home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 2001 Automatic
- 2002 Custom...
- 2003 None
- 2004 Solid
- 2005 1
- 2016 MS Sans Serif
- 2017 12
- 2018 mmmm yyyy
- 2400 General
- 2401 General
- 2402 End
- 2416 Number
- 2417 N0
- 2418 N0.00
- 2419 N#,##0
- 2420 N#,##0.00
- 2421 N#,##0;(#,##0)
- 2422 N#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
- 2423 N#,##0;[Red](#,##0)
- 2424 N#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)
- 2425 End
- 2432 Currency
- 2433 SystemCurrencyFormats
- 2434 End
- 2448 Date
- 2449 ShortSystemDateFormat
- 2450 LongSystemDateFormat
- 2451 Dd-mmm-yy
- 2452 Dd-mmm
- 2453 Dmmm-yy
- 2454 End
- 2464 Time
- 2465 SystemTimeFormat
- 2466 SystemTimeWithSecondsFormat
- 2467 Thh:mm AM/PM
- 2468 Thh:mm:ss AM/PM
- 2469 Thh:mm
- 2470 Thh:mm:ss
- 2471 Tmm:ss
- 2472 T[h]:mm:ss
- 2473 SystemDateTimeFormat
- 2474 End
- 2480 Percentage
- 2481 N0%
- 2482 N0.0%
- 2483 N0.00%
- 2484 End
- 2496 Fraction
- 2497 N# ?/?
- 2498 N# ?/??
- 2499 End
- 2512 Scientific
- 2513 N0.00E+00
- 2514 N##0.0E+0
- 2515 End
- 2528 Text
- 2529 @
- 2530 End
- 3104 Valid range is from %s to %s
- 3105 Invalid Value
- 3106 Invalid format code '%s' (%d).
- 3107 Maximum must be greater than minimum.
- 3120 twips|t
- 3121 point|pt|p
- 3122 inch|in|i|"
- 3123 mm|m
- 3124 cm|c
- 3125 deg|d
- 3126 rad|r
- 3127 gr|g
- 3136 twips
- 3137 pt
- 3138 "
- 3139 mm
- 3140 cm
- 3141 d
- 3142 r
- 3143 g
- 3184 General
- 3185 AM
- 3186 PM
- 3187 A
- 3188 P
- 3189 am
- 3190 pm
- 3191 a
- 3192 p
- 3193 E
- 3194 e
- 3195 [Red]
- 3200 January
- 3201 February
- 3202 March
- 3203 April
- 3204 May
- 3205 June
- 3206 July
- 3207 August
- 3208 September
- 3209 October
- 3210 November
- 3211 December
- 3212 Jan
- 3213 Feb
- 3214 Mar
- 3215 Apr
- 3216 May
- 3217 Jun
- 3218 Jul
- 3219 Aug
- 3220 Sep
- 3221 Oct
- 3222 Nov
- 3223 Dec
- 3224 Sunday
- 3225 Monday
- 3226 Tuesday
- 3227 Wednesday
- 3228 Thursday
- 3229 Friday
- 3230 Saturday
- 3231 Sun
- 3232 Mon
- 3233 Tue
- 3234 Wed
- 3235 Thur
- 3236 Fri
- 3237 Sat
- 3238 Sunday
- 3239 Monday
- 3240 Tuesday
- 3241 Wednesday
- 3242 Thursday
- 3243 Friday
- 3244 Saturday
- 3245 Sun
- 3246 Mon
- 3247 Tue
- 3248 Wed
- 3249 Thur
- 3250 Fri
- 3251 Sat
- 3252 Su
- 3253 Mo
- 3254 Tu
- 3255 We
- 3256 Th
- 3257 Fr
- 3258 Sa
- 3264 mmmm
- 3265 mmm
- 3266 mm
- 3267 m
- 3268 dddd
- 3269 ddd
- 3270 dd
- 3271 d
- 3272 WW
- 3273 W
- 3274 yyyy
- 3275 yy
- 3280 hh
- 3281 h
- 3282 mm
- 3283 m
- 3284 ss
- 3285 s
- 3286 AM/PM
- 3287 A/P
- 3288 am/pm
- 3289 a/p
- 3298 Black
- 3299 Blue
- 3300 Cyan
- 3301 Green
- 3302 Magenta
- 3303 Red
- 3304 White
- 3305 Yellow
- 3306 Color
- 3312 Arial
- 5008 Bar (Column)
- 5009 Bar/Pictograph
- 5010 Line (Tape)
- 5011 Line
- 5012 Area
- 5013 Area
- 5014 Step
- 5015 Step
- 5016 Combination
- 5017 Combination
- 5018 Horizontal Bar
- 5019 Horizontal Bar
- 5020 Pie
- 5021 Pie
- 5022 Doughnut
- 5023 X Y (Scatter)
- 5024 Polar
- 5025 Radar
- 5026 Bubble
- 5027 Clustered Bar
- 5028 Hi Lo
- 5029 Gantt
- 5030 Gantt
- 5031 Contour
- 5032 Surface
- 5033 Scatter
- 5034 XYZ
- 5040 Bar
- 5041 Bar
- 5042 Horizontal Bar
- 5043 Line (Tape)
- 5044 Line
- 5045 Area
- 5046 Area
- 5047 Step
- 5048 Step
- 5049 X Y (Scatter)
- 5050 Polar
- 5051 Line (Radar)
- 5052 Area (Radar)
- 5053 Bubble
- 5054 Pie
- 5055 Pie
- 5056 Doughnut
- 5057 Horizontal Bar
- 5058 Bar
- 5059 Hi Lo
- 5060 Hi Lo Cl (across)
- 5061 Hi Lo Cl (right)
- 5062 Op Hi Lo Cl
- 5063 Op Hi Lo Cl Bar
- 5064 Gantt Bar
- 5065 Gantt Bar
- 5066 Dates
- 5067 Contour
- 5068 Surface
- 5069 Hi Lo Bar
- 5070 Hi Lo Bar
- 5071 Hi Lo Horizontal Bar
- 5072 Hi Lo Horizontal Bar
- 5073 Hi Lo Bar
- 5074 XYZ
- 5075 Created by VisualTools, Inc. First Impression v2.00.00
- 5472 All Series
- 5473 <Stack>
- 5474 X Axis
- 5475 Y Axis
- 5476 Secondary Y Axis
- 5477 Z Axis
- 5478 Select Axis
- 5479 Select Data Series
- 5480 Select Data Point
