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INI File  |  1995-03-03  |  7KB  |  132 lines

  1. [WWW Sites]
  2. Kate Bush Musical Extravaganza=actor.cs.vt.edu /~wentz/index.html
  3. General Aviation Information Page=adswww.harvard.edu /GA/ga_info.html
  4. The Death of Rock 'n' Roll=alfred1.u.washington.edu:8080 /~jlks/pike/DeathRR.html
  5. World-Wide Web mailing lists=asearch.mccmedia.com /menus/8256.html
  6. 800 numbers=att.net /dir800
  7. Internet BBS's=aug3.augsburg.edu /~schwartz/ebbs.html
  8. Movie Reviews=b62528.student.cwru.edu /reviews/reviews.html
  9. Archie Request Form=bingen.cs.csbsju.edu /archie.html
  10. Books Online - Welcome!=BooksOnline.com /
  11. Wisdom and Lore=cad.ucla.edu /repository/useful/useful.html
  12. CDS, Strasbourg=cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr /CDS.html
  13. GE Corporate RD CE-Toolkit=ce-toolkit.crd.ge.com /
  14. CSUSM Windows World=coyote.csusm.edu /cwis/winworld/winworld.html
  15. CTS Network Services=CRASH.CTS.COM 
  16. CTSNET Business and Finance Ctr.=CRASH.CTS.COM /biz/
  17. More W3 Search Engines=cui_www.unige.ch /meta-index.html
  18. World Wide Web FAQ=cui_www.unige.ch /OSG/FAQ/WWW/index.html
  19. Cryptography, PGP, and Privacy=draco.centerline.com:8080 /~franl/crypto.html
  20. RFCs and FYIs=ds.internic.net /ds/dspg1intdoc.html
  21. Asia-Pacific Info Sources=emailhost.ait.ac.th /Asia/asia.html
  22. Music References=freeabel.geom.umn.edu:8000 /music.html
  23. Walnut Creek CDROM=ftp.cdrom.com /
  24. Environmental Resource Center Home Page=ftp.clearlake.ibm.com /ERC/HomePage.html
  25. Bob Allison's Home Page=gagme.wwa.com /~boba/
  26. Employment Opportunities and Resume Postings=galaxy.einet.net /GJ/employment.html
  27. Biologists's Control Panel=gc.bcm.tmc.edu:8088 /bio/bio_home.html
  28. GNN Home Page=gnn.com/gnn /GNNhome.html
  29. The Well's Sports Gopher=gopher.well.sf.ca.us:70 /1/outbound/Yanoff/sports
  30. Gothic Image Database=gothic.acs.csulb.edu:8080 /~vamp/Gothic/image.html
  31. WebStars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace=guinan.gsfc.nasa.gov /
  32. RNN Home Page=hostname.pencom.com /rru.html
  33. NASA Information Services=hypatia.gsfc.nasa.gov /NASA_homepage.html
  34. PC Index=ici.proper.com /1/pc
  35. Public RFC Repositories=info.cern.ch /hypertext/DataSources/Archives/RFC_sites.html
  36. Frequently Asked Questions on WWW=info.cern.ch /hypertext/WWW/FAQ/List.html
  37. What is the difference between WAIS, Gopher and WWW?=info.cern.ch /hypertext/WWW/FAQ/WAISandGopher.html
  38. Australian Web servers=life.anu.edu.au /links/ozmap.html
  39. Alternative X=marketplace.com:80 /0/alt.x/althome.html
  40. Welcome to the Metaverse=metaverse.com /index.html
  41. NETworth Information Page=networth.galt.com /www/home/networth.html
  42. JHU/APL's WWW  HTML Dev JumpStation=oneworld.wa.com /htmldev/devpage/dev-page.html
  43. Overview of Nanotechnology=planchet.rutgers.edu /intro.html
  44. On-line Job Services=rescomp.stanford.edu /jobs.html
  45. FINWeb Home Page=riskweb.bus.utexas.edu:80 /finweb.html
  46. Space Shuttle Challenger Accident=rossi.astro.nwu.edu /lentz/space/feynman-report.html
  47. Current Weather Maps/Movies=rs560.cl.msu.edu /weather/
  48. Interactive Weather Browser=rs560.cl.msu.edu /weather/interactive.html
  49. European Home Page=s700.uminho.pt /europa.html
  50. Yanoffs list of services=slacvx.slac.stanford.edu /misc/internet-services.html
  51. SPRY, Inc.=spry.com /
  52. Closing of the Endless Frontier=string.harvard.edu /docs/feynman.html
  53. World Wide Web FAQ=sunsite.unc.edu /boutell/faq/www_faq.html
  54. Cisco Systems=sunsite.unc.edu /cisco/cisco-home.html
  55. EXPO Ticket Office=sunsite.unc.edu /expo/ticket_office.html
  56. Underground Music Archive=sunsite.unc.edu /ianc/index.html
  57. Techno/Ambient/Rave Archive=techno.stanford.edu:80 /
  58. Purdue Weather Processor=thunder.atms.purdue.edu /index.html
  59. Commercial Sites on the Web=tns-www.lcs.mit.edu /commerce.html
  60. HotList of K-12 Internet School Sites=toons.cc.ndsu.nodak.edu /~sackmann/k12.html
  61. U of Cal Museum of Paleontology=ucmp1.berkeley.edu /
