PC World Komputer 1995 November
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SoftQuad HoTMetaL for Microsoft Windows
Standard identification
SoftQuad HoTMetaL is an SGML Application Conforming to International
Standard ISO 8879 - Standard Generalized Markup Language.
Published by
SoftQuad Inc.
56 Aberfoyle Crescent
Suite 810
Toronto, Canada M8X 2W4
Telephone: (416) 239-4801
Fax: (416) 239-7105
Internet: hotmetal@sq.com
WWW: http://www.sq.com
Document version
SoftQuad HoTMetaL for Microsoft Windows
Second Edition (February 1995)
SoftQuad Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with respect to
the completeness or accuracy of this book. SoftQuad may make
improvements and/or changes to the product(s) and/or programs
described in this book at any time and without notice.
Copyrights and trademarks
(c) 1995 SoftQuad Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means--electronic,
mechanical, recording, or otherwise--without the prior written
consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in connection
with reviews written specifically for inclusion in a magazine
or newspaper.
SoftQuad HoTMetaL and SoftQuad HoTMetaL PRO are trademarks
of SoftQuad Inc.
NCSA Mosaic is a trademark of the University of Illinois.
Enhanced NCSA Mosaic is a trademark of Spyglass, Inc.
Netscape is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corp.
Microsoft Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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1. About this manual
1.1. Your suggestions
2. A guide for the perplexed
2.1. Purpose: editors and browsers
2.2. An overview of the menus
2.3. How to run HoTMetaL
2.4. Associating HoTMetaL with HTML files
2.5. Setting the HoTMetaL directory
2.6. Creating and editing files
2.6.1. Creating a new file
2.6.2. Editing an existing HTML file
2.7. Configuring HoTMetaL
2.7.1. Configuration files
2.7.2. Configuration variables read on start-up!
2.7.3. Setting parameters in the configuration files Basic format for setting variables
2.8. Launching browsers and viewers
2.9. Text and markup
2.10. Templates
2.11. A tutorial on creating documents with HoTMetaL
2.11.1. Getting started: a basic document
2.11.2. Character formatting: Adding emphasis to inline text
2.11.3. Formatting blocks of text
2.11.4. Lists Ordered (numbered) lists Unordered lists
2.11.5. Links and URLs Anchors Links within the same document Images
2.11.6. Forms Actions Creating a text box Entering several lines of text Presenting a list of choices Check boxes Radio buttons Reset Submitting the form
2.12. HTML quick reference
2.12.1. Overview
2.12.2. Block formatting
2.12.3. Character formatting Line breaks Horizontal lines
2.12.4. List elements
2.12.5. Link elements Links within the same document `Hot images' Images with hot spots
2.12.6. Forms
2.12.7. Other elements
2.12.8. Obsolete elements
2.12.9. Proposed elements
2.13. If you see something you like...
2.14. For further information...
2.15. The structure of HTML documents
2.15.1. Rules files
2.16. Commands for inserting markup
2.17. Screen formatting
2.17.1. Styles
2.17.2. Displaying images
2.17.3. Previewing the document
2.17.4. Displaying icons
2.17.5. Displaying a document outline
2.17.6. Newlines
2.18. Attributes
2.18.1. Viewing attribute values
2.18.2. Editing attributes
2.19. Netscape support
3. The File menu
3.1. New
3.2. Open...
3.2.1. Error checking
3.3. Open Template...
3.3.1. Opening a template
3.3.2. Creating your own templates Templates directory Creating templates Installing a template
3.4. Save
3.4.1. Save options
3.5. Save As...
3.6. Close File
3.7. Preview
3.8. Publish...
3.8.1. Finding and Replacing URLs
3.9. Exit
4. The Edit menu
4.1. Undo
4.1.1. Undo limit
4.2. Redo
4.3. Cut
4.4. Copy
4.5. Paste
4.6. Find and Replace...
4.6.1. Specifying the search and replace strings
4.6.2. Command buttons Find Replace Replace then Find Replace All
4.6.3. Specifying search patterns
4.6.4. Elements and character entities as search patterns Searching for text within an element
4.6.5. Error messages
4.6.6. Other search options Whole Words Case Sensitive Backwards Search Wrap Find Patterns
4.6.7. Find In
4.7. Find Next
5. The View menu
5.1. Numerical values
5.1.1. Examples
5.1.2. Relative and percentage settings
5.2. Show/Hide Tags
5.3. Show/Hide Link and Context View
5.4. Show/Hide Structure View
5.4.1. Editing in the structure view
5.4.2. Expanding the view of elements
5.5. Show Image
5.6. Show/Hide Inline Images
5.7. Show/Hide URLs
5.8. Character...
5.8.1. Setting an element's formatting
5.8.2. Setting the default formatting
5.8.3. Font Family Adopt Current
5.8.4. Font Size
5.8.5. Font Style Bold, Italic Superscript, Subscript Toggle Adopt Current Underline
5.8.6. Line Height
5.8.7. Justification
5.8.8. Fill Saving filled elements
5.8.9. Format Types Block Inline
5.9. Separation...
5.9.1. Top and bottom space
5.9.2. Tabbed elements
6. The Markup menu
6.1. Interpret Document
6.2. Insert Element...
6.2.1. The list of elements
6.2.2. Inserting an element
6.2.3. Restrictions
6.2.4. Required elements
6.3. Surround...
6.4. Change...
6.5. Edit SGML Attributes...
6.6. Insert Character Entity...
6.6.1. Inserting a character entity
6.6.2. Displaying character entities
6.7. Turn Rules Checking On/Off
7. The Help menu
7.1. About HoTMetaL...
7.2. SoftQuad Home Page
8. The Window menu
8.1. Next
8.2. Previous
8.3. Cascade
8.4. Tile
8.5. Tile Vertically
8.6. Arrange Icons
8.7. Filenames in the Windows menu
9. The configuration mechanism
9.1. Configuring HoTMetaL
9.1.1. Configuration files
9.1.2. Configuration variables read on start-up!
9.1.3. A suggestion: base and personal configuration files Base file Personal file
9.1.4. Setting parameters in the configuration files Basic format for setting variables Referencing one variable from another Appending and prepending to a variable
9.2. Control variables
9.2.1. Save options export_doc_type_dec export_sgml_dec export_add_line_breaks export_max_line_len export_convert_special_chars export_eol
9.2.2. Find options find_whole_words find_case_sensitive find_backward find_wrap find_patterns
9.2.3. Markup options include_required_elements prompt_for_attrs
9.2.4. Display variables default_font_name default_font_size tag_font_name tag_font_size
9.2.5. Other options html_browser publish_change_from publish_change_to show_inline_images undo_limit view_gif
9.3. Location variables
9.3.1. Paths and directories import_path export_path import_path save_path styles_path templates_path
9.3.2. Files rgb_txt
9.3.3. File extensions styles_ext
9.4. Tracing configuration variables
10. Appendix 1: Keyboard shortcuts
10.1. Shortcuts
10.2. Mnemonics
1. About this manual
This manual consists of:
1. A guide for the perplexed, an introduction and tutorial
for HoTMetaL and HTML.
2. A chapter on each of the menus.
3. A chapter on the configuration mechanism.
4. An appendix on keyboard shortcuts.
1.1. Your suggestions
SoftQuad welcomes your comments and suggestions on this documentation.
These will be carefully considered for future versions of the
HoTMetaL manual. You may contact us at the following address:
2. A guide for the perplexed
This chapter tells you how to start up HoTMetaL and gives the
basic information you need to get going with creating and editing
files. It contains the sections on the following topics:
- Purpose of HoTMetaL
- How to run HoTMetaL
- Creating and editing files
- Configuring HoTMetaL
- Text and markup
- Tutorial on HoTMetaL and creating web documents
- HTML quick reference
- Screen formatting in HoTMetaL
- Attributes
If you are new to HoTMetaL or HTML, you should certainly read
this chapter, as it will help you get acquainted with the product
and learn about the components and procedures you'll need to
get your work done.
2.1. Purpose: editors and browsers
HoTMetaL is an editor for creating files that can be read by
graphical browsers (such as Mosaic) that are connected to the
World Wide Web (WWW). The file format for such files is called
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The main difference between
an editor like HoTMetaL and browsers is that HoTMetaL is for
editing files and browsers are for retrieving, displaying, and
reading files. Any text editor can create an HTML file (but
we believe that HoTMetaL is a more convenient and pleasant way
of doing it!) Browsers take a file saved by HoTMetaL, consisting
of text and markup, and do things like screen formatting, generating
graphical forms, issuing mail messages, and so forth. It's important
to understand that the different kinds of programs do different
things. There are many browsers available, and they can process
the same HTML file in different ways--and these are outside
the control of HoTMetaL! What is in HoTMetaL's control is creating
correctly marked-up documents.
Note: The HTML format is actually a type of file format based
on the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). All HTML
files are SGML files (the converse is not true, however--there
are many other file formats described by SGML, so most SGML
files are not in HTML format.)
Some browsers have a command that lets you see what the HTML
form of the current document looks like; you can also save the
file in HTML format and view it with a text editor. HoTMetaL
provides an easy-to-use, graphical, structured editor for creating
files in this format.
2.2. An overview of the menus
This section provides a summary of the main features.
+ File menu: file manipulation, e.g., opening and closing
files; filtering input files.
+ Edit menu: cutting and pasting; finding and replacing strings
and patterns; spell checking.
+ View menu: screen formatting; displaying different views
of the document.
+ Markup menu: inserting and changing markup; editing URLs;
checking document conformance.
+ Help menu.
2.3. How to run HoTMetaL
The usual way to run HoTMetaL is by double-clicking on the icon
labeled `HoTMetaL' in the HoTMetaL Program Group.
The icon must have a command line, consisting of the name and
location of the executable file, followed by some command line
"options" associated with it. Normally you won't have to worry
about this because the installation program creates the command
line for you. If you need to change something, note the following:
+ You can check the command line associated with this icon
by using the Properties... command in the Program Manager File
+ You can also change the HoTMetaL command line by using
the Properties... command.
+ You can create a new program group using the New command
in the Windows File menu, then add HoTMetaL to that group (also
using the New command).
+ Alternatively, you could add HoTMetaL to an existing program
group. When adding HoTMetaL to a group, associate it with a
command line like
(Substitute the actual drive and directory for `c:\sqhm'.
+ An icon for the program item will be provided for you by
Two other ways you can launch HoTMetaL from within a Windows
session are:
+ Using the File Manager, move to the directory where you
installed HoTMetaL. Now double-click on the file sqhm.exe.
+ Use the Run... command in the Windows Program Manager with
an explicit command line such as:
2.4. Associating HoTMetaL with HTML files
If you want to associate HoTMetaL with your HTML files (thereby
allowing you to invoke HoTMetaL by clicking on that file in
the File Manager) do the following:
* Choose the Associate... command in the File Manager's File
* In the File with Extension text box, enter `htm'.
* In the Associate With text box, enter the command:
(Or click on Browse... and choose the program from a file chooser.)
* Click on the OK manual.
2.5. Setting the HoTMetaL directory
The directory where HoTMetaL is installed is referred to as
"the HoTMetaL directory" throughout this documentation.
If you are running a copy of the HoTMetaL executable file (sqhm.exe)
that is not in the installation directory, it will not be able
to find automatically the various auxiliary files and directories
that it needs to run. In this situation you must inform HoTMetaL
of the location of the HoTMetaL directory explicitly. There
are two ways to do this:
+ Set the DOS environment variable called SQDIR to name the
directory in which the software is installed. If the installation
directory is c:\sqhm, for example, SQDIR should be set (from
the DOS prompt) as follows:
set SQDIR=c:\sqhm
This setting could be added to your autoexec.bat file so that
it will be executed every time your machine is booted. In any
case, it must be done before you start up Windows.
+ Specify the HoTMetaL directory on the HoTMetaL command
* Click once on the HoTMetaL icon.
* Invoke the Properties... command in the Windows File menu.
* A dialog box will appear. In the Command line text box
in this dialog, add the -sqdir option followed by the name of
the HoTMetaL directory. For example:
d:\special\sqhm.exe -sqdir c:\sqhm
If you set the HoTMetaL directory using both methods, the value
that you specify on the command line will take precedence. If
you will be running more than one copy of HoTMetaL, and will
have a different HoTMetaL directory for each, you should specify
the directories on the command line.
2.6. Creating and editing files
This section gives the basic information needed to start editing
files with HoTMetaL.
2.6.1. Creating a new file
HoTMetaL comes up with a new, empty HTML document ready for
you to use. You can also create a new file as follows:
* Click on the New command in the File menu.
HoTMetaL brings up a new, empty file.
2.6.2. Editing an existing HTML file
If you already have an HTML file that you want to edit:
* Click on the Open... command in the File menu.
* In the dialog box that appears, choose the file that you
want to edit.
Once you've done this, HoTMetaL opens the file and you can begin
Some "legacy" HTML documents cannot be opened because they contain
bad markup. See the section on the Open... command for information
on strategies for dealing with this.
2.7. Configuring HoTMetaL
There are many aspects of HoTMetaL's behavior that you can configure
to your personal needs or those of your site. For example, you
can control default options in the Find and Replace dialog box,
set options for the Save command, and specify the locations
of various auxiliary files. You can run HoTMetaL without any
problems using the default configuration, but at some point
you may prefer to customize. This will be particularly true
if several people will be using HoTMetaL on the samePC.
Throughout this manual you will see references to features that
can be configured by setting a value for a particular configuration
variable. These are set by editing files called configuration
files, discussed below. The chapter The configuration mechanism
lists and describes all of the configuration variables used
by HoTMetaL.
2.7.1. Configuration files
The default configuration files read by HoTMetaL are the file
sqhm.ini located in the directory where HoTMetaL is installed
and the file sqhm.ini in the Microsoft Windows directory (usually
c:\windows). These files contain configuration parameters called
configuration variables. Variables set in the file in the Windows
directory take precedence.
You can specify that different files are read by the configuration
mechanism: see the chapter The configuration mechanism for details.
If a particular variable (parameter) has a setting in more
than one file, the value in the file that is read last will
take precedence. If a variable is defined more than once in
the same file, the value that appears last in that file will
take precedence over values that appear earlier in the file.
If a variable is not set in any configuration file, but is set
in the environment, then the setting from the environment is
used. If there is no setting in the configuration files or in
the environment, then the built-in default value (if there is
one) is used. If there is no default value, the variable is
In summary, the value of a configuration variable is taken
from the following sources, in the order given below:
1. The configuration files.
2. The environment.
3. The built-in default.
2.7.2. Configuration variables read on start-up!
Configuration files (and configuration variables in the environment)
are read by HoTMetaL on start-up, so the changes you make will
take effect the next time you run HoTMetaL--they will have no
effect on a currently-running HoTMetaL. If you need them to
take effect immediately, you will have to exit HoTMetaL and
restart it.
2.7.3. Setting parameters in the configuration files
You do not need to change any configuration variables unless
you wish to customize the HoTMetaL configuration.
A variable is just a name that is assigned some value. You can
change these variables by simply editing the configuration files,
as appropriate, and making the desired changes. Basic format for setting variables
Variables are assigned values by putting lines of the following
form in the configuration files:
variable = value
For example:
(undo_limit is a configuration variable that specifies the number
of successive commands that can be undone or reversed with HoTMetaL's
Undo command. The default built in to HoTMetaL is 10; to raise
this to 50, you would set the variable as in the example.)
You may put spaces or tabs on either side of the equal sign
for readability. Also, if you prefer, you may substitute a colon
(:) for the equal sign:
The effect is the same.
You should not have any "white space" (spaces or tabs) at the
end of the line.
You should take care to use legal values for all the configuration
variables. Otherwise, HoTMetaL may behave in unexpected ways.
Further information on setting configuration variables can be
found in the chapter The configuration mechanism.
2.8. Launching browsers and viewers
Some HoTMetaL functionality (previewing the file with a browser
and displaying graphics) relies on the existence of external
applications. A configuration file (the file sqhm.ini in the
Windows directory) tells HoTMetaL which programs to use to carry
out these functions. The configuration variable html_browser
in this configuration file specify the browser that will be
used to preview your HTML files; view_gif and view_bmp specify
the programs used to display GIF and BMP files.
You must decide which programs you want to use for these purposes
and then modify the values of the variables in the sqhm.ini
You do this by opening the file with a text editor and making
the desired changes.
For example, if you want to use mosaic as your HTML browser
you would put a line such as the following in sqhm.ini (this
example uses a typical location for the mosaic.exe file--you
must use the actual location on your PC):
The view_gif and view_bmp variables should specify a graphics
viewing program such as c:\windows\psp.exe (again, you must
use the actual location on your PC).
If you haven't already set these variables, you should do so
now, because the tutorial below makes extensive use of the previewing
2.9. Text and markup
Like most electronic documents, an HTML file consists of text
and markup. (Markup is special codes inside the file that indicate
how part of the file is to be processed: for example, a word-processor
file would contain markup indicating typographical features
such as the font and font size for various parts of the document.)
