PC World Komputer 1995 November
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584 lines
// -*- C++ -*-
* Copyright (C) 1990-93 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
| $Revision: 1.4 $
| Classes : SoSceneViewer
| Author(s) : Thad Beier, Alain Dumesny, David Mott, Paul Isaacs
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
#ifndef _SCENE_VIEWER_
#define _SCENE_VIEWER_
#ifndef WIN32
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoNode.h>
#include <Inventor/SbPList.h>
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoPerspectiveCamera.h>
#include <Inventor/actions/SoGLRenderAction.h> // transparency levels
#include <Inventor/actions/SoCallbackAction.h>
#include <Inventor/Win/viewers/SoWinFullViewer.h>
// components
#ifdef WIN32
#define MyColorEditor SoWinColorEditor
// this can be changed below with setFirstLightMenuId
#define ID_SV_FIRST_LIGHT 16386
class MyColorEditor;
class SoWinMaterialEditor;
#ifdef NOTYET
class SoWinPrintDialog;
class SoWinTransformSliderSet;
class SoWinClipboard;
class SoWinDirectionalLightEditor;
// interaction
class SoBoxHighlightRenderAction;
class SoSelection;
class SoPickedPoint;
// nodes
class SoDirectionalLight;
class SoEnvironment;
class SoGroup;
class SoLabel;
class SoMaterial;
class SoSceneViewer;
class SoSwitch;
class SoLight;
class SoTransform;
// misc.
class SvManipList;
enum SvEViewer {
enum SvEManipMode {
SV_NONE, // None
SV_TRACKBALL, // Trackball manip
SV_HANDLEBOX, // Handlebox manip
SV_JACK, // Jack manip
SV_CENTERBALL, // Centerball manip
SV_XFBOX, // TransformBox manip
SV_TABBOX // TabBox manip
#ifdef WIN32
#define SvMenuAction(p,action) \
{ \
SoSceneViewerData data ; \
data.classPt = pSV ; \
data.id = action ; \
data.widget = NULL ; \
SoSceneViewer::processTopbarEvent( \
pSV, \
&data, \
) ; \
struct SoSceneViewerData {
int id;
SoSceneViewer *classPt;
Widget widget;
struct SoSceneViewerData;
struct SvLightData;
// Class: SoSceneViewer
// The SceneViewer component lets you select between different viewers
// (Examiner, Navigator,..) and lets you perform some simple attribute
// assignment, and some manipulation of data.
class SoSceneViewer : public SoWinComponent {
// Constructor:
// envFile is the environment file to use. This is where the camera,
// environment node, and lights are found.
// Passing NULL means use the default environment.
// Save will save all the children of root, not including root itself.
// Save Environment will save the lights and camera environment into envFile
Widget parent = NULL,
const char *name = NULL,
SbBool buildInsideParent = TRUE,
SoSelection *root = NULL,
const char *envFile = NULL);
#ifdef WIN32
Widget parent,
const char *name,
SbBool buildInsideParent,
SoSelection *root,
const char *envFile,
SbBool buildNow);
static void processTopbarEvent(Widget, SoSceneViewerData *,
XmAnyCallbackStruct *);
void realizeWidget() ;
#ifdef WIN32
SbBool realized ;
// This constructor takes a boolean whether to build the widget now.
// Subclasses can pass FALSE, then call SoSceneViewer::buildWidget()
// when they are ready for it to be built.
