home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994
- SdSize
- right
- bottom
- lfHeight
- lfWidth
- lfEscapement
- lfOrientation
- lfWeight
- lfItalic
- lfUnderline
- lfStrikeOut
- lfCharSet
- lfOutPrecision
- lfClipPrecision
- lfQuality
- lfPitchAndFamily
- lfFaceName
- GetObjectA
- GetObject
- SelectObject
- DeleteObject
- GetDeviceCaps
- GetSystemMetrics
- SetWindowText
- GetWindowText
- GetDlgItem
- GetFocus
- GetActiveWindow
- GetWindow
- GetWindowWord
- GetWindowLongA
- GetWindowLong
- SetWindowLong
- GetWindowExt
- GetClassName
- GetClassNameA
- EnableWindow
- IsWindowEnabled
- GetModuleHandle
- GetTextExtent
- GetTextExtentPointA
- GetDC
- ReleaseDC
- MoveWindow
- ShowWindow
- GetWindowRect
- MapDialogRect
- IsWindow
- SetFocus
- LoadIcon
- LoadString
- AddFontResource
- GetPrivateProfileSection
- MessageBoxEx
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir\
- Program Files%
- Micrografx\Designer\
- Program Files%
- Micrografx%
- System
- Micrografx\Designer\
- Micrografx%
- System
- Micrografxa
- Designera
- ds40.exe
- Micrografx Designer(
- company
- Designer
- network(
- You have entered the name 'Network'.
- Please read and understand the NETWORK.HLP file for$
- information regarding network installations.
- Would you like to continue with the network installation?*
- FileComponents
- Typical,
- Compact,
- Custom,
- Portable,
- Bug in script - not a possible choiceA
- Micrografx
- MGXDesignerNetA
- Micrografx Designer 95 (Network),
- MGXDesignerA
- Micrografx Designer 95
- General#
- Custom(
- Program Files!
- Help Files!
- Font Files!
- Xlate Files!
- Designer!
- Designer!
- TrueType fonts!
- Translators!
- ClipArt Manager!
- Adding Registry Entries....%
- ds40.exe
- temp.txt
- Installa
- BasePathb!
- Installa
- Designera
- AppPathsa
- Pathb&
- ds40.exe
- AppPathsa
- Defaultb
- Installa
- Fontsa
- nameA
- companyA
- Installa
- Companyb#
- Emerald
- Creating Program Folder and Icons....(
- ds40.exe
- Designerb
- Designerb
- designer.lnka
- Designer.lnk!
- Designer Help!
- Help FilesA
- Help Files!
- Program%
- DS41.HLP
- Program:
- Designer Helpb
- ReadMe Help Fileb0
- Uninstallerb
- Installation complete.*
- Setup is complete.
- You may run the installed program by double-clicking on the program icon installed.
- Do you want to view the README file now?A
- (Need text here!) This is the help message for user informationA
- (Need text here!) This is the help message for destination path.A
- (Need text here!) This is the help message for setup type.A
- (Need text here!) This is the help message for folder selection.A
- MS Sans Serif
- Micrografx Designer SetupA
- This program requires VGA or better resolution.A
- Copying readme files...
- program.za
- Copying network files...
- network.za
- Custom(
- Program Files!
- Copying program files...
- program.za
- failed on b
- Compact(
- Tutoriala
- program.zb/
- emerald.za
- Typical(
- Help Files!
- Copying help files...%
- Program
- Programa
- help.zb/
- Font Files!
- Copying TrueType font files...%
- Fonts
- Fontsa
- fonts.zb/
- Xlate Files!
- Copying import/export filter files...
- cgm.za
- dxf.za
- wpg.za
- Designer!
- Designer!
- Copying program files...
- program.za
- ClipArt Manager!
- Copying program files...
- emerald.za
- Designer Help!
- Copying help files...%
- Program
- Programa
- \DS41.HLP
- help.zb/
- Programa
- help.zb/
- Programa
- help.zb/
- Programa
- help.zb/
- Designer Tutorials!
- Copying tutorial files...%
- Tutorial
- Tutoriala
- program.zb/
- TrueType fonts!
- Copying TrueType font files...%
- Fonts
- Fontsa
- fonts.zb0
- unable to add b
- Translators!
- Copying import/export filter files...
- SetupaS
- Unable to create a directory under %s.
- Please check write access to this directory.b
- Setupaa
- General file transfer error.