In an HTML file the markup consists primarily of elements. Elements
normally consist of a start-tag that is placed at the beginning
of a section of the text, and an end-tag that is placed at the
end of that section of text. In HoTMetaL, when you insert an
element in the document, you are actually positioning its start-
and end-tags. When you want words and phrases to be considered
as distinct elements, you surround them with tags.
For example, a title in an HTML file would look like this:
<title>This is a title!</title>
As you will see, when you are editing documents with HoTMetaL,
you don't have to deal with tags on this level: the start- and
end-tags are represented on the screen by icons, and HoTMetaL
will insert both tags for you when you select a portion of the
text to be surrounded by an element. (In fact, HoTMetaL doesn't
let you type tags literally--if you type the `<' character,
HoTMetaL will replace it by a `character entity' icon that looks
like this: lt.)
The same file may look different when displayed with different
browsers. When you are marking up a document in HTML format,
you mark up parts of the document according to their function
in the structure of the document. For example, there are different
elements for headings, lists, list items, paragraphs, titles,
and many other parts of a document's structure. One of the reasons
for using HTML (and SGML) is that the files can be readily re-processed
in a different format by other publishing, browsing, database,
etc., applications.
In addition to describing the structure of a document, some
elements also describe the links to other documents that can
be accessed from an HTML document.
Because HTML documents are structured documents, the elements
must be arranged according to specific rules: otherwise, the
document is considered invalid. When you are using HoTMetaL,
you don't have to keep track of these rules yourself--HoTMetaL
does it for you. One of HoTMetaL's most important features is
automatic rules checking, which ensures that you do not violate
the required structure as you are creating a document. As well,
when you open or save a document, HoTMetaL checks that the markup
is correct and complete.
Many HTML browsers have permitted a very loose, unstructured
document format. Therefore, if you are editing existing HTML
files, you may find that the structure that HoTMetaL imposes
on documents is somewhat constraining. If you need to, you can
relax these constraints using the Turn Rules Checking Off command
in HoTMetaL's Special menu. Because there is an emerging trend
toward browsers that require a stricter document structure,
we believe that you will find it to your advantage to create
all your new HTML documents with HoTMetaL's default rules in
force. It will also be worthwhile to modify existing documents
to conform to these rules.
The document-structuring rules built in to HoTMetaL are designed
to be flexible while at the same time maintaining a useful document
structure. If an existing `legacy' document (one that was not
created with HoTMetaL!) does not conform to these rules, HoTMetaL's
Open... command will give you the opportunity to pass the document
through a filter that will attempt to adjust the markup so that
the document can be opened. You also have the choice of opening
the document as a text document and editing it by hand. Once
the errors are fixed, you can use the Interpret Document command
to do the equivalent of Open... on the text file.
2.10. Templates
The following document templates are supplied with HoTMetaL,
in the folder Templates in the HoTMetaL folder. You can open
these with the Open... command in the File menu, or, more conveniently,
with the Open Template... command in the File menu (this command
opens the correct folder automatically).
+ custreg.htm - example of a form.
+ deflist.htm - example of a definition list.
+ img.htm, imgs.htm - documents with images.
+ HomePage.htm - a Home Page.
+ h1.htm, h2.htm, h3.htm - examples of the use of heading
+ lolist.htm, lulist.htm, solist.htm, sulist.htm - examples
of lists.
+ paras.htm - a simple document with a few paragraphs.
+ Readme.htm - a list of templates.
2.11. A tutorial on creating documents with HoTMetaL
If you're new to creating web (HTML) documents, you may want
to use this short tutorial.
The tutorial covers the following topics:
+ The basic document: titles, headers, and paragraphs.
+ Character formatting: formatting inline text
+ Block formatting
+ Lists: ordered and unordered lists
+ Links and URLs: anchors and images.
The tutorials don't cover each topic exhaustively, but give
you enough information for you to master a topic after obtaining
additional details from the HTML Quick Reference which you'll
find after the tutorial.
The first part of the tutorial may be used as a "quick start"
that shows you how to create a file with HoTMetaL. When you've
finished that section, you can continue with the other sections
or, if you feel comfortable using or experimenting with HTML
on your own, you can skip over the rest of the tutorial and
refer to the HTML Quick Reference section when you need to find
out something about HTML.
2.11.1. Getting started: a basic document
* Start up HoTMetaL.
* Choose Insert Element... in the Markup menu, or type Ctrl-I
at the keyboard.
You will see a dialog box containing a list of elements that
are valid at this point in the document. Elements are the "building
blocks" of your document. Since the document is empty right
now, any element is valid. However, we'll start by inserting
the top-level element, which should be highlighted.
You will probably find it convenient to pin this dialog on the
screen, by clicking on the button in the upper left corner of
the dialog box, and choosing the Pin command from the menu that
* Make sure that the Include Required Elements check box
is turned on.
* Double-click on the element HTML in the list of elements,
or, if this element is already highlighted, click on the Insert
Element button.
HoTMetaL now inserts an HTML element by inserting start-tag
HTML and end-tag HTML icons. (Sometimes tags are called "commands",
but this isn't really accurate.) HTML surrounds all the other
elements in the document.
Notice that HoTMetaL has also inserted a HEAD element inside
HTML, and a TITLE element inside HEAD. These elements are required
in this context in the document. The insertion point is inside
TITLE. The words "Document Title" are not part of the text of
the document: this is a prefix which is for screen display only.
* Inside the TITLE element, type a title for your sample
When you display this document in a browser, the contents of
this element will be displayed in the title bar.
The main part of your document is the body, contained in the
BODY element.
* Move the insertion point to the right of the HEAD end-tag.
* Insert a BODY element from the Insert Element dialog box
(this is the only valid element at this point).
If you look at the Insert Element dialog box, you'll notice
that you have many choices of elements to insert. However, it's
normal to start your document with a heading. Web documents
have six levels of headings, represented by the elements H1
through H6.
* Insert an H1 element.
An H1 header will be used for major divisions in your document.
* Type the following (or text of your choice) inside the
H1 element:
George Orwell
Now you're ready to insert some text.
* Move the insertion point to the right of the H1 end-tag.
* Insert a P (paragraph) element.
* Type some text such as the following:
George Orwell is best-known as the author of "Animal
Farm" and "1984", and these books gave the language the
overused adjective "Orwellian". However, these works were
written relatively late in his life, and followed an impressive
body of work that includes accounts of his experiences as
a soldier in the Spanish Civil War, and as a "down-and-out"
tramp roaming the English countryside.
You can begin smaller subdivisions of the document with lower-level
(H2 through H6) headings. You can skip levels if you want, but
your documents will usually look better if you don't.
* After the P element, insert an H2 element.
* Type the text:
Early life and education
* After the H2 element, insert a P element.
* Type the text:
Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was born
in India in 1903. He was brought to England, along with his
mother and older sister, in 1907. His early education was at
a village school, and later at a private preparatory school.
At the age of 14 he won a scholarship to the prestigious
Eton College.
Now perhaps you'd like to see what this document will look like
when it's published on the Web. But first, save the file:
* Choose Save from the File menu, or typeCtrl-S at the keyboard.
* Now, choose Preview from the File menu.
HoTMetaL will invoke a browser displaying the file you're editing.
(if no browser is launched, then you should check that the html_browser
configuration variable points to a browser program.)
As we suggested at the start of this section, you may wish to
skip directly to the HTML Quick Reference, or continue with
the extended tutorial.
2.11.2. Character formatting: Adding emphasis to inline text
The techniques in this section are for formatting inline text--text
that's embedded a paragraph or some other block of text. Techniques
for formatting blocks are covered in the next section. In an
HTML document, you add emphasis to a piece of text by surrounding
it with an element. This is a little different from the approach
of many word-processors, in which you would, for example, highlight
a piece of text and choose a type style from a menu.
* In the document you just created, highlight the words "Eric
Arthur Blair".
* Choose Surround... from the Markup menu, or type Ctrl-U
at the keyboard.
The list in the Surround dialog box gives all the elements that
can surround the selection.
* Double-click on the element I (italic) in the list.
The selection is now surrounded by I and I tag icons, and,
depending on which style sheet you've chosen, should be formatted
in italic. In any case, a browser will format it in italic--you
can use Preview to try this out.
Of course, you don't always have to surround the text after
you've typed it--you can insert an I element with Insert Element...
and just type the text between the tags.
For more information on character formatting, see the section
Character formatting in the HTML Quick Reference.
2.11.3. Formatting blocks of text
There are several elements that you can use to surround parts
of your document that require special formatting. For example,
suppose you wish to add a block quote to the sample document
you created above:
* Move the insertion point to the right of the last P end-tag.
* Choose Insert Element... in the Markup menu, or type Ctrl-I
at the keyboard.
* Insert a BLOCKQUOTE element.
* Type the text:
Orwell portrayed his prep school days in harsh terms
in the essay "Such, Such Were the Joys...". This may have
been the result of interpreting his early experiences in
the light of his later political consciousness.
(B. R. Jones)
Notice that the text is indented slightly to set off the quotation.
A browser will display a block quote with similar special formatting.
For more information on block formatting, see the section Block
formatting in the HTML Quick Reference.
2.11.4. Lists
You can insert five different types of lists in your document. Ordered (numbered) lists
Ordered lists are lists with numbered items. You don't have
to add the numbers yourself--a browser will add these for you.
* Move the insertion point to the right of the BLOCKQUOTE
end-tag in the sample document.
* Insert an H2 element.
* Type:
Orwell's Four Great Motives for Writing
* Move the insertion point to the right of the H2 end-tag.
* Insert an OL (ordered list) element.
When you do this, HoTMetaL automatically inserts an LI (list
item) element. With one exception, all lists consist of one
or more LIs.
* Inside the LI element, type:
Sheer egoism
* Make sure the insertion point is just to the right of
the LI end-tag.
* Insert a new LI element.
* Inside the new LI, type:
* Insert another LI element after the last one.
* Type:
Historical impulse
* Insert another LI element after the last one.
* Type:
Political purpose
To really see how ordered lists work, you should preview the
* Save the document.
* Choose Preview from the File menu.
As you can see, the browser has inserted the list numbers automatically. Unordered lists
An unordered list is one whose items aren't numbered, but instead
start with bullets of some kind. Actually there are several
kinds of unordered lists available to you: here we'll use the
most common and general-purpose list element, UL (unordered
list). In this section you'll also learn a new markup command.
* Move the insertion point to a position between the OL
start-tag and the first LI start-tag.
* Choose Change... from the Markup menu, or type Ctrl-L
at the keyboard.
The dialog box that appears is similar to the one you saw when
you used the Insert Element... and Surround... markup commands.
This time the list contains all the elements that can validly
replace the current element. (The current element is OL.) Not
surprising, your choices are all types of lists.
* Double click on UL in the list of elements.
The OL start- and end-tags have changed to UL tags.
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at the
The browser now displays the list items with bullets rather
than numbers.
You can nest lists by inserting a UL, OL, etc., inside a list
item (LI). Some browsers will take account of this by changing
the list bullet for the nested list.
For more information on lists, see the section Lists in the
HTML quick reference. To see examples of lists, you can use
the Open Template... command to open the templates lolist.htm,
lulist.htm, solist.htm, and sulist.htm.
2.11.5. Links and URLs
It is normal for HTML documents to contain links to other documents,
which can be located anywhere on the WWW. These links are provided
by Universal Resource Locators (URLs), which name the location
and filename of a document, and the protocol used to access
it. Anchors
When you want to create "hot text" that someone can click on
in a browser and cause a document to be accessed, you use an
"anchor" (A) element.
* Move the insertion point to a position just before the
BODY end-tag.
* Type the text:
See also the
* Insert an A element.
* Inside the A, type the text:
The word "bibliography" is hot text. In a browser it will be
displayed in a different color than surrounding text.
The second step in creating an anchor is creating the URL. A
URL is not part of the content of the element, like hot text
is. A URL is an attribute of the element.
* Make sure the insertion point is inside the A element.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu.
This gives you a dialog box with entries (text boxes) for each
of the attributes. Right now you need to work with only one
of these.
* In the text box labelled HREF, type the following (without
any spaces between the parts):
1. The characters "file:///".
2. The name of the drive (without the colon) that the HoTMetaL
software is located on.
3. A vertical bar, `|'.
4. The directory (full path) that the HoTMetaL software is
located in, but instead of typing `\' (backslash) between the
directories, as you normally do in Windows, type `/' (slash).
5. The filename "works.htm".
What you type should look something like this:
The word "file" is a protocol (also called a "scheme"), which
describes how the file referred to in the URL will be accessed
by a web browser. You are using the file protocol because the
file you're going to choose is on your local filesystem. If
the document were on a web server, you would choose the protocol
The directory component of the URL is expressed in the "standard"
format, which requires that the colon (:) be replaced by a vertical
bar, and that directories be separated by slashes.
* Click on the Apply button.
What this all means is, when someone clicks on the hot text
(the word "bibliography") in a browser, the browser will attempt
to locate the file(works.htm) referred to in the URL.
To see how this works, you should view the document in a browser:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or typeCtrl-M at the
* In the browser, double-click on the word "bibliography".
The browser will now display the fileworks.htm. Links within the same document
It's possible to make a link between two anchors in the same
document. Then, when you click on one of the anchors (call it
the "source") the browser window will scroll to the location
of the other anchor (the "destination").
* Move the insertion point to a position just before the
first P end-tag.
* Choose Split from the Markup menu, or typeCtrl-P at the
* In the new P element, type:
One of his
well-known essays is
* Insert an A element.
* Type:
Why I Write
* Make sure the insertion point is inside the anchor you
just created.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu.
The dialog box that appears contains text boxes for each of
the elements attributes, labeled with the attribute name.
* In the HREF text box, type:
You have just set up the "source" anchor. This is the URL for
this anchor, even though it doesn't look like the URL you created
in a previous part of this tutorial. Now you have to set up
the "destination" anchor:
* Highlight the words "Four Great Motives" in the second
H2 element.
* Use the Surround... command to surround this text with
an A element.
In this instance you're not going to create a URL for the anchor,
rather, you're going to give this anchor a "name" by editing
one of its attributes.
* Make sure the insertion point is inside the anchor you
just created.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu.
* In the NAME text box, type:
* Click on the OK button.
Now you're ready to see the effect of what you've just done.
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or typeCtrl-M at the
* If both of the anchors you just created are visible, resize
the browser window so that you can see only the first one.
* In the browser, double-click on the words "Why I Write".
The browser window will now scroll so that the location of the
"destination" anchor is visible.
In general, you can set up a "source" and "destination" anchor
pair by setting the NAME attribute of the destination anchor
to `string' and setting the HREF attribute (i.e., the URL) of
the source anchor to `#string'. This sets up a one-way link.
You can set up a two-way link by editing the two anchors so
that each one's NAME attribute corresponds to the other's HREF. Images
Web documents often include graphical images. Images are inserted
in a document using an element that is similar to the A element.
* Click on the View menu.
* If it contains the command Show Inline Images, choose this
command. If it contains the command Hide Inline Images, do nothing.
* Move the insertion point to a position just to the right
of the H1 end-tag.
* Insert an IMG (image) element. (If this element is not
visible in the Insert Element dialog box, just type the letter
`i' and the list will scroll to the proper position.)
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu.
Now you are going to give the HREF attribute of the IMG element
a value very similar to the first URL you created in the section
on anchors. It will be the same except for the filename, which
in this case is "author.gif". The URL will look something like
* Click on the Apply button.
When you do this, a graphical image will be displayed inline,
in the HoTMetaL document window. (This is not really George
Orwell, but another writer whose work you know if you're reading
this manual.)
The inline image will be displayed in the browser, too.
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or typeCtrl-M at the
See the section Link elements in the HTML quick reference for
more information on images; in particular, you will find information
on "hot images" and images with hot spots.
2.11.6. Forms
There are certain elements that a browser will display as graphical
widgets, such as text fields or pop-up menus, that can accept
input from a user. A form in an HTML document is a set of such
elements that let the user enter some information and then call
a program, located on a web server, that processes the information.
For example, you could create a form that lets a user order
a product that you're selling: you can set up the form so that
when the user clicks on a "submit" button, the order is sent
to your order-processing program.
To implement this, you have to:
+ Create the form(s).
+ Install on your server the program that will process the
form's data.
The second of these two steps is beyond the scope of HoTMetaL.
You will have to obtain supplementary documentation that explains
this mechanism, which is known as the CGI (Common Gateway Interface).
If you open the file faq.htm in the HoTMetaL folder you will
find a reference to a document on this topic.
This tutorial explains how to properly set up a sample form.
We've noticed that many browsers still have bugs in their support
for forms. If something that you create in this tutorial doesn't
look the way it should when you display it with your favorite
browser, the problem may be with the browser.
We suggest that for this exercise you create a new HTML document.
* Choose New from the File menu, or typeCtrl-N at the keyboard.
* Enter the HTML, HEAD, TITLE, and BODY elements as you've
already learned to do.
* Now insert an H1 element, and type:
Buy my
* Insert a P element, and type:
Do I have a deal
for you! Just click on the "Submit" button in the form below
to order any or all
of these best-sellers at a fraction of the regular cost!
