2784 Cannot open file: %s.\nThe server application cannot be found. Make sure the application is properly installed, and that it has not been deleted, moved, or renamed.
2785 .abc
2786 Drive %s: is write protected.\n\nPlease choose another drive letter,\nor insert a write-enabled diskette.
2787 EditShapeNameOn
2788 You cannot launch %[0]s from %[1]s.
2789 S&how Viewer
2790 &Hide Viewer
2791 Unable to launch %s.
2792 Cannot locate %s to launch.
2793 Cannot read clipboard contents.
2794 ABC Shape Data
2795 Please set the 'PalettePath' entry in the ABC.INI to a directory with write access.
2796 &Undo Text Styling
2797 Redo (&u) Text Styling
2798 Reopening '%s' ...
2799 %s is already open.\n\nPlease select another filename, or\nclose the chart and try again.
2800 Reopening '%1' ...
2801 Micrografx ABC Template (*.aft),*.aft
2802 Micrografx ABC Workspace (*.afw),*.afw
2960 *
2961 (hidden)
2962 Close
2963 * field is hidden in chart
2964 Can't exclude '%s' because \nthe report is sorted on this column.
2965 Subtotal:
2966 <no data>
2967 Subtotal
2968 Show &Legend
2969 Hide &Legend
2970 <Field legend selected>
2972 Windows %d.%d; DOS %d.%d
2973 (No Suggestions)
2974 A file error occured while checking spelling in chart.
2975 A memory error occured while checking spelling in the chart.
2976 An error occured while accessing the spelling dictionary.
2977 An error occured while accessing the user spelling dictionary.
2978 An error occured while checking spelling in the chart.
2979 An error occured while initializing the spell checking system.
2980 Spell check completed in chart.
2981 Spell check completed for selected objects.\n\nWould you like to check the remainder of the chart?
2982 Setup...
2983 :
2985 Can't read '%s' as '%s'.\nRe-enter the data in this format.
2986 Can't read '%s' as TMUs.\nEnter a number for this field.
2987 Can't read '%s' as seconds.\nEnter a number for this field.
2988 Can't read '%s' as minutes.\nEnter a number for this field.
2989 Can't read '%s' as hours.\nEnter a number for this field.
2990 Can't read '%s' as days.\nEnter a number for this field.
2991 Can't read '%s' as weeks.\nEnter a number for this field.
2993 Can't read '%s' as minutes.\nEnter a number of minutes, or a time in '%s' format.
2994 Can't read '%s' as hours.\nEnter a number of hours, or a time in '%s' format.
2995 Can't read '%s' as a date.\nEnter a date as month/day, month/year, month/day/year or in '%s' format.
2996 Can't read '%s' as currency.\nEnter a number for this field.
2997 Can't read '%s' as a percentage.\nEnter a number for this field.
2998 Can't read '%s' as a number.\nEnter a number for this field.
2999 New From Template
3000 Template (*.AFT)|*.aft||
3001 aft||
3002 This file is not a template.
3073 SpellNumLanguages
3074 SpellCurrLanguage
3075 SpellDictionaryPath
3076 SpellLanguage
3077 English (US),16,128,mgxsen33.lex,mgxhen33.lex
3078 SpellUserDictionary
3079 SpellOptions
3081 (No Languages Installed)
