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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1995-07-21 | 8.4 KB | 179 lines |
- :Base D:\app6help\pp60.hlp>Large
- :Title Picture Publisher Help Contents
- 1 Getting Started
- 2 Getting Acquainted with the Picture Publisher Window=IDH_DESIGNER_BMP@pp60.hlp
- 1 Using Menu Commands
- 2 File Menu=IDH_FILEMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 Edit Menu=IDH_EDITMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 View Menu=IDH_View_Menu@pp60.hlp
- 2 Tools Menu=IDH_TOOLSMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 Mask Menu=IDH_MASKMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 Map Menu=IDH_MAPMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 Object Menu=IDH_OBJECTMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 Image Menu=IDH_IMAGEMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 Windows Menu=IDH_WINDOWSMENU@pp60.hlp
- 2 Help Menu=IDH_HELPMENU@pp60.hlp
- 1 Working with Files
- 2 Creating a New Image File=IDH_NEWP>Procedur
- 2 Opening an Existing Image File=IDH_OPENP>Procedur
- 2 Importing an Image File=IDH_OPENP
- 2 Reopening a Recently Opened or Saved Image File=IDH_RECALLP>Procedur
- 2 Saving an Image File=IDH_SAVEP>Procedur
- 2 Saving an Image File Using a Different Name or File Type=IDH_SAVEASP>Procedur
- 2 Reverting to Last Saved Version of File=IDH_REVERT@pp60.hlp
- 2 Getting Image File Information=IDH_IMAGE_INFORMATION@pp60.hlp
- 2 Scanning an Image File=IDH_GRAB@pp60.hlp
- 2 Exporting an Image to PhotoShop=IDH_EXPORT@pp60.hlp
- 2 Packaging a File for Transfer=IDH_PACKAGE_PP5_COMMAND@pp60.hlp
- 2 Printing a File=IDH_PRINT@pp60.hlp
- 2 Previewing an Image Printout=IDH_PRINT_PREVIEW_COMMAND@pp60.hlp
- 2 Closing an Image File=IDH_CLOSEP>Procedur
- 2 Sending an Image File as E-mail=IDH_SEND_COMMAND@pp60.hlp
- 1 Working with Tools
- 2 Using the Selector Tool=IDH_SELECTOR@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Mask Tools=IDH_MASKTOOLS@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Retouch Tools=IDH_RETOUCHTOOLS@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Filter Tools=IDH_FILTERTOOLS@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Fill Tools=IDH_FILLTOOLS@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Draw Tools=IDH_DRAWTOOLS@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Text Tools=IDH_TEXTTOOL@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the View Tools=IDH_CUSTOMVIEW@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Color Probe Tools=IDH_COLORPROBE@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Active Color Tool=IDH_COLORSWATCH@pp60.hlp
- 2 Creating and Editing Brush Styles=IDH_Edit_Command_Brush_Style
- 2 Creating and Editing Draw Styles=IDH_Edit_Command_Brush_Style
- 2 Using the Image Information Button=IDH_RT_TOOLBAR_INFO_BTN
- 2 Using the Mask Channel Button=IDH_MASK_CHANNEL
- 2 Using the Ruby Overlay Button=IDH_RUBYOVERLAY
- 2 Using the Color Palette Button=IDH_Color_Palette_Button
- 2 Using the Color Shields Button=IDH_CSBUTTON
- 2 Using Power Keys=IDH_POWERKEYSP
- 2 Using Shortcut Keys=IDH_SHORTCUT
- 2 Relating PhotoShop Commands to Picture Publisher=IDH_Moving_from_PhotoShop
- 2 Specialized How Tos=IDH_MOREHOWMrObjctHwTs
- 1 Working with Masks
- 2 Using the Mask Tools=IDH_MASKTOOLS
- 2 Creating a Rectangular Mask=IDH_RECTMASK
