PC World Komputer 1995 November
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208 lines
# Copyright (c) 1994 by FirstPerson, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# @(#)strings.rsrc 1.24 95/04/05 July 1994
# Arthur van Hoff, July 1994
# This file contains strings used by the Java compiler
# System errors
Internal error.
# Scanner errors
Comment not terminated at end of input.
String not terminated at end of input.
String not terminated at end of line.
Invalid character constant.
Unbalanced bracket.
Invalid escape character.
Invalid character in input.
Invalid floating point format.
# Parser errors
'%s' expected.
Statement expected.
Type expected.
Identifier expected.
'class' or 'interface' keyword expected.
Class or interface definition expected.
Missing term.
'else' without 'if'.
'catch' without 'try'.
'finally' without 'try'.
'case' outside switch statement.
'default' outside switch statement.
Array index required.
[] can only be applied to arrays. It can't be applied to %s.
Can't specify array dimension in a declaration.
Can't specify array dimension in a type expression.
Array constants can only be used in initializers.
Invalid initializer for type %s.
Invalid left hand side of assignment.
Invalid arguments to %s.
Invalid cast from %s to %s.
Invalid type expression.
Attempt to reference variable %s in a %s.
No variable %s defined in %s.
Variable %s in %s not accessible from %s.
Can't make a static reference to non static variable %s in %s.
Reference to %s is ambiguous. It is defined in %s and %s.
Attempt to reference method %s in %s as an instance variable.
Can't assign values to final variables: %s
Undefined variable: %s
Variable %s may not have been initialized.
Can't reference %s before the super class constructor has been called.
Ambiguous class: %s and %s
Invalid argument to %s.
Invalid argument type %s for %s.
'length' applied to %s, which is not an array.
Only constructors can invoke constructors.
Constructor invocation must be the first thing in a method.
Can't invoke a method on a %s.
Method %s not found in %s.
Method %s in %s is not accessible from %s.
Can't make static reference to method %s in %s.
Reference to variable %s in %s as if it was a method.
Invalid array dimension.
No such constructor for %s.
Constructor is ambiguous: %s, %s
Incompatible type for %s. Explicit cast needed to convert %s to %s.
Incompatible type for %s. Can't convert %s to %s.
invalid term.
%s is an abstract class. It does not define %s from %s.
%s is an interface. It can't be instantiated.
Can't directly invoke abstract method %s in %s.
No method matching %s found in %s.
No constructor matching %s found in %s.
Can't make forward reference to %s in %s.
Array dimension missing.
No label definition found for %s.
'break' must be in loop or switch.
'continue' must be in loop.
Invalid declaration.
'return' with value from %s.
'return' without value from %s.
Invalid label.
Return required at end of %s.
Duplicate case label: %s
Constant expression required.
Duplicate 'default' label.
'%s' not supported.
'return' with value from constructor: %s
Only one package declaration allowed.
Class %s already defined in %s.
Final methods can't be overriden. Method %s is final in %s.
Method redefined with different return type: %s was %s
Static methods can't be overridden. Method %s is static in %s.
Methods can't be overridden to be more private. Method %s is public in %s.
Methods can't be overridden to be more private. Method %s is protected in %s.
Methods can't be overridden to be more private. Method %s is not private in %s.
Interfaces can't have constructors.
Constructors can't be native, abstract, static, synchronized or final: %s
Interfaces can't have static initializers.
Interface methods can't be static, synchronized, native or final: %s
Method %s can't be transient. Only variables can be transient.
Method %s can't be threadsafe. Only variables can be threadsafe. Methods can be synchronized.
Static methods can't be abstract: %s
Abstract and native methods can't have a body: %s
Variables can't be synchronized, abstract or native: %s
Transient variables can't be final or static: %s
Final variables must be initialized: %s
Duplicate method declaration: %s
Methods can't be redefined with a different return type: %s was %s
Duplicate variable declaration: %s was %s
Superclass of %s can't be an interface: %s
Can't access %s. Only public classes and interfaces in other packages can be accessed.
Repeated modifier.
Can't subclass final classes: %s
Can't subclass interfaces: %s
Cyclic class inheritance.
Cyclic interface inheritance.
%s must be an interface.
Interfaces can't be final: %s
Class %s not found in %s.
An interface can't implement anything, it can only extend other interfaces.
Multiple inheritance is not supported.
Interface %s repeated.
Invalid class file format: %s, %s
%s must have a default constructor.
Can't access the default constructor of %s.
Method %s requires a method body. Otherwise declare it as abstract.
Instance variables can't be void: %s
Invalid method declaration, return type required.
Super class %s of %s not found.
Interface %s of %s not found.
Final %s can't be abstract. It does not define %s from %s.
Abstract method %s can't override non-abstract method %s from %s.
Warning: Statement not reached.
Warning: Public %s should be defined in a file called "%s".
Warning: Possible loss of precision. Use an explicit cast to convert %s to %s.
Warning: Variable '%s' is already defined in this method.
Warning: Classes can't be private. Classes are always accessible within the current package.
Warning: 'const' is no longer supported, use 'final' instead.
Warning: Value computed but not used.
Warning: Recursive constructor invokation: %s.
Warning: file %s does not contain %s as expected, but %s. Please remove the file.