(N.B.: This is not a tutorial on sales pitches!) Actions
Now you're ready to start constructing a form.
* Insert a FORM element after the P element.
* With the insertion point inside the FORM element, choose
Edit SGML Attributes... in the Markup menu.
This gives you a dialog box in which you will give a value for
the ACTION attribute.
* In the ACTION text box, type:
The "action" you've just specified refers to a program, located
on SoftQuad's HTTP server, that can process the data entered
in the form. At the end of the tutorial, you can submit the
form to this program. In a "real-life" situation, you would
probably specify a program on your own server, though in fact
you can specify programs located anywhere on the Web.
* Set the attribute called METHOD to the value "GET".
* Click on the Apply button.
Another action that you can use is mailto: this causes the form
to be e-mailed to a specified address. (You can try this later:
for the purpose of this tutorial, please use the action described
To make use of mailto:
* Inside the FORM element, choose Edit SGML Attributes...
in the Markup menu.
* Set the ACTION attribute to the string "mailto:" followed
by the e-mail address to which you want the form sent, e.g.,
* Set the METHOD attribute to "POST".
Some browsers do not support mailto. Also, in order for this
feature to work if your system is behind a firewall, you may
need to configure your browser to use the correct proxy server. Creating a text box
Now you'll enter the first element that generates a graphical
widget in the browser:
* Enter a P element and type:
* Inside the paragraph, enter an INPUT element.
You can now preview the file to see what this looks like in
a browser:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at
the keyboard.
Notice that the browser has placed a text box next to the word
You're not done with this INPUT element yet.
* Move the insertion point inside the INPUT element.
* Choose the Edit SGML Attributes... command from the Markup
menu, or type Ctrl-] at the keyboard.
This brings up a dialog box that lets you edit the attributes
of the current element.
* In the text box for the attribute NAME, type:
This value is used when the browser sends the form's data to
the server, in order to identify which text box, drop-down
list box, etc., a particular piece of data came from.
Another attribute, SIZE, is used if you want to specify the
text box's length in characters. Entering several lines of text
A text box in a form just lets you enter one line of text.
If you need to allow your users to enter several lines of text
at once (to enter an address, for example), you should use the
TEXTAREA element.
* Insert a new P element and type:
* After the text, insert a TEXTAREA element.
* Choose the Edit SGML Attributes... command from the Markup
menu, or type Ctrl-] at the keyboard.
* Enter the following values for three of this element's
NAME: cust_addr
COLS: 40
ROWS and COLS specify the dimensions of the widget: 5 lines
deep and 40 characters wide.
* Click on the Apply button.
Note: if you want a TEXTAREA to contain some default text, enter
it between the start- and end-tags.
Now you may want to see how the browser renders this object:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at
the keyboard.
The browser generates a multi-line field, which may also have
scroll bars. Presenting a list of choices
Sometimes you will want the user to make one choice from a list
of choices. In this example you'll see how to represent this
with a drop-down list box.
* Insert a new P element, and type:
Credit Card:
* After the text, insert a SELECT element.
HoTMetaL will ask you if you want to edit the attributes of
this element.
* Click on the Stop and edit button.
* Enter "card-name" for the NAME attribute, and `1' for the
SIZE attribute.
* Click on the Apply button.
* Inside the SELECT element, insert an OPTION element, and
The OPTION element represents one choice in the a drop-down
list box. The text you typed inside the element is a label that
will appear in the list box.
* Insert two more OPTION elements after this one, containing
the text "MasterCard" and "Amex", respectively.
To see what this looks like in the browser:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at
the keyboard.
Notice that the text you typed inside each of the OPTION elements
appears as labels on the a drop-down list box.
If you wanted, you could have represented this list of choices
as a scrollable list rather than a a drop-down list box. To
do this, you would set the SIZE attribute to 2 or greater; this
value would specify how many list items are shown at a time.
If you want to be able to choose more than one item from this
kind of list, set the MULTIPLE attribute to "MULTIPLE".
Just to complete this section of the form:
* Insert a new P element after the last one, and type:
Card number
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu, or
type Ctrl-] at the keyboard.
* Set the NAME attribute to "card-num".
* Click on the Apply button. Check boxes
So far you have used the INPUT element only to represent text
boxes. Actually, this element can be used for a variety of
purposes. One of these is representing check boxes: you would
use this kind of box if you wanted the user to make a "yes/no"
choice. (This is different from aoption button (see below),
which you would use when you wanted the user to choose one from
a group of choices.)
* Insert a new P element after the last one, and type:
Check one or more titles:
* Insert a new P element after the last one, and type:
The Dentistry of Frederic Chopin
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu, or
type Ctrl-] at the keyboard.
* Set the TYPE attribute to "CHECKBOX". (This is the attribute
value that tells the browser that it should generate a check
* Set the NAME attribute to "chopin".
* Click on the Apply button.
Now add two more titles in the same way:
* Insert a new P element after the last one, and type:
Motors and Such by Eddy Schneider
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Set the TYPE attribute to "CHECKBOX" and the NAME attribute
to "motors".
* Insert a new P element after the last one, and type:
HTML for Travellers
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Set the TYPE attribute to "CHECKBOX" and the NAME attribute
to "html".
To see what this looks like in the browser:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at
the keyboard.
Try clicking on the buttons with the mouse. You can turn on
all, any, or none of the buttons. Radio buttons
As we said above, you can also use the INPUT element to represent
radio buttons. A group of radio buttons lets the user make
one (and only one) choice from a group of choices.
* Insert a new paragraph after the last one and type:
* Insert a new paragraph after the last one.
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu, or
type Ctrl-] at the keyboard.
* Set the following attribute values:
NAME: language
VALUE: english
* Move the insertion point to the right of the INPUT end-tag
and type:
Now add two more choices in the same way (keep all three choices
in the same paragraph):
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Set the following attribute values:
NAME: language
VALUE: french
* Move the insertion point to the right of the INPUT end-tag
and type:
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Set the following attribute values:
NAME: language
VALUE: spanish
* Move the insertion point to the right of the INPUT end-tag
and type:
Notice the following things about the attribute values you've
just entered:
1. Each TYPE attribute is set to "RADIO". This tells the browser
to generate a radio button.
2. Each NAME attribute has the same value, in this case, "language".
This causes all three radio buttons to be in the same group,
which means that the browser will allow only one of these three
to be checked at once. If the form contains another group of
radio buttons, the NAME attribute for all of its members
must be the same, but different from the value for the current
3. The value of the VALUE attribute is sent to the server
if the corresponding button is turned on when you submit the
form, thus telling the server which button in this group was
turned on.
4. The first INPUT element in this group has the CHECKED attribute
set to "CHECKED". This tells the browser that this button should
be turned on by default when the form is first displayed.
To see what this looks like in the browser:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at
the keyboard.
Try clicking on the buttons with the mouse. You can turn on
only one of the radio buttons at a time. The button labeled
"English" is initially turned on by default. Reset
You can use the INPUT element to generate a button that restores
all the form's controls(text boxes, radio buttons, etc.) to
their default values:
* Insert a new P element after the last one.
* Insert an INPUT element.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu, or
type Ctrl-] at the keyboard.
* Set the following attribute values:
VALUE: "Reset defaults"
To see what this looks like in the browser:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at
the keyboard.
* Enter some data in the form.
* Click on the Reset defaults button in the form.
The form's controls revert to their default values. The text
boxes are all blank and the check boxes are turned off. The
radio button labeled "English" will be turned on. Submitting the form
Your form is almost complete. All you need to do is create a
button that causes the browser to submit the form.
* Next to the INPUT element for the reset button, insert
another INPUT element.
* Choose Edit SGML Attributes... from the Markup menu, or
type Ctrl-] at the keyboard.
* Set the following attribute values:
VALUE: "Submit order"
To see what this looks like in the browser:
* Save the file.
* Choose Preview from the File menu, or type Ctrl-M at
the keyboard.
* Enter some data in the form. (Don't enter a real credit
card number!)
* Click on the Submit order button in the form.
The form will now be submitted to a program on SoftQuad's web
server. This program doesn't actually process an order, it just
echoes back the information that the browser sent it. This information
will appear in the browser window: you can return to the form
by clicking on the button that takes you to the previous document.
The information is presented in pairs containing a "name" (corresponding
to the NAME attribute of the text box, check box, etc.) and
a "value" (for text boxes or "text areas", this will be the
data you typed in; for check boxes the value "on" is submitted--check
boxes that aren't turned on are ignored; for radio buttons the
value of the VALUE attribute is sent).
You may notice a couple of unusual things about the format of
the text: spaces are replaced by a `+' sign, and some special
characters (notably newline, `=', and `&') are replaced by `%nn',
where the n's are digits from 0-9 and/or letters between `A'
and `F'. This is the standard form that browsers use for submitting
data to the server.
2.12. HTML quick reference
The authoritative source of information on the structure of
HTML documents is the document HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Version 2.0. This section provides a short summary of this material.
The rules governing the HTML format are quite flexible, and
furthermore HoTMetaL will guide you through the document structure:
therefore, the approach followed here will not be to enumerate
all the possible combinations of elements. Rather, an overview
of the structure will be presented, together with a discussion
of the different groups of elements (emphasis, links, lists,
2.12.1. Overview
+ An element called HTML surrounds the whole document.
+ This element contains two sub-elements, HEAD and BODY.
These elements are required.
+ HEAD has sub-elements that define header material:
- TITLE: document title. This element is required.
- BASE: can be used to record the document's URL. The URL
recorded here may be used to resolve a "partial URL", or used
if the document is accessed "out of context".
- ISINDEX: indicates to the browser that the document is
an index document. This is used only if the document is on a
server that does indexing.
- LINK: indicates a relationship between this document and
some other object.
- META: gives information that appears in HTTP headers.
- NEXTID: used to generate a unique identifier.
+ Inside the BODY element, heading elements (H1 through H6)
can be used to delimit major divisions of the document (headings
are not mandatory, however). Headings are permitted to appear
in any order, but you will obtain the best results when your
documents are displayed in a browser if you follow these guidelines:
- H1 should be used as the highest level of heading, H2 as
the next highest, and so forth.
- You should not skip heading levels: e.g., an H3 should
not appear after an H1, unless there is an H2 between them.
2.12.2. Block formatting
+ The major divisions of a document body's structure comprise
the following elements:
- ADDRESS: if you want to include the address of the author
of the document, enter it inside this element.
- BLOCKQUOTE: used for quotes from another source, requiring
special block-style formatting.
- CODE: code samples.
- P: paragraphs.
- PRE: pre-formatted text. You would use this text when you
want the browser to use the same line breaks and spacing that
you entered in the document. The text will be formatted by a
browser using a fixed-width typewriter font.
- DL, DIR, MENU, OL, UL: list elements (see Lists, below).
2.12.3. Character formatting
The following elements are used primarily for formatting inline
+ B: bold.
+ I: italic.
+ EM: browsers usually represent this element in italic.
+ STRONG: browsers usually represent this element in bold.
+ TT: characters inside this element are formatted with a
fixed-width typewriter font such as Courier.
+ SAMP: literal characters. Line breaks
If you want to force a browser to break the current line in
the text, insert a BR element. You can't type inside this element:
it just causes a line break. Horizontal lines
To cause the browser to print a horizontal line (rule) in your
document, insert an HR element. HoTMetaL will display a line
in your document, but individual browsers may print lines of
different widths and lengths.
2.12.4. List elements
HTML supplies five list elements. With the exception of DL,
list elements are composed of one or more LI (list item) elements.
You can nest lists by inserting a UL, OL, etc., inside a list
item (LI).
+ OL: ordered list. Items in this list are numbered automatically
by the browser. The numbering will reflect nesting levels.
+ UL: unordered list. Items in this list are prefaced by
a list mark such as a bullet. Browsers will usually vary the
list mark to take account of nesting.
+ DIR: directory list. This is an unordered list. Each LI
element in this kind of list should no longer than 24 characters.
+ MENU: menu list. This is an unordered list. Each LI element
in this kind of list should be no longer than one line.
+ DL: list of definitions. This is an unordered list. This
kind of list is different from the others. Each "item" in this
kind of list consists of one or more terms (DT elements), followed
by a definition (DD element).
2.12.5. Link elements
It is normal for HTML documents to contain links to other documents,
which can be located anywhere on the WWW. These links are provided
by Universal Resource Locators (URLs), which are identifiers
that name the location and filename of a document, and the protocol
used to access it.
The following elements represent links to other documents:
+ A: anchor. The HREF attribute of this element represents
a URL. If this attribute has a value, the content of the element
will be highlighted when the document is displayed in a browser
window, and clicking on this content will cause the browser
to attempt to open the file specified by the URL.
+ IMG: image. This element represents a graphic image. It
is typically used for inline images--you should be aware that
some browsers may not be able to display such images. (In this
case, the text, if there is any, given in the ALT attribute
may be shown.) The SRC attribute represents a URL. See the sections
on the Show Image and Show Inline Image commands in the View
menu for information on displaying images in HoTMetaL.
HoTMetaL has three commands for working with URLs:
+ Edit SGML Attributes... in the Markup menu provides a mechanism
for editing the URL (if there is one) in the current element.
See the tutorial section for an example of using this command.
+ Publish... in the File menu is used if you want to change
the URLs in the document from identifiers that refer to files
on your local system to identifiers that refer to publicly-available
files on one or more WWW servers.
+ Show Link and Context View in the View menu is used to
display the URL (if there is one) in the current element. Links within the same document
This topic is covered in an extended example in the tutorial
In general, you can set up a "source" and "destination" anchor
pair by setting the NAME attribute of the destination anchor
to `string' and setting the HREF attribute (i.e., the URL) of
the source anchor to `#string'. This sets up a one-way link.
You can set up a two-way link by editing the two anchors so
that each one's NAME attribute corresponds to the other's URL. `Hot images'
A `hot image' is used like an anchor--when you click on the
image, the browser retrieves a document.
This is very easy to accomplish: you just need to insert an
IMG element inside an A element. Each element will have a URL:
the IMG's URL locates the image, and the A's URL locates the
file that is retrieved when you click on the image. Images with hot spots
Sometimes you will see images that have several "hot spots"
that you can click on and cause different documents to be retrieved.
This is accomplished by means of a clickable image map, a file
that tells the browser where the hot spots are. To prepare such
a file, you'll need other tools besides HoTMetaL, and so we
won't discuss the procedure here. Rather, you should retrieve
the document "Overview on using Clickable Image Maps " by opening
the file faq.htm, located in the HoTMetaL installation folder,
with a browser and clicking on the appropriate anchor.
2.12.6. Forms
The following elements are used to construct forms that the
user can fill in and submit (e.g., via e-mail). When your document
is browsed, the browser will generate the appropriate graphical
+ FORM: the top-level element for a form.
+ INPUT: generates a text field, button, radio button, or
check box.
+ SELECT: represents a group of choices that a user can make.
Generates a pop-up menu or scrollable list.
+ OPTION: one choice in a SELECT group.
+ TEXTAREA: generates a field that allows the user to enter
several lines of text.
For more information on forms, see the tutorial on forms in
this chapter. You can also retrieve the document "Information
on setting up form functionality" by opening the file faq.htm,
located in the HoTMetaL installation folder, with a browser
and clicking on the appropriate anchor. To see an example of
a form, use Open Template... to open the template custreg.htm.
2.12.7. Other elements
The elements in this section do not fit into the categories
described above.
+ CITE: represents a document citation.
+ KBD: used to display text that a user would enter at the
keyboard. (This would be used in technical manuals, for example:
it is not similar to an element such as INPUT, used in forms.)
+ VAR: represents a variable name.
2.12.8. Obsolete elements
The elements PLAINTEXT, XMP, and LISTING are obsolete and are
supported in this release of HoTMetaL only for compatibility
with older documents. Using these elements in new content is
not recommended. XMP and LISTING should be replaced by PRE.
The obsolete elements COMMENT and HP are not supported.
2.12.9. Proposed elements
The proposed elements DFN, STRIKE, and U are not supported by
2.13. If you see something you like...
If you see a web page that contains a typographical effect,
form, etc., that you like, then the easiest way of achieving
the same thing yourself is to save the file with the browser
(make sure you save it in HTML format) and then open it with
2.14. For further information...
The file faq.htm in the HoTMetaL installation folder contains
titles and URLs for documents that contain information on HTML
usage. Open this file with a browser and retrieve the documents
that you're interested in.
A number of HTML tutorials, of varying quality, are usually
available on the web. The relevant Usenet newsgroups (those
in the comp.infosystems.www hierarchy) are also a source of
2.15. The structure of HTML documents
HoTMetaL will guide you through the structure of an HTML document,
but here is a short description of the format.
+ An element called HTML surrounds the whole document.
+ This element contains two sub-elements, HEAD and BODY.
+ HEAD has sub-elements that define header material, such
as TITLE (document title) and META (gives information that appears
in HTTP headers). Each of these elements is optional.
+ BODY consists of a PROLOGUE, six levels of "division"
elements (DIV1-DIV6), followed by an EPILOGUE element. All of
these elements are optional.
+ The division elements are arranged as follows: zero or
more DIV6 elements, followed by zero or more DIV5 elements,
and so forth, ending with zero or more DIV1 elements.
+ DIV6 is the "lowest" of the division levels in that it
cannot contain instances of any of the other division elements.
DIV1 is the highest level--it can contain any of the other division
elements. In general, a division element can contain any division
element at a lower level than itself.
+ Division elements start with a header element (H1 for
DIV1 elements, H2 for DIV2 elements, and so forth.
+ Division elements, as well as the EPILOGUE and PROLOGUE,
can contain paragraphs (P), lists (OL, DL, UL), horizontal rules,
and addresses.
+ Paragraphs can contain annotations, links, quotes, citations,
emphasis, examples, etc.
+ Lists consist of list items (LI), which can contain paragraphs,
lists, horizontal rules, and addresses.
2.15.1. Rules files
The rules that determine how elements can be arranged in an
SGML file are described by a set of declarations collectively
known as a document type declaration, or DTD. HTML files are
no exception to this. HoTMetaL reads a DTD in a special, binary
form called a rules files which contains the same information
as the DTD but in a different format, one which is more efficient
for HoTMetaL to read. It is not necessary for you to know more
details about DTDs and rules files. You just need to be aware
that HoTMetaL uses a rules file called html.mtl: this file
is located in a directory called rules in the HoTMetaL directory.
If you are interested in seeing the DTD for HTML files, look
at the file html.mtl in the dtds directory underneath the HoTMetaL
2.16. Commands for inserting markup
The most common operations you will carry out in order to add
or change markup are:
+ The Insert Element... command in the Markup menu inserts
a new, empty element in which you can type text or insert other
+ The Surround... command in the Markup menu lets you surround
a selection with an element: if some part of the document should
be contained in a particular element, then you can highlight
that portion and select this command in order to choose an element
to surround it with.
+ The Change... command in the Markup menu lets you change
the markup: if you want to tag part of the document with a different
element you can select this command to get a list of valid elements
to replace the current element.
2.17. Screen formatting
HoTMetaL provides screen-formatting capabilities that facilitate
the document creation process by allowing you to assign distinctive
styles to the elements in your document. The purpose of these
formatting features is only to improve the appearance of the
document during the editing process. The formatting that you
set with HoTMetaL does not affect how browsers such as Mosaic
format the document.
Because HTML files are structured documents, setting a style
for an element means setting it for all elements of the same
The following kinds of typographical properties can be set:
+ Character-based properties: font family, font size, font
style, line height, justification, fill mode, and format type.
All of these properties are set using the Character... command.
(Font style allows you to adjust the font by making it bold,
superscript, etc.; the fill mode determines how carriage returns
are treated--in fill mode, they are treated like spaces, but
in no fill mode they cause a line break; format type lets you
choose whether an element appears inline or starts on a new
+ Separation: using the Separation... command, you can set
off elements by adding space on top and on bottom. This command
also lets you cause an element to be formatted as if it started
with a tab.
2.17.1. Styles
HoTMetaL stores its formatting information in files called
styles files: these contain the formatting information set with
the Character... and Separation... commands.
HoTMetaL maintains two kinds of styles files. There is one default
styles file, which is used whenever a file is created or opened
with HoTMetaL. This is a binary file called html.stl. When
an HoTMetaL file is created or opened, HoTMetaL looks for this
styles file in the styles path, that is, the set of directories
named by the styles_path configuration variable. If it finds
the styles file, then the formatting information contained in
that file is used for the current HoTMetaL file. If the styles
file is not found, then a new styles file, containing the default
formatting information, is created in the first directory in
the styles path. Whenever the current HoTMetaL document is saved,
this styles file is updated with whatever formatting parameters
are in effect for the document.
HoTMetaL also uses styles files in text format. These styles
file are loaded using the Load Styles... command. You can switch
styles in the middle of a HoTMetaL session by choosing a new
text styles file with this command. The formatting information
from a text styles file will not be written to the default (binary)
style unless the current file is saved. Text styles files are
created using the Save Styles... command. You can maintain as
many text styles files as you wish.
2.17.2. Displaying images
The Show Image command in the View menu lets you launch an external
application (which you can choose by means of a configuration
variable) to display a graphical image. By default, GIF images
are displayed inline (in the HoTMetaL document window). See
the Show/Hide Inline Images command in the View menu for more
2.17.3. Previewing the document
In order to preview the current document, you can invoke a browser
of your choice from within HoTMetaL. To do this, just invoke
the Preview command in the File menu. In order for this to work,
you must specify a browser in the HoTMetaL preferences file.
See the section on this command for more information.
2.17.4. Displaying icons
Using the Show/Hide Tags command in the View menu, you can cause
the special character icons and the tag icons that represent
elements to be visible or invisible.
2.17.5. Displaying a document outline
The command Show Structure View in the View menu displays a
nested outline view of the document. You can cut, copy, paste,
and navigate in this outline. For more information, see this
command's documentation in the chapter The View menu.
2.17.6. Newlines
Although pressing the Return or Enter key will put a "newline"
into the file, Mosaic and other browsers follow the SGML whitespace
rules, and therefore will ignore new line characters in some
2.18. Attributes
Elements can have content (text and sub-elements contained in
the element) and attributes. An attribute is a piece of information
about the element which does not appear in the content of the
element. Some common uses for attributes are: to represent a
link (URL); naming an image file; choosing different types of
graphical controls for an on-line form.
2.18.1. Viewing attribute values
There are a number of ways of telling whether or not an element
has attributes, and of seeing what the attribute values are.
+ If the current element has one or more attributes, then
the Edit SGML Attributes... command in the Markup menu is activated
(whether or not the attributes have been given values). If you
invoke this command, you can see what the attribute values
are and also edit the values.
+ The context view, which is displayed by invoking the Show
Link and Context View command in the View menu, displays the
sequence of elements that contain the current element. It also
displays the attribute values for any elements in the sequence
that have attributes.
+ The styles file supplied with HoTMetaL allows you to display
attribute values inline, as prefixes displayed just to the right
of the start-tag icon.
2.18.2. Editing attributes
Attribute values may be inserted or changed using the Edit SGML
Attributes... command in the Markup menu. When you invoke this
command, you will get a dialog box that contains a line for
each attribute of the current element. Each line contains the
attribute name followed by either a text box or a drop-down
list box, depending on what kind of value the rules file says
the attribute must have. The attribute value may be text (which
could be subject to restrictions such as the length of the text
or first character in the text), or a selection from a list
of values.
2.19. Netscape support
We have included a rules file that allows you to use the extended
features (as best as we can determine them) supported by the
Netscape browser. You must modify the configuration file to
name the alternate rules file if you want to use these features.
* Edit the configuration file, and locate the line assigning
a value to the rules_file variable.
* Put a `#' character at the beginning of this line. This
"comments it out" so that HoTMetaL will ignore it.
* Now insert the line:
* Save the file and restart HoTMetaL.
If you want to restore the previous rules, "comment out" the
line you just inserted and remove the `#' from the original
You should be aware that the Netscape extensions to HTML are
not part of the HTML 2.0 specification. Web users viewing documents
made with this alternate rules file will not notice the effects
of the extensions when they view the file with a browser other
than Netscape (e.g., text in the BLINK element will not blink,
an IMG element with the attribute ALIGN=RIGHT will not align
the image to the right, etc.)
For HTML markup that conforms to the HTML 2.0 specification,
you should continue to use the default rules file (html.mtl).
HTML markup created with this rules file can still be used with
Netscape (but will not take advantage of the extended features).
3. The File menu
The File menu contains commands for creating, opening, closing,
and saving files edited with HoTMetaL, previewing the current
document with a browser, and modifying URLs.
3.1. New
When you invoke this command a new, empty HoTMetaL document
is displayed ina document window.
3.2. Open...
Opens a previously saved file.
HoTMetaL presents you with a dialog box allowing you to open
a file. The dialog box is called a file selection dialog; a
similar dialog box appears when you select the Save As... command.
The structure and function of the file selection dialog box
for the Open... command is explained here.
The dialog box has several parts:
+ A drop-down list box labeled List Files of Type. This list
box lets you choose whether to display files with the default
file extension (.htm) or display all files in the current directory.
+ a text box labeled File Name
This text box can contain a relative or absolute path name,
which terminates in a file name or directory name, and can optionally
start with a drive name. A file name (which may contain an extension)
can contain the following "wildcard" (special) characters:
+ * (asterisk): matches any sequence of characters in a file
+ ? (question mark): matches any single character in a file
Such a pattern containing wildcard characters is used to filter
the file names displayed in the list box directly below. You
can type a pattern in the box directly or choose it from the
List Files of Type list.
If the File Name box contains a path name that ends in a file
name without wildcard characters, clicking on OK will cause
that file to be opened.
+ an information field labeled Directories
The current directory (including the drive name) appears underneath
the label. The default directory is the one specified first
by the import_path configuration variable.
+ a list box underneath the File Name text box
This list contains the files in the current directory that match
the pattern in the File Name box. The list of files is updated
whenever a new directory is chosen, and when you click on the
OK button.
Clicking once on a file in this list causes the name to go in
the File Name box. Double-clicking causes the file to be opened.
This has the same effect as clicking once on the file name and
then clicking on the OK button.
+ a list box, on the right side of the dialog, underneath
the Directories information field
This box allows you to navigate in the directory structure of
a drive by double-clicking on the directories shown in the list.
The top level "directory" displayed is the current drive; if
you double-click on this directory, its subdirectories are displayed,
slightly indented to indicate the nesting relationship. If you
click on one of these directories, its subdirectories will be
displayed, and so forth. At any particular time the list will
display the sequence of directories that you have navigated
along, ending with the subdirectories of the last directory
you selected.
+ A drop-down list box labeled Drives. This allows you to
choose which drive to navigate.
By pressing Tab or Shift-Tab you can make the File Name box,
the list of directories, the list of files, or either of the
buttons the active item in the dialog box. When either of the
lists is active, you can select a list item by pressing repeatedly
on the first letter of the item until it is selected. When the
File Name box is active, you can enter text in it.
In summary: you may select a directory from which a file may
be opened by using the list of directories, or by typing the
path name in the File Name text box. You may choose a file by
doing one of the following:
+ double-clicking in the list of files
+ selecting a file in the list of files and then clicking
on OK
+ entering the file name in the File Name text box and clicking
on OK
Note: In this dialog box, the default directory is the one
specified first with the `import_path' configuration variable.
3.2.1. Error checking
As the file is being opened, HoTMetaL checks for fatal SGML
errors. Fatal errors include start-tags without matching end-tags,
invalid element names, and many other SGML errors. In such cases,
HoTMetaL displays a message describing the problem. It then
gives you the following choices:
1. Import Through Filter, which allows you to run the file
through a filter that may correct the errors. If you choose
this option you will get a dialog box in which to give the name
of an output file. Enter the output filename (including drive
and directory) in the Output File text box, or click on the
Choose File... button to get a file selection dialog box with
which to choose a file. HoTMetaL will then invoke the filter:
when the filter has finished, HoTMetaL attempts to open the
output file.
2. Open the file as a text file so that you can correct the
errors manually. When you've done this, you can run the Interpret
Document command, which performs the equivalent of Open... on
the text document.
3. Cancel the operation and correct the error(s) through other
If no errors are found, the file is formatted, and checked once
more for errors as if the Turn Rules Checking On command in
the Special menu had been selected for the new file. At this
stage, non-fatal errors may be detected. Examples of these are
incorrectly placed elements, and text at a point where no text
is permitted. Errors of this kind do not prevent the file from
being opened.
Finally the file is validated: this stage of error checking
ensures that the HTML markup is correct and complete. The following
example illustrates the difference between rules checking and
validation: if you open a file that has an HTML element that
does not contain a HEAD element, rules checking will not complain,
because you have not yet violated the rules file. Validation,
however, will alert you to the fact that the required HEAD element
is missing.
Note: There will sometimes be a document type declaration (DOCTYPE)
at the top of an HTML file, specifying which DTD to use. This
declaration is ignored with files being opened with HoTMetaL,
because all HTML files use the HTML DTD.
3.3. Open Template...
This command allows you to work with templates, which are pre-defined
structures for documents. Templates are used as forms or document
outlines that you can enter text into without having to insert
any of the markup yourself.
3.3.1. Opening a template
To open a template, click on the Open Template... command. This
brings up a file selection dialog box labeled Open Template.
If you have a templates directory (see below) the dialog box
will display the files from that directory Each file corresponds
to a template: to open a template, just open it from this dialog
box as you would any other file. The document name in the title
bar will be the same as the template name, but with a number
added to the first part of the filename: for example, the first
time you open a template called fax.htm, the new document will
be called fax1.htm, the second time the document will be calledfax2.htm,
and so forth.
When the template file is opened you can enter text or elements
into it, and later save the file. When you save the file, you
will have use the Save As... command and choose a new file name--the
name in the title bar is not automatically adopted. If you save
this file in the templatesdirectory make sure you do not overwrite
the original template file by mistake.
3.3.2. Creating your own templates
A number of templates are shipped with HoTMetaL, but it is expected
that you will normally be working with templates that were created
at your own site. Templates directory
In order for you to work with templates successfully, a directory
must be designated as the templates directory. This is a central
location containing all of your template files, and it is the
directory whose files are displayed when the Open Templates...
dialog box comes up. By default, this is the directory called
tmplts in the directory where HoTMetaL is installed.
If you want to use another directory for this purpose, you will
have to name that directory using the templates_path configuration
variable. For example:
If the default templates directory does not exist (perhaps someone
has removed it), and no alternativedirectory is specified with
the templates_path variable, the current directory will be used
as the templatesdirectory. Creating templates
To create a template file with HoTMetaL, you should do the following:
* Create a document as you normally would.
* Invoke the Save As... command in the File menu.
* Choose a directory and filename. You can save the file
directly in the templates directory or move it there later.
* Click on the Save As button. Installing a template
When the template file has been created, it should be saved
in the templatesdirectory (or you can save it elsewhere and
move it later) so that it will be easily accessible from the
Open Template dialog box.
3.4. Save
This command saves the current file (that is, the file that
is opened in the active document window) to the disk.
HoTMetaL saves the document in the file name shown in the title
bar at the top of the window.
3.4.1. Save options
There are several save options that you may set if you need
to do so. All of these options are set using configuration variables:
You may choose to save a document type declaration (DOCTYPE),
at the top of the file. The default may be set by setting the
export_doc_type_dec configuration variable to YES or NO:
You may choose to save an SGML declaration at the top of the
file. The default may be set by setting the export_sgml_dec
configuration variable to YES or NO.
Note: Normally you should use this feature only if your file
will be used by some other SGML system. Some browsers may not
be able to read an SGML declaration, or may display (unwanted)
information from the declaration on the screen.
If your file contains special characters (those outside the
ASCII range 0-127), you may choose to have these converted to
SGML character references when the file is saved. This situation
arises only if your file was edited with another editor. Special
characters that are entered in the document when it is being
edited with HoTMetaL will be converted immediately to character
entity icons. Character references are represented in a HoTMetaL
document as a small, rectangular icon, similar to a character
entity icon, labelled `#nnn', where the n's are numbers. For
example: #200. Browsers should display a character reference
as the character itself. The default setting for this option
(YES or NO) may be set with the export_convert_special_chars
configuration variable.
You can choose the character(s) that HoTMetaL uses to mark the
end of a line in the saved file. You may choose one of the values
MAC, UNIX, and MSDOS, which will cause the end-of-line character
to be carriage return, line feed, or carriage return and line
feed, respectively The default end-of-line marker can be set
with the export_eol configuration variable. If you don't provide
a value for this variable, the default will be MSDOS.
For elements that are formatted in fill mode (see the documentation
on the Characters... menu item) you can set the length of lines
in the saved file by telling HoTMetaL to insert end-of-line
characters after a specified number of characters. This option
can be turned on or off by default by setting the export_add_line_breaks
configuration variable to YES or NO.The number of characters
in a line can be set with the export_max_line_len configuration
variable, e.g.,
HoTMetaL will not cause a line break in the saved file to occur
between an element and adjoining text.
If you have rules checking turned on, the file will be validated,
and you will be warned if there are errors and asked if you
still want to save. If you do, the file will be invalid and
HoTMetaL may have trouble opening it in the future.
3.5. Save As...
This command lets you choose a new name for the current document.
When you save a file with this command, HoTMetaL creates a new
file whose content is the same as the current file, and closes
the current file, leaving the new file open.
The document that was closed will look the same as it did the
last time it was saved: any changes that were made since the
last save will be saved in the newly created file.
HoTMetaL gives you the file selection dialog box with which
to specify the name of the new file.
You should follow the same instructions for selecting a file
or directory as were described in the section on the Open...
Note: In this dialog box, the default directory is the one
specified first by the `export_path' configuration variable.
The save options that were specified for Save will also apply
to the Save As... command. Save As... will validate the file
if rules checking is turned on, just as Save does.
3.6. Close File
This command closes the current file. If the file has had changes
made to it since it was last saved, you will be prompted to
save the changes before closing it.
3.7. Preview
When you invoke this command it will launch a browser to display
the file. If the file hasn't been saved since changes were last
made to it, HoTMetaL will prompt you to save the file. You then
have the choice of saving the file or proceeding with the previewing
operation without saving (in which case the document is saved
to a temporary file automatically). The command line for the
browser that is launched by this command is specified using
the html_browser configuration variable. The default value for
this variable (and therefore the default browser) isc:\mosaic\mosaic.exe.
Invoking this command does the same as if you had saved the
file with HoTMetaL, launched the browser independently of HoTMetaL,
and then opened the file with the browser.
3.8. Publish...
This command is a form of "find and replace" for URLs. Before
a completed HTML document is moved to a WWW server, all URLs
should refer to documents that are available on some WWW server.
(While the document is being created, they may refer to documents
on your local system.) The Publish... command gives you the
opportunity to edit all the URLs, modifying them if necessary.
For example, when you are creating a document the URLs may consist
of local filenames such as:
When the document is placed on your server, you must substitute
URLs that refer to documents that are available on your server
or some other server. For example:
When you invoke Publish... you will get a dialog box containing
two text boxes.
The first box (labeled Change URLs From) contains a part of
the URL that you want to change; the second box (labeled To)
contains the string that you want to change it to. The default
values in these two boxes are specified by two configuration
variables: publish_change_from specifies the part of the URL
that should be changed; publish_change_to specifies the new
value for this part of the URL.
If there were a large number of URLs for which you needed to
change a local directory such as file:///c|/rodney to a directory
on the server, such as http://www.sq.com, you could set your
configuration variables as follows:
This would cause the Change URLs From text box to contain
"file:///c|/rodney" and the To text box to contain "http://www.sq.com".
3.8.1. Finding and Replacing URLs
When you click on the Find Next button, HoTMetaL finds the next
element that has an attribute representing a URL (often the
HREF attribute of the element A and the SRC attribute of the
element IMG). The search starts at the insertion point (or selection).
When an element with a URL is found, the insertion point is
placed inside that element, and the document scrolls to its
If the URL contains the text in the Change URLs From box, clicking
on the Replace button will change it to the text in the To box.
Clicking on the Replace All button will make this change for
all URLs in the document that contain the Change URLs From text.
This also causes the dialog box to be dismissed.
You can edit the Change URLs From and To text if you want to
perform substitutions other than the default one.
The searching performed by this command does not wrap around
from the bottom to the top of the file.
3.9. Exit
Quits HoTMetaL. If an open file has been changed since the last
time it was saved, you will be prompted to save the file before
4. The Edit menu
The Edit menu contains commands to cut, copy, and paste a selection,
undo your last action, perform find and replace operations,
and do spell checking.
4.1. Undo
Allows the effect of the last operation to be undone.
Most commands can be undone. There are, however, some HoTMetaL
actions that cannot be undone:
+ any command from the File menu, except Publish
+ scrolling and windowing commands
+ text selection
+ Undo itself (it can be undone with Redo)
+ Show Structure View, Show Link and Context View
+ Any actions performed prior to the last time the document
was saved cannot be undone.
If you imagine a sequence of undo-able commands as a list, successive
Undo commands will proceed through the list, starting at the
most recent. Therefore, if you execute two Undo commands in
a row you will undo the most recent action, and then undo the
second most recent action. Note that since Undo is not itself
an undo-able command, one Undo cannot undo another. This function
is reserved for Redo, which is the inverse of Undo. (See the
section on Redo.)
If you undo a Copy or Cut command, the previous contents of
the clipboard will be restored.
4.1.1. Undo limit
The number of previous commands that can be undone is not limitless
but rather is controlled by an undo limit. Once this limit is
reached, each successive command will cause the oldest undoable
command to be committed, that is, it will no longer be possible
to undo that command. For example, if the undo limit is set
to 1 and you Cut a selection and then Paste what you just cut,
you will be able to undo the paste but not the cut. If the undo
limit were 2 or greater, both the cut and paste could be undone.
The default value for the undo limit is 10, but this can be
changed by setting the undo_limit configuration variable, e.g.:
4.2. Redo
This command allows the most recent undone command to be redone.
Redo operates in a way similar to Undo: a sequence of Redo commands
re-does the most recent redo-able commands (i.e., commands that
have been undone) in reverse order. Redo and Undo are inverses
of each other: the net effect of an Undo and its corresponding
Redo is to cause no change to the document.
If an undoable action is performed after a series of one or
more Undo commands then the Undo commands will no longer be
To illustrate how Redo works, suppose you Cut a selection in
a document, and then Paste that selection somewhere else. If
you perform two Undo commands, first the Paste and then the
Cut will be undone. If you then execute a Redo, the Cut will
be redone. A second Redo will then redo the Paste.
4.3. Cut
Removes the current selection from the document and places it
in the clipboard. Any previous contents of the clipboard will
be erased. The selection can then be pasted.
This command is used when you want to remove a section of text
that will probably be pasted in elsewhere, in the same or another
4.4. Copy
Copies the contents of the current selection into the clipboard
and erases any previous contents. The document is left unchanged.
This command is used when you want to duplicate a portion of
the document without erasing it. The copied selection can be
inserted elsewhere using the Paste command.
4.5. Paste
Transfers the contents of the clipboard to the document. If
the document contains an insertion point, the clipboard is pasted
at that point; if it contains a selection, then the contents
of the clipboard overwrite the selection.
The clipboard can contain markup. If the paste would result
in an incorrectly marked-up document, you may be prompted to
either cancel the paste operation or continue with rules checking
turned off. Some paste operations cannot be performed even with
rules checking turned off.
4.6. Find and Replace...
Allows text, elements, and patterns to be found and replaced.
You are presented with a dialog box that allows you to enter
various values and parameters.
4.6.1. Specifying the search and replace strings
The Find text box allows you to specify a search string of
text characters, elements, character entities, or patterns.
If the document contains a selection when you invoke Find and
Replace... the selected text will automatically become the search
string. If the selected text is longer than 255 characters,
it will be truncated. If the selection contains a markup icon
(an element or character entity) it will be truncated at the
last character before the icon. A selection that starts with
a markup icon will become a null search string, and therefore
an existing selection cannot be used to cause an element to
be the search string.
The Replace text box allows you to specify a replace string
consisting of text characters, patterns, an element, or a character
entity, with which you want to replace the search string.
The Find In text box allows you to restrict your search to a
particular element.
The Find, Replace, and Find In strings are described in more
detail below.
4.6.2. Command buttons
There are five buttons (including Cancel) along the bottom of
the Find & Replace dialog box, which allow you to carry out
several search and replace operations. Find
Find causes HoTMetaL to search through the document for the
search string according to the various search parameters chosen.
If you click on Find and the search is successful, HoTMetaL
selects the text, character entity, or element that was found
and scrolls to the selection. If the search fails, HoTMetaL
will beep. Also, a Not found message will be displayed at the
bottom of the Find & Replace dialog box.
Text searches will not match if parts of the search string are
found within different elements. If you are searching for `Fred
and Barney', but the word `and' is in a separate element (emphasized,
for example), the search string will not be matched. Replace
Replace replaces the current selection in the document with
the replace string. This command is enabled only when part of
the document is selected. Replace then Find
Replace then Find replaces the current selection in the document
with the replace string, and then resumes the search procedure.
This command will be enabled only when part of the document
is selected.
You would use this option if you wanted to manually examine
each occurrence of the search string before doing a replacement:
if you decide to perform the replacement, click on Replace then
Find again; otherwise, click on Find to go to the next occurrence
of the search string. Replace All
Replace All replaces all occurrences of the search string with
the replace string. This command automates the whole find and
replace process, not giving you the opportunity to choose individual
cases. It is possible that some of the occurrences of the search
string that are found cannot be replaced, because this would
cause an incorrectly marked-up document. If so, these occurrences
are skipped over. After the operation has been completed, a
message will be displayed in the Find & Replace dialog box showing
how many occurrences of the search string were found, and how
many were replaced. The insertion point will now be at the end
of the last replacement. Invoking the Undo command after Replace
All will cause all of the replacements that were actually made
to be undone.
4.6.3. Specifying search patterns
When the Find Patterns option is on (see below), the characters
you type in the Find textbox are interpreted as patterns by
HoTMetaL: that is, the search string can contain certain special
search characters that allow the search string to match a class
of strings, or markup constructs. If your search string does
not contain any special search characters, HoTMetaL will search
for exactly the text you have typed. On the other hand, if the
search string does contain special search characters, it defines
a pattern of characters to be matched. For example, the search
character `.' (period) is used in the pattern
to match a sequence of five characters beginning with `m' and
ending with `y', e.g., the words `money', `marry', `murky',
etc. A complete description of search characters and expressions
appears below.
The following characters are special search characters in a
search pattern:
\ . * ? + ^ $ ]
In addition, the characters `&' and `<' are special when one
or the other appears as the first character of the pattern.
If you want to search for any of these as ordinary characters
when Find Patterns is turned on, it must be preceded by a backslash.
For example,
is used to match a period.
Search patterns are sequences of ordinary characters and special
characters, combined according to certain rules.
The following list summarizes how these search characters are
interpreted, and how search patterns are formed.
+ An ordinary character represents itself.
+ A string beginning with a `<', immediately followed by
an element name (and possibly attributes and content, as discussed
below), is used to match an element.
+ A period or dot, `.', represents a single, arbitrary character
(including a blank). So
would match `food', `ford', `fond', `fold', etc. Similarly,
matches `stop', `shot', `snow', etc.
+ A single character, or a string enclosed in parentheses,
followed by an asterisk, `*', matches zero or more occurrences
of that character or string. For example,
would match `ama', `lama', `llama', `lllama', etc.
would match `ba', `bana', `banana', and so on. It is possible
to combine the `*' with `.' to match arbitrary strings of characters.
matches `search', `such', `stretch', `stopwatch', as well as
`sch' and `skip lunch'. This search pattern represents strings
that start with `s' followed by zero or more occurrences of
an arbitrary single character (it doesn't have to be the same
character over and over) followed by the characters `ch'. Since
the period can match a blank space, this pattern can match a
multi-word string.
+ A single character, or a string enclosed in parentheses,
followed by a question mark, `?', matches zero or one occurrences
of that character or string. For example, to search for instances
of both `color' and `colour', you would use:
A single character, or a string enclosed in parentheses, followed
by a plus sign, `+', matches one or more occurrences of that
character or string. For example, the following expression matches
`ben', `been', `beeen', and so forth, but not `bn'.
+ Search patterns may be enclosed within parentheses for
+ Search patterns separated by a vertical bar, `|', match
any string that matches either of the patterns. For example,
if you wanted to search for either `love' or `money', you would
use the expression:
In a more complex example, you could combine two search patterns
given above:
A caret, `^', at the very beginning of a search pattern means
that text will match the pattern only if it immediately follows
markup (a start- or end-tag, or a character entity). Such text
must not be separated from the markup by white space. Anywhere
else, the caret is not treated as a special search character
(except in sub-strings, see below). For example, if you wanted
to search for the word `Note' immediately following markup,
you could use:
A dollar sign, `$', at the very end of a search pattern means
that text will match the pattern only if it is immediately followed
by markup. Such text must not be separated from the markup by
white space. Anywhere else, the dollar sign is not treated as
a special search character. For example, if you wanted to search
for the word `sub' immediately preceding markup, you could use:
A pair of square brackets, `[' and `]', around any string of
characters defines a sub-string that matches any one of the
characters between the brackets. For example,
matches `and' and `any'.
By contrast, a string of characters preceded by a caret, `^',
within brackets, matches any character not in the string. For
matches any word that begins with `th', which is not followed
by an `e' or `i'. It would match `that' and `thought' but not
`therefore' or `this'.
A sub-string, within square brackets, of the form
matches any character in the range of ASCII characters beginning
at char1 and ending at char2. For example, the sub-string
matches any lowercase letter between `e' and `p', inclusive.
The substring
matches any upper- or lower-case letter. Note that if searching
is not in case-sensitive mode (see below), no distinction between
lower case and upper case letters is made in character ranges.
In this case, for example, the character range
would match any upper- or lower-case letter.
+ An expression of the form
matches any character not in the range of ASCII characters
beginning at char1 and ending at char2.
+ A range can occur inside a sub-string. For example, the
matches any of `a', `c' through `f', and `h'.
If you wish to use any of the characters `^', `]', or `-' as
a literal character within a sub-string rather than as a special
search character, there are certain rules you must follow.
The `^' character is special only if it occurs as the first
character in a sub-string. Otherwise, it's treated as a literal
character. E.g.,
will match any of the characters `j', `o', `y', and `^'.
+ The character `-' is a special search character if it occurs
between other characters in the sub-string. If it occurs at
the beginning or end of the sub-string, it is a literal character.
For example, the sub-string
will match `a' or `-'.
+ The character ']' terminates a sub-string unless it occurs
as the first character. For example,
will match `a' or `b' or `]'. But
matches `a' or `b' followed by `]'.
None of the otherwise special search characters, including `\'
and `[' has special meaning within a sub-string.
+ If you surround a sub-expression in the search string by
parentheses, `(' and `)', you can refer in the replace string
to whatever this sub-expression matches. In general, an expression
in the replace string of the form `\n', where n is a number
from 1 to 9, means "replace this expression with whatever the
nth expression in brackets in the search string has matched".
For example, if the search string is
and the replace string is
then if the search string matches `bread', the found text will
be replaced by `box'. This is because the sub-expression `(.*)'
matched the letter `b'; the expression `\1' in the replace string
means "replace this expression with whatever is matched by the
first expression in parentheses in the search string". Therefore
`b' is substituted for `\1' and the replace string becomes `box'.
Here is a more complicated example: suppose the search string
(v.*e) (v.*a)
and the replace string is
\2 \1
Now the search string may match the words `vice versa'. The
first sub-expression, `(v.*e)', matches `vice' and the second
sub-expression, `(v.*a)', matches `versa'. In the replace string,
HoTMetaL replaces `\2' by what the second sub-expression in
the search string matched, and replaces `\1' by what the first
sub-expression matched. Therefore the replace string becomes
`versa vice'. The net effect of the operation is to replace
an occurrence of `vice versa' with `versa vice'.
It is possible to nest sub-expressions. In this situation, the
sub-expressions are numbered according to the order of occurrence
of their left parentheses. For example, if the search string
and the replace string
\2 \1
the effect would be to find `abcd' and replace it by `bc abcd'.
The expression `\0' in a replace string refers to the entire
string that was matched by the search string. E.g., if the search
string were
and the replace string were
gone \0ing
then an occurrence of `fish' would be replaced by `gone fishing'.
4.6.4. Elements and character entities as search patterns
A search string that begins with an open angle bracket, `<',
followed by a valid element name matches an element of that
name. If the search succeeds, the insertion point is positioned
to the left of the start tag. It does not matter here or in
other search options whether tags are visible or not (see Show/Hide
Tags in the View menu). The name in the search string can optionally
be followed by a closing angle bracket (>).
For example,
matches the element that has the name META. Element names are
not case sensitive in HoTMetaL, so `<meta' and `<META' would
match the same elements.
In a replacement operation, if the search string and the replace
string are both elements, one or more occurrences of the element
in the search string will be changed to the type specified in
the replace string. The contents of the element will be unchanged.
The tag in the replace string cannot be followed by text; if
it is, an error message will be displayed and the find operation
will not be performed.
If only the replace string is an element, the text that is found
will be removed and replaced. Replacement will not occur unless
the document contains a selection. Searching for text within an element
The search string can contain both an element name and, following
it, some text (or a pattern) that must be matched within the
element. In this case the element must end with a closing angle
bracket. For example,
would match the word `The' anywhere within the element P. This
is similar to the kind of restrictive searching that can be
done using the Find In string but it can be used in conjunction
with that feature to further restrict the search. In the last
example, if the Find In string is set to:
the word `The' would be matched if it appeared in a paragraph
in a ordered list but not if it appeared in a paragraph in another
4.6.5. Error messages
If you have a badly-formed search or replace string, HoTMetaL
will inform you of this with an error message at the bottom
of the Find & Replace dialog box. This message will consist
of a description of the error and the character position in
the string at which the error occurred. Errors that will be
reported include: invalid element or character entity names;
unmatched parentheses and brackets in search patterns; `?',
`*', or `+' not preceded by any character; invalid character
For example, if you use the search pattern:
you will get the error message:
In Find string: Invalid element name at position 2
because the HTML files do not contain an element called QUAGMIRE.
This message also indicates that the error was detected at the
second character in the search string.
