PC World Komputer 1995 November
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#Inventor V2.0 ascii
# Scene graph for a straight piece of track.
# See Track.h for standard track colors and sizes.
# Assumptions:
# LightMode = BASE_COLOR
# Tracks are 85 units wide
# Tracks are 100 units long
# Tracks have 8 lanes
# Lanes are 10 units apart
# 'UP' is Y
# Initial track direction is -Z
# Slots are dark and are 1 unit above the track
# Origin is at front-center of track, track will
# be scaled in Z to lengthen/shorten
Group {
Separator {
renderCulling ON
# Sign posts
LightModel { model PHONG }
Complexity { value 0 }
Material {
diffuseColor 0.3 0.0 0.9
specularColor 1.0 0.3 1.0
shininess 0.6
Translation { translation 55 20 -125 }
Cylinder { height 40 radius 1 }
Translation { translation -110 0 0 }
Cylinder { height 40 radius 1 }
# Track portion LOD (no gate)
distance [ 500, 800, 1200 ]
# Level 0 - Maximum detail
Separator {
renderCulling ON
Coordinate3 { point [
-32.5 0 0, 32.5 0 0, 32.5 0 -100, -32.5 0 -100,
-50.5 -1 0, -50.5 -1 -100, 50.5 -1 0, 50.5 -1 -100,
-36.5 -.5 0, -36.5 -.5 -100, 36.5 -.5 0, 36.5 -.5 -100,
] }
# The Track
BaseColor { rgb 0.6 0.6 0.6 }
FaceSet { numVertices 4 }
# the Curb stripes
BaseColor { rgb 1 1 1 }
IndexedFaceSet { coordIndex [ 8, 0, 3, 9, -1, 1, 10, 11, 2] }
# The Shoulders
BaseColor { rgb .3 .1 0 }
IndexedFaceSet { coordIndex [ 4, 8, 9, 5, -1, 10, 6, 7, 11 ] }
# The Slots
Coordinate3 { point [
-25 0.7 4.5, -25 0.7 -101,
-15 0.7 4.5, -15 0.7 -101,
-5 0.7 4.5, -5 0.7 -101,
5 0.7 4.5, 5 0.7 -101,
15 0.7 4.5, 15 0.7 -101,
25 0.7 4.5, 25 0.7 -101,
BaseColor { rgb 0 0 0 }
LineSet { numVertices [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] }
# Start/finish checkerboard stripe
BaseColor { rgb .01 .01 .01 }
Coordinate3 { point [
-20 1.3 -115, -10 1.3 -115, -10 1.3 -123, -20 1.3 -123,
0 1.3 -115, 10 1.3 -115, 10 1.3 -123, 0 1.3 -123,
20 1.3 -115, 30 1.3 -115, 30 1.3 -123, 20 1.3 -123,
-30 1.3 -123, -20 1.3 -123, -20 1.3 -130, -30 1.3 -130,
-10 1.3 -123, 0 1.3 -123, 0 1.3 -130, -10 1.3 -130,
10 1.3 -123, 20 1.3 -123, 20 1.3 -130, 10 1.3 -130,
FaceSet { numVertices [ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ] }
BaseColor { rgb 1 1 1 }
Coordinate3 { point [
-32.5 1.2 -114, 32.5 1.2 -114, 32.5 1.2 -131, -32.5 1.2 -131
FaceSet { numVertices 4 }
# Level 1 - Mid-range detail
Separator {
renderCulling ON
Coordinate3 { point [
-50.5 -1 0, -50.5 -1 -100, 50.5 -1 0, 50.5 -1 -100,
-36.5 0 0, 36.5 0 0, 36.5 0 -100, -36.5 0 -100, ]
# the Track (with no curb lines)
BaseColor { rgb 0.6 0.6 0.6 }
FaceSet { startIndex 4 numVertices 4 }
# the Shoulders
BaseColor { rgb .3 .1 0 }
IndexedFaceSet { coordIndex [ 0, 4, 7, 1, -1, 5, 2, 3, 6, -1 ] }
# the Slots
Coordinate3 { point [
-25 0.7 4.5, -25 0.7 -101,
-15 0.7 4.5, -15 0.7 -101,
-5 0.7 4.5, -5 0.7 -101,
5 0.7 4.5, 5 0.7 -101,
15 0.7 4.5, 15 0.7 -101,
25 0.7 4.5, 25 0.7 -101,
BaseColor { rgb 0.2 0.2 0.2 }
LineSet { numVertices [ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ] }
# Start/finish checkerboard stripe
BaseColor { rgb .5 .5 .5 }
Coordinate3 { point [
-32.5 1.2 -114, 32.5 1.2 -114, 32.5 1.2 -131, -32.5 1.2 -131 ]
FaceSet { numVertices 4 }
# Level 2 - Minimum-range detail
Separator {
renderCulling ON
Coordinate3 {
point [ -50.5 0 0, 50.5 0 0, 50.5 0 -100, -50.5 0 -100 ] }
BaseColor { rgb 0.45 0.45 0.42 }
FaceSet { numVertices 4 }
# Level 3 - Nothing at all
Info { }
} # end LODD
# Create LOD for the starting gate.
Separator {
renderCaching OFF
renderCulling OFF
Translation { translation 0 0 -125 }
Material { ambientColor 0 0 0 }
ShapeHints {
shapeType SOLID
faceType CONVEX
distance [ 800, 1000, 1200 ]
Separator { File { name "Gate.iv" } }
Separator { File { name "GateMedium.iv" } }
Separator { File { name "GateMini.iv" } }
Info { }