#ifndef WIN32
Widget parent,
const char *name,
SbBool buildInsideParent,
SoSelection *root,
const char *envFile,
SbBool buildNow);
void saveViewerSceneGraph(const char *fileName) ;
#ifdef WIN32
void setFileMode(int nMode) { fileMode = nMode ; } ;
void doFileIO(const char *filename);
SoWinFullViewer *getViewer(int n) {return viewerList[n];} ;
SoWinFullViewer *getCurrViewer() {return viewerList[whichViewer];} ;
SvEViewer getWhichViewer() { return whichViewer ; } ;
SoWinMaterialEditor *getMaterialEditor() {return materialEditor;} ;
SoWinColorEditor *getBackgroundColorEditor() {return backgroundColorEditor;} ;
SoWinColorEditor *getAmbientColorEditor() {return ambientColorEditor;} ;
SoWinColorEditor *getColorEditor() {return colorEditor;} ;
SoWinDirectionalLightEditor *getHeadlightEditor()
{return headlightEditor; } ;
SoSelection *getSelection() {return selection;} ;
SvLightData *getHeadlightData() {return headlightData;} ;
void editHeadlight() { editLight(headlightData,TRUE); } ;
SvEManipMode getCurrManip() {return curManip;};
SoSeparator *getSceneGraph() { return sceneGraph;};
SbBool setSceneGraph(SoNode *node) ;
void setMenuWidget(HMENU hMenu) { menuWidget = hMenu; } ;
void setLightMenuWidget(HMENU hMenu) { hLightMenu = hMenu; } ;
void setFirstLightMenuId(ULONG nId) {nFirstLightMenuId = nId; } ;
SbBool getAAFlag() { return antialiasingFlag;} ;
SbBool getFogFlag() { return fogFlag ; } ;
#ifdef NOTDEF
SbBool onCommand(UINT nId,int nCode) ;
SbBool onCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) ;
// Camera operation routines
void viewAll()
{ if (currentViewer != NULL) currentViewer->viewAll(); }
void viewSelection();
void saveHomePosition()
{ if (currentViewer != NULL) currentViewer->saveHomePosition(); }
void setCamera(SoCamera *cam) ;
// NOTE: because the camera may be changed dynamically (switch between ortho
// and perspective), the user shouldn't cache the camera.
SoCamera *getCamera()
{ return (currentViewer) ? currentViewer->getCamera() : NULL; }
// Before new data is sent to the viewer, the newData method should
// be called to disconnect all manipulators and highlights
void newData();
// Show/hide the pulldown menu bar (default shown)
void showMenu(SbBool onOrOff);
SbBool isMenuShown() { return showMenuFlag; }
// Show/hide the viewer component trims (default shown)
void setDecoration(SbBool onOrOff)
{ if (currentViewer != NULL) currentViewer->setDecoration(onOrOff); }
SbBool isDecoration()
{ return currentViewer != NULL ? currentViewer->isDecoration() : FALSE; }
// Show/hide headlight (default on) and get to the headlight node.
void setHeadlight(SbBool onOrOff)
{ if (currentViewer != NULL) currentViewer->setHeadlight(onOrOff); }
SbBool isHeadlight()
{ return currentViewer != NULL ? currentViewer->isHeadlight() : FALSE; }
SoDirectionalLight *getHeadlight()
{ return currentViewer != NULL ? currentViewer->getHeadlight() : NULL; }
// Sets/gets the current drawing style in the main view - The user
// can specify the INTERACTIVE draw style (draw style used when
// the scene changes) independently from the STILL style.
// (default VIEW_AS_IS for both STILL and INTERACTIVE)
void setDrawStyle(SoWinViewer::DrawType type,
SoWinViewer::DrawStyle style)
{ currentViewer->setDrawStyle(type, style); }
SoWinViewer::DrawStyle getDrawStyle(SoWinViewer::DrawType type)
{ return currentViewer->getDrawStyle(type); }
// Sets/gets the current buffering type in the main view
// (default BUFFER_INTERACTIVE on Indigo, BUFFER_DOUBLE otherwise)
void setBufferingType(SoWinViewer::BufferType type)
{ currentViewer->setBufferingType(type); }
SoWinViewer::BufferType getBufferingType()
{ return currentViewer->getBufferingType(); }
// Turn viewing on/off (Default to on) in the viewers.