4.6.6. Other search options
There are five options that can be set in searches. You may
want to search forward or backward through the file, match only
whole words, match upper- and lower-case exactly, employ wrapping,
or perform pattern searching. These options can be used in combination
and are turned on or off by clicking in the five check boxes
in the Find & Replace dialog box. The defaults for these options
can be set with the appropriate configuration variable. In this
case, the boxes will be selected, or not, according to the
configuration setting. Values set with configuration variables
may be overridden during your editing session by clicking in
the check boxes in the dialog box. Whole Words
A search string may be part of a word or it may represent an
entire word. Turning on Whole Words means that the search will
match a sequence of one or more whole words only. For example,
if HoTMetaL were told to look for `red' with Whole Words turned
on, it would not find that string in `Fred'.
With this option turned on, the pattern `a.*z' will match `a
tough quiz' but not the first 12 characters (including the spaces)
of a `tough buzzard'. The default for this option can be set
with the find_whole_words configuration variable. Case Sensitive
When case sensitivity is turned on, HoTMetaL will look for the
search string exactly as you've typed it--matching upper case
to upper case and lower to lower. With case sensitivity off,
the program will find any variation: a search string of `alice'
would match `ALICE', `alice' and `AliCE'. This option applies
to patterns as well as text. The default for this option can
be set with the find_case_sensitive configuration variable. Backwards Search
HoTMetaL normally starts its searches at the insertion point
(or the end of the selection) and moves towards the bottom
of the file. Backwards Search indicates that you want the search
to move from the insertion point (or the start of the selection)
back to the top of the file. If wrapping is not enabled (see
below), HoTMetaL does not wrap around the beginning or end of
the file, so you should always make sure that you begin your
search from the appropriate place in the file. The default for
this option can be set with the find_backward configuration
variable. Wrap
When Wrap is turned on, HoTMetaL will wrap around the top or
bottom of the file, depending on whether you are doing a forward
or backward search. The default for this option can be set with
the find_wrap configuration variable. Find Patterns
This option allows you to turn on or off HoTMetaL's ability
to find patterns. If Find Patterns is turned off, any special
characters that you type in the find or replace strings will
be treated as ordinary characters. The default for this option
can be set with the find_patterns configuration variable.
4.6.7. Find In
One of HoTMetaL's more powerful search features is its ability
to restrict a search to the contents of particular type of element.
This means, for example, that you could use Find and Replace...
to check that a word is in uppercase letters whenever it appears
in a paragraph, but in upper and lowercase when it's part of
a title.
The Find In text box is used to specify the element that you
want to restrict searching to. The format for this string is
identical to that for the search string when searching for an
element, except that the element name can't be followed by text.
4.7. Find Next
Performs a search for the search string specified in the previous
Find & Replace dialog box. Once a search string has been specified,
this command has the same effect as clicking the Find button
in the Find & Replace dialog box.
5. The View menu
The View menu contains various commands to format the document
window when editing an HoTMetaL document. This formatting affects
the HoTMetaL display only: it doesn't affect how browsers will
display the document.
5.1. Numerical values
The Character... and Separation... commands allow you to enter
numerical values. These may be set from a menu or entered directly
by the user in a text box. As appropriate, these values may
be absolute, relative, or expressed as a percentage of some
base value (this is explained below). The following units may
be used:
- centimeters (cm)
- inches
- machine units
- millimeters (mm)
- picas
- pixels
- points
A pixel is the same as a point, and a machine unit is 1/16
of a pixel.
You may use any unit wherever you are allowed to enter values.
For example, point size may be expressed in points, inches,
picas, etc. Descriptions of individual commands will indicate
which kinds of values (absolute, relative, percentage) may be
Units may be specified by giving the full unit name, the abbreviation
(mm or cm), or the first few letters of the unit name, as long
as that specification is unambiguous.
5.1.1. Examples
The following are examples of valid settings:
- 1 inches
- 1.45 i
- 2 mm
- 2 milli
- 3 pix
- 6 points
- 2 po
- 2 pica
- 2pica
5.1.2. Relative and percentage settings
Relative settings specify an amount to be added to or subtracted
from a base setting: they have the same format as absolute settings,
but are prefaced by a `+' or `-' sign. As well, you may set
a value to be Adopt Current, which means that the value is to
be inherited from the surrounding element. Some valid settings
- -2.67 inches
- +3 picas
- Adopt Current
- ac (same as Adopt Current)
- +0 (same as Adopt Current)
Values may also be expressed as a percentage by affixing a percent
(%) sign, the word `percent', or a suitable abbreviation, e.g.:
- 100% (same as the default value)
- 150 percent (1.5 times the default value)
- 243 per (2.43 times the default value)
5.2. Show/Hide Tags
If you select Show Tags, the start- and end-tags in your document
will appear on the screen as small tag icons, and character
entities will be represented as rectangular icons containing
the character name; if you select Hide Tags, the tag icons will
be hidden, and the character entities will appear in text form.
This command is toggled: if you choose Show Tags, the menu item
changes to Hide Tags, and vice versa. The tags that point to
the right are start-tags, indicating the beginning of an element,
while those that point to the left are end-tags, indicating
the end of an element. When you create a new HoTMetaL document,
tags will be visible by default.
5.3. Show/Hide Link and Context View
This feature allows you to display a window showing the sequence
of nested elements that terminates at the currentinsertion point
or selection.
This window will not show the structure of the entire document
(see Show Structure View below) only the hierarchical context
containing the current position. That is, it displays the sequence
of open tags at the current position. Any attributes that have
been set for elements in the sequence will be displayed.
The Context View: an attribute is displayed for the fourth element
in the sequence.
When you invoke this command the name toggles to Hide Link
and Context View; this command should be used to dismiss the
context view.
You can bring up a different context view for each open HoTMetaL
5.4. Show/Hide Structure View
This command brings up a window that shows the structure of
the entire document.
You can bring up a different structure view for each open HoTMetaL
document. Once a structure view is displayed, it remains visible,
even if you change documents, until it is dismissed.
The structure view shows the hierarchy of the document in a
plain, unformatted manner. Each line in the structure view represents
one element in the document. Each line shows a start tag, an
end tag and possibly some text between them. The indention of
the line indicates the level at which the element is nested.
The text cannot be edited and typing is not recognized, but
you can use all the editing commands from the Edit and Markup
To select an element in the structure view, you can either click
to the left of the start tag icon and drag the cursor across
the icon, or click twice to the left of the start tag icon.
Multiple elements can be selected by clicking the mouse to the
left of a start tag and then dragging down to select successive
When you invoke this command the name toggles to Hide Structure
View; this command should be used to dismiss the structure view.
5.4.1. Editing in the structure view
Since text entry is not permitted in the structure view, almost
all editing is done in the formatted view. The structure view
is useful when rearranging whole elements or when creating an
outline for your document. It can also be very useful when you
are changing styles, for example, with the Character... command.
You may insert, remove, etc., elements while in the structure
view. Any of the valid commands that you select will apply to
the contents of the structure view.
Any editing you do in the structure view will appear in the
formatted view provided it is displaying the same portion of
the document.
5.4.2. Expanding the view of elements
Clicking on an element icon allows you to open and close elements,
that is, show and hide their contents. When an element is open,
all the elements it contains (but not their sub-elements) are
shown as indented lines following that element's line. (To see
the contents of sub-elements, open these in turn.) When an element
is closed, access to its contents is not possible because the
contents are not displayed in the window. Since you can insert
elements in the structure view, you can use this feature to
build an outline (structure) for your document before you begin
to type in the text.
5.5. Show Image
This command allows you to display a file (usually a bitmapped
graphic file) referred to by a URL in the current element (which
must be one of IMG and LINK). To view a file, invoke this command
when the insertion point or selection is inside the desired
Show Image uses the following mechanism to determine how to
process the file--in this explanation, assume that the URL is:
1. HoTMetaL reads the filename (the last part of the URL).
In this case it's "george.gif"
2. HoTMetaL reads the file extension (the part after the dot).
In this example the extension is "gif". This extension should
indicate the format of the file: we would expect this file to
be in GIF format.
3. HoTMetaL scans the defined configuration variables, looking
for one called view_extension, where extension is the file extension
read in the previous step. In this case, it would look for a
variable called view_gif. The value of this variable (if it's
defined) should be a command that processes the file, for example:
view_gif=c:\windows\pbrush.exe $FILE
If this variable is not found, Show Image terminates with an
error message.
4. If the variable is found, the full filename specified in
the URL (including the path, if specified) is substituted for
the string `$FILE', and the resulting command line will be executed
on your system. (If `$FILE' is not present in the command, the
full filename is simply appended to the command.) In this example,
the resulting command line would be:
c:\windows\pbrush.exe c:\rodney\orwell\george.gif
(This invokes the Windows Paintbrush program.)
If you intend to use Show Image, you should ensure that the
necessary configuration variables (view_gif, view_tif, view_jpg,
etc.)are defined before you invoke HoTMetaL, and any programs
that these variables refer to are available on your system.
Since Show Image uses only the filename part of a URL, the
URL can specify a file on any server, provided that a file of
the same name exists on your local system.
5.6. Show/Hide Inline Images
If you invoke Show Inline Images, all GIF files referred to
by URLs of IMG elements in the current document will be displayed
inline (i.e., in the HoTMetaL document window). The menu item
will toggle to Hide Inline Images. Invoking Hide Inline Images
will cause all such images to be hidden.
If the show_inline_images configuration variable is set to TRUE,
GIF images will be displayed when a file is opened, and this
menu item will be toggled to Hide Inline Images. Otherwise (if
show_inline_images is FALSE, or not set at all), images will
not be displayed when a file is opened, and the menu item will
be toggled to Show Inline Images.
5.7. Show/Hide URLs
By default, HoTMetaL displays the URLs associated with relevant
elements, in the prefix of the element's start-tag. If you want
to hide the URLs, choose Hide URLs: the URLs will disappear
from the display, and the menu item will toggle to Show URLs.
Clicking on Show URLs will cause the URLs to be displayed again.
5.8. Character...
This item allows you to change character-related formatting
properties such as font, font size, and justification. Remember
that this formatting will affect the document in HoTMetaL only;
it doesn't affect how the document is displayed by browsers.
5.8.1. Setting an element's formatting
You can change the format assigned to an element in the document
at any time. When you invoke the Character... command, HoTMetaL
gives you a dialog box allowing you to set formatting parameters
for the current element (the one the insertion point or selection
is in). When you change these parameters, they will change for
all occurrences of the current element type.
The name of the element currently being formatted appears
in the lower left corner of the dialog box. If you move the
cursor to a different element while the Characters dialog box
is on the screen, the dialog box changes to reflect the formatting
of the new element.
5.8.2. Setting the default formatting
If the insertion point is not inside any element, (e.g., it's
to the left of the HTML start-tag) then choosing Characters...
gives you a dialog box to set the default format. The "element
name" in the lower left corner of the dialog will read ".DEFAULT".
Default formatting will ripple through the entire structure,
provided that the elements in the document's hierarchy have
their formatting parameters set to "Adopt Current".
5.8.3. Font Family
The drop-down list box for Font Family shows the current choice.
You can specify the font family by name or adopt the font of
a surrounding element (adopt current). To select a new font
family, position the mouse on the Font Family arrow. Click
and drag down the list of the font family names available on
your system. Release the mouse button over your choice.
The default font family can be specified with the default_font_family
configuration variable. A font family specified in this manner
will be the default for all open documents. The built-in default
font family is Helvetica. Adopt Current
Sometimes you may want to change the font family you're using
on the screen for many related elements. Changing the Font Family
for every element would be time-consuming and tedious. You can
allow changes to be inherited by taking advantage of HoTMetaL's
ability to pass format settings from one element to the next.
For example, if the insertion point is surrounded by the following
and you set the Font Family to Adopt Current in the BODY and
P elements, then whatever font family you establish in the HTML
element will ripple through the entire structure.
5.8.4. Font Size
Selecting the font size is similar to selecting the font family.
You can open the Font Size drop-down list box and choose
any size (including Adopt Current) shown. You may also enter
a size in the text box to the left of the arrow. This size may
be an absolute or relative value. If the size you chose is unavailable,
HoTMetaL will choose the next smallest font size. Relative values
(+2 points, -3 points, etc.) are added to the point size of
the surrounding element.
The default font size can be specified with the default_font_size
configuration variable. A font size specified in this manner
will be the default for all open documents. The built-in default
font size is 12 points.
5.8.5. Font Style
The check boxes under the Font Style heading allow you to
add style variations to the font family. The check boxes can
be set individually or in any combination. If you want the style
to be the same as the style for the surrounding element, click
on the Adopt Current check box only. Bold, Italic
As an example, consider a document with three emphasis elements:
B, I, and EM. So that the contents of these elements will stand
out, you could set the font family and font size to Adopt Current
for each of these elements, make them all Inline (see below)
and then set B to Bold, I to Italic, EM to Bold and Italic.
These emphasis elements would then cause their contents to be
the same font and size as the surrounding text but each would
have a different style. Superscript, Subscript
Superscript and Subscript raise and lower, respectively, the
baseline of the font. Superscripted text is raised so that its
baseline is one-third of its ascent above the baseline of the
containing element. (The ascent is roughly the distance from
the baseline to the top of an uppercase letter.) Similarly,
the baseline of subscripted text is lowered to be one-third
of the ascent below the baseline of the surrounding element.
To make effective use of these style options, either choose
a font size that is smaller than the size of the containing
element or ensure that the line spacing of the containing element
is large enough that the tops of the superscripted characters
and bottoms of the subscripted characters are not cut off.
Subscripts and superscripts are normally not supported by browsers. Toggle
When Toggle is selected as part of the font style, the other
style settings are turned off in the current element if they
are turned on in the containing element. For example, an element
whose font style is set to Bold and Toggle will appear as bold
text within plain (Roman) surrounding text and as plain within
bold surrounding text. Adopt Current
Adopt Current means that the font style options of the containing
element are adopted in addition to those explicitly set for
this element type. For example, if Adopt Current is the only
option selected, then the font style for an element of this
type will be identical to the font style of its containing element.
Another example would be an element whose font style is set
to both Adopt Current and Italic. Then the element's text will
appear with a font style of italic within an element containing
plain text and as bold-italic in bold text. Underline
Underline allows you to underline the text of the element.
5.8.6. Line Height
The Line Height specifies the vertical height from the bottom
of one line to the bottom of the next line in the same element.
This value should normally be set slightly larger than the font
size so that the lines won't appear clipped.
You may select single, double, or triple spacing from the drop-down
list box labeled Line Height. Double spacing gives twice the
line height of single spacing; triple spacing gives three times
the line height of single spacing. A value may also be entered
directly in the text box to the right of the arrow. This value
may be absolute, relative, or a percentage.
A percentage line height is interpreted as a percentage of single
spacing. I.e., 100 percent is the same as single spacing, 150
percent is 1.5 times as high as single spacing, and so on.
If you give a relative value then the line height is equal to
the single spaced line height, plus or minus the amount specified.
An absolute line height should be at least as large as the point
size: otherwise, the lines will overlap. A value of about 1.2
times the point size would be normal.
If you select Adopt Current for the line height, then the element
you are formatting will assume the absolute line height of its
surrounding element. So if the surrounding element has a font
size of 12 points and single line spacing, and you choose, say,
a font size of 24 points for the current element, it will have
the same line height as if it had a font size of 12 points,
because that is the line height of the surrounding element.
Line height defaults to Adopt Current.
5.8.7. Justification
HoTMetaL offers four styles of text justification plus the capability
to inherit the justification style from the surrounding element.
You can choose the one you want by clicking on the appropriate
icon. The styles are mutually exclusive: you can choose just
The choices are:
+ Left (flush left, ragged right): All the spaces between
words are the same width, and the text is aligned on the left,
leaving the right-hand edge uneven.
+ Right (flush right, ragged left): All the spaces between
words are the same width and the text is aligned on the right.
+ Centered: all the spaces between words are the same width
and the lines are centered on the midpoint of the line length.
+ Both (flush right and left--often called justified): Spaces
between words are adjusted to force both left- and right-hand
edges of the text to be even.
+ Adopt Current: the justification style is inherited from
the surrounding element.
5.8.8. Fill
This group of choices allows you to specify whether HoTMetaL
should treat carriage return characters as spaces or as line
ends. When Fill is selected, the lines are broken at the last
space before the right indent. If you type Return a return character
is inserted but is treated as though it were a space. When No
Fill is selected, HoTMetaL will not fill the lines--when you
type Return, a new line will be started.
For example, poetry and centered headings would normally be
in No Fill mode, while the contents of a paragraph would be
in Fill mode.
Browsers typically display elements (with the exception of PRE)
in fill mode. Saving filled elements
When you save a file, you may choose to have line breaks inserted
after a certain number of characters in all elements that are
in fill mode. See the description of the Save command in the
chapter on the File menu for more details.
5.8.9. Format Types
For the purposes of screen formatting, the elements are divided
into two broad categories: Block and Inline. You can set the
category for each element by clicking on the appropriateoption
button in the Format Type group. Block
Block elements:
Always start on a new line if there are any end-tags or text
on the current line.