- Please check your target location and try again./n/nError Number: %db
- program.za
- *.*BL
- emerald.za
- program\*.*BL
- Program FilesB
- Programa
- help.zb/
- Help FilesB
- fonts.za
- fonts\*.*A
- Font FilesB
- cgm.za
- program\*.*BL
- dxf.za
- program\*.*BL
- wpg.za
- program\*.*BL
- Xlate FilesB
- Program FilesA
- Help FilesA
- Font FilesA
- Xlate FilesA
- Program FilesA
- Help FilesA
- Font FilesA
- Xlate FilesA
- Setupa
- There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on the disk %s.
- Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk.B
- InstallB
- ExMessageBox function failedA
- Emerald(
- Ruby$
- Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a
- PathA
- Emeralda
- DefaultPathb/
- Emeralda
- AppPathb
- Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a
- PathA
- Emeralda
- EmConvDefaultPathb/
- Emeralda
- EmConvAppPathb
- Software\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa
- Emerald
- Emeralda
- Software\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa
- Emerald Resources
- Emeralda
- Software\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa
- Rendering Engine
- Emeralda
- Ruby(
- Software\Micrografx\Emeralda
- Software\Micrografx\Emeralda
- Current
- CollectionA
- AnimalsA
- SubjectA
- DinosaursA
- WindowRectA
- 134,367,326,537A
- Software\Micrografx\Emeralda
- Files
- NewCollectionPathA
- NewSubjectPathA
- Software\Micrografx\Emeralda
- Preferences
- HorzScrollA
- OnTopA
- ShowNamesA
- ShowThumbsA
- ThumbnailResolutionA
- TipsA
- Software\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa
- Software\Micrografx\Shared Tools\Emeralda
- Catalog
- CountA
- Software\Micrografx\Shared Tools\Emeralda
- Catalog%
- NameA
- AnimalsA
- Animals.ecfQ
- PathA
- Emeralda
- Collectiona
- Animals%
- Emeralda
- Subjecta
- Dinosaurs%
- Emeralda
- WindowRecta
- 134,367,326,537%
- Emeralda
- NewCollectionPathb
- Emeralda
- NewSubjectPathb
- Emeralda
- HorzScrolla
- Emeralda
- OnTopa
- Emeralda
- ShowNamesa
- Emeralda
- ShowThumbsa
- Emeralda
- ThumbnailResolutiona
- Emeralda
- Tipsa
- Emeralda
- Counta
- Emeralda
- Namea
- Animals%
- Animals.ecf%
- Emeralda
- Pathb/
- Designera
- Designer(
- Designera
- Picture Publisher(
- Designera
- ABC Flowcharter(
- CustomJ
- TrueType fontsA
- TrueType fontsA
- This component contains TrueType fonts. Click Details to select fonts
- Fonts`
- TrueType fontsA
- BalloonA
- Brush 455 BTA
- Caeser OpenA
- Baskerville BTA@]
- Century Schoolbook SWAA
- Cheltenham BTA
- Courier SWAAjL
- Dutch 801 SWAAd
- Geometric 231 BTA
- Geometric 231 Heavy BTA8
- Geometric 415 Black BTA 4
- Geometric 415 Medium BTA
- Italian Garamond BTA
- Swiss 721 Black BTA4
- Swiss 721 Light BTA
- Swiss 721 SWAA
- Swiss Narrow SWAA
- Symbol Set SWAA
- Vivante DTCA
- Zapf Calligraphic 801 SWAAH
- BalloonA
- @15001;1;255,0,255`
- Brush 455 BTA
- @15002;1;255,0,255`
- Caeser OpenA
- @15003;1;255,0,255`
- Baskerville BTA
- @15004;1;255,0,255`
- Century Schoolbook SWAA
- @15005;1;255,0,255`
- Cheltenham BTA
- @15006;1;255,0,255`
- Courier SWAA
- @15007;1;255,0,255`
- Dutch 801 SWAA
- @15008;1;255,0,255`
- Geometric 231 BTA
- @15009;1;255,0,255`
- Geometric 231 Heavy BTA
- @15010;1;255,0,255`
- Geometric 415 Black BTA
- @15011;1;255,0,255`
- Geometric 415 Medium BTA
- @15012;1;255,0,255`
- Italian Garamond BTA
- @15013;1;255,0,255`
- Swiss 721 Black BTA
- @15014;1;255,0,255`
- Swiss 721 Light BTA
- @15015;1;255,0,255`
- Swiss 721 SWAA
- @15016;1;255,0,255`
- Swiss Narrow SWAA
- @15017;1;255,0,255`
- Symbol Set SWAA
- @15018;1;255,0,255`
- Vivante DTCA
- @15019;1;255,0,255`
- Zapf Calligraphic 801 SWAA
- @15020;1;255,0,255`
- BalloonA
- Balloon (TrueType);BL______.TTF`
- Brush 445 BTA
- Brush 445 BT (TrueType);TT0990M_.TTF`
- Caeser OpenA
- Caeser Open (TrueType);AO______.TTF$
- Baskerville BT (TrueType);TT0031M_.TTF;a.