3082 An error occured while initializing the\nselected spell checking language.
3083 An error occured while saving the user dictionary.\nWords added in this session have not been saved.
3084 This word appears twice and may be redundant.
3085 This word was marked as 'negative' in the user dictionary.
3086 The preferred spelling for this word is without periods.
3087 This word contains a possibly incorrect trailing period.
3088 This word contains possibly incorrect punctuation.
3089 This word is usually preceeded by 'a' instead of 'an'
3090 This word is usually preceeded by 'an' instead of 'a'
3091 This word may contain incorrectly capitalized letters.
3092 The ordinal number suffix (i.e., '1st', '2nd', etc.)\nfor this word appears to be incorrect.
3093 Correction alternatives couldn't be found because\nthis word contains only one letter.
3095 This word contains a possibly incorrect hyphen.
3096 This word may contain incorrect leading characters.
3097 This word may contain incorrect trailing characters.
3098 This word was not found in the standard or user dictionaries.
3099 This word was found in the user dictionary.
3100 This word contains at least one soft hyphen.
3116 Spelling - Entire Chart
3117 Spelling - Selected Objects
3118 Spelling - Remaining Objects
3119 Spelling - Text
3120 Spelling - Selected Text
3121 ABC ProcessAnalyzer
3136 You are making permanent changes to the chart's field setup.\n\nThis operation could cause some entered field data to be lost and cannot be undone.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
3137 *
3138 Invalid index specified for item retrieval.
3139 Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 3.1 Automation
3140 Index type for item retrieval must be integer or string.
3141 Item retrieval failed.
3142 Index type for item retrieval must be integer or long.
3143 Cannot send ABC OLE Automation Event. The running ABC Automation VBX/OCX is the wrong version.
3302 .DIC
3303 (Shape Number)
3304 (Note)
3305 :
3306 Number
3307 Text
3308 Enumerator creation failed.
3309 Not OLE embed or link.
3310 Working...
3311 Press Cancel to stop.
3312 Cannot register the '%s' ABC OLE Automation Eventt.
3313 Cannot register the '%s' ABC OLE Automation Event.\n\nThere is a conflict between the running '%s' program and the '%s' program trying to register with ABC Automation.\n\nClose '%s' before running '%s' again.
3315 Cannot register ABC OLE Automation Event.\n\nThe event '%s' is not supported. Check spelling.
3316 AddOn%i
3317 Not enough memory to run %s. Quit one or more Windows applications and then try again.
3318 ABC FlowCharter cannot find %s. Check the path stored in the ABC.INI.
3319 MultipleInstance
3320 This chart includes OLE objects which cannot be saved in ABC 2.0 charts.\n\nDo you wish to convert the OLE objects to display-only shapes in the ABC 2.0 chart?
3322 &Add On
3323 -
3324 &File
3325 &Edit
3326 F&ields
3327 &Window
3328 &Help
3329 &Recall
3330 &Select
3331 &Report
3332 Click to display Report menu items.
3333 &View
3334 &Shape
3335 &Line
3344 Windows DRAW Object
3345 a new ABC Shape
3346 You have %u days left to use this trial version. To buy, ...
3347 This free trial version of Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 4.0 has expired. To buy, ...
3348 The filename %1 is invalid.
3349 Do you wish to overwrite the existing file %1?
3350 Text Style
3351 Shape Style
3352 Line Style
3353 Edit Styles
3354 Normal
3355 Default Shape
3356 Default Line
3357 ...