- 2 Creating a Circular Mask=IDH_RECTMASK
- 2 Creating a Custom Mask=IDH_FREEHAND
- 2 Creating an Irregularly Shaped Mask=IDH_PAINTON_MASK
- 2 Drawing a Mask Automatically=IDH_SMARTMASK
- 2 Transforming a Mask=IDH_TRANSMASK
- 2 Changing the Shape of a Mask=IDH_EDITMASKPT
- 2 Undoing/Redoing a Mask=IDH_UNDOMASK
- 2 Saving a Mask=IDH_SAVEMASK
- 2 Loading a Mask=IDH_LOADMASK
- 2 Removing a Mask=IDH_REMMASK
- 2 Creating a Mask Based on Color=IDH_CHROMA_MASK
- 2 Creating a Mask from an Object=IDH_CREATE_MASK_FROM_OBJECT
- 2 Reversing a Mask=IDH_INVERT_MASKC
- 2 Smoothing the Edges of a Mask=IDH_FEATHER
- 2 Removing Holes from a Mask=IDH_REMOVE_HOLES
- 2 Smoothing a Mask=IDH_SMOOTHER
- 2 Cropping an Image to a Mask=IDH_CROP2MASK
- 2 Stroking a Mask=IDH_STROKE
- 2 Hiding a Mask=IDH_HIDE_MASK
- 1 Working with Maps
- 2 Modifying Color Maps=IDH_MODIFYMAP
- 2 Controlling Contrast=IDH_CONTBR
- 2 Controlling Brightness=IDH_CONTBR
- 2 Adjusting Color Balance=IDH_COLOR_BALANCE
- 2 Modifying Tonal Range=IDH_TONE_BALANCE
- 2 Posterizing an Image=IDH_POSTERIZE
- 2 Changing the Threshold Point=IDH_THRESHOLD
- 2 Shifting the Hues in an Image=IDH_HUE_SHIFT
- 2 Adjusting the Hue Map=IDH_HUE_Map
- 2 Viewing the Shadows, Midtones, and Highlights=IDH_HISTOGRAM
- 2 Applying Calibration Maps=IDH_APPLY_CALIBRATION_MAP
- 2 Editing a Palette=IDH_EDIT_PALETTE
- 1 Working with Objects
- 2 Understanding Objects=IDH_What_is_an_Object
- 2 Arranging Objects=IDH_ARRANGE
- 2 Grouping Objects=IDH_Group_Command
- 2 Ungrouping Objects=IDH_Ungroup_Command
- 2 Locking Objects=IDH_Lock_Command
- 2 Unlocking Objects=IDH_Unlock_Command
- 2 Aligning Objects=IDH_Align_Command
- 2 Positioning Objects=IDH_Position_Command
- 2 Ordering Objects=IDH_Order_Command
- 2 Sending an Object Back One Level=IDH_Move_Down_Command
- 2 Bringing an Object Forward One Level=IDH_Move_Up_Command
- 2 Sending an Object to the Back=IDH_Move_To_Back_Command
- 2 Bringing an Object to the Front=IDH_Move_To_Front_Command
- 2 Combing Objects=IDH_Combine_Command
- 2 Combining Objects Together =IDH_Combine_Objects_Together_Command
- 2 Combining All Objects With Base Image=IDH_Combine_All_Objects_With_Base_Command
- 2 Combining Selected Objects With Base Image=IDH_Combine_Selected_Objects_With_Base_Command
- 2 Feathering Objects=IDH_Feather_Command
- 2 Merging Masks=IDH_Merge_Mask_Command
- 2 Creating an Object from a Mask=IDH_Create_Object
- 2 Deleting an Object=IDH_Delete_Command
- 2 Selecting All Objects=IDH_SELECTALL
- 2 Hiding an Object Marquee=IDH_Hide_Marquee
- 2 Transforming an Object=IDH_Transforming_Objects
- 2 Duplicating Objects=IDH_MOREHOWHwTDplctObjcts
- 2 Creating an Anti-Aliased Edge on an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwTCrtAGdAntAlsdEdg
- 2 Making an Object Fade=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMknObjctFd
- 2 Clipping an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtClpnObjct
- 2 Erasing Parts of an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtErsPrtsfnObjct
- 2 Creating a Drop Shadow for an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtADrpShdwfrnObjct
- 1 Working with Images
- 2 Sizing an Image=IDH_SIZEP>Procedur
- 2 Expanding an Image=IDH_EXPANDP>Procedur
- 2 Rotating an Image=IDH_ROTATEP>Procedur
- 2 Flipping an Image=IDH_MIRRORP>Procedur
- 2 Splitting the Color Channels of an Image=IDH_SPLITP>Procedur
