'i% = DoMsgBox("There was an error configuring the system. You must re-run setup.", "Workplace Shell for Windows Setup", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION+MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL)
i% = DoMsgBox("Setup sources were corrupted, read your Documentation for a number to contact.","Workplace Shell for Windows Installation", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND)
IF (SysDriver$ = "atmsys.drv") OR (ATMSysDriver$ = "system.drv") THEN
' Notify and ask user if changes should be made.
iResult% = DoMsgBox("You have the Adobe Type Manager (ATM) driver installed."+CHR$(10)+"We need to comment out the driver in order to work correctly."+CHR$(10)+"Do you want this done for you?",szDoMsgBox$,MB_YESNO+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONQUESTION)