is %d%% Yellow plus %d%% Cyan
30506 Ink correction: Recipe for Blue is %d%% Cyan plus %d%% Magenta
30507 No halftoning info sent
30508 Halftone frequency C %s M %s Y %s K %s lines/inch
30509 Halftone angle C %s░ M %s░ Y %s░ K %s░
30510 Halftone frequency %s lines/inch - angle %s░
30511 Halftone dot is %s - Minimum dot %d%% - Maximum dot %d%%
30512 No black generation or UCR
30513 Black generation amount '%s'
30514 Black generated from %d%% UCR and %d%% additive boost
30515 No device/dot gain correction
30516 Device/dot gain correction '%s'
30517 Cyan
30518 Magenta
30519 Yellow
30520 Black
30530 Yes
30531 No
30532 %d pixels (%s %s)
30533 %ldKB Memory, %ldKB Disk
30534 Image is %d%% in memory
30535 Undo is %d%% in memory
30536 %ldKB Disk
30537 %ldKB
30538 Mask is %d%% in memory
30539 Mask Undo is %d%% in memory
30540 Unable to logon successfully to the mail system.
30541 Picture Publisher
30550 Color Management is disabled. Use the Options dialog to enable Color Management.
30551 Dialog already in use by another instance of Picture Publisher.
30600 inches
30601 mm
30602 picas
30603 cm
30604 pixels
30700 Are you sure you want to delete the thumbnails for directory '%s' on volume '%s'?
30701 Do you want to keep thumbnails for directory '%s' on removable volume '%s'?
30706 Are you sure you want to delete the thumbnails listed for directory '%s'?
30707 Error creating thumbnail file '%s'.
30708 Error reading from thumbnail file '%s'.
30709 Error writing to thumbnail file '%s'.
30710 Images in directory '%s' have Photo CD thumbnails. Are you sure you want to create new thumbnails in directory '%s'?
30711 Are you sure you want to delete file(s) '%s'?
30712 Invalid file specification: '%s'.
30713 No files matching file specification: '%s'.
30714 Image file not resident. In order to install '%s', please insert %s%s, or enter its path. You can also use the Installer to install the image.
30715 STUB
30717 Cannot open file '%s' to create brush.
30720 Cannot clone between images of different types.
30722 '%s'
30723 PhotoMagic Supplemental Disk
30724 Image file not resident. In order to install '%s', please insert %s%s, or enter its path. You can also use the Installer to install the image.
30725 PhotoMagic 1.0 Disk
30732 Add
30733 &Add
30736 (None)
30740 (Normal)
30741 Additive
30742 Subtractive
30743 If Lighter
30744 If Darker
30745 Color
30746 Hue
30747 Saturation
30748 Luminance
30749 Red
30750 Green
30751 Blue
30752 Cyan
30753 Magenta
30754 Yellow
30755 Black
30756 Filter
30757 Multiply
30758 Difference
30759 Texturize
30760 Invert
30770 This function is not currently implemented.
30771 (%d%s gray)
30772 (%d, %d, %d%s RGB)
30773 (%d ░, %d%%, %d%% HSL)
30774 (%d, %d, %d, %d%s CMYK)
30775 %
30776 Low Resolution only supports TIFF, PP4, and PP5 images.
30777 FastBits only supports uncompressed TIFF images.
30778 QuickZoom
30780 This brush is a read only; change the name to save a new brush.
30781 This brush cannot be deleted.
30782 ImageBrowser
30783 Select
30784 Unable to use AVI. Be sure AVI version 1.1 is installed.
30785 This map was not saved from tone balance.\nSome map data may be lost.
30786 '%s' is a TIFF image with extra samples; cannot be opened.
30800 {
30801 }
30802 pop
30803 ifelse
30804 bind def
30805 end
30806 40 dict begin\n/mysave save def\n/noimage { {pop 1} settransfer image } def\n/colorext systemdict /colorimage known def
30807 /readdata { currentfile exch readhexstring pop } bind def
30808 /readdata { currentfile exch readstring pop } bind def
30809 /myspotfunc { abs exch abs 2 copy 3 mul exch 4 mul add 3 sub dup 0 lt\n{ pop dup mul exch .75 div dup mul add 4 div 1 exch sub }\n{ dup 1 gt {pop 1 exch sub dup mul exch 1 exch sub .75 div dup mul add 4 div 1 sub }
30810 { .5 exch sub exch pop exch pop } ifelse } ifelse } bind def
30812 /myspotfunc { abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt\n{ 1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub }\n{ dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }\nifelse } bind def
30813 /myspotfunc {2 exch sub exch abs 2 mul sub 3 div } bind def
30814 /myspotfunc { /y exch def /x exch def\n/ang y x .001 add atan cvi def\nang 72 mod 72 sub abs 72 div\ny y mul x x mul add 1 exch sub\nadd 2 div } bind def
31717 File contains no image data and no command list.
31718 Photo CD Toolkit error.
31719 Cannot write chunks to compressed files.
31720 Error - Command '%d' out of range.
31721 Error - invalid command type.
31722 Resource missing!!!
31723 This command only works on palette color images.
31724 Photo CD images will be saved as PP5.
31725 Error - The Windows clipboard is empty.
31726 This Effect can not be applied to palette color images.
31727 Unsupported version.
31728 Unknown encoding.
31729 Unsupported number of bits per pixel.
31730 Reserved byte not zero.
31731 Bytes per line not even.
31732 More than 256 color images not supported.
31733 Unknown manufacturer.
31734 Thread is busy.
31735 Not able to setup threading.
31736 dwWaitResult = %ld
31737 This setting only applies to PostScript devices.
31738 Using printer screening with PostScript devices may result in very large files. Are you sure you want to use it?
31739 You must save your mask when you save a command list.
31740 Edits have been made to this image. A link must be maintained with the original image.
31741 Unable to create intermediate file.
31742 This operation will cause the Command List to be discarded. Do you wish to continue?
31743 This operation will cause the FastBits Preview and Command List to be discarded. Do you wish to continue?
31790 This Effect can not be applied to line art images.
31791 This Effect changes the image type.\nIt can not be applied to an image with object.
31792 This Effect changes the image type.\nIt can not be applied to the Mask Channel.
32001 Creating Text... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32002 Clearing... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32003 Cutting... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32004 Editing Text... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32030 Gradient filling... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32031 Texture filling... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32032 Tint filling... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32033 Smart filling... Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32040 Drawing with pencil... %d%% complete.
32041 Drawing shape... %d%% complete.
32042 Drawing freehand... %d%% complete.
32050 Transforming... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32060 Sizing image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32061 Rotating image 90 degrees... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32062 Rotating image 180 degrees... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32063 Rotating image 90 degrees... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32064 Rotating image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32065 Flipping horizontally... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32066 Flipping vertically... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32067 Flipping diagonally... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32068 Inverting Image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32069 Combining all objects... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32070 Expanding image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32071 Merging Mask... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32073 Pasting... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32074 Feathering Mask... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32075 Cropping image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32076 Reducing colors... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32077 Converting image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32078 Removing Holes...
32079 Smoothing Mask... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32090 Applying map... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32091 Applying tone balance... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32092 Adjusting constrast/brightness... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32093 Posterizing... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32094 Applying hue map... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32095 Adjusting color balance... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32096 Applying calibration map... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32097 Palette edit... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32098 Applying hue shift... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32099 Thresholding... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32104 Smart Masking... Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32107 Inverting mask...%d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32110 Loading mask...%d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32111 Stroking mask...%d%% complete.
32112 Expanding Smart Mask... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32122 Feathering Object... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32136 Applying special effect... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32138 Combining selected objects... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32141 Combining objects together... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32146 Masking similar color areas... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32147 Processing... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32148 Processing... %d%% complete.
32149 Loading image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32150 Saving image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32151 Loading low resolution image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32152 Building display tables... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32153 Opening color manager. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32154 Querying color manager database. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32155 Importing image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32156 Printing image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32157 Pasting from clipboard... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32158 Copying to file... %d%% complete.
32159 Copying to clipboard... %d%% complete.
32160 Stitching images... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32161 Pasting from file... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32162 Splitting channels... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32163 Combining channels... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32164 Packaging PP5 file... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32165 Saving mask... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32166 Loading fastbits chunk... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32167 Rendering requested data... %d%% complete.