- Baskerville Italic BT (TrueType);TT0032M_.TTF;$
- Baskerville Bold BT (TrueType);TT0033M_.TTF;$
- Baskerville Bold Italic BT (TrueType);TT0034M_.TTF`
- Baskerville BTA
- Century Schoolbook SWA (TrueType);TT3031M_.TTF;a6
- Century Schoolbook Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3032M_.TTF;$
- Century Schoolbook Bold SWA (TrueType);TT3033M_.TTF;$
- Century Schoolbook Bold Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3034M_.TTF`
- Century Schoolbook SWAA
- Cheltenham BT (TrueType);TT0620M_.TTF;a-
- Cheltenham Italic BT (TrueType);TT0621M_.TTF;$
- Cheltenham Bold BT (TrueType);TT0622M_.TTF;$
- Cheltenham Bold Italic BT (TrueType);TT0623M_.TTF`
- Cheltenham BTA
- Courier SWA (TrueType);TT3008M_.TTF;a+
- Courier Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3009M_.TTF;$
- Courier Bold SWA (TrueType);TT3010M_.TTF;$
- Courier Bold Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3011M_.TTF`
- Courier SWAA
- Dutch 801 SWA (TrueType);TT3000M_.TTF;a-
- Dutch 801 Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3001M_.TTF;$
- Dutch 801 Bold SWA (TrueType);TT3002M_.TTF;$
- Dutch 801 Bold Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3003M_.TTF`
- Dutch 801 SWAA
- Geometric 231 BT (TrueType);TT1127M_.TTF;a-
- Geometric 231 Bold BT (TrueType);TT1128M_.TTF`
- Geometric 231 BTA
- Geometric 231 Heavy BTA
- Geometric 231 Heavy BT (TrueType);TT1129M_.TTF$
- Geometric 415 Black BT (TrueType);TT0524M_.TTF;a5
- Geometric 415 Black Italic BT (TrueType);TT0525M_.TTF`
- Geometric 415 Black BTA
- Geometric 415 Medium BT (TrueType);TT0522M_.TTF;a6
- Geometric 415 Medium Italic BT (TrueType);TT0523M_.TTF`
- Geometric 415 Medium BTA
- Italian Garamond BT (TrueType);TT0537M_.TTF;a3
- Italian Garamond Italic BT (TrueType);TT0538M_.TTF;$
- Italian Garamond Bold BT (TrueType);TT0539M_.TTF`
- Italian Garamond BTA
- Swiss 721 Black BT (TrueType);TT0007M_.TTF;a1
- Swiss 721 Black Italic BT (TrueType);TT0008M_.TTF`
- Swiss 721 Black BTA
- Swiss 721 Light BT (TrueType);TT0001M_.TTF;a1
- Swiss 721 Light Italic BT (TrueType);TT0002M_.TTF`
- Swiss 721 Light BTA
- Swiss 721 SWA(TrueType);TT3004M_.TTF;a.
- Swiss 721 Oblique SWA (TrueType);TT3005M_.TTF;$
- Swiss 721 Bold SWA (TrueType);TT3006M_.TTF;$
- Swiss 721 Bold Oblique SWA (TrueType);TT3007M_.TTF`
- Swiss 721 SWAA
- Swiss 721 Narrow SWA (TrueType);TT3025M_.TTF;a5
- Swiss 721 Narrow Oblique SWA (TrueType);TT3026M_.TTF;$
- Swiss 721 Narrow Bold SWA (TrueType);TT3027M_.TTF;$
- Swiss 721 Narrow Bold Oblique SWA (TrueType);TT3028M_.TTF`
- Swiss Narrow SWAA
- Symbol Set SWAA
- Symbol Set SWA (TrueType);TT3012Z_.TTF`
- Vivante DTCA
- Vivante DTC ITALIC (TrueType);VV______.TTF$
- Zapf Calligraphic 801 SWA (TrueType);TT3013M_.TTF;a9
- Zapf Calligraphic 801 Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3014M_.TTF;$
- Zapf Calligraphic 801 Bold SWA (TrueType);TT3015M_.TTF;$
- Zapf Calligraphic 801 Bold Italic SWA (TrueType);TT3016M_.TTF`
- Zapf Calligraphic 801 SWAA
- CustomJ
- ClipArt ManagerA
- ClipArt ManagerA
- ClipArt Manager, to help sort and catalog clipart files.