Cause any element or text that follows them to begin on a new
Can have all the formatting options set: justification, font
family, size and style, vertical and horizontal spacing, and
tab settings. Inline
Inline elements:
Cause no line break either before or after the element. This
format might be used for an emphasized word or phrase or a short
Can have only certain formatting options set: font family, size,
and style. The other options are inherited from the surrounding
5.9. Separation...
This command lets you set the amount of vertical space that
separates an element from neighboring elements. Remember that
the separation values you set with this command will affect
only how the document looks in HoTMetaL; they don't affect how
the document is displayed by browsers.
To edit these values, move the insertion point inside an instance
of an element you want to format, and click on the Separation...
menu item, or click inside the desired element when the Separation
dialog is already on the screen.
5.9.1. Top and bottom space
Top and bottom space control the vertical separation between
elements. They are available only for block elements.
Top Space determines the minimum amount of vertical white space
that must precede the element. If the element before this one
has a Bottom Space value, the actual separation will be the
greater of the current element's top space and the preceding
element's bottom space.
The top space can be specified as an absolute amount or as a
percentage of one line height at the current line height. For
example, if you want 1 1/2 lines of white space between paragraphs,
set the top space to 150%. The top and bottom space separations
are added to the normal line spacing, so if two successive elements
have a bottom separation of zero and top separation of zero,
respectively, the baseline of the last line of the first element
and the first line of the following element will be one line
height apart.
Bottom Space determines the minimum amount of vertical white
space that must follow the block. The actual separation is the
greater of the current element's bottom space and the next element's
top space. The value is specified in the same way as for Top
Space, above.
5.9.2. Tabbed elements
An element that has Tabbed turned on is formatted as if it started
with a tab. This command does not actually insert a tab into
the text. Only inline elements may be designated as tabbed.
This option is useful for displaying simple tabular material.
6. The Markup menu
The Markup menu contains commands to insert and edit HTML markup.
6.1. Interpret Document
Sometimes you will attempt to open a document that contains
structural errors and HoTMetaL will be unable to correct them.
In this situation HoTMetaL will give you the choice of passing
the file through a filter or opening it as a text document so
that you can correct the errors manually. In the latter case,
when you have corrected the errors in a text document, and while
the text document is still the current open document, you can
use Interpret Document to convert it into an open document in
HoTMetaL's internal format (which causes tag icons to be displayed
and allows graphical editing). Alternatively, you can save the
document and then open it using the Open... command in the File
If Interpret Document discovers an error in the document, the
error will be reported and the insertion point will move to
its location. In this situation, the document will not be converted
to HoTMetaL format.
Interpret Document is very similar to Open...: the difference
is that Interpret Document does the equivalent of an open on
the current open text document, rather than on a file that was
chosen from a file selection dialog box.
This command will be enabled only of the current document is
a text document. Normally HoTMetaL does not allow you to open
a text document for editing as text: a file can be opened in
this form only if it contains structural errors that HoTMetaL
cannot resolve.
6.2. Insert Element...
This command creates a new element by inserting a new pair of
start- and end-tag icons.
When you invoke this command, you are given the Insert Element
dialog box, which contains a list of names of the elements permitted
by the rules file at the location of the insertion point (or
selection) in the document.
6.2.1. The list of elements
The left column of the list box contains an alphabetical list
of element names; the right column contains a phrase describing
the corresponding element. The name of the first element (if
there is one) required by the HTML rules file at this point
in the document will be followed by the `<' character.
6.2.2. Inserting an element
To select an element, click once on the line containing the
element name, or type the first character of the element name
repeatedly until the correct element is selected. Then click
once on the Insert Element button to insert it. Alternatively,
you can double-click on the line that contains the element name
in the scroll box.
If the document contains a selection rather than an insertion
point, the selection will be overwritten by the inserted element.
6.2.3. Restrictions
Insert Element... will be disabled and the menu item grayed-out
if there are no elements that can be inserted at the insertion
point or current selection without creating an incorrectly marked
up document. Often the command will become enabled if rules
checking is turned off (see Turn Rules Checking On/Off), but
there are some elements in which you will never be allowed to
insert an element: BASE, BR, HR, IMG, INPUT, ISINDEX, LINK,
6.2.4. Required elements
The Insert Element dialog box includes a check box labeled Include
Required Elements. When this box is selected, inserting an
element causes the first required subelement (if there is one)
to be inserted as well. This option may also be set with the
include_required_elements configuration variable. This process
is recursive, so that if the required subelement itself has
a required subelement, this element will also be inserted, and
so forth. Note that this does not mean that all required subelements
of the current element will be inserted, only the first required
subelement (and its own first required subelement, and so forth).
6.3. Surround...
This command lets you surround the current selection with a
new element.
This command will be available only if the document contains
a selection. When you invoke Surround..., the Surround dialog
box appears: it contains a list of elements that can surround
the selection and still leave the document correctly marked
up. Choose an element in the same manner as when inserting an
The command will be disabled and the menu item grayed-out if
there are no elements that can surround the selection without
creating an incorrectly marked up document. Often the command
will become enabled if rules checking is turned off (see Turn
Rules Checking On/Off), but there are some circumstances in
which you will never be allowed to surround a selection. In
particular, you cannot surround any selection with one of the
following elements: BASE, BR, HR, IMG, INPUT, ISINDEX, LINK,
6.4. Change...
Changes the type of the current element. (The current element
is the innermost element containing the insertion point or
selection. If the selection consists of an entire element, including
its start- and end-tags, then the current element is the one
containing the selected element, not the selection itself.)
When you invoke this command, HoTMetaL presents you with a dialog
box containing a list of elements that can replace the current
element and still leave the document correctly marked up. You
may choose the appropriate element from the list in the ways
described above for the Insert Element... and Surround... commands.
The command will be disabled and the menu item grayed-out if
there are no elements that can replace the current element without
creating an incorrectly marked up document. Often the command
will become enabled if rules checking is turned off (see Turn
Rules Checking On/Off in the Special menu), but there are some
circumstances in which you will not be allowed to change the
current element: if the current element has any content (elements,
text, or character entities) you cannot change it to any of:
6.5. Edit SGML Attributes...
This command lets you view and edit the attributes of the current
To edit the attributes of an element, set the insertion point
inside that element (i.e., make it the current element). Then
invoke the Edit SGML Attributes... command. You will be presented
with a dialog box that can be used to edit the attribute list.
The dialog box will change depending on the type and number
of attributes that have been defined for this element in the
rules file. In every case, however, the dialog box will consist
of several lines, one per attribute. Each line will consist
The name of the attribute.
A drop-down list box or a text box, depending on the type of
attribute. If the attribute value is defined as being one of
a list of values, then the line in the dialog box line for that
attribute will contain a drop-down list box giving the possible
values. Otherwise, you will see a text box.
When you have entered the desired attribute values, click on
the Apply button.
6.6. Insert Character Entity...
This command lets you insert a character entity into the document.
Character entities represent special characters that you may
not be able to enter into a document directly from your keyboard.
When you invoke this command you get a dialog box containing
push buttons for the "special" characters in the ISO 8859-1
character set. To insert a character, just click on the button
with the mouse.
If the character you want to insert is not found in this dialog
box, you should click on the Other... button. When you do so
you will get a dialog box that lets you choose character entities
from a number of entity sets. The entity set is chosen from
the drop-down list box labeled Entity Set. The character entities
in the selected entity set are displayed in the list labeled
Defined Entities. This list has has three columns: the first
column gives the entity names; the second column will give some
information about the kind of entity that has been defined (normally
this will say SDATA, indicating that the character entity is
a "specific character data entity" in SGML); the third column
in the list gives the content of the character entity.
To choose an entity set, click on the Entity Set drop-down
list box and make a selection from the list that appears. There
are only two choices that are really useful:
+ To choose the ISO 8859-1 character set, click on the line
that reads "8879:1987//Entities Added Latin 1//EN".
+ Local & Active: this set contains all the character entities
that have been used in the current document so far. The effect
of this is that character entities that are likely to be frequently
used are conveniently grouped together. If no entities have
been used to this point, this list will be empty.
6.6.1. Inserting a character entity
You can insert a character entity by double-clicking on the
entity name, or clicking once on the name and once on the Insert
If the document contains a selection (as opposed to an insertion
point) before the character is inserted, the selection will
be replaced by the entity reference.
You will never be allowed to insert a character entity into
6.6.2. Displaying character entities
If the Show Tags command is invoked (see the View menu) a character
entity appears on the screen as an icon consisting of a box
containing the character name. If Hide Tags is invoked, the
character itself is displayed. (There are a few characters that
HoTMetaL cannot display--in these cases the character name,
surrounded by square brackets, will be displayed instead.) By
default, character entities (and tags) are displayed as icons.
You cannot put an insertion point in the icon or the expanded
text view of the character entity. You can only select the entire
character. That is done by clicking the mouse to one side of
it and then dragging across it.
6.7. Turn Rules Checking On/Off
This command toggles the state of rules checking in HoTMetaL.
When rules checking is on, HoTMetaL uses the rules file to ensure
that the document being edited will be correctly marked up.
While this checking is not complete, it will nevertheless catch
and prevent most markup errors. Complete checking of the markup
is done by the validation process that occurs when you open
or save a file.
HoTMetaL prevents markup errors in a number of ways.
The commands that could cause errors are disabled. For example,
the Surround command in the Markup menu will be grayed-out if
the document would not be correctly tagged after the selected
content was surrounded by any element.
A restricted list of elements is presented. For example, the
Insert Element... command will only present a list of those
elements that will leave the document correctly tagged after
the insertion.
An opportunity is given to cancel a command before any damage
is done. For example, if a Paste operation would leave the document
incorrectly tagged, HoTMetaL will present a warning giving the
choice of canceling the paste or completing the command after
first turning rules checking off.
Rules checking is normally desirable, since it greatly reduces
the chance of making markup errors. However, there are occasions
when rules checking can get in the way of the job at hand. Most
commonly this happens when the operation that you are performing
involves two or more steps, and one of those intermediate steps
will leave the document temporarily incorrectly marked up.
When the rules are not being checked, the commands that were
previously disabled will usually become enabled; for the exceptions,
see the documentation on the individual commands. This means
that you will be able to create an incorrectly tagged document,
and therefore you should leave the rules off only as long as
you need to.
When you choose Turn Rules Checking On from the menu, the menu
item changes to Turn Rules Checking Off to indicate that this
state can be toggled. When you turn rules checking back on,
HoTMetaL will quickly scan your document to make sure it is
correctly tagged. If it isn't, HoTMetaL will present a warning
describing the problem and the insertion point moves to the
location of the error. Rules checking will remain off. Select
Turn Rules Checking On again after the problem is corrected.
The rules checking state (On or Off) is displayed in the lower
right corner of the HoTMetaL window.
7. The Help menu
7.1. About HoTMetaL...
Displays the HoTMetaL copyright notice.
7.2. SoftQuad Home Page
This command will invoke a browser, displaying the SoftQuad
home page.
8. The Window menu
This menu contains commands for moving between open files and
for arranging document windows on the screen.
8.1. Next
This command lets you cycle through the open files. HoTMetaL
orders the open files according to the time they were opened.
When you invoke Next, the file that was opened most recently
after the current file, and has not yet been closed, becomes
the current file. If the current file is the most recently opened
file, then the least recently opened file becomes the current
You may also make a file active by clicking on its document
window, or by selecting it from the list of open files that
appears at the end of the Window menu (see below).
8.2. Previous
This command is similar to Next, but it makes the file that
was opened most recently before the current file, and has not
yet been closed, the current file.
8.3. Cascade
This command causes all the document windows (including those
for context and structured views) to be cascaded, in the order
in which the files were most recently active. That is, the active
file is displayed at the front, the file that was next most
recently active is displayed behind it, slightly above and to
the left, and so forth.
8.4. Tile
This command causes all the document windows (including those
for context and structured views) to be tiled. That is, the
windows will be arranged in a column of non-overlapping, equal-sized
windows down the frame. The active document will be on top.
If there are more than three open documents, the windows will
be arranged in several columns, with the active document at
the top left.
8.5. Tile Vertically
This command is similar to Tile, but causes all the document
windows to be arranged in a row of non-overlapping, equal-sized
windows across the frame. The active document will be on the
left. If there are more than three open documents, the windows
will be arranged in columns, with the active document at the
top left.
8.6. Arrange Icons
If some document windows have been iconified, this command will
cause the icons to be arranged in a row at the bottom of the
8.7. Filenames in the Windows menu
Every open document (including context and structure views)
will cause a menu item consisting of the document name to be
added to the Windows menu. Selecting the document name will
cause that document to become active. Each document name is
preceded by a number. This number is the mnemonic for the menu
item, that is, typing the number while the Windows menu is open
is the same as selecting the menu item.
9. The configuration mechanism
HoTMetaL's configuration mechanism lets you modify HoTMetaL's
behavior to suit your needs and those of your site.
There are two types of information in the configuration files.
There are variables that control HoTMetaL's behavior, and there
are variables that give the location of files or directories.
9.1. Configuring HoTMetaL
There are many aspects of HoTMetaL's behavior that you can configure
to your personal needs or those of your site. For example, you
can control default options in the Find and Replace dialog box,
set options for the Save command, and specify the locations
of various auxiliary files. You can run HoTMetaL without any
problems using the default configuration, but at some point
you may prefer to customize. This will be particularly true
if several people will be using HoTMetaL on the samePC.
9.1.1. Configuration files
The default configuration files read by HoTMetaL are the file
sqhm.ini located in the directory where HoTMetaL is installed
and the file sqhm.ini in the Microsoft Windows directory (usually
c:\windows). These files contain configuration parameters called
configuration variables. Variables set in the file in the Windows
directory take precedence.
You can specify that different files are read by the configuration
mechanism, according to the following procedure:
+ If the HoTMetaL command line contains the option -sqconfig
followed by a list of one or more files, these files will be
used as the configuration files.
To specify the files using the command line, you have to modify
the HoTMetaL command line using the Properties... command in
the Windows File menu.
* Click once on the HoTMetaL icon.
* Invoke the Properties... command.
* A dialog box will appear. In the Command line text box
in this dialog, add the option -sqconfig followed by the filenames.
For example:
c:\sqhm\sqhm.exe -sqconfig c:\frances\sqhm.ini
You can specify more than one file by separating the files
with semi-colons:
-sqconfig c:\frances\sqhm.ini;${SQDIR}\sqhm.ini
(This example should be read as one line.) `${SQDIR}' means
"replace this by the value of the SQDIR environment variable"
(this variable, if it has a value, names the HoTMetaL directory).
This setting causes two files to be used: the file c:\frances\sqhm.ini,
as before, and the filesqhm.ini located in the HoTMetaL directory.
Note: the SQDIR (HoTMetaL directory) may also be set on the
command line. If so, the expression `${SQDIR}' will represent
the value from the command line. See the section `Setting the
HoTMetaL directory' in the `A guide for the perplexed' chapter
for full details.
If there is no -sqconfig option in the HoTMetaL command line,
but theDOS environment variable SQCONFIG names one or more files,
then these will be used as configuration files. Here are examples
of specifying configuration files using this method.
set SQCONFIG=c:\frances\sqhm.ini
set SQCONFIG=c:\frances\sqhm.ini;${SQDIR}\sqhm.ini
The format for the value of the SQCONFIG variable is the same
as for the value that can come after the -sqconfig command line
option, as described above.
Environment variables can be set at the DOS prompt, or if you
want them to be set every time the PC is booted, you can put
the same settings in the autoexec.bat file.
+ If no configuration files are specified with the -sqconfig
option or the SQCONFIG environment variable, HoTMetaL will try
to read the default configuration files: sqhm.ini in the directory
where HoTMetaL is installed and in the Windows directory (usually
If a number of configuration files are specified using the environment
variable or the command line, HoTMetaL reads the list of files
from right to left, that is, in the reverse of the order in
which they are listed. If a particular variable (parameter)
has a setting in more than one file, the value in the file that
is read last will take precedence. If a variable is defined
more than once in the same file, the value which appears last
in that file will take precedence over values that appear earlier
in the file.
If a variable is not set in any configuration file, but is set
in the environment, then the setting from the environment is
used. If there is no setting in the configuration files or in
the environment, then the built-in default value (if there is
one) is used. If there is no default value, the variable is
In summary, the value of a configuration variable is taken
from the following sources, in the order given below:
1. The configuration files.
2. The environment.
3. The built-in default.
9.1.2. Configuration variables read on start-up!
Configuration files (and configuration variables in the environment)
are read by HoTMetaL on start-up, so the changes you make will
take effect the next time you run HoTMetaL--they will have no
effect on a currently-running HoTMetaL. If you need them to
take effect immediately, you will have to exit HoTMetaL and
restart it.
9.1.3. A suggestion: base and personal configuration files
The following arrangement is one suggestion about how you can
use configuration files. It involves using two files: a base
file for variables that don't change very often, and a personal
file for variables that change more frequently, are experimental,
or are employed by a single user. Base file
The base file should be used as a system configuration file.
It should contain the settings that you want to be used as defaults.