void setViewing(SbBool onOrOff) { currentViewer->setViewing(onOrOff); }
SbBool isViewing() { return currentViewer->isViewing(); }
// Set/get the level of transparency type
void setTransparencyType(SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType type)
{ currentViewer->setTransparencyType(type); }
SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType getTransparencyType()
{ return currentViewer->getTransparencyType(); }
// returns the current render area widget
Widget getRenderAreaWidget() { return currentViewer->getRenderAreaWidget(); }
// set the EXPLORER user mode callback routine
void setUserModeEventCallback(SoWinRenderAreaEventCB *fcn);
#endif /* EXPLORER */
#ifdef WIN32
HMENU hLightMenu ;
ULONG nFirstLightMenuId ;
char *envFileName ;
// redefine these
virtual const char * getDefaultWidgetName() const;
virtual const char * getDefaultTitle() const;
virtual const char * getDefaultIconTitle() const;
// Support for menus in the popup planes
Widget popupWidget;
// Stuff to do after the component has been realized (shown)
virtual void afterRealizeHook();
// Scene graph data
SoSelection *selection; // the same user supplied graph
SoSeparator *sceneGraph; // user supplied scene graph
// Lights, camera, environment!
SoGroup *lightsCameraEnvironment;
SoLabel *envLabel;
SoEnvironment *environment;
SoGroup *lightGroup;
SoCamera *pCamera ;
void createLightsCameraEnvironment();
// Selection highlight
SoBoxHighlightRenderAction *highlightRA;
// Widgets and menus
Widget mgrWidget; // our topmost form widget
Widget menuWidget; // topbar menu widget
SbBool showMenuFlag;
#ifndef WIN32
SoSceneViewerData *menuItems; // list of menu items data
Widget buildWidget(Widget parent);
void buildAndLayoutMenu(Widget parent);
void buildAndLayoutViewer(SoWinFullViewer *vwr);
// callback for all menu buttons to perform action
#ifndef WIN32
static void processTopbarEvent(Widget, SoSceneViewerData *,
XmAnyCallbackStruct *);
// callback when a menu is displayed
static void menuDisplay(Widget, SoSceneViewerData *, XtPointer);
// this is called after objects are added/deleted or the selection changes
void updateCommandAvailability();
// File
// file reading methods
int fileMode;
char *fileName;
SbBool useShowcaseBrowser;
void getFileName();
#ifndef WIN32
void doFileIO(const char *filename);
SbBool readFile(const char *filename);
SbBool writeFile(const char *filename);
SbBool readEnvFile(const char *filename);
SbBool writeEnvFile(const char *filename);
void deleteScene();
void save();
// cameras
void removeCameras(SoGroup *root);
// Returns the last scene kit camera in a scene.
SoCamera *getLastSceneKitCamera(SoGroup *root);
// Copies our camera into the last scene kit camera in a scene.
void setLastSceneKitCamera(SoGroup *root, SoCamera *theCam);
// Switches off/ restores camera num settings of scenekits.
void switchOffSceneKitCameras(SoGroup *root);
void restoreSceneKitCameras(SoGroup *root);
// Copies from given camera into this viewer's camera, if types match.
void setCameraFields( SoCamera *fromCam );
SbDict *sceneKitCamNumDict;
// motif vars for file reading/writting
#ifndef WIN32
Widget fileDialog;
static void fileDialogCB(Widget, SoSceneViewer *,
XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *);
// printing vars
#ifdef NOTYET
SoWinPrintDialog *printDialog;
void print();
static void beforePrintCallback(void *uData, SoWinPrintDialog *);
static void afterPrintCallback(void *uData, SoWinPrintDialog *);
SbBool feedbackShown;
void showAboutDialog();
// Edit
// Select parent, if there is one; select everything.
