190 Your print file contains multiple page orientations.SmartSep does not support this feature, file may not separate properly.
191 Printing to the selected PostScript driver may produce undesirable results. For optimal results, please use the PostScript driver supplied with Windows.
193 %[0]s (%[1]s x %[2]s)
195 Aa Bb Cc Xx Yy Zz
199 pixels
200 Unknown bitmap format
201 Monochrome (2 Color)
202 16 Color
203 256 Color
204 4-bit Grayscale
205 8-bit Grayscale
206 16-bit Color
207 24-bit Color
208 32-bit Color
209 ░
210 Master Palette
211 Palette (*.PL4)
212 Color Separation using %[0]s (%[1]s) on %[2]s
213 PostScript
214 None
217 Corel
218 Micrografx
219 *.dic
220 user%i
221 .dic
222 English (American),IENC9311.DCT,16,128,HEMIS320.HPH
25088 Windows system resources are too low to successfully create the dialog box. Please close one or more background applications, windows, or dialog boxes to free resources.
25089 Windows system resources are getting too low. Please close one or more background applications, windows, or dialog boxes to free resources.
25090 Warning
28672 Finished checking selection. Continue to check entire document?
28673 Spelling Check Complete.
28674 Spelling Check out of memory!
28675 Error initializing spelling checker.
28676 Memory allocation error.
28677 Unable to %s. Operation cancelled.
28678 Unable to open %s.
28679 Help file not found.
28680 Read Me Help file not found.
28682 Directory %s does not exist. Create the directory?
28683 Couldn't create directory.
28684 Invalid path.
28685 Invalid drive.
28686 Invalid filename %s
28687 File %s not found.
28688 Could not copy %[0]s to %[1]s.
28689 Are you sure that you want to delete %s?
28690 Could not delete %s.
28691 Could not rename %[0]s to %[1]s.
28692 Save changes to %s?
28693 Update drawing in %s?
28694 File %s already exists. Overwrite?
28695 Unable to read from file %s.
28696 Unable to write to file %s.
28697 The file %s is already opened. Open as untitled?
28698 This document contains multiple pages. Choose whether you want to display selected pages from the document or enlarge the page size to fit the entire drawing.
28699 Unknown internal file record has been skipped.
28700 File format has a different minor version number.
28701 File was saved using an unknown compression algorithm.
28702 Designer has encountered a disk I/O error trying to access the file.
28703 Memory I/O error.
28704 This file was saved using a newer version of Designer. Unable to open.
28705 Designer has aborted the I/O request.
28706 Designer has encountered an unknown I/O error.
28707 Designer has reached the maximum number of open documents. You must close at least one document to open another.
28708 Search completed. %i file(s) found.
28709 File %s is not a valid Designer file. Designer cannot open.
28710 No matching files found for %s.
28711 Revert to last saved version of %s?
28712 This file is read-only.
28713 Too many files were found using the current search pattern. Search aborted.
28714 A file with that same filename is already open as a drawing.
28715 Too much data for OLE to handle. Update aborted.
28716 Designer was unable to backup the file %s. Continue with saving the file anyway?
28717 Overwrite previous tab at the same location (%s)?
28718 Leave data in clipboard?
28719 Printing %1.
28720 Adjusting intercharacter spacing: %i%%.
28721 Adjusting interword spacing: %i%%.
28722 Adjusting interline spacing (leading): %s.
28723 Adjusting paragraph spacing: %s.
28724 Placing duplicate container.
28725 Invalid range specification. Please enter valid page range.
28727 Invalid unit definition. Definition not saved.
28728 Save changes to %s?
28729 Add %s to list of defined units?
28732 No valid target output device.
28733 Changing the master palette requires creating a copy of the palette. Would you like to make the copy?
28737 License data is either missing or invalid. Please reinstall Designer to ensure proper configuration. (%i)
28738 You are attempting to use a local version of Designer on a network. Please reinstall Designer to ensure proper configuration. (%i)
28739 You are attempting to use a network version of Designer on a local computer. Please reinstall Designer to ensure proper configuration. (%i)
28740 All network licenses are currently in use. Please contact your system administrator to obtain more network licenses. (%i)
28742 Canceling an Ole Link. Are you sure?
28744 The target device is not connected to a valid output port. Use the Windows Control Panel (Printers option) to connect the device to a valid port.
28746 Not enough memory to align the selected objects. Please select fewer objects and re-align.
28748 Could not find Smartsep.exe.
28749 Unable to apply the transform. One or more of the selected objects does not support this transformation.
28750 You are attempting to create too many objects. Please decrease the number of copies before applying.
28751 Loading %1.
28752 Cancel print job(s)?
28753 File %s does not exist. Cannot create link.
28754 Invalid page definition. Please re-enter the definition.
28755 Unable to import palette. The file may not be a Micrografx palette file or the file is corrupt.
28756 Unable to apply the transform. The transformation extends the copies too far beyond the visible boundaries.
28757 Unable to start text edit session.
28758 Unable to create a text block due to memory allocation error.
28759 Unable to create a text block container from specified shape with the current font.
28760 Not enough memory to create the 3-D object.
28761 Not enough memory to sweep the selected object.
28762 Not enough memory to extrude the selected object.
28763 The selected object contains too many points to sweep or extrude.
28764 Not enough memory to trace the bitmap. Please select a smaller area to trace or decrease the trace quality.
28765 The requested trace requires too many objects. Please select a smaller area to trace or decrease the trace quality.
28766 The unit '%s' is not defined in the current drawing. Do you want to add it?
28767 The unit '%s' is not defined in Designer's current profile. Do you want to add it?
28768 Unable to display hints. The file %s cannot be found in the Designer directory.
28769 Opening %1.
28770 Saving %1.
28771 Please insert diskette into drive %s:
28772 Please insert CD into drive %s:
28773 Unable to access network drive %s
28774 Unable to access RAM drive %s
28775 Unable to access drive %s
28776 Are you sure that you want to delete entry %s?
28777 Unable to launch OLE server %s
28778 The 3-D objects in this file will be changed to 2-D objects. To preserve the original file containing 3-D objects, save this file with a new name.
28779 Unable to load toolbar buttons. The file %s cannot be found in the Designer directory. Please reinstall Designer to ensure proper configuration.
28780 Do you want to change the default settings for page setup? This change will effect all new pages created from this point.
28781 Do you want to change the default settings for page setup? This change will effect the master page of all new documents created from this point.
28782 File '%1' contains OLE objects that cannot be printed in the background. Press Ok to print the file in the foreground, or Cancel to skip printing this file.