- ClipArt`
- ClipArt ManagerA
- EmeraldAd
- EmeraldA
- Emerald, a simple drag and drop Clipart manager`
- EmeraldA
- emerald.z
- Fonts%
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts\b
- Fontsb
- Copying TrueType font files...%
- Fonts
- Fontsa
- fonts.zb/
- TrueType fonts!
- Copying TrueType font files...%
- Fonts
- Fontsa
- fonts.zb0
- unable to add b
- Fontsb
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts\b
- Fontsb
- Software\Microsoft\Office Shortcut Bar\Toolbar Root\
- Office
- Software\Microsoft\Office Shortcut Bar\Toolbar Root\a
- Programs2F
- Setupa]
- The application you are trying to install is currently running.
- Close %s and run Setup again.a
- Designer!
- @12001;1;255,0,255A
- @12003;1;255,0,255A
- @12004;1;255,0,255A
- Typical
- Recommended for most computers.A
- Compact
- To save disk space, none of the optional components will be installed.A
- Custom
- For advanced users and system administrators only. You can customize all available Setup options.A
- CustomJ
- DesignerA
- DesignerA
- This component includes Designer, online help, and tutorials.
- Designer`
- DesignerA
- DesignerA4
- Designer HelpA@f
- Designer TutorialsA
- DesignerA
- Components of Designer. They should be installed in most cases`
- Designer HelpA
- Online help files for Designer.`
- Designer TutorialsA
- Tutorial files help you learn important features.`
- DesignerA
- designer.z`
- Designer HelpA
- designer.z`
- Designer TutorialsA
- designer.z
- Designer!
- Designer!
- Copying program files...
- designer.za
- Designer Help!
- Copying help files...
- help.za
- help.za
- help.za
- Designer Tutorials!
- Copying tutorial files...%
- Tutorial
- Tutoriala
- designer.zb/
- Copying program files...
- designer.za
- failed on b
- Tutorial
- Tutoriala
- designer.zb/
- Copying help files...
- help.za
- ds41.hlpA
- help.za
- mgxbmf.hlpA
- help.za
- trnslate.hlpA
- ClipArt Manager!
- Copying program files...
- emerald.za
- help.za
- CustomJ
- TranslatorsA
- TranslatorsA
- This component contains import and export filters. Click Details to select filters
- Filters`
- TranslatorsA
- CGM import/export filters`
- DXF import/export filters`
- WPG import/export filters`
- CGM.z`
- DXF.z`
- WPG.z
- Translators!
- Copying import/export filter files...
- CustomJ
- ABC ProgramA
- ABC ProgramA
- ABC Program files
- ABC ProgramA
- Flow 95A
- SnapA N
- DataA0u
- Flow 95A
- Flow desc`
- SnapA
- Snap desc`
- DataA
- Data desc
- edit(
- Disk Spacea
- Disk Space!
- Disk SpaceAY
- Disk SpaceAY
- Disk SpaceAq
- Disk SpaceAr
- Disk SpaceAY
- Disk SpaceAq
- Disk Space
- Disk Space
- ErroraV
- In function '%s':
- Unable to create dialog.
- Make sure the dialog DLL is in INS0762.LIB.b
- SdSizea
- %s-%s-%ldb
- SdRegisterUserEx(
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- ResultA
- SdRegisterUser(
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- SdRegisterUser!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration(
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir(
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdAskDestPath
- ResultA
- szDirA
- Choose Directorya-
- Please choose the directory for installation.R
- SdAskDestPath!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- ...\b
- SdWelcome(
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList(
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdSelectFolder(
- ResultA
- szFolderA
- SdSelectFolder!
- szFolderA
- ResultA
- SdSetupType(
- ResultA
- szDirA
- Choose Directorya-
- Please choose the directory for installation.R
- SdSetupType!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog(
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics(
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdShowMsg(
- SdShowMsg/
- bottom2
- SdAskOptionsList(
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdShowFileMods(
- ResultA
- nSelectionA
- SdShowFileMods!
- nSelectionA
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit1(
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- SdShowEdit1!
- szEdit1A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit2(
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- SdShowEdit2!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit3(
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- SdShowEdit3!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- ResultA
- SdAskOptions(
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptions!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogAdv
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- Choose Directorya-
- Please choose the directory for installation.R
- There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9
- Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.*
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- %ld KBL
- %ldBL
- SdComponentMult(
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentMult!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons(
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap(
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialog2(
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9
- Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.*
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogEx
- Fonts(
- @15001;1;255,0,255
- Fonts(
- SdComponentDialogEx!
- SdComponentDialog
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- Choose Directorya-
- Please choose the directory for installation.R
- There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9
- Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.*
- SdComponentDialog!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- _EWQ?
- _MRQt
- 3.00.055