void pickParent();
void pickAll();
// for copy and paste
SoWinClipboard *clipboard; // copy/paste 3d data
void destroySelectedObjects();
// Paste callback - invoked when paste data transfer is complete
void pasteDone(SoPathList *pathList);
static void pasteDoneCB(void *userData, SoPathList *pathList);
// Viewing
SoWinFullViewer *viewerList[4]; // list of viewers
SvEViewer whichViewer; // current viewer ID
SoWinFullViewer *currentViewer; // current viewer pt
void switchToViewer(SvEViewer newViewer);
// Environment: fog, antialiasing
SbBool fogFlag; // Fog on/off
void setFog(SbBool onOrOff); // Turns fog on/off
SbBool antialiasingFlag; // AA-ing on/off
void setAntialiasing(SbBool onOrOff); // Turns AA-ing on/off
// Background color
MyColorEditor *backgroundColorEditor;
const SbColor & getBackgroundColor() { return currentViewer->getBackgroundColor(); }
void editBackgroundColor(); // Invokes color editor on bkg
static void backgroundColorCallback(void *userData,
const SbColor *color);
// Editors
SbBool ignoreCallback;
SoMaterial *findMaterialForAttach( const SoPath *target );
SoPath *findTransformForAttach( const SoPath * target );
// callback used by Accum state action created by findMaterialForAttach
#ifdef WIN32
static int findMtlPreTailCB(void *data,
SoCallbackAction *accum,
const SoNode *);
static SoCallbackAction::Response findMtlPreTailCB(void *data,
SoCallbackAction *accum,
const SoNode *);
// transform slider set
#ifdef NOTYET
SoWinTransformSliderSet *transformSliderSet;
void createTransformSliderSet();
// Material editor
SoWinMaterialEditor *materialEditor;
void createMaterialEditor();
// Color editor
MyColorEditor *colorEditor;
void createColorEditor();
// Manips
SvEManipMode curManip;
SbBool curManipReplaces;
SvManipList *maniplist; // list of selection/manip/xfPath triplets.
// replaces manips with the given type for all selected objects.
void replaceAllManips( SvEManipMode manipType );
// attaches a manipulator
void attachManip( SvEManipMode manipType, SoPath *p );
void attachManipToAll( SvEManipMode manipType );
// detaches a manipulator
void detachManip( SoPath *p );
void detachManipFromAll();
// Temporarily remove manips for writing, printing, copying, etc.
// and restore later
void removeManips();
void restoreManips();
// Callback to adjust size of scale tabs. Used only for SoTabBoxManip
// Added to viewer as a finishCallback.
static void SoSceneViewer::adjustScaleTabSizeCB( void *, SoWinViewer *);
// Lighting
SbPList lightDataList;
SoWinDirectionalLightEditor *headlightEditor;
SvLightData *headlightData;
void addLight(SoLight *light);
SvLightData *addLightEntry(SoLight *light, SoSwitch *lightSwitch);
void addLightMenuEntry(SvLightData *);
void turnLightOnOff(SvLightData *data, SbBool flag);
static void lightToggleCB(Widget, SvLightData *, void *);
void editLight(SvLightData *data, SbBool flag);
static void editLightToggleCB(Widget, SvLightData *, void *);
static void editLightColorCB(Widget, SvLightData *, void *);
void removeLight(SvLightData *);
static void removeLightCB(Widget, SvLightData *, void *);
static void lightSubmenuDisplay(Widget, SvLightData *, void *);
void transferDirectionalLightLocation( SvLightData *data );
#ifdef WIN32
static void headlightEditorCloseCB(void *userData, SoWinComponent *comp) ;
static void lightColorEditorCloseCB(void *userData, SoWinComponent *comp) ;
// vars to make the light manips all the same size
void calculateLightManipSize();
float lightManipSize;
SbBool calculatedLightManipSize;
// temporary remove/add the light manip geometry of the attached manips
// (used for file writting and printing)
void removeAttachedLightManipGeometry();
void addAttachedLightManipGeometry();
// Ambient lighting color
MyColorEditor *ambientColorEditor;
void editAmbientColor(); // Invokes color editor on amb
static void ambientColorCallback(void *userData,
const SbColor *color);
// Selection
// manages changes in the selection.
static void deselectionCallback(void *userData, SoPath *obj);
static void selectionCallback(void *userData, SoPath *obj);
static SoPath * pickFilterCB(void *userData, const SoPickedPoint *pick);
// Convenience routines
static SbBool isAffectedByTransform( SoNode *node );
static SbBool isAffectedByMaterial( SoNode *node );
// user pick function
SoWinRenderAreaEventCB *userModeCB;
void *userModedata;
SbBool userModeFlag;
#endif /* EXPLORER */
void constructorCommon(SoSelection *root, const char *envFile, SbBool buildNow);
#endif /* _SCENE_VIEWER_ */