PC World Komputer 1995 November
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92 lines
Install Directions:
Copy the files to your hard drive in it's own directory.
You must have 4dos.com or NDOS.com loaded in place of
command.com in config.sys for this program to work.
You can't just run them.
To catalogue drive A type: cat
To catalogue drive B type: cat b
To re-catalogue a disk type: cat r
To delete a catalogued disk type: cat d
Thats it!
You're database will be saved in a file called database.txt. You
can alter the file any way you please with a text editor.
Deleting catalogued disk will not change the current disk number
means if you catalogue disk 6 and then delete it, the next disk to
be catalogued will be disk seven. You should just re-catalogue disk
six. The delete option is just in case you rename a disk 77 instead
of disk 7. Then you can delete disk 77 and catalogue disk 7.
The disk numbers are kept in the file disknumb.ers You can also
manually change the numbers to start a new database or make your
current database start counting from another point. The first number
is the A disk and the second number is the B disk.
This is an easy to use catalogue program for 4dos and NDOS users.
The reason for the very limited options is because it is the way I
like it: fast and easy. The best feature of this program is that it
automatically names your disks put into the catalogue 1A, 2A, 3A,
1B, 2B, 3B. This makes it so you can distinguish between disk sizes
and not have any gaps between disks. This program will not rename
the actual disks. This is because some disks need their correct
disk name to install properly.
The program is meant to catalogue file descriptions. These
descriptions should be on the files first by using the 4dos describe
command. If you are not using 4dos or NDOS then it would not make
any sense to use this program and it will not work properly either.
Because this program just appends the new data to a text file
database.txt, you can use any previous ascii database that you
already have. Just rename your old text file to database.txt and
then edit the file disknumb.ers to start naming the next desired
disk numbers. For example: if you want the next A disk to be 124
and the next B disk to be 172, just put the numbers 123 and 171 in
the file disknumb.ers.
This also makes you the master of your database file. Therefore
you can alter your database any way you please with a text editor.
I did not check every fathomable situation in this program so back
up your database for I will not be responsible for any unlikely
problems that might occur. (It is a good idea anyway.)
Another feature of this program is it keeps track of your file
sizes and your free space left on each disk. This will enable you
to search for free space on a disk, put a new file on it, and then
re-catalogue the disk. The date is also included in the database.
This program will not log the sub-directories of the disks. I
do not want this feature so it will not be implemented. I prefer
to just describe the sub-directories with the describe command.
The batch files included are just to take advandage of more 4dos
commands. I did not implement these features for the simple reason
that they already exist.
see_data.bat will show you your database file
findit.bat will search for a text string that you enter
example: findit.bat picture
this will search for every accurance of picture in
the database file
frespace.bat will sort the free space information in a file called
see_free.bat will show you your frespace.txt file
sortem.bat will sort the files according to file name and put the
sorted data in a file called sorted.txt
see_sort.bat will show you your sorted.txt file