A parameter should be changed in this file only if you decide
that its default value should change for everyone using HoTMetaL
on a specific PC. The file sqhm.ini in the HoTMetaL directory
should be used for this purpose. Personal file
The personal configuration file should be used if you need
to override some of the settings in the base file without modifying
the base file. For example, you may want to make temporary changes
to some of the parameters, or to specify parameter values that
are used only by you (or another individual user), rather than
by everyone who uses HoTMetaL on the computer. If your PC has
only a single user, you may choose not to use the personal file
at all. Or, you could use it only for making temporary changes
to the configuration. The file sqhm.ini in the Windows directory
should be used for this purpose.
9.1.4. Setting parameters in the configuration files
You do not need to change any configuration variables unless
you wish to customize the HoTMetaL configuration.
A variable is just a name that is assigned some value. You can
change these variables by simply editing the configuration files,
as appropriate, and making the desired changes. Basic format for setting variables
Variables are assigned values by putting lines of the following
form in the configuration files:
variable = value
For example:
undo_limit is a configuration variable that specifies the number
of successive commands that can be undone or reversed with HoTMetaL's
Undo command. The default built in to HoTMetaL is 10; to raise
this to 50, you would set the variable as in the example.
You may put spaces or tabs on either side of the equal sign
for readability. Also, if you prefer, you may substitute a colon
(:) for the equal sign:
The effect is the same.
You should not have any "white space" (spaces or tabs) at the
end of the line.
If you don't want to set a particular variable, then you can
do this by omitting or deleting any settings of that variable
in the configuration files. Alternatively, you can "comment
out" settings in these files by inserting the `
' character as the first character on all lines containing such
settings: HoTMetaL will ignore such lines.
For example:
You should not try to give variables a "null" value, e.g.,
You should take care to use legal values for all the configuration
variables. Otherwise, HoTMetaL may behave in unexpected ways. Referencing one variable from another
You can use the value of one configuration variable when assigning
the value of another variable. For example:
templates_path= d:\${my_name_is}\tmplts
The expression:
is equal to the current value of the configuration variable
(my_name_is) between the `{' and `}'. So this expression is
equal to `rodney'. When HoTMetaL evaluates templates_path in
the last example, it substitutes `rodney'. for `${my_name_is}',
so that the value of templates_path becomes `d:\rodney\tmplts'.
HoTMetaL performs this substitution when it uses the variable,
not when it reads the configuration files at start-up.
You can use the same notation to cause HoTMetaL to read a DOS
environment variable. For example, you could set an environment
variable (at the DOS prompt or in the autoexec.bat file):
set MY_NAME=rodney
A configuration file could have the following setting:
templates_path= d:\${MY_NAME}\tmplts
When templates_path is evaluated, `rodney' is substituted for
`${MY_NAME}', so that the value of templates_path becomes `d:\rodney\tmplts'.
As before, this substitution occurs when the variable is used
by HoTMetaL, not at start-up.
The `$' symbol is used as a special character in configuration
variables, so if you want to put a `$' in the value of an variable,
you have to represent it with `$$'. Appending and prepending to a variable
If a configuration variable has already been assigned a value,
you may wish to append or prepend some characters to it. For
templates_path += d:\jennifer\tmplts;
styles_path =+ d:\jennifer\styles;
In the first example, the variable templates_path is first given
the value `c:\sqhm\tmplts;'. The `+=' in the expression
templates_path += d:\jennifer\tmplts;
causes `d:\jennifer\tmplts;' to be prepended to the current
value of templates_path. The value of templates_path becomes
In the second example, the variable styles_path is first given
the value `c:\sqhm\styles;'. The `=+' in the expression
styles_path =+ d:\jennifer\styles;
causes `d:\jennifer\styles;' to be appended to the current
value of styles_path. The value of styles_path becomes `c:\sqhm\styles;d:\jennifer\styles;'.
(In these examples, the semi-colon, `;', between the file names,
is not inserted automatically by HoTMetaL.)
If a variable does not already have a value, then assigning
it a value using `=+' or `+=' has the same effect as just assigning
a value using `='. For example, if templates_path does not currently
have a value, then
has the same effect as
9.2. Control variables
These variables control various aspects of HoTMetaL's behavior:
save options, find and replace options, etc. Many of these variables
take values of YES or NO; please note that YES, true, and 1
(one) are synonymous here, as are NO, false, and 0 (zero).
9.2.1. Save options
The following variables allow you to choose default save options
for the Save and Save As... commands. export_doc_type_dec
By default, HoTMetaL will save the document type declaration
(DOCTYPE) when it saves a file. If this variable is set to NO,
then HoTMetaL will not include the DOCTYPE with an exported
file. If it is set to YES, or if it is not set at all, then
the DOCTYPE will be saved with the file. export_sgml_dec
By default, HoTMetaL will not export the SGML declaration when
it exports a file. If this variable is set to YES, then the
SGML declaration will be exported. If it is set to NO or omitted,
then the SGML declaration is not exported. export_add_line_breaks
By default, HoTMetaL will not impose any limit on the length
of a line in an saved file, i.e., it will not add any explicit
line breaks. If this variable is set to YES, HoTMetaL will add
line breaks after the number of characters specified with the
export_max_line_len variable (see below). If export_add_line_breaks
is set to NO or omitted, no line breaks will be added. export_max_line_len
If export_add_line_breaks is set to YES, lines will be broken
after a certain number of characters. You can set this number
with the variable export_max_line_len or in the dialog box,
If this variable is not set to any value, the default is 72
characters. export_convert_- special_chars
If export_convert_special_chars is set to YES, then HoTMetaL
will convert any special characters inserted directly in your
document to SGML character references. (Special characters are
those outside the ASCII range 0-127). This will apply only to
special characters that were inserted if the file was modified
or created by another editing package: special characters that
are inserted using HoTMetaL are immediately converted into character
entity icons. Character references are supported by browsers
such as Mosaic. If the variable is omitted or set to NO, then
special characters are not converted. export_eol
This variable lets you choose the end-of-line marker that will
be generated in your saved file. There are three choices: UNIX,
which causes the end-of-line marker to be a line feed, MSDOS,
which causes it to be a carriage return followed by a line feed,
and MAC, which sets the marker to be a carriage return. The
default value for this variable is MSDOS.
9.2.2. Find options
The next group of variables allow you to control the behavior
of the commands in HoTMetaL's Find menu. You may override all
these settings from the dialog box that accompanies the Find
and Replace... command. find_whole_words
By default, the Whole Words option is turned off in the Find
& Replace dialog box. If this variable is set to YES, this option
is turned on; if it is set to NO or undefined, Whole Words is
turned off in the dialog box. find_case_sensitive
By default, the Case Sensitive option is turned off in the Find
& Replace dialog box. If this variable is set to YES this option
is turned on; if it is set to NO, or undefined, Case Sensitive
is turned off in the dialog box. find_backward
By default, the Backwards Search option is turned off in the
Find & Replace dialog box. If this variable is set to YES, this
option is turned on; if it is set to NO, or undefined, Backwards
Search is turned off in the dialog box. find_wrap
By default, the Wrap option, which causes searches to encompass
the entire file, starting at the current position, is turned
on in the Find & Replace dialog box. If this variable is set
to NO, Wrap will be turned off. If the variable is set to YES
or not defined, wrapping will be turned on. find_patterns
By default, the Find Patterns option is turned off in the Find
& Replace dialog box. If this variable is set to YES, Find Patterns
is turned on. If it is set to NO, or not defined, the Find Patterns
option is turned off.
9.2.3. Markup options
These variables govern aspects of the markup process. include_required_- elements
include_required_elements controls whether the Include Required
Elements option is turned on for the Insert Element... command.
If this variable is set to NO, the option will be turned off.
If the variable is set to YES or undefined, the option will
be on. For more information, see the section on Insert Element...
in the Markup menu chapter. prompt_for_attrs
This variable controls whether the Edit Attributes dialog box
will be displayed each time an element with attributes is inserted
in the document. If it is set to NO, or undefined, then users
will be prompted with this dialog only if the element being
inserted has required attributes. If the variable is set to
YES, then the user will be prompted every time an element with
attributes is inserted.
9.2.4. Display variables
The variables in this section pertain to HoTMetaL's screen display:
invisible characters, fonts for icons, and colors. default_font_name
This variable lets you choose the default font family for all
documents opened with HoTMetaL. The value of this variable should
be a font name, exactly as it appears in the Font Family drop-down
list box. For example:
default_font_name=Times New Roman
The default font family is Helvetica. default_font_size
This variable lets you choose the default font size for all
documents opened with HoTMetaL. The value of this variable should
be a positive number. For example:
The default font size is 12 points. tag_font_name
This variable lets you choose the font used to display the element
names in the tag icons in an HoTMetaL document. The list of
available fonts is dependent on your system. The best way to
find out which fonts you can use is to invoke HoTMetaL's Character...
command and click on the arrow next to the drop-down list box
labeled Font Family. The menu that appears contains the names
of the available fonts. The value assigned to the tag_font_name
variable should be the font name, not surrounded by quotes,
exactly as it appears in the Font Family menu. E.g.,
tag_font_name=Avant Garde
The default font is Helvetica. tag_font_size
This variable lets you choose the font size used to display
the element names in the tag icons in an HoTMetaL document.
The list of available font sizes is dependent on your system.
The best way to find out which font sizes you can use is to
invoke HoTMetaL's Character... command and click on the arrow
next to the drop-down list box labeled Font Size. The menu that
appears contains the available font sizes. The value assigned
to the tag_font_size variable should be the font size in points,
not surrounded by quotes. The default is 12 points.
9.2.5. Other options html_browser
This variable specifies the application signature for an HTML
browser that is to be invoked by HoTMetaL's Preview command. publish_change_from
This variable specifies the text that appears in the Change
From text box in the Publish... command's dialog box. The default
value is `file://'. publish_change_to
This variable specifies the text that appears in the Change
To text box in the Publish... command's dialog box. The default
value is `http://'. show_inline_images
If this variable is set to TRUE, then any GIF images referred
to by URLs in IMG elements will be displayed inline (in the
HoTMetaL document window) when a file is opened. Otherwise (if
the variable is set to FALSE or not set) such images are hidden.
You can override the show_inline_images setting using the Show/Hide
Inline Images command. This command toggles to Hide Inline Images
by default if the variable is set to TRUE, and to Show Inline
Images otherwise. undo_limit
This variable sets the maximum number of commands that can be
undone with the Undo command. By default, this value is 10.
The maximum value is 65535. The minimum value is one; if you
set it to a value less than one, it will be set to one anyway. view_gif
This variable specifies a program that the Show Image command
will invoke to display a file whose name ends with the .gif
file extension (normally this file would be expected to be in
GIF format).
You can add variables of your choice of the form view_extension,
where extension is the file extension of the file you want to
display: for example, you could have view_tif, view_jpg, etc.,
9.3. Location variables
The variables described below give the locations ofdirectories
or files that are used by HoTMetaL, and specify default file
9.3.1. Paths and directories
Paths are lists of directories that HoTMetaL searches to find
files it needs to read, or uses to store files. The value of
a variable that describes a path consists of a number of directory
names, or paths, separated by semi-colons `;'. As well as giving
specific directory names, it is possible to specify HoTMetaL's
working directory by putting a period, `.', in the path.
Note: The working directory is set with the `Properties...'
command in the Microsoft Windows `File' menu.
When giving a directory name (other than the working directory),
you need to give the full DOS path. This may be fully or partly
represented by a reference to another configuration or environment
variable, as explained earlier in this chapter.
The following example shows how to set a path variable, in this
case, export_path:
This setting is interpreted as follows:
+ The expression `${SQDIR}' is replaced by the name of the
HoTMetaL directory, so the expression `${SQDIR}\styles' will
cause a directory such as c:\sqhm\styles to go into the path.
+ The current working directory when the program was invoked,
signified by ".", is included in the path.
+ Lastly, the directory c:\donald\samples is specified explicitly.
The default value for all path variables, with the exception
of templates_path, is ".". import_path
This variable gives a default directory for opening files.
In the file selection dialog box that appears when you invoke
the Open... command, the Directories list box displays, by default,
the directory that is listed first with the import_path variable. export_path
This variable names the default directory for saving files.
When you invoke the Export... command, the default directory
that appears in the Directories list box is the first directory
that is listed on the export_path variable. import_path
This variable gives a default directory for opening files.
In the file selection dialog box that appears when you invoke
the Open... command, the Directories list box displays, by default,
the directory that is listed first with the import_path variable. save_path
This variable gives a default directory for saving new files.
In the file selection dialog box that appears when you invoke
the Save As... command, the Directories list box displays, by
default, the directory that is listed first on the save_path
variable. By default, this variable has the same value as document_path. styles_path
This variable describes the styles path, a list ofdirectories
where styles files are located. These are files used by HoTMetaL
to describe the formatting for a document when it is displayed
on the screen. HoTMetaL will create a styles file for a rules
file the first time that rules file is used. It places the styles
file in the firstdirectory listed by the styles_path variable.
On subsequent uses of the rules file, HoTMetaL will look for
the styles file in thedirectories named by the variable. If
the rules file has been changed since the styles file was created,
HoTMetaL will ask you if you want to create a new styles file.
The format of this variable is the same as for export_path,
If more than one user will be running HoTMetaL on the same computer,
it is recommended that each user have his or her own styles
files, because screen formatting is frequently a matter of personal
preference. The best way to do this is for each user to maintain
a personal configuration file (see above) and put a styles_path
variable in that file). templates_path
This variable gives the directory for storing files that can
be used as document templates with the Open Template... command.
9.3.2. Files
These variables give the names of specific files that HoTMetaL
Except as noted, when giving a file name you need to give the
full DOS path. This may be fully or partly represented by a
reference to another configuration or environment variable,
as explained above. rgb_txt
This variable names the color map file, a file that associates
color names with the red-green-blue values required to tell
HoTMetaL how to produce the colors. The value of this variable
should be a file name. If an absolute path is prepended to the
file name, then that file is used; if the file name has a relative
path, or no path, prepended to it, then HoTMetaL looks for a
file relative to the SQDIR directory. The default value is ${SQDIR}\rgb.txt.
9.3.3. File extensions
These configuration variables determine the default file extensions
that appear in the file selection dialog boxes for different
kinds of files. The file extensions appear in the Filename text
box. The file extension consists of a dot followed by a sequence
of characters (usually three). When you set a file extension,
you must include the dot in the corresponding variable's value.
dictionary_ext=.dct styles_ext
This variable sets the default extension for binary styles files.
When you create or open an HoTMetaL file, HoTMetaL will look
in the styles path for a styles file that has the same name
as the rules file's compiled-in system identifier, but with
the file extension replaced by the styles extension. The default
styles extension is .stl.
9.4. Tracing configuration variables
HoTMetaL allows you to trace exactly how the configuration settings
are used. When tracing is turned on, you will be presented with
a warning box when HoTMetaL reads the configuration files, or
accesses any of the variables. Tracing is controlled by the
SQTRACE environment variable. The possible values are ON (which
is the same as true and 1), OFF (which is the same as false
and 0) and FULL. The variable must be set before starting up
If SQTRACE has the value ON, you are notified whenever any of
the following things happen:
+ HoTMetaL reads the configuration files.
+ the final value (i.e., after all configuration files have
been read) of a variable is set. Furthermore, you will be told
which of the files the value comes from.
+ HoTMetaL looks for the value of a variable but does not
find it in any configuration file.
+ a duplicated variable is detected. If a variable is set
in more than one configuration file, or more than once in the
same file, you will be notified, and given the previous and
new values and which files these values came from.
+ an absolute file name or path name is encountered as the
value of a variable.
If SQTRACE has the value OFF, or is not set, tracing will not
be invoked.
10. Appendix 1: Keyboard shortcuts
This appendix discusses the keyboard shortcuts for invoking
HoTMetaL commands and performing other windowing operations.
10.1. Shortcuts
Many of the shortcuts for invoking commands involve two keys:
the Ctrl key and another key specific to the command.
To invoke the Open... command, for example, hold down the Ctrl
key, and then press the O key while the other key is held down.
This series of keystrokes is denoted Ctrl-O. In the menu, it
is denoted `^O'. Other shortcuts consist of a function key,
and some commands have two different shortcuts. Note that some
older keyboards may not have the F11 and F12 keys.
10.2. Mnemonics
Like other Windows applications, HoTMetaL supports the use of
mnemonics for accessing menus and commands from the keyboard.
A mnemonic is a letter that is associated with a menu bar menu,
command, and sometimes with a dialog box control. Usually the
mnemonic will be the first letter of the menu or command name,
but in cases where more than one menu, or more than one command
within the same menu, starts with the same letter, the mnemonic
will be a subsequent letter in the name. Since the mnemonic
is always underlined, you can easily tell what it is.
You can bring down a menu at any time by pressing the Alt key,
and then, while Alt is still depressed, pressing the key with
the mnemonic letter. If a menu is visible, you can invoke a
command from that menu just by pressing the key with the mnemonic
letter. Some controls in file selection dialog boxes are associated
with mnemonics. When the dialog box is active, press Alt plus
the mnemonic to activate the control.