3358 Note Report for chart %1
3359 ABC FlowCharter Rich Text\ntext with font and alignment formatting
3360 Formatted Text (RTF)\ntext with font formatting
3361 Unformatted Text\ntext without any formatting
3362 MS-DOS Text\ntext without any formatting
3363 Typing
3364 Clear
3365 Cut
3366 Paste
3367 Styling
32771 Use to select objects\nSelector Tool
32772 Use to drop new shapes in the chart\nShape Tool
32773 Use to draw new lines in the chart\nLine Tool
32774 Use to type text in the chart\nText Tool
32775 Shows or hides the QuickZoom Window\nQuickZoom
32776 Saves all open charts, prompting for each one separately\nSave All
32777 Sends the active chart through electronic mail\nSend
32778 Selects the entire chart\nSelect All
32779 Selects specific types of objects in the chart\nSelect
32780 Changes the editing view to actual size\nView Normal
32781 Fits the current page into the editing window\nView Current Page
32782 Fits all used pages into the editing window\nView Used Pages
32783 Scales the editing view\nZoom
32784 Shows or hides the rulers\nShow Rulers
32785 Shows or hides the Shape Palette\nShow Shape Palette
32786 Shows or hides the Color Palette\nShow Color Palette
32787 Shows or hides the Note Window\nShow Note
32788 Shows or hides the guidelines in the active chart\nShow Guidelines
32789 Shows or hides the grid in the active chart\nShow Grid
32790 Changes the appearance of the selected text\nFont
32791 Changes the fill style of the selected objects\nFill
32792 Changes the border style of the selected objects\nBorder
32793 Changes the thickness and style of the selected lines\nLine Style
32794 Changes the arrowhead style of the selected lines\nArrowheads
32795 Brings the selected objects to the front\nBring to Front
32796 Sends the selected objects to the back\nSend to Back
32797 Groups the selected objects\nGroup
32798 Ungroups the selected group of objects\nUngroup
32799 Aligns the selected shapes with one another\nAlign Shapes
32800 Fits the selected shapes to the text they contain\nFit to Text
32801 Changes the shape numbering options for the chart and the selected objects\nShape Numbering
32802 Creates or arranges the data fields for the active chart\nSetup Fields
32803 Changes data field options\nData Field Options
32804 Updates linked data fields in the active chart\nUpdate Data Fields
32805 Shows or hides the data fields viewer\nViewer
32806 Shows or hides the legend\nLegend
32807 Generates an input report for the active chart\nInput Report
32808 Generates an output report for the active chart\nOutput Report
32809 Generates a metrics report for the active chart\nMetrics Report
32810 Checks spelling in the active chart\nSpelling
32811 Sets protection for the active chart\nProtect Chart
32813 Changes various categories of ABC FlowCharter options\nOptions
32814 Run this ABC FlowCharter Add-On\nRun <Add-On>
32815 Toggles full screen mode on/off\nFull Screen
32816 Provides information about how to use ABC FlowCharter\nUsing Micrografx ABC FlowCharter
32817 Gets up-to-date information about ABC FlowCharter\nRead Me
32818 Show context-sensitive help\nHelp
32819 Gets more information about ABC FlowCharter and Microsoft Office Compatibility\nOffice Compatible
32820 Duplicates the selection\nDuplicate
32823 Changes the selected text to bold (toggle)\nBold
32824 Changes the selected text to italic (toggle)\nItalic
32825 Changes selected text to underline (toggle)\nUnderline
32828 Change the properties for the selected objects\nProperties
32829 Switch to Selector Tool\nSwitch Tool
32830 Switch to last used tool or selector\nSwitch Tool
32831 Edit the Link on the selected objects\nLink\nthere are no linkable objects selected
32833 Closes all of the windows of all charts\nClose All
32834 Rotate the selected shapes 90 degrees to the right\nRotate Right
32835 Flips the selected shapes from left to right\nFlip Horizontal
32836 Flips the selected shapes from top to bottom\nFlip Vertical
32837 Rotates the selected shapes 90 degrees to the right\nRotate Right
32844 Change the properties of the selected lines\nLine Properties
32846 Customizes the ABC FlowCharter user interface\nCustomize
32848 Creates a new chart\nNew
32849 Saves the current workspace, including open files and window positions\nSave Workspace
32850 Saves the active chart as a template\nSave Template
32851 Quits ABC FlowCharter and prompts to save the charts\nExit
32852 Imports a graphic and inserts it into the active charts as a shape\nImport Shape
32853 Exports the chart as a metafile, DRW file, or other format\nExport Chart
32856 Changes the appearance of the chart\nFormat Chart
32857 Shows or hides the numbers for the selected shapes\nShape Number On
32858 Changes the fill, border, and shadow for the selected shapes\nFormat Shape
32859 Changes the line style, arrowheads, crossover style, and routing of the selected lines\nFormat Line
32860 Changes the crossover style of the selected lines or of all lines in the chart\nCrossovers