32168 Building image... %d%% complete. Press and hold ESC to cancel.
32201 Creating Text
32202 Clearing
32203 Cutting
32204 Editing Text
32205 Creating New Image
32210 Paint Brush
32211 Airbrush
32212 Clone Brush
32213 Texture Brush
32214 Smear Brush
32215 Eraser Brush
32220 Sharpen Brush
32221 Smooth Brush
32222 Lighten Brush
32223 Darken Brush
32230 Gradient Filling
32231 Texture Filling
32232 Tint Filling
32233 Smart Filling
32240 Drawing With Pencil
32241 Drawing Shape
32242 Drawing Freehand Shape
32250 Transforming
32260 Sizing Image
32261 Rotating Image 90CW
32262 Rotating Image 180
32263 Rotating Image 90CCW
32264 Rotating Image Arbitrary
32265 Flipping Image Horizontally
32266 Flipping Image Vertically
32267 Flipping Image Diagonally
32268 Inverting Image
32269 Combining All Objects
32270 Expanding Image
32271 Merging Mask
32273 Pasting
32274 Feathering Mask
32275 Cropping Image
32276 Reducing Colors
32277 Converting Image
32278 Remove Holes
32279 Smoothing Mask
32290 Applying Map
32291 Applying Tone Balance
32292 Applying Contrast/Brightness
32293 Applying Posterize
32294 Applying Hue Map
32295 Applying Color Balance
32296 Applying Calibration Map
32297 Applying Palette Edit
32298 Applying Hue Shift
32299 Applying Threshold
32300 Creating Shape Mask
32302 Creating Freehand Mask
32303 Creating Paint On Mask
32304 Smart Masking
32305 Transforming Mask
32307 Inverting Mask
32308 Removing Mask
32310 Loading Mask
32311 Stroking Mask
32312 Expanding Smart Mask
32313 Creating Mask from Object
32314 Creating Object From Mask
32320 Deleting Objects
32321 Duplicating Objects
32322 Feathering Object
32336 Applying Special Effect
32337 Aligning Objects
32338 Combining Selected Objects
32339 Positioning Objects
32340 Locking Objects
32341 Combining Objects Together
32342 UnLocking Object
32343 Grouping Objects
32344 UnGrouping Objects
32345 Point Editing Mask
32346 Masking Similar Color Areas
32347 Processing
32348 Processing
32349 Loading
32350 Saving
32351 Loading Low Resolution
32358 Copying to file
32365 Saving mask
32366 Loading fastbits
32368 Rebuilding image
32401 You have selected a Precision Transform that does not match the printer type.
32402 You have selected a Destination Precision Transform but have not selected a Source Precision Transform.
32403 You have selected a Source Precision Transform and no Destination Precision Transform and there is no Monitor Precision Transform to use as the Destination default.
32404 You have selected a CMYK Precision Transform that does not match the RGB file selected.
32405 You have selected an RGB Precision Transform that does not match the CMYK file selected.
32406 You have selected a Precision Transform that cannot be applied to the file selected; File Open will continue without Color Management.
32407 You have selected a Print Style that contains a Kodak Precicion Transform and Color Management is not enabled.
32408 You have selected a Precision Transform that does not match the file type selected.
32409 You have selected a source Precision Transform that is not compatible with the file type selected.
32410 Error retrieving Precision Transform. The operation will continue without writing a Precision Transform.
32411 Warning : You have selected writing Precision Transforms with files and selected a file format that is incompatible with the Precision Transform associated with this image. Function will continue using Precision Transform file typ \ne.
32412 Opening Color Management.
32413 Connecting Precision Transforms.
32414 Error cannot find Precision Transform.
32415 The file you have selected contains a Precision Transform and you have not selected a destination Precision Transform and there is no Monitor transform to use as a default.
32416 Warning : You have selected a Precision Transform that does not match the file type selected. Select a Precision Transform that matches the current file type.
32417 Building Color Management database. Press and hold escape to cancel.
32500 Picture has to be between 1 and 32K lines wide.
32501 Picture has to be between 1 and 32K lines long.
32502 Error opening an image with more than 16384 lines.
32503 Cannot allocate enough memory to complete the operation.
32504 Not enough memory for image data.
32505 not enough disk space for cache file in cache directory '%s'. Your disk has only %ld bytes of unused space. Free up some space on the disk or change your option for the image cache location to a larger disk.
32506 Cannot create cache file in cache directory '%s'.
32507 Write failed on cache file in directory '%s'.
32508 Error writing to file '%s'.
32509 Error reading from file '%s'.
32510 Not enough memory.
32511 Read failed on cache file in directory '%s'.
32512 Mask too complex.\nOperation will be partially completed.
32513 The system resources are very low. Please save your work, close some applications, and restart Picture Publisher.
32514 This file type is not supported on open.
32516 Currently, you have %d day left to try this preview.
32517 Currently, you have %d days left to try this preview.
32551 (Normal)
32552 FastBits
32553 Low Resolution
32554 All Files
32555 All Supported Files
32556 &Mode
32557 Th&umbnails...
32558 &CMS...
32559 &Options...
32560 Use the Thumbnail viewer to open Multiple files from removable media.