PC World Komputer 1995 November
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DOS Navigator II - overview
1. File panel:
- under file panel understands any panel with any list of files:
The panel with list of found files, temp drive, archive and
usual list of files of catalogue. Any list is displayed as the
catalogue, therefore the appearance at Archive view and Temporary drive
coincide accurate to information part.
- Drag-and-Drop ideology.
- works with files and subdirectories - copy, move, delete etc.
- copy/move:
- is used XMS/EMS;
- check for free disk space (optionally);
- verifying disk writing (optionally);
- the opportunity of appending to already to existing files ( even if
moving in space of one disk ) is present;
- if destination of Copy is TEMP: files will be copied on TEMP drive
the disk.
- creation of file-list of selected files. You may create a batch file,
each line of it is outcoming from string `Action' - if it not contains
any name macroses (i.e. !.!, !), then file name will be simply added
to end of Action string, otherwise macros will be proceed.
- managing of printing of files.
- view/edit of file can be as external, as intenal. Internal viewers is:
text/hex, .dbf with opportunity viewing of memo-fields, archive viewing.
- it is possible splitting/combining of long files on parts.
- when erasing of files, if "Direct disk access" option set on,
erasing of files will speed up.
- Archive processing:
- 17 different archive types support:
ARC - Arc (C) NoGate Consulting
ARJ - ARJ (C) Robert K. Jung
BSA - BSArc v1.xx (C) PhysTechSoft
BS2 - BSArc v2.xx (C) PhysTechSoft
CHZ - ChArc (C) Dialogue
HA - HA (C) Harry Hirvola
HAP - HAP (C) Hamarsoft
HPK - HPack (C) Peter Gutmann
HYP - Hyper (C) P.Sawatzki . K.P.Nicshke
LHA - LHArc (C) Haruyasu Yoshizaki
LIM - Limit (C) J Y Lim
RAR - RAR (C) E. Roshal
SQZ - SQZ (C) J.I.Hammarberg
TAR - Tape Archver for *NIX
UC2 - UltraCompressor II (C) Ad Infinitum Programs
ZOO - Zoo (C) Rahul Dhesi
- you can enter in archive such as in usualy disk directory (optionally)
- if destination of Copy/Move is <archive descriptor>:<archive name>
the files will be copied/moved in desired archive. Archive descriptor
- it is possible to unpack, to view, to erase, to test selected files
or subdirectories from archive.
- when comparing of two panels it is possible to indicate criterias
of comparing (date, size, attributes, to mark or unmark).
- visualization of list of files:
- view of list of files in catalogues with use of file of
descriptions ( if such is present in given subdirectory - as 4DOS Dir,
if finds the file descript.ion ). The names of files with descriptions
are set in filter in File Panel defaults. Is caused columns setup
of panel. You can copy, move, edit and create file descriptions.
- in dependence on source of list the heading of panel - "Find: *.qqp ",
"TEMP:", "ARJ:DN2-25.ARJ ", "C:\" etc. And information below of list
(for Find: and TEMP: afterwards information about current file
its catalogue, for archives - packed size and compression ratio)
- possible the file highlight by differnt colours in dependences
on type ( are possible 3 standard type - catalogues, executables
(EXE, COM, BAT, BTM and CMD) and archives and five user defined types,
which can be defined by user with help of extention filte -
Options|Defaults|Highlight groups).
- files is possible to sort not only on standard (i.e. name, ext, size
etc.), but also on colours if highlight option is set on.
- you can put executables and archives in head of file panel list.
- it is possible to establish pѪ¿¼ of conclusion of list - ¬p«¼Ñ Full /
Brief - to show whether size, date, time ( for Find: and TEMP: the
way, for archives - packed size and compression ratio)
- to show whether in info pane information about marked files, about
all files of list, about free location on disk ( only for usual lists
of files of catalogue ).
- installation multiple filter for file list - for example:
"*.exe; *.pas; *.tpu ".
- Point-and-shoot (association to run files in dependece of its type):
- the batch file (instead of one command DOS) is started.
- file is possible to process on several to key combinations -
<ENTER>, <Shift-ENTER>, <Alt-ENTER>. On < Alt-ENTER > user menu
associated for this extention will be started.
- the quantity of extention is unlimited.
2. User menu:
- it is possible multiply menu nesting. Unfortunately, that large menu
of user it is possible to reduce only by use of enclosure.
- after menu selection and the batch file is started
At it are possible different macroses allows working with current
and passive panel of File Manager.
3. Work with disks:
- edit of label of volume on disk ( on network disks it is not
executed, unfortunately )
- restoring of erased files
- floppy disk formatting
- disk editing.
4. File editor:
- multi-level undo
- block operations uses Clipboard.
- streamed and vertical block
- text formatting
5. Calculator:
- it is possible to calculate formulas
- hexadecimal, octal, binary and decimal constants and otput
- common Clipboard with editor.
6. Spreadsheet:
- the function evaluation is possible: SUM, MUL, IF, sin, cos, tg, ctg,
arctg, sqr, sqrt, ln, lg, sign, rad, grad
- it is possible export in text file.
7. Terminal:
- emulation ANSI, AVATAR, TTY
- protocols: XModem, YModem, ZModem, Kermit - works in background
- works in background
- phone book
8. System information:
- it is possible to get information about your machine ( type, CPU,
co-processor, disks, ports, OS version, Conv/Extended/EMS memory sizes,
CPU speed)
- information about TSRs, system areas and loaded drvers.
- standard information about current disk, catalogue, label of volume,
quantity of free memory: User, DN, XMS, EMS.
9. Game - Tetris/Pentix
10. Extended text modes support ( type 132σ60, 100x25 etc. ).
Be sure that 'Standard cursor' in Mouse Setup is set off because many
mouse drivers doesn't support extended video modes (I think only OS/2
mouse driver works correctly).
11. Advanced file search. It is possible to search for files by filter
( e.g. *.bak;*.$$$;*.tmp ), by text string, by date, size and attributes.
In addition, File Find works in background (i.e. you can switch to
another window while search processing)
12. It is possible to work with file lists and create TEMP: drive
( usual file list, but you can include files with different location)
You can copy, move, view etc. files from these lists.
13. Working with keyboard macroses:
Shift + Alt + n - record ( 1-9 ) / the end of record
Ctrl + Alt + n - play macro n
14. Is possible the task group of commands for batch processing in command
line - they must be separated by ';' ( if it is necessary the use ';' in
command, you have to type ';;'
15. OS/2 v2.10 support - you may start OS/2 or DOS application from DN in
separated session. Also OS/2 command prompt mode is available.
16. CD-ROM player working with MSCDEX.EXE (or VCDROM.SYS under OS/2).