32861 Generates an index for all open and linked charts\nIndex
32862 Rotates the selected shapes 90 degrees to the left\nRotate Left
32864 Launches an application from the selected shapes\nLaunch...
32865 Adds a new guideline to the chart and adjusts it\nAdd HorizontalGuideline
32866 Adds a guideline to the chart and adjusts it\nAdd Horizontal Guideline
32867 Adds a guideline to the chart and adjusts it\nAdd Vertical Guideline
32868 Changes the measurement units to inches\nInches
32869 Changes the measurement units to centimeters\nCentimeters
32870 Changes the current line routing option\nLine Routing
32871 Inserts an SPC Chart\nInsert SPC Chart
32873 Scales the editing view\nZoom
32874 Use to renumber shapes in the chart\nRenumber Tool
32875 Use to zoom to a selected area\nZoom Tool
32876 Changes the selected text to strikethrough (toggle)\nStrikethrough
32877 Aligns the selected text to the left\nAlign Text Left
32878 Aligns the selected text to the right\nAlign Text Right
32879 Aligns the selected text to the center (horizontally)\nAlign Text Center
32880 Aligns the selected text to the top\nAlign Text Top
32881 Aligns the selected text to the bottom\nAlign Text Bottom
32882 Aligns the selected text to the middle (vertically)\nAlign Text Middle
32883 Changes the color of the selected text\nText Color
32884 Opaques the selected text (toggle)\nOpaque
32885 Changes the fill of the selected shapes or sets the default\nFill Color/Pattern
32886 Adds shadow to the selected objects (toggle)\nShadow On/Off
32887 Changes the line color of the selected objects or sets the default\nLine Color
32888 Changes the line color of the selected objects or sets the default\nLine Style
32889 Changes the arrowhead style of the selected lines or sets the default\nArrowheads
32890 Changes the color of the selected text or sets the default\nText Color
32891 Changes the crossover style of the selected lines or sets the default\nCrossovers
32893 Adds the selected shape style to the preset list\nAdd Shape Preset\nthere are no selected shapes
32894 Edits the shape preset list\nEdit Shape Presets
32895 Adds the selected line style to the preset list\nAdd Line Preset\nthere are no selected lines
32896 Edits the line preset list\nEdit Line Presets
32897 Adds the selected text style to the preset list\nAdd Text Preset\nthere are no selected shapes or text objects
32898 Edits the text preset list\nEdit Text Presets
32899 Replaces the selected shapes with the current shape\nReplace Shape\nthere are no selected shapes
32900 Shows or hides the line nodes in the active chart\nShow Nodes
32901 Show or hide this toolbar
32904 Shows or hides the arrange toolbar\nArrange
32905 Shows or hides the styles toolbar\nPreset Styles
32906 Shows or hides the data fields toolbar\nData Fields
32965 Scales the view in\nZoom In
32966 Scales the view out\nZoom Out
32967 Aligns the selected objects to the left\nAlign Left\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32968 Aligns the selected objects to the right\nAlign Right\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32969 Aligns the selected objects to the center (horizontally)\nAlign Center\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32970 Aligns the selected objects to the top\nAlign Top\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32971 Aligns the selected objects to the bottom\nAlign Bottom\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32972 Aligns the selected objects to the middle (vertically)\nAlign Middle\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32973 Spaces the selected objects evenly across the chart, based on their centers\nSpace Evenly Across, Centers\nthree or more shapes must be selected
32974 Spaces the selected objects evenly down the chart, based on their centers\nSpace Evenly Down, Centers\nthree or more shapes must be selected
32975 Spaces the selected objects evenly across the chart, based on their edges\nSpace Evenly Across, Edges\nthree or more shapes must be selected
32976 Spaces the selected objects evenly down the chart, based on their edges\nSpace Evenly Down, Edges\nthree or more shapes must be selected
32977 Sizes the selected objects to the same width\nMake Same Width\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32978 Sizes the selected objects to the same height\nMake Same Height\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32979 Sizes the selected objects to the same width and height\nMake Same Size, Both\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32980 Provides step by step guidance\nCue Cards
32981 Jumps to the previous chart\nLink Back
32982 Shows a summary of links\nLink Summary
32983 Use to draw direct lines\nDirect Line
32984 Use to draw right angle lines\nRight Angle Line
32985 Use to draw curved lines (bezier)\nCurved Line
32986 Use to draw org chart lines\nOrg Chart Line
32987 Use to draw cause and effect lines\nCause and Effect Line
32988 Changes the text alignment for the selected objects or sets the default\nText Alignment