  62. CyberNet Pre-Home Page=venus.mcs.com /~flowers/html/cybernet.html
  63. MPEG Movie Archive=w3.eeb.ele.tue.nl /mpeg/index.html
  64. W3 Search Engines=web.nexor.co.uk /susi/cusi.html
  65. Net Happenings (IU Local Archive)=www-iub.indiana.edu /cgi-bin/nethaps/
  66. ICARO-page=www-iwi.unisg.ch /~sambucci/icaro/index.html
  67. The Virtual Library: Fish=www.actwin.com /WWWVL-Fish.html
  68. Apple Computer=www.apple.com /
  69. WebCrawler Searching=www.biotech.washington.edu /WebCrawler/WebQuery.html
  70. CareerMosaic Page 1=www.careermosaic.com /cm/
  71. Erasure Home=www.cec.wustl.edu /~ccons/erasure/home.html
  72. Internet Request For Comments (RFC)=www.cis.ohio-state.edu:80 /hypertext/information/rfc.html
  73. Events today in history!=www.cm.cf.ac.uk /M/on-this-day
  74. CompuServe Home Page=www.compuserve.com /
  75. Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility=www.cpsr.org /home
  76. Cray Research=www.cray.com /
  77. Remailer list=www.cs.berkeley.edu /~raph/remailer-list.html
  78. WWWW - the WORLD WIDE WEB WORM=www.cs.colorado.edu /home/mcbryan/WWWW.html
  79. Digital Equipment Corp.=www.dec.com /
  80. Dell Computer=www.dell.com /
  81. MapMarker Home Page=www.dl.ac.uk /CBMT/mapmarker/HOME.html
  82. Department of Commerce=www.doc.gov /
  83. Guide to Network Tools - Archie=www.earn.net /gnrt/archie.html
  84. Guide to Network Tools - Gopher=www.earn.net /gnrt/gopher.html
  85. Star Trek: The Next Generation=www.ee.surrey.ac.uk /Personal/STTNG/index.html
  86. htMUD front door page=www.elf.com /~phi/htmud.html
  87. Foundation for Enterprise Development Home Page=www.fed.org /fed/
  88. The Ultimate Band List=www.galcit.caltech.edu /~ta/music/ubl.html
  89. Hopkins Bio-Informatics Home Page=www.gdb.org /hopkins.html
  90. Hewlett-Packard=www.hp.com /
  91. IBM=www.ibm.com /
  92. Classified Advertising=www.imall.com /ads/ads.shtml
  93. Internet Distribution Services=www.informix.com /
  94. InterAccess's NetBoy=www.interaccess.com /netboy.html
  95. Internet Relay Chat FAQ=www.kei.com /irc.html
  96. Books, Journals, and Reference Works=www.lib.uchicago.edu /lib-gopher/gopher-data/-Refs.html
  97. Libertarian Party=www.lumina.com /lp/lp-membership.html
  98. Microsoft Corp.=www.microsoft.com /
  99. Weather Map=www.mit.edu:8001 /usa.html
  100. PPP Talk=www.morningstar.com /MorningStar/ppp-talk/ppp-talk.html
  101. Check Pauls Hottub=www.msen.com /~paulh/
  102. A Beginner's Guide to HTML=www.ncsa.uiuc.edu /General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html
  103. Welcome to the Natural History Museum's WWW Server=www.nhm.ac.uk /
  104. The NIH Molecular Modeling Home Page=www.nih.gov /molecular_modeling/mmhome.html
  105. Novell=www.novell.com /index.html
  106. NTT Home Page - Japan=www.ntt.jp /
  107. Music Related Stuff=www.pegasus.esprit.ec.org /people/arne/music.html
  108. MS160 Archie Server Gateway=www.pvv.unit.no /archie
  109. QMS, Inc.=www.qms.com:80 /www/QMS1.html
  110. Racal-Datacom=www.racal.com /racal.html
  111. WWW Nomad=www.rns.com /www_index/intro.html
  112. Security APL Quote Server=www.secapl.com /cgi-bin/qs
  113. Dow Jones Industrial Average=www.secapl.com /secapl/quoteserver/djia.html
  114. Adobe Systems, Inc.=www.service.com /d3/adobe/adobe_home.html
  115. DiscTo Disk Product Description=www.service.com:80 /d3/omi/d2d/d2d.html
  116. Sumeria=www.service.com:80 /d3/sumeria/sumeria.html
  117. Silicon Graphics=www.sgi.com /
  118. Spry's NetAccess=www.spry.com /netacc.html
  119. Sun Microsystems=www.sun.com /
  120. Kids on Campus 1994 - Home Page=www.tc.cornell.edu /Kids.on.Campus/KOC94/
  121. Internet Business Center=www.tig.com /IBC/index.html
  122. European Country Maps=www.tue.nl /maps.html
  123. NCAR Home Page - Weather=www.ucar.edu /metapage.html
  124. ArtSource=www.uky.edu /Artsource/artsourcehome.html
  125. HTML FAQ=www.umcc.umich.edu /~ec/www/html_faq.html
  126. Wall Data=www.walldata.com /
  127. The WELL=www.well.com /
  128. WIRED Magazine=www.wired.com /
  129. WorldWide Access Home Page=www.wwa.com /
  130. U2 WWW page=www2.ecst.csuchico.edu /~edge/u2/uf_info.html
  131. Syracuse U Computer Graphics for the Arts=ziris.syr.edu /home.html