- 5481 Series Defaults
- 5482 Chart Title
- 5483 Footnote
- 5484 Series%d
- 5485 Datapoint%d
- 5486 Category (%s) Axis
- 5487 Value (%s) Axis
- 5488 Date (%s) Axis
- 5489 Angle Axis
- 5490 Radar Axis
- 5491 X
- 5492 Y
- 5493 2nd Y
- 5494 Z
- 6001 Pictures (*.bmp;*.wmf) | *.bmp;*.wmf | Windows Bitmaps (*.bmp) | *.bmp | Windows Metafiles (*.wmf) | *.wmf | All files (*.*) | *.* ||
- 6002 <from clipboard>
- 6003 Invalid picture format.
- 6004 Not Enough Data
- 6005 <embedded>
- 6006 *.vtc
- 6007 vtc
- 6008 bmp
- 6009 wmf
- 6010 Chart Files (*.vtc) | *.vtc | All Files (*.*) | *.* ||
- 6011 chart.vtc
- 6012 Chart save error:
- 6013 Invalid chart file. Error:
- 6014 Chart File (*.vtc)| *.vtc |Windows Metafile (*.wmf)| *.wmf|Bitmap (*.bmp)| *.bmp ||
- 6015 Load Chart
- 6016 Unable to open file.
- 8000 Backdrop
- 8001 Font
- 8002 Text
- 8003 Location
- 8004 Format Code
- 8005 Markers
- 8006 Options
- 8007 Fill
- 8008 Line
- 8009 Statistics
- 8010 Guidelines
- 8011 Options
- 8012 Options
- 8013 Scale
- 8014 Grid
- 8015 Ticks
- 8017 Backdrop
- 8018 Text
- 8019 Font
- 8020 Value Format
- 8021 Percent Format
- 8022 Type
- 8023 Options
- 8024 Order
- 8025 Location
- 8026 3D View
- 8027 Base and Walls
- 8028 3D Lighting
- 8029 Options
- 8030 Print
- 8031 Page Setup
- 8032 Print Setup
- 8033 Options
- 8034 Options
- 8035 Elevation
- 8036 Contouring
- 8080 Format Chart
- 8081 Format Plot
- 8082 Format Legend
- 8083 Format Title
- 8084 Format Footnote
- 8085 Format Series
- 8086 Format Data Point
- 8087 Format Axis
- 8088 Format Axis Title
- 8089 Format Axis Label
- 8090 Format Series Label
- 8095 Format Data Point Label
- 8096 m/d
- 8097 mmm
- 8098 yyyy
- 8099 0.0%
- 8100 %g
- 8101 Over %g
- 8102 From
- 8103 To
- 40001 Format series label.
- 40003 Format chart backdrop.
- 40004 Format chart plot.
- 40005 Format chart legend.
- 40006 Format chart title.
- 40007 Format chart footnote.
- 40008 Format series.
- 40009 Format axis scale, grid, ticks, options.
- 40010 Format axis title.
- 40011 Format data points.
- 40012 Format data point labels.
- 40013 Print chart.
- 40015 Format axis scale labels.
- 40016 Load chart from file.
- 57604 Save chart to file.
- 57634 Copy the chart to the clipboard as a picture.
- 57637 Paste picture from clipboard.
- 57638 vtch.hlp
- 61440 Open
- 61441 Save As
- 61442 All Files (*.*)
- 61443 Untitled
- 61588 Linked %s
- 61589 Unknown Type
- 61696 Invalid filename.
- 61697 Failed to open document.
- 61698 Failed to save document.
- 61699 Save changes to %1?
- 61700 Failed to create empty document.
- 61701 The file is too large to open.
- 61702 Could not start print job.
- 61703 Failed to launch help.
- 61704 Internal application error.
- 61705 Command failed.
- 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
- 61712 Please enter an integer.
- 61713 Please enter a number.
- 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
- 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
- 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
- 61717 Please select a button.
- 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
- 61719 Please enter a positive integer.
- 61728 Unexpected file format.
- 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
- 61730 Destination disk drive is full.
- 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
- 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
- 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
- 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
- 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open.
- 61836 Unable to read write-only property.
- 61837 Unable to write read-only property.
- 61840 Unable to load mail system support.
- 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
- 61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
- 61984 OK\n50
- 61985 Cancel\n50
- 61986 &Apply\n50
- 61987 &Help\n50
- 61988 Close