32989 Sizes the selected objects to the same width and height and fits them to the text they contain\nMake Same Size, Fit to Text\ntwo or more shapes must be selected
32996 Click to view the entire chart\nEntire Chart
32997 Click to remove data from all data fields\nClear Data
33003 Exports the selected objects as a metafile, DRW, or other format\nExport Selected
33004 Prints the active note\nPrint
33005 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCut
33006 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopy
33007 Inserts Clipboard contents into the note\nPaste
33008 Removes the selection without putting it on the Clipboard\nClear
33009 Closes the note viewer\nClear
33011 Changes the properties of the selected shape\nShape Information
33012 Choose a color\nMore Colors
33013 Applies a shape style\nShape Style
33014 Applies a line style\nLine Style
33015 Adds the selected shapes' style or the default style to the style list\nAdd Shape Style\nthe current style is ambiguous
33016 Adds the selected lines' style or the default style to the style list\nAdd Line Style\nthe current style is ambiguous
33017 Adds the selected text style or the default style to the style list\nAdd Text Style\nthe current style is ambiguous
33018 Edits the style lists\nEdit Styles
33019 Edits the shape style list\nEdit Shape Styles
33020 Edits the line style list\nEdit Line Styles
33021 Edits the text style list\nEdit Text Styles
33022 Applies a text style\nText Style
33023 Copies the formatting of the selection to a specified location\nFormat Painter\nthere are no objects selected
33024 Copies the index text to the clipboard
33025 Copies the index text to a file
33026 Prints the index
33027 Changes the index view to display charts only
33028 Changes the index view to display charts and shapes
33029 Jumps to the selected chart or shape
33030 Enters text editing mode\nEdit Text
33031 Hides the rulers\nHide Rulers
57344 Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 6.0
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57347 %1 in %2
57348 %1 in %2
57350 %1 - %2
57600 Creates a new chart based on DEFAULT.AFT\nNew
57601 Opens an existing chart or template\nOpen
57602 Closes all of the windows of the active chart\nClose\nthere is no active chart
57603 Saves the active chart or template\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Changes the page setup of the active chart\nPage Setup\nthere is no active chart
57606 Changes the printer and printing settings\nPrint Setup
57607 Prints the active chart\nPrint\nthere is no active chart
57608 Displays full pages as they will be printed\nPrint Preview\nthere is no active chart
57609 Update the container to show any changes
57611 Sends the active chart through electronic mail\nSend
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Removes the selection without putting it on the Clipboard\nClear\nthere is nothing selected
57633 Erase everything
57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopy\nthere is nothing selected
57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCut\nthere is nothing selected
57636 Finds the specified text\nFind
57637 Inserts Clipboard contents into the active chart\nPaste\nthere is nothing on the clipboard
57639 Inserts the Clipboard contents as a linked object, embedded object, or other format\nPaste Special\nthere is nothing on the clipboard
57640 Repeat the last action
57641 Finds the specified text and changes it\nReplace
57642 Selects the entire chart\nSelect All
57643 Reverses the last action\nUndo\nthere is nothing to undo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo\nthere is nothing to redo
57648 Opens another window for the active chart\nNew Window\nthere is no active chart
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade
57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles\nArrange All
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles
57653 Splits the active window into panes\nSplit\nthere is no active window
57664 Find out who created Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 6.0 and find information about other Micrografx products\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 List Help topics\nMicrografx ABC FlowCharter Help
57667 Display instructions about how to use help\nUsing Help
57668 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57669 Displays help\nHelp
57670 Current Shape
57680 Switch to the next window pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane
57856 Inserts a drawing, image, or other object\nInsert New Object
57857 Edits the OLE links in the active chart\nLinks
57872 Activate embedded or linked object
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Shows or hides the ABC FlowCharter toolbars\nToolbars
59393 Shows or hides the ABC FlowCharter status bar\nShow Status Bar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61204 Format Chart
61215 Activate this window
61216 &Close
61217 &Close All
61218 &Protect Chart...
61219 Un&protect Chart...
61220 <all types>
61221 MS Sans Serif
61222 This program is protected by US and international copyright laws as described in the About Box.
61223 Licensed to:\n
61224 Build 11
61225 Copyright⌐ 1990-1995\nMicrografx Inc.
61226 Format
61227 View
61228 Standard
61229 Arrange
61230 Data
61231 Window
61232 Help
61233 Toolbox
61234 Preset Styles
61235 Drawing
61236 All Files (*.*)|*.*||
61237 Clears the Link on the selected %s.
61238 Creates a new empty ABC FlowChart with this filename, and links the selected %s to the FlowChart.
61239 The accumulation of field data in the linked chart is shown with the selected %s.
61240 The selected objects are replaced by a single shape and moved to the other chart.
61241 Opens the ABC FlowChart with this filename, and links the selected %s to the FlowChart.
61242 Opens another program or file with this filename, and links the selected %s. Similar to the Run command off the Start menu on the Windows 95 Taskbar.
61243 objects
61244 object
61245 The selected objects are replaced by a single shape and moved to the other chart. The single shape created shows the accumulation of fields in the linked chart.
61246 Edit Link...
61247 Options
61248 Arial,10,Helvetica,10,Helv,10
61249 Link Summary
61250 &Go To
61251 &Close
61252 Are you sure you want to clear all data fields?
61253 #
61254 Selector
61255 Add Connect Point
61256 Delete Connect Point
61257 Toggle Grid On/Off
61258 Format Text - Selected Object(s)
61259 Format Text - Chart Default
61260 Import Shape
61261 DRW
61262 Export Chart
61263 You Must Enter Text For The Link With The 'Text Only' Option
61264 Format Text - Note
61265 Format Text - Editor
61266 Process;Process, box, rectangle;The process shape is commonly used to document a step in a procedure.
61268 This is an example of the selected style(s).
61269 None
61270 Solid
61271 Automatic
61272 More Colors...
61273 Preview
61275 This command is not available because %s.
61276 This command is not available.
61277 Text not found.
61278 %d replacement was made.
61279 %d replacements were made.
61280 Chart
61281 Data Fields
61282 Notes
61283 ABC FlowCharter has finished searching the document.
61284 left
61285 center
61286 right
61288 below
61289 custom
61290 All
61291 Format Shape - Selected Object(s)
61292 Text not found in shapes or lines.
61293 Text not found in data fields.
61294 Text not found in notes.
61295 hidden
61296 Direct
61297 Right Angle
61298 Curved
61299 OrgChart
61300 Cause and Effect
61301 Page Setup
61302 All connect points are selected and are about to be deleted.\nA line cannot attach to a shape unless it has at least one connect point.\nDo you want to delete all connect points?
61303 All edits to connect points will be lost. Do you want to proceed and let ABC FlowCharter automatically generate new connect points?
61304 Format Shape - Chart Default
61305 Format Shape - Style
61306 Format Text - Style
61307 Format Line - Selected Object(s)
61308 Format Line - Chart Default
61309 Format Line - Style
61310 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
61311 Redo (&u) %s Ctrl+Z
61312 Move
61313 Rotate/Flip
61314 Resize
61315 Fit to Text
61316 Align Shapes
61317 Make Same Size
61318 Even Spacing
61319 Style Text
61320 Style Line
61321 Style Shape
61322 Style
61323 Text Edit
61324 Draw Shape
61325 Draw Line
61326 Add Text
61327 Clear
61328 Replace Shape
61329 Replace Text
61330 Spell Check
61331 Renumber
61332 Paste
61333 Cut
61334 Insert SPC Chart
61335 Insert Object
61336 Add Guideline
61337 Move Guideline
61338 Data Field Changes
61339 Bring To Front
61340 Send To Back
61341 Change
61342 Duplicate
61343 Drop
61344 Drop Shape
61345 Drag and Drop
61346 Edit Line
61347 %1%
61348 Zoom Value Must Be Between 25% and 400%.
61349 Please Select A Date Style
61350 Open Logo
61351 Shape Properties
61352 All Shapes
61353 This Point Forward
61354 Selected Shapes
61355 Quick Zoom
61357 in
61358 cm
61359 There may be a problem with the file this item is linked to. Press the File Link... button for more information.\n
61360 The name you have selected is already in use. Please enter another.