- 2 Converting an Image to Another Type=IDH_CONVERTTOP>Procedur
- 2 Inverting an Image=IDH_INVERTP>Procedur
- 2 Stitching Images Together=IDH_STITCHP>Procedur
- 2 Applying Special Effects to an Image=IDH_EFFECTSP>Procedur
- 2 Cropping an Image=IDH_CROP_TOOL
- 1 Working with Windows
- 2 Creating a New Image Window=IDH_NEWWINDOW@pp60.hlp
- 2 Overlapping Image Windows=IDH_CASCADE@pp60.hlp
- 2 Showing All Open Image Windows=IDH_TILE@pp60.hlp
- 2 Arranging Window Icons=IDH_ARRANGE_ICONS@pp60.hlp
- 2 Closing All Open Image Windows=IDH_CLOSE_ALL@pp60.hlp
- 2 Activating Another Open Image Window=IDH_1_2_3
- 1 Working with Color
- 2 Using Color Palettes=IDH_RT_SWATCH_COLORPAL@pp60.hlp
- 2 Using the Active Color Tool=IDH_COLORSWATCH
- 2 Using Color Management=IDH_How_Color_Management_Systems_Work
- 2 Controlling Primary Color Output Density=IDH_MODIFYMAP
- 2 Adjusting Color Balance=IDH_COLOR_BALANCE
- 2 Modifying Tonal Range=IDH_TONE_BALANCE
- 2 Adjusting Shadows, Midtones, and Highlights=IDH_HISTOGRAM
- 2 Posterizing an Image=IDH_POSTERIZE
- 2 Specialized How Tos=IDH_MOREHOWMrObjctHwTs
- 1 Working with Hardware
- 2 Compensating for Imperfections in Scanning=IDH_APPLY_CALIBRATION_MAP
- 2 Compensating for Imperfections in Printing=IDH_APPLY_CALIBRATION_MAP
- 2 Setting Up your Monitor=idh
- 2 Setting Up Your Printer=IDH_FOR_PRINTING_COMMAND
- 2 Setting Up Your Scanner=IDH_FOR_SCANNING_COMMAND
- 2 Setting Up Your Computer to Run Efficiently=IDH_EFFICIENT
- 2 Shifting the Hues in an Image=IDH_HUE_SHIFT
- 1 Specialized How Tos
- 2 Reducing the Rainbow Effect on a Scanned Photo=IDH_MOREHOWHwtRdcthRnbwnScnndPht
- 2 Reducing Checkerboard Pattern on Scanned Photos=IDH_MOREHOWHwtRdcChckrbrdPttrnnScnndPht
- 2 Creating Line Art from a Scanned Image=IDH_MOREHOWHwTCrtGrtLnArt
- 2 Duplicating Objects=IDH_MOREHOWHwTDplctObjcts
- 2 Creating a Good Anti-Aliased Edge=IDH_MOREHOWHwTCrtAGdAntAlsdEdg
- 2 Making an Object Fade=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMknObjctFd
- 2 Clipping an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtClpnObjct
- 2 Erasing Parts of an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtErsPrtsfnObjct
- 2 Adding (Unerase) from an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtAddUnrsfrmnObjct
- 2 Creating a Drop Shadow for an Object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtADrpShdwfrnObjct
- 2 Merging Two Images Together=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMrgTwImgsTgthr
- 2 Making Buffering Effects for Painting or Airbrushing=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMkBffrngEffctsfrPntngrArbrshng
- 2 Creating a Soft Cameo=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtASftCm
- 2 Creating a Multi-Level Threshold=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtAMltLvlThrshld
- 2 Using Masks to Fade (Graduate) Effects=IDH_MOREHOWHwtUsMsksTFdGrdtEffcts
- 2 Creating an Anti-Aliased Edge for Cutting, Copying, and Pasting=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtAnAntAlsdEdgFrCttngCpyngAndPstng
- 2 Creating a Wood Grain Texture=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtWdGrnTxtr
- 2 Creating a Brushed Steel Texture=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtBrshdStlTxtr
- 1 Using the Help Glossary
- 2 Definitions of Terms=IDH_GLOSSARY
- 1 Troubleshooting
- 2 Error Messages=